Forms :: Textbox Validation - Input Number Between 1 To 12

Mar 9, 2009

I am new to visual basic. Below is my
Private Sub todayMonth_Validating(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles todayMonth.Validating
Dim tb As TextBox = DirectCast(sender, TextBox)
If Convert.ToInt32(tb.Text) >= 1 And Convert.ToInt32(tb.Text) <= 12 Then
tb.Tag = True
[Code] .....

Actually, I wanted to validate the todayMonth textbox just to input number between 1 to 12. The problem comes out when I do this procedure : Lets say I input an interger 11 and it passes the validation and proceed to another textbox. Then I click back to the todayMonth textbox, it shows this error :
"Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid."
I don't know why my value in the textbox is "null" or empty . I still saw the value 11 on the textbox.

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Telephone Number Input Validation

Nov 25, 2009

The system we have in place at work for call centre agents to input telephone numbers doesn't validate their input, so, in a lot of cases, we have junk data being entered (0000000000 as a phone number generally). I've been taked with fixing this, but I'm not sure how to stop the agents entering junk like this.


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Phone Number Or Landline Number Validation In Textbox Code?

Feb 11, 2012

validation in vb.netemail_id validation,name,mobile number,Telephone number,zip_code,address i want to all code the textbox

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Sql - VB ADO.NET Textbox Input Validation Against MSSQL DB

Jun 22, 2011

I have one textbox basically the user is going to enter in a 9 digit number or letters. From there I want to have a buttonclick event that validates this against 2 columns in a MSSQL Database. First to check if the number exists, next to check if it is active or inactive.

There are about 27000 rows of numbers so my main question is what is the best approach to handling something like this.

Should I create a view and validate in the click event. Should I create a stored procedure in sql that takes an input parameter and call it in the click event.

I was also reading about storing the information in a dataset however with that many records i am assuming that is going to be a slow process.

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For Barcode - Input A Item Number In Textbox And If That Number Will Match In Your Database

Mar 7, 2012

I have a txtbox(for barcode).. if i input a item number in that txtbox and if that number will match in your database, the other information(shall we say, product type, item ID, etc..) will display in my other txtboxes..

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Forms :: TextBox Validation?

Mar 16, 2010

My question is the last code tag section above where the parameters are set for the input.If on the form there is a textbox that is required (on the db side to not allow nulls) how would you perform the validation before you tried to execute the update sql?Ex: say 'SerialNumberTextbox.Text' was empty or if you needed to have character constraints on what was typed like varchar(15) and they have 16 or more characters

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Forms :: Validation Improvments(for Textbox)?

Mar 20, 2009

on my form i have 2 text boxes. One email the other password. Her eis my code

Private Sub btnLog_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLog.Click
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMail.Text) Then
'txtMail is empty
MessageBox.Show("Email is empty", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, _
MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)


How can i make this more efficient. So that txtMail checks for text first then @ then more text then .com or something? i,m sure you know what i mean.and textpassword is more then 2 or three chars?

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Winforms - TextBox Validation In .NET And Windows Forms?

Mar 5, 2009

I'm using the following code to validate the text entered by user. It works perfectly fine. But I want to add the backspace feature so as to allow the user to delete the wrongly entered number.I have tried a couple of things and they worked but before last digit (after the decimal point) i.e. it does not allows to delete after the number has been completely entered.number is being entered in the format: 12313213.45

What shall I do?Private Sub TextBox5_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox5.KeyPress


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Check If Input To Group Number And Number Of Units Are Correct Input By Making Error Handling Exceptions

Sep 23, 2010

Part of my assignment is to check if input to Group Number and Number of Units are correct input by making error handling exceptions...

I have to check the following:
a) group number is neither 501 nor 062
b) number of units are NOT numbers
c) number of units is NOT a positive number

So my first question is, am I checking correctly? 2nd question is, How do I make sure my Exceptions will pertain to their correct respective things (a, b, and c.. above)?


