Input Validation To Prevent Negative Values?

Apr 14, 2009

I am trying to create an input validation for my program to prevent the user from entering negative values. I've been using:
If (decLabor < 0) Or (decPartss < 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("Input prices for parts and labor must be positive")

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VS 2010 - Input Validation To Verify User Selected Input For 'cb Length Of Stay'

Jan 15, 2011

I need some help with the input validation of my application. Attached is the code that I have written as well as a screenshot of the front end. I specifically need input validation to verify that the user selected input for cbLengthOfStay is a number between 1-10 as well as input validation to verify the user input for txtMedication, txtSurgicalCharges, txtLabFees and txtRehabilitation is a positive numerical number. Please feel free to critique my attached code. [Code]

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Input A Negative Or Non Numeric Data?

May 10, 2010

i have finished my code and the program works but i need setup a few error messages incase a user inputs invalid data (non numeric, and negative numbers)i keep getting both errors at the same time when i input a negative or non numeric data. My program allows a user to calculate cell phone bill


View 5 Replies (VB) Prevent Copy And Paste From Validation Cell In (Excel.Application)?

Jan 16, 2012

How should I generate an Excel File with this rule?Should not be able to paste an invalid value to a validated cell from other worksheet.

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Javascript - OnClientClick Prevent Page Submission If Validation Errors?

Aug 8, 2011

I've written a JavaScript function which validates form input and highlights the input fields and displays any error messages, which I have tested and all works fine. i have called this function from the OnClientClick attribute of an asp:Button tag. However, if the JavaScript function determines there to be validation errors, I want to stop the form from submitting. How do I do this?


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Vb 08 Express Case Statement - Take User Input, Validate To Ensure There's No Negative Numbers

Apr 9, 2011


I need to take user input, validate to ensure there's no negative numbers and display monthly fee and check fee in a Label.....with a calculate button_Click

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Validating Negative Values?

Sep 10, 2008

I have a function that allows a user to enter numeric vallues and also a period for the decimal points but I also want to allow for users to enter the minus sign to allow users to enter negative values . How would I go about it.

Public Function SingleDecimal(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal eChar As Char) As Boolean
Dim chkstr As String = "0123456789."


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An Error Message Display For Negative Values?

Oct 5, 2011

As the title says,I want to just have only numberic/decimal values accounted for, if it is negative or if anything else is entered into the textbox, how do I have a message display for that?

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Auto Increment Values Always Negative In GridView

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to make a sample Master-Detail relation ship database example in When I add MasterTable a new row via bindingnavigator and save via savebutton autoincrement field goes -1 -2... negative values hence cannot get correct ID numbes saved in table rows till I close open sample application. How can I see correct autoincrement ID numbers in gridview after savebutton ?.Just ID numbers saved to mdb.but cannot see them i gridview and displaying negative weird numbers. This problem is important because without getting ID numbers cannot bind Detail table rows to newly recorded master table rows.

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Negative Values In DateTime AddMinuts Function

Mar 28, 2011

I have a problem when i am passing negative value to "AddMinutes" function.The problem occurring when i subtract a value from the "00:xx:xx".[code]When it is trying to subtract, it is throwing the "Un-representable DateTime" error.How do I do the subtraction of minutes in this scanerio?

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Doing A Lot Of Input Validation In .NET?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a form set up where users can enter their booking for a room at my college. I want to validate the user input to avoid SQL injection (my program uses a MS Access database) and also stop numbers and synbols in their name, etc.I can do the validation fine, but there is to be a lot of validation and then methods executed only if all validation tests come back as true. I did have something like this:

If txtName.Text = "" Then
frmBookErr.SetError(txtName, "Name field cannot be left blank.")
fail = 1


And then check the fail variable, but it obviously gets overridden later in the form if one of the validation tests come back as true.

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VS 2008 : Re-index Variables To Non-negative Integer Values?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a program that calculates values of a function, say f, with respect to another variable, say L.I have an array of f(L), for L going from 0 to a given integer value, say t-1 in steps of a value i.I need to export the values of this function to an Excel spreadsheet in a given column, and to do this, I would like to re-index the function f, since i is much less than one, and so the following loop I use (see below) won't work:

For L = 0 To t - 1 Step i
Sheet.Cells(L, 1) = L
Sheet.Cells(L + 1, 2) = f(L)
Next L

The first code in the loop will essentially load the values of L itself, at which the function is defined and calculated, and the next line will load the values of the function at each value of L.Since the indexes of the row and columns in an excel spreadsheet only go in steps of 1, I need to convert the indexes of the function, or the indexes to which L is loaded, so that it would be scaled so that the first entry corresponds to L=0, but the next is L=i, but loaded into row number 2, etc.

