Prevent Duplicated Values To Be Inserted Again?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a XML file used for importing data into the database. But it does not check for duplicated values. Is there a way to prevent duplicated values to be inserted again?What is the procedures to do in corporate environment?

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[2008] Wrong Values Inserted Into Database?

Mar 10, 2009

nserting values from a datagridview into an access db. However the values are wrong. As you can see in the code, I've made variables to check what values are fetched from the datagridview, and those values are correct. But in the db there are other values. What's going on?The thing is some of the fields are run-time-created comboboxes and there are also datagridviewcheckboxes. But like I said, the values in the t1...t7 variables are correct.

Private Sub DataGridView2_RowLeave(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView2.RowLeave
Dim Monda2 As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select * from congregation", Moncon)


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Datagrid To Be Inserted With Additional Values With The Prior Populated Data?

Nov 11, 2010

i have a Checkedlistbox in a windows form, and have defined 5 values in it.Also the form holds a datagrid in it. i have manually defined 2 columns in it.Now i would like to populate datagrid with some data according to the check list values selection. When any selection was done in the checkedlistbox, some data need to added to the case if i am ticking further selection, i need the datagrid to be inserted with additional values with the prior populated data.

being a beginner, i am not able to get any idea to get this worked.

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Sql Server - How To Get Last Inserted Identity In Formview Inserted Event Using .net

Sep 21, 2009

I am using (FormView and ObjectDataSource) and Sql Server 2005.

I want to get last inserted @@identity in table on FormView1_ItemInserted

Protected Sub FormView1_ItemInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemInserted

End Sub My issue is that I want to redirect my FormView to readonly mode after FormView1_ItemInserted but for that I need to show the inserted record in readonly mode and that is only possible if I get my last inserted @@identity.

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Input Validation To Prevent Negative Values?

Apr 14, 2009

I am trying to create an input validation for my program to prevent the user from entering negative values. I've been using:
If (decLabor < 0) Or (decPartss < 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("Input prices for parts and labor must be positive")

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Prevent Duplicate Values Entered By User?

Feb 10, 2012

How do I prevent users from a inserting a duplicate value using SQL Query

datatype is VarChar(50)

e.g. the name field has already been defined as "Josh", I don't want it to be able to add another "Josh"

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Retrieve Inserted Checkbox Values In Checkbox On Page Load?

Dec 30, 2010

i have 5 checkboxes in webform and textbox1... when i search the record using the date specified in textbox1 when i enter 11-Dec-2010 in Textbox1 and click on submit button then checkbox1, checkbox2, and checkbox3 will be disabled and unchecked .....


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In A Datacontext Are Inserted Values Not Available Within Datacontext Until After Submitchanges

Mar 18, 2009

I'm going through an XML file of articles and the journalist(s) that wrote them. As we are adding the articles into _Data our datacontext we may come across a journalist that needs adding so we do this: [code] However subsequently we may come across this same journalist again and nothing is returned when we do this: [code] So it uses the code above again to insert the same journalist again.Once all of our inserts are done we do a submitchanges. At this point it has a head fit:INSERT statement conflicted with COLUMN FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK_ articles_ journalists_journalists'. The conflict occurred in database 'blah', table 'journalists', column 'id'. The statement has been terminated.From looking through the sql generated in sql profiler you can see that it is trying to add some journalists more than once, this will fail as the name must be distinct. The subsequent records that are trying to be inserted with these journalists are failing as the journalist wasn't updated.Surely if I have a collection of journalists, add some to it and then look in my collection I should see all of them and not just the original ones.

View 3 Replies - Prevent FormView From Clearing User's Entered Values After Insert Method Has Fired?

Feb 26, 2010

I have been struggling with getting FormViews to work the way Microsoft expects me to for about a day and have figure a bunch of great stuff out.

I can catch e.Exception and e.ReturnValue in the ObjectDataSource.Inserting Event Handler and I can even cheat and check other properties of the Object in the ObjectDataSource.ObjectDisposing by checking the e.ObjectInstance ... and I even learned that FormView's Inserting Handler Runs AFTER the ObjectDisposing Handler so If there is a problem found I still have time to react to it and st the e.KeepInInsertMode to true on the FormView.

My problem is, it seems that the values entered by the user into the Insert form are cleared regardless.

So, How do I Prevent a FormView from clearing after it's Insert Method has fired?

(Using ASP.NET + VB)

I don't think posting my code here will really do much good and i would have to modify it to trim out confidential business logic stuff... so I'll skip it for now.