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VS 2010 - Input Validation To Verify User Selected Input For 'cb Length Of Stay'

Jan 15, 2011

I need some help with the input validation of my application. Attached is the code that I have written as well as a screenshot of the front end. I specifically need input validation to verify that the user selected input for cbLengthOfStay is a number between 1-10 as well as input validation to verify the user input for txtMedication, txtSurgicalCharges, txtLabFees and txtRehabilitation is a positive numerical number. Please feel free to critique my attached code. [Code]

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Creating A Program That Will Input A Number In A Textbox For Example 5 And Display 5 Textboxes In Form?

Sep 10, 2009

I'am creating a program that will input a number in a textbox for example 5 and display 5 textboxes in form...I have no idea how to do this but here is the code i've done..

textbox1.text = val(textbox1.text)

'i don't know what to do next..

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Code A TryParse To Get The Input From Customer From A Textbox Named Strands And Convert It To A Number?

Oct 21, 2009

How would I code a TryParse to get the input from customer from a textbox named Strands and convert it to a number (this number will always be a whole complete number, cannot be 5.6 or 4 1/2 or whatever) then have that Strand number be muliplied by the selected item in my listbox1. This listbox has an access database bound to it with 2 columns Size and Area, the Size equals the Area and I set the Value to the Area column but set the Size to show up in the list box. and the Strands textbox has to muliply by the Size picked, but by the Area # not the Size #. And the results of that multiplication showing up in another textbox named total.

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How To Do Array Of Textboxes When User Input Number Of Textbox To Be Loaded / When Button Clicked

Jun 22, 2010

how to do array of textboxes when a user input a number of textbox to be loaded and when the button clicked, the array of textbox that the user enters will appear?

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Forms :: Input Information From Textbox Into A Website

Jan 13, 2011

I have a form that has 5 text fields.I need to automatically input those fields into a website via a button.

-Next i have to click login
-enter a password Admin00 and select ok
-Click on Basic
-Click on Address Box
-Click on Add Contact
-Enter textfields into this page
-TextField1 goes into Registration
-TextField2 goes into Hostname
-TextField3 goes into Path
-TextField4 goes into Username
-TextField5 goes into password

Scroll to the bottom and hit registration

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Forms :: Change The Input Language When Enter The Textbox?

Nov 15, 2010

i want to set Arabic language to some textbox in my Access its a property but its not exist in 2005 how can i change the Input language when i enter my textbox?

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Forms :: Creating A Textbox List Using Textboxes As Input

Aug 19, 2011

What I'm trying to do is make a list of members in a read only textbox getting the data from two textboxes (first and last name) and a 'save' button. I've made a class named 'Deltaker' (Members in english) to store data and a list 'resultater' (eng: results) using the 'Deltaker' class. I'm trying to get user input from two textboxes 'tbxFornavn' and 'tbxEtternavn' and I use my class' public function 'Navn' to display it in the textbox 'tbxHistory'.


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Forms :: Setting Maximum Input Limit For User In Textbox

May 6, 2010

How do I code in that the text box can only accept 10 inputs from the user. User can only enter 10 strings.

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Input Any Words In Textbox - The Program Will Reply By Sound Of What Input In The Textbox

Jul 7, 2009

i use visual basic 6 i already try making a button to play sounds. by clicking the button and the sound will out. so that i want to know were could i start, when you input words in textbox the program will speak what you have type in the textbox.

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VB Number And Decimal Number Validation Expression?

Sep 19, 2009

To allow a textbox to contain "15" or 15.5" as numbers nothing else...I figured that ^\d+$ works for numbers but can't get decimals to work also?

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Forms :: Maximum Row Number In Multiline Textbox

Apr 21, 2010

i am trying to put a maximum row number of lines in a multiline textbox. What i want is to achieve something like a console, with a maximum number of rows, with the top rows to dissappear and to keep always the last i.e. 500 rows. a note: for the textbox text i use the following algorithm

dim text
textbox.text = textbox.text & vbcrlf & text

the problem is that after a certain number of rows the program starts to get a little slow. So i guess if i put a limit to the rows i will fix this.