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Validation For Input Mask?

Aug 10, 2009

There are a number of textboxes I would like to validate. I first set up the key press events to only allow key entry's of characters which I feel are valid for this location (i.e. numbers and "." for dollar amounts). But in addition to this I would also like to ensure that the user entered something valid using an input mask. This may be a simple question but I couldn't seem to find the answer to it. If I have a input mask of ###.## and the user enters something like 4321.23, would this throw an error and if so, how should I set up my mask large enough so the user is able to enter large amounts.

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Input Fields In XHTML 1.1 Validation?

Mar 17, 2010

I am creating a form for our new intranet and I need to have validation on a number of the fields.When I use the Visual Studio textbox it doesn't render the input out as I would have hoped.t adds large amounts of text to the value and name and most importantly it doesn'tclose the input with a forward slash - How do I get the text boxes to add this trailing forward slash and produce validating XHTML input fields?

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Sql - VB ADO.NET Textbox Input Validation Against MSSQL DB

Jun 22, 2011

I have one textbox basically the user is going to enter in a 9 digit number or letters. From there I want to have a buttonclick event that validates this against 2 columns in a MSSQL Database. First to check if the number exists, next to check if it is active or inactive.

There are about 27000 rows of numbers so my main question is what is the best approach to handling something like this.

Should I create a view and validate in the click event. Should I create a stored procedure in sql that takes an input parameter and call it in the click event.

I was also reading about storing the information in a dataset however with that many records i am assuming that is going to be a slow process.

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Telephone Number Input Validation

Nov 25, 2009

The system we have in place at work for call centre agents to input telephone numbers doesn't validate their input, so, in a lot of cases, we have junk data being entered (0000000000 as a phone number generally). I've been taked with fixing this, but I'm not sure how to stop the agents entering junk like this.


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VS 2008 End Program During Input Validation

Nov 11, 2009

You have failed to give me "Staring Point".If you don't give me "Staring Point" the program will terminate.I'd like to terminate the entire program based on dialogresult. Do I just kill my main form or is there a line I can put in there to exit program?

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VS 2008 Text Box Input Validation?

Mar 14, 2010

I have text box where scores are to input between 0 and 100, they user also needs the option to enter a text word such as bye or BYE. I having problems getting the validation to work here is what i have so far please let me know what I'm doing wrong.


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VS 2008 Validation - Whether Or Not Input Is Numerical

Jan 22, 2011

I have code that will validate whether or not the input is numerical. After that's passed validation, I need to check and see if that value is greater than another.

Here's the code for the numerical validation (it works)
If Decimal.TryParse(EndOdometerTextBox.Text, EndOdometerDecimal) Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(EndOdometerTextBox, _
"Please enter a numeric value.")
e.Cancel = True

Now, I need to verify that the input for this is greater than another decimal (BeginOdometerDecimal). How can I do this? Everything I've tried fails completely (ignored) or messes up the fist validation.

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Forms :: Textbox Validation - Input Number Between 1 To 12

Mar 9, 2009

I am new to visual basic. Below is my
Private Sub todayMonth_Validating(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles todayMonth.Validating
Dim tb As TextBox = DirectCast(sender, TextBox)
If Convert.ToInt32(tb.Text) >= 1 And Convert.ToInt32(tb.Text) <= 12 Then
tb.Tag = True
[Code] .....

Actually, I wanted to validate the todayMonth textbox just to input number between 1 to 12. The problem comes out when I do this procedure : Lets say I input an interger 11 and it passes the validation and proceed to another textbox. Then I click back to the todayMonth textbox, it shows this error :
"Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid."
I don't know why my value in the textbox is "null" or empty . I still saw the value 11 on the textbox.

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Input Validation Using Data Type Double

Jan 24, 2010

How do you validate input when you are dealing with doubles. I have successfully gotten the message box to pop up when the user enters a number in a text field, but what if I have a text box that requests a number from the user and they enter text? This is the code, the even for btnDisplayFull works fine, but not btnDisplayRqst: [code]

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Prevent Non-numeric Input In Program?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm working on a program that requires the user to input an integer. How do I prevent the user from entering a non-numeric value? I tried using the IsNumeric() function but I get an error before I can use it. I get the error at the, before I can call the IsNumeric() function. [code]...