I have found a temporary and admittedly terribly cludgy solution (in case no one ever finds a REAL solution to the problem).

I have a page variable defined as:

Dim eInsertArgs As FormViewInsertedEventArgs

And then I do the following in my ItemInserted handler

If boolInsertErrorOccurred = False Then
e.KeepInInsertMode = True
eInsertArgs = e


The effect of this is that I am setting the values BACK to the submitted values AFTER ASP.NET binds the FormView to the default (blank) Template.

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Can XML ID Properties Be Duplicated

Feb 2, 2009

this makes sense given the context of the document but I heard that XML tag's should have Unique ID's, which is fair enough but I was under the impression that each child node does not know about other child nodes outside its parent? What is your thought on this?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SourceType ID="XAML">


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Delete One Of Duplicated Row In Table?

Oct 8, 2011

now my code is delete all the row with Itemcode. If i only want to delete one of my duplicated Itemcode row?textbox8 is connect to Itemcode column.

Dim del2 As String
If MsgBox("History Record Delete?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo) = MsgBoxResult.Yes Thendel2 = "Delete from Receive Where Itemcode = @Itemcode"


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Delete Specify Duplicated Row In Table?

Oct 15, 2011

Now my code is delete all the rows Itemcode. If i only want to delete one of my duplicated Itemcode row?

textbox8 is connected to Itemcode column 0.[code]...

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Duplicated Labels Need To Be Clickable

Apr 10, 2009

I dynamically created n amount of labels. I want them to have the same function when single clicked only they have a different number passed. I don't know how to make it so that I can click them, and run a sub/function with the number passed... If I would've made it statically, I'd just do this.


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Like Button That Duplicated Form

Nov 7, 2009

I have a web browser. and I would like button that duplicated the form.(i.e. if you press CTRL + N in internet explorer)

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Avoid Duplicated Event Handlers?

Mar 22, 2011

How do I avoid an event from being handled twice (if is the same handler?)

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim item As New Item


I want the event manager to detect that this event is already handled by this handler and so it shouldn't rehandle (or readd) it.

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VS 02/03 Remove Duplicated Rows In Dataset?

Jun 10, 2009

I have a dataset with 12 columns. this dataset can be filled with > 3000 rows

This dataset is bounded in gridview (third-party).

How I can remove the duplicated rows in this dataset?

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.net - Use Generic Method To Replace Duplicated Properties?

Jul 29, 2011

Currently my code has the following properties:


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Display The Most Duplicated Data From Txt File Into MsgBox?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm stuck! i'm trying to read a txt file with the data as below:



the txt file is updating all the time. So, i like to read this file and then display in msgbox the name that is most duplicated. In this case the MsgBox will show JOSH.

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Avoid Duplicated Entries In Ini File And Retrieve Settings From Ini

Nov 25, 2010

But i've a problem, everytime i hit the button "Save Settings" in my form/application it will re-save the settings to ini file, causing duplicate entries :(

Does anyone knows how can i avoid it to happen?

And, how can i retrieve a setting from the ini file to a textbox or messagebox or something?

(before anyone start saying me to use .xml, i was reading and i prefer the .ini files to what i'm doing)

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VS 2008 - LINQ Query Against A Typed Datatable That Will Return Me Duplicated Data?

Jan 25, 2010

I'm trying to do a LINQ Query against a typed datatable that will return me duplicated data.With out going into too much detail, here's the basic setup:

strCode1 - string type
intCode1 - int32 type
intAdjustor - int32

There are more fields but these are the ones that are important.I'm going to do my best to describe this, as it's kind of confusing.In theory intCode1 is a key for strCode1 (hence the names). So each time intCode1 is duplicated, the same strCode1 should appear. Example:


Ultimately I'd like to get a List(Of T) - where T is my typed data row. In SQL, I would simply use a sub query, to get a distinct list of strCode1 and intCode1, then do a count, grouped by strCode1 where I get more than one row.I'm not sure how to translate that into LINQ, AND get the original types data rows returned in a list.

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Database Stuff In Each Form Separately - Place It In A Global Module - Dataset Is Being Duplicated ?

Apr 19, 2011

I have finally got my code all working, but there is just a quick query really. At the moment I have all the database stuff in each form seperatly. When I place it in a global module, it looks like the dataset is being duplicated I was wondering why this happens when I place it in a global module?

This the code I use and the code I would put in a global module

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbProvider As String
Dim dbSource As String


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Extract All Emails From An Internet Page In To Textbox And Delete Duplicated Emails If Found?

