Preserve Formatting From NumericUpDown To String?

May 15, 2012

My form contains several NumericUpDown controls. These controls show different amount of decimal places. Later in my code I put the different NumericUpDown.Value's in a string array arrStr() like so:

arrStr(1) = NumericUpDown1.Value
arrStr(2) = NumericUpDown2.Value
arrStr(3) = NumericUpDown3.Value

Then I print the array with the File.WriteAllLines function to a text file.
If for example NumericUpDown1.Value = 1.00, NumericUpDown2.Value = 2.30 and NumericUpDown3.Value = 2.124 the file has the following values in it:



I have tried Format which works, but that formatting method is not convenient as the amount of decimal places is already set for each NumericUpDown. It would be annoying to do the work again, but now with Format.

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C# - Preserve RichText Formatting When Storing In A Database?

Aug 11, 2009

I've created a rich text box which stored the "textBox.Text" value in an SDF database. The storing works, but the formatting seems to be lost. Is this something that SDF databases can't handle? Do I need to store in binary or something? Not sure how to do that either.I'm using Visual Basic Express Edition with Winforms and writing in VisualBasic.NET btw This is how I store to the database:

Private Sub btnToolStripSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnToolStripSave.Click


And this is how I insert the text in to the rich textbox

txtBoxText.SelectionFont = New Font("Verdana", 16, FontStyle.Bold)
txtBoxText.SelectionColor = System.Drawing.Color.RoyalBlue


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VS 2005 Merge / Append Two RichTextBox's And Preserve Formatting

Jul 22, 2009

I have two RichTextBoxes, each of which can have any sort of formatting. I need to be able to take the rich text from box 2, complete with formatting, and add it to the end of box 1, preserving the formatting of both box 1 and the appended rich text.

I've not managed to find anything usefull on this anywhere apart from hints pointing to manually re-building the RTF codes for the result (but no actual VB / C# / C code to perform this or similar).

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Converting C++ Printf Formatting To / From String Formatting

Sep 30, 2010

I have some VB .NET software that interfaces to a load of old (but sound) COM objects. The VB provides a GUI for the COM objects, part of which consists of setting various options on the COM objects - several of which relate to string formatting.I have a simple pair of VB .NET functions that convert basic %f, %d, %g formats to/from .NET equivalents using a large select case covering specific common strings, but they don't cover all formats.[code]Before I start diving in and making it more versatile with some parsing, does anyone know of a class (eg VB or C# .NET) that provides a decent ready-made implementation? Or perhaps some regexp wizadry could be used?

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Storing SQL Strings In XML XElement Instead Of String To Preserve Line Breaks?

Jun 22, 2010

When it comes to storing SQL in code, most people use strings:Dim strSql As String = "Select Foo, Bar From FooBarTable Where Something = @Something"The problem is, when you have very long SQL strings, reading them in code becomes difficult. You can usually split the strings up like this:

Dim strSql As String = "Select Foo, Bar From FooBarTable " & _
"Where Something = @Something"
This causes a number of problems:


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Convert String From A NumericUpDown Output To Date?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm writing. i'm using 3 NumericUpDown controls to get an output and convert it to a Date. i don't know if i am doing this right, and i've been working on this overnight. i'll put the codes that i've written[code]...

i'm trying to get the interval days between the two Dates (the Date today, and my birthday). the bolded texts are the ones that i want to know if i'm doing the right thing. because when i run the program, the error says "Format Exception was unhandled: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime".

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Forms :: Use Numericupdown To Multiply String In Richtextbox?

Feb 25, 2011

2 forms, on the first form I have a listbox which recieves it's items from a datagridview, when I click on a button all the items (in the listbox) are converted to a string and add to a richtextbox on the second form.

On the second form I have also a numericupdown, and here is what I run into.

With the numericupdown I want to multiply or remove blocks of strings from the richtextbox.

For example, when clicked on the button (form1) a string is add to the richtextbox, when I click (on form2) on the upbutton of the numericupdown I want to add the same string again below the existing one with 2 blank lines between them (this can be down a lot of times). When I click the downbutton, a string should be removed.

In short term, the amount in the numericupdown should be the amount of string blocks in the richtextbox.

Here is the code I use to copy listbox.items to string and add them to the richtextbox:

Public Sub SGLists()
Dim i As String
For Each i In Me.ListBox1.Items


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.net - Formatting A String?

Jan 7, 2011

I have the following code, which generates insert queries

For Each f As String In Directory.GetFiles(d)
objSQLStringBuilder.Append("insert into table1 (full_path, file_name) values ('" & f.Replace("'", "''") & "', '" & f.Remove(0, Len(d) + 1).Replace("'", "''") & "');")

However, the paths which it finds are formatted as follows

c:program filesmicrosoft officewinword.exe

I need to format the paths as follows


How can I modify the above code to do this?

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.net - Date Formatting String In Vb Mvc?