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Prevent A Textbox From Receiving User Input?

May 5, 2010

Preferably without turning the "Enabled" property to false, because I still need to output text from it.

I made a custom control in which there is a textbox but I want it used only as an output control, for showing text and stuff. Problem is that as soon as my form opens up the focus is turned to the textbox and I cannot catch my keyboard events on the form anymore(since the other controls are pictureboxes). I need a way to make this box "unclickable" or any way in which it is impossible to attribute the focus.[url]...

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Convert Positive And Negative Math.Sin (waveform Output Values) Into (unsigned) Byte Array?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm creating an emulator for a device to simulate wave forms. My challenge is that when I try to convert the output of the following code, I can't convert the Math.Sin's double output into byte values that lend themselves to the byte array format required by an existing graphing control as listed at bottom below. I''m not sure how to handle this when the sin function creates negative values but the byte values will need to be positive and basically 'shifted up' so that anything over 127 is negative. (0 - 255) unsigned. BitConverter.GetBytes has been suggested but THIS is the result of that attempt.


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Form Validation - User Does Not Input Valid Text, EXIT Button Also Does Not Works?

Apr 15, 2012

I am doing form validation in VB, I validate the text field data by using txtName_LostFocus function, and on wrong input I used txtName.Focus(). It works well for me. But problem is that as for as, user does not input valid text, my EXIT button also does not works.

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Input / Output Methods And Validation (for Secure Coding) - Read/Write DB Encryption ?

May 16, 2011

I've been trolling for a long time now and have decided to register as I finally have some time to start jumping into VB. The last time I coded VB, the current version was VB 4. I've been out of programming for a good while now and considered myself a beginner (tutorial example coder haha).

My question is: Where is a good place to start learning VB.NET?

I know it's an often asked and answered question - but let me give you a bit more information so more specialized replies might be given.

I'm in INFOSEC/COMSEC and would like to (eventually) develop a program that contains a DB of information that is read by the application and saves input information into a DB (encrypted) as well. The program will be a 800-53 C&A control assessment program; used for tracking system compliance for federal information systems. I would like to be able to develop such a tool to make my life easier at work instead of using Excel spreadsheets to track everything.

I would like to learn:
- Input / Output methods and validation (for secure coding)
- Read/Write DB Encryption (RSA or other 128-bit) for user input information
- Ability to generate PDF reports from the primary keys and data sets from the above DB

My goal is to create a program that allows a user to install the program, setup a 'master' account that a serial/key has been generated for - that master account is then allowed to create new projects (progress saved in DB). A project asks the user certain questions pertaining to information systems and takes the input and saves it into the DB (encrypted). When the assessment is completed, I would like the program to be able to generate a PDF report from the DB (from a layout template I created).

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Comparing Values For Validation?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a form where the user is to enter the beginning odometer value and ending odometer value. I have the code correct to check and see if there is a numerical value entered into to each text box. When the user enters the ending odometer value and that value is less than the beginning odometer value I want an error provider to stop the user from tabbing to the next field and let the user know that the ending odometer value cannot be less than the beginning odometer to set this up. I have some code in there that doesn't seem to be doing the job for me.

Private Sub BeginOdometerTextBox_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles BeginOdometerTextBox.Validating
'test beginning odometer for numeric value[code]....

I have a theory that the variable for the beginning odometer value is working in the ending odometer value block of code. Not really sure about that though.

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VS 2008 - Validation Functions / System Displays A Message Telling The User To Input Any Fields?

Apr 1, 2010

iam currently working on my uni project and i have encountered a problem with valadation section.My system displays a message telling the user to input any fields that they have missed out on, listing the name of the field. However as these IF functions are in order the user must input the data in the order of how it is in the code. for example if the "consweight" is inputed and the calculate button is pressed, it thinks that all valadation above it has occured, when those fields are still empty.


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Get The User Input Values In Any Window And Set The Values Into Richtextbox ?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a winform with richtextbox. I want to get the user input values in any window like chat programs(msn,yahoo,gtalk), Ms Word,...etc, and set the values into richtextbox?

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Input Values, Output Equal Spread Out Values?

Jun 16, 2010

Input a range of numbers and sort them into 6 equal amounts and then having the program tell you which amount the number was put into?



1200, 2400, 600, 600, 300, 300, 1200, 1200

Sorted into:

Group A: 2400 = 2400
Group B: 1200 + 1200 = 2400
Group C: 600 + 600 + 300 + 300 + 1200 = 2400

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