Print From File Code / Arrange On Page
Mar 30, 2009
I am doing a project for a college assignment and im stuck on the print section, i have alot done but I need it to be able to print out like the photo from the link below, but i have no idea how to change the code.[code]
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Jul 3, 2011
in my application i have to print some data on alrady printed forms...for example: i have print on a BANK CHEQUE.
Now my problem is that these forms are printed differently and different bank have different check but all have the same data..and to meet this requirement printing need to be ajusted for eg i might need one colom two place down or left or right.. so i need a printing tool in which i can edit the location of printing meterial i mean take them few places left or right and adjust them as my requirement.i have used crystal reports and ms reports at very basic level but what i have found is that i can not edit design move drag etc from the application..
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Jun 18, 2010
I'm doing some experimenting with getting a print output that I like. I incorporated some code I was offered as solution on this forum. I was so proud of myself until the great formated text on the form engages the printer to print a BLANK PAGE? Why do I get Blank?ow:
Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Public Class Form1
Public drawString As String
View 17 Replies
Nov 19, 2009
I am a Real Estate appraiser and have some limited experience with vb and .net. I have a task which I perform which requires me to go to the conuty appraisers web site and print a copy (to image bmp or