Aug 24, 2011

How do I format my mvc date to a shortdate in my view

<%: Html.DisplayFor(Function(modelItem) currentItem.DateCreated)%>

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Formatting A Timestamp String?

Dec 10, 2008

I'm having trouble getting a data stamp to format correctly in VB.NET I need a date stamp exactly like this:

December 10, 2008 at 1:27 PM In VB6, this works perfectly.

Format(Now, "MMMM d, yyyy at H:mm ampm")
I can get everything except the Timestamp in VB.NET.
Format(Now, "MMM, yyyy 'at' H:mm AMPM")
produces - December 10, 2008 at 13:13A12P12

I need 1:13 PM, not 13:13.I can't find anything to format the time to AM/PM vs. military time.I've tried String.Format with no luck either.

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Formatting String Not Working

Mar 2, 2010

why my format string(fmtstr) will not work. Here is my code.


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VS 2008 Formatting A String?

Jan 4, 2012

I have this string "0.9874" and I would like to use vb code to change it to "" so that it looks like a proper version number.How do I do this? String.Format("{???}",MyString) or perhaps:

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Formatting - How To Convert Decimal To String

Apr 14, 2009

I have an app that deals with currency. For display purposes I use the nifty VB FormatCurrency function which will format based on the OS's region setting. So, if in France you might get 123,45 where in the US you would get 123.45. To perform calculation on these amounts I use CDec() to convert to decimal.

My problem is that when I convert the Decimal to a String using toString() it formats according to the currently set region. I need to be able to always convert the decimal into a String representation for the US, i.e. with decimal points. I thought I would be able to do something similar to this:

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Formatting Date As String With Leading Zero?

Jan 23, 2009

I am trying to format a date from a table that I'm getting so that I can concatenate it with another string.But I want the leading zero - I don't want 1/1/2009 - I want 01/01/2009.

I can't seem to find a formatting pattern that does this.

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Text Box Control, Formatting String?

Jan 12, 2012

I want to know in a program idea I am working on to use at my job I have several text boxes that are used to store decimal values to represent measurements (weights & lengths) and I was wondering is there a way that when program first run the text field is populated with a default value (eg. 0.00) or if the user deletes all text in the control and hits enter or tabs to another control it sets value to same default value

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VS 2008 : Formatting Time In A String?

Jul 21, 2011

PROJECT TYPE: Windows Forms Application
LANGUAGE: Visual Basic


I am attempting to display time in a label on my MainForm. The label should display a stopwatch control's elapsed time in hh:mm:ss format. My code is displaying "00:00:00". I have defined the hh, mm and ss as variables but I can't seem to figure out how to use them effectively.

Public Sub RefreshTimeElapsed()
' Refreshes time elapsed display.
Dim hh As String = Me.MyStopWatch.Elapsed.TotalHours.ToString


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C# - System.String Formatting (Numeric Objects)

Mar 22, 2012

I am using standard String.Format method. It is using numeric objects.
Console.WriteLine("obj1 = {0} and obj2 = {1}", "obj1", "obj2");
I want to use named indexes.Like this
Console.WriteLine("obj1 = {o1} and obj2 = {o2}",
new { o1 = "obj1", o2 = "obj2"});
How I can use same last code?

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Formatting A String - Dollar Sign, No Decimals?

Jun 3, 2012

I'm having some difficulty formatting some of my strings, I can't see what's wrong unfortunately. I have various numbers, e.g. 100.023, 13488.323, etc in a datagridview column that I would like to be formatted so it looks like this: $123,456

Here's what I've tried so far (that isn't working):

row.Cells(1).Value = Format(row.Cells(1).Value, "{0:D0}") 'I've also tried using {0:C0}
row.Cells(1).Value = row.Cells(1).Value.ToString("$#,#")

'This one (above) comes up with an error saying it can't put an "##" in an Integer column, something like that anyway.

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Formatting ComboBox Based On The Length Of String?

Oct 18, 2011

Im trying to format the length of a DataGridViewComboBoxColumn based on the length of the longest string in the comboBox. Here is the code I currently have but it only formats the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn based on the users previous selection in the comboBox.

Is there a way to have the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn at the length of the longest string in the comboBox? Here is my code.

Private Sub comboTest_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles comboTest.SelectionChangeCommitted
Dim senderComboBox As ComboBox = CType(sender, ComboBox)


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Formatting Textbox String Into Date Format?

Jun 29, 2009

My user wants to have textbox fields that don't have any masks but wants those text fields to reformat any text that is entered as mm/dd if it is a real date entered

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Save Rich Text Formatting As String?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a rich text box in my form, and formatting will be applied to the text.

I need it to save the text with its formatting as a string (to be entered into a database)

My problem is, my current code only takes the text unformatted, so when the form reloads, the text is plain

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String Formatting - Put Some Date To A Text File?

Mar 25, 2012

I need to put some date to a text file and I want to make it readable. The date would look something like this:


I just want everything to line up nicely. Would I need to make my own function to do this or is there a way with string.format or regex?