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Doing A Lot Of Input Validation In .NET?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a form set up where users can enter their booking for a room at my college. I want to validate the user input to avoid SQL injection (my program uses a MS Access database) and also stop numbers and synbols in their name, etc.I can do the validation fine, but there is to be a lot of validation and then methods executed only if all validation tests come back as true. I did have something like this:

If txtName.Text = "" Then
frmBookErr.SetError(txtName, "Name field cannot be left blank.")
fail = 1


And then check the fail variable, but it obviously gets overridden later in the form if one of the validation tests come back as true.

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Forms :: Validate Each Textbox So The Number Entered Is An Integer?

May 11, 2009

I have designed a form with textboxes for numerical entry. I need to validate each textbox so the number entered is an integer, and is between 0-1000. I am struggling to find how to validate the data entry.

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Validation For Input Mask?

Aug 10, 2009

There are a number of textboxes I would like to validate. I first set up the key press events to only allow key entry's of characters which I feel are valid for this location (i.e. numbers and "." for dollar amounts). But in addition to this I would also like to ensure that the user entered something valid using an input mask. This may be a simple question but I couldn't seem to find the answer to it. If I have a input mask of ###.## and the user enters something like 4321.23, would this throw an error and if so, how should I set up my mask large enough so the user is able to enter large amounts.

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Limiting The Number Of Characters Can Enter Into A Windows Forms Textbox?

Jan 28, 2012

Assuming that I have a Windows Forms textbox and want to reduce the maximum amount of characters that can be allowed in via user entry, how would I do that?

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Input Fields In XHTML 1.1 Validation?

Mar 17, 2010

I am creating a form for our new intranet and I need to have validation on a number of the fields.When I use the Visual Studio textbox it doesn't render the input out as I would have hoped.t adds large amounts of text to the value and name and most importantly it doesn'tclose the input with a forward slash - How do I get the text boxes to add this trailing forward slash and produce validating XHTML input fields?

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VS 2008 End Program During Input Validation

Nov 11, 2009

You have failed to give me "Staring Point".If you don't give me "Staring Point" the program will terminate.I'd like to terminate the entire program based on dialogresult. Do I just kill my main form or is there a line I can put in there to exit program?

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VS 2008 Text Box Input Validation?

Mar 14, 2010

I have text box where scores are to input between 0 and 100, they user also needs the option to enter a text word such as bye or BYE. I having problems getting the validation to work here is what i have so far please let me know what I'm doing wrong.


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VS 2008 Validation - Whether Or Not Input Is Numerical

Jan 22, 2011

I have code that will validate whether or not the input is numerical. After that's passed validation, I need to check and see if that value is greater than another.

Here's the code for the numerical validation (it works)
If Decimal.TryParse(EndOdometerTextBox.Text, EndOdometerDecimal) Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(EndOdometerTextBox, _
"Please enter a numeric value.")
e.Cancel = True

Now, I need to verify that the input for this is greater than another decimal (BeginOdometerDecimal). How can I do this? Everything I've tried fails completely (ignored) or messes up the fist validation.

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Input Validation To Prevent Negative Values?

Apr 14, 2009

I am trying to create an input validation for my program to prevent the user from entering negative values. I've been using:
If (decLabor < 0) Or (decPartss < 0) Then
MessageBox.Show("Input prices for parts and labor must be positive")

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Input Validation Using Data Type Double

Jan 24, 2010

How do you validate input when you are dealing with doubles. I have successfully gotten the message box to pop up when the user enters a number in a text field, but what if I have a text box that requests a number from the user and they enter text? This is the code, the even for btnDisplayFull works fine, but not btnDisplayRqst: [code]

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