Jul 6, 2011

I want to extract all emails from an internet page in to textbox with (;) between each one and anotherand delete deplicated emails if found .

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.net Sql Last Inserted ID?

Dec 13, 2010

i'm using VB.NET with an Access Database, I insert values but then I need to get the last inserted ID (auto number) and insert that into a related table.I have tried @@IDENTITY and MAX(column) but @@IDENTITY returns zero and MAX isn't very dependable (sometimes slow to insert data, so get the ID before the inserted one).

Dim insertSql = datalayer.getDataTable((String.Format("INSERT INTO users (username) VALUES ({0})", username)))Dim newID = datalayer.getDataTable((String.Format("SELECT @@IDENTITY FROM users")))


This is done in two functions so the above code might look confusing, but thats just taken from the two functions. The two statements are executed, but I have just shown one being executed as an example.Is there and alternative to @@IDENTITY and MAX, as I carn't seem to see how am going wrong with @@IDENTITY?

View 1 Replies - 'Title' Is Not Getting Inserted

Sep 28, 2011

I recently changed my site to allow a user to choose from a dropdown list or a textbox to be able to insert a title. The table is called Picklist, the columns are PicklistID, Title, Data.

Protected Sub SubmitLink_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SubmitLink.Click


In the image below: See how in the background the line at the very top has nothing in it, but the delete button is there? That is a link that I just tried to add......the @Data column is inserted into the database, but not the @Title. But there are no errors! :/

View 1 Replies - Checking If Row Was Inserted?

Apr 19, 2011

I am trying to check whether a row is getting inserted into my database. It is throwing an error even when it does insert (it's a database issue that will get resolved later when I get a newer version of Microsoft Access), so I can't check whether the insert is successful based on whether there's an error or not. I think I need to check the AffectedRows of something, but I'm not sure what. I've been looking for info on how to do this but I can't figure out how to make it work for my exact situation. Here's a general idea of what my code looks like:

Protected Sub Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardNavigationEventArgs) Handles Wizard1.FinishButtonClick


But the numInserted is coming out as 0 every time even though the insert is successful. It may have to do with the fact that myIns1.ExecuteNonQuery() throws an error even though the insert is successful.

-EDIT- I discovered that the "duplicate values" error is because it is somehow attempting to insert the record twice. I have no idea why it's doing that though.

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Can't Select Last Inserted Row In DGV

Apr 13, 2009

i have a main form with dgv and new record form ,after inserting the record from the new record form i want the new inserted row to be selecetd in main form.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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Extract Id Of Last Inserted Row?

Feb 28, 2012

i am inserting a row in an acces table but I also want to get the id of the last inserted row so that I can use that value. how I can go about it?

Dim iSql As String = "Insert into CompanyDetails (code,description)
Public Shared Function MyDataAdapter(ByVal iSql As String) As


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Get New Inserted ColumnID Using Sql?

Jun 10, 2010

I have an identity column defined as int in sql .I use SCPOE_IDENTITY () to get the new inserted columnid.this is sample of my code:

Dim sql As String = "insert into infoHotel (nameHotel, knownAs1, knownAs2, knownAs3, knownAs4, streetAddress) values (N" & _
FormatSqlParam(hotel) & ",N" & _


my problem here is, i cant get the infoID's my code wrong

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Records Not Getting Inserted?

Mar 2, 2009

I am using VS-2005 and database is on SQL Server Express. The application is a windows application.Following is the table structure

:Customer_ID nvarcharCustomer_Name nvarcharCustomer_Address nvarcharCustomer_City nvarcharCustomer_PinCode nvarcharCustomer_State


But the table still remains blank. The value of every column shows only "Null". Not a single record can be inserted. I have changed the value of the Database property "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy if newer".What should I do ?

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Rowindex On A Row Just Inserted

Sep 1, 2011

I've got a vb project I am updating and it has a datagridview, a panel, and buttons along the bottom. The buttons control CRUD operations. The panel shows numerical up/downs and textboxes to represent the selected row. I use some logic to keep track of current selected row and current row index for timer updates in the background. Upon delete I reset focus on the first row. Upon loading I set focus on first row. On update I keep current row focus.

Upon a good insert I would like to set the focus to the row I just inserted. But I do not know a way to determine what the rowindex value is for this freshly inserted row. My datatable which the datagridview uses is sorted on two id columns so it's not like the new entry will just jump to the bottom. Any ideas on how I can implement this?

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