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VS 2010 Formatting A String: Truncating Or Padding

Dec 29, 2010

I need to take a string of any length & make it exactly 5 characters long by either truncating it or padding it or neither. So "abcdefgh" becomes "abcde", "abcde" stays "abcde" & "abc" becomes "abc " (2 spaces at the end).

I currently use this line of

Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(myString, 5).PadRight(5, " "c)
it works, but it seems very hackish.

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VS 2010 String Formatting By Culture Info?

Jul 5, 2010

I have:

1 ComboBox(cboCultureInfoNumeric) with the required CultureInfo.
1 Textbox(txtNumeric)
1 Label(Label1)

When the user change the Culture info the decimal point or comma change in the textbox(txtNumeric) nicely.What i try is to change also the text in Label1 by the culture info.If the user change the CultureInfo to German the Label1.text = �German�If the user change the CultureInfo to Spanish the Label1.text = �Spanish� And so on�

What I have do is :

1 - Set the Form1 Localizable property to true.

2 - Set the form's Language property to "German (Germany)".

3 - Set the Label1 Text property to "German".

VB make the file -> with name: Label.Text and value: German

4 - Set the form's Language property to "Spanish (Spain)".

5 - Set the Label1 Text property to " Spanish ".

VB make the file -> resx

6 - Set the form's Language property to "French (France)".

7 - Set the Label1 Text property to "French".

VB make the file -> resx

8 - �The TextBox with the numeric value�s change when the user change the CulureInfo but not the Label1, why?It work perfect when I put �Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New CultureInfo("fr-FR")in the MainForm.designer.vb before InitializeComponent function and in the New function.But I want to use the ComboBox�

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.net - Formatting A String To Include Tab Characters In Infragistics Ultragrid

Sep 19, 2011

I've been working with an Infragistics Ultragrid and I'm looking for a helpful hint. I'm using a table from SQL Server 2008 to populate my grid. The table that I'm calling has a column that has been updated to be something like this. "Items" + char(9) + char(9) + "Cost" + char(13) + char(10). The "Items" section of the column is padded to be 50 charcters in length followed with the two tab characters, the cost then the new line characters. Ultimately this is what the results of a single row would look like. Notice how the items and the cost are lumped into a single cell.


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Apply Formatting String When Binding DateTime To MaskedTextBox?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a MaskedTextBox using the mask "00/00/2�00" to restrict input to a format of XX/XX/20XX, with the Text property bound to MyBindingSource.SomeProperty of type DateTime.

Recently, values with a single-digit month or day recently started displaying incorrectly. I expect that the ToString() method is being called on the value at some point in data binding, and I believe the call is not padding month / day with zeroes.

I tried setting the format type of the MaskedTextBox.Text property to DateTime in the advanced data binding properties, but it didn't help.

How can I apply ToString("MMddyyyy") when converting the DateTime object to a string, before the value is bound to the Text property?

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Formatting Data Into Custom String Including Dates

Sep 13, 2010

In my app I present to the user an option to customize the name of the file that gets produced. The format string the program reads is something like "yyyyMMdd-%1-%2-%3-%4" which the user can customize to his liking. In this case the format of the date is yyyyMMdd and the %1 is the trip number like 1000P, %2 is the origin code like PTTTT, %3 is the destination code like PHYUD, and %4 is a secondary stop code like YYYY123. I'm having problems taking the actual data and formatting into the custom string. I believe its the date format that I'm getting stuck on.

So far I have
sOut = txtFormatPattern.Text
sOut = sOut.Replace("%1", "1000P")
sOut = sOut.Replace("%2", "PTTTT")
sOut = sOut.Replace("%3", "PHYUD")
sOut = sOut.Replace("%4", "YYYY123")
sOut = myDate.ToString(sOut) 'date is July 01, 2007

The output is "20070701-#1000P-PTTTTP12YUD (YYYY123)"

The problem obviously here is my last conversion. The string contains key characters that denote a part of the date specifically in PHYUD. So my question is how can I give my user the flexibility to format the output as they wish and then convert that properly?

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Forms :: Formatting Textbox String Into Date Format?

Dec 19, 2010

My user wants to have textbox fields that don't have any masks but wants those text fields to reformat any text that is entered as mm/dd if it is a real date entered. They won't be using the year.

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Method For Formatting String To Camel Case And Concatenate?

May 29, 2009

I have a string like "pen pencil table desktop watch" I have to format it like "penPencilTableDesktopWatch" ..... like convert to camel casing. Is there any method of string or string builder in which I can do it in one line ? ... (without splitting and formatting each string and concatenating.)

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String - Text.remove For Phone Number Formatting In .net?

Oct 31, 2011

I have a textbox for a phone number that formats the phone number to look like this:(123) 456-7891

but I want it to change back to just numbers when the user is finished with the data entry:1234567891 Here's my code for formatting the number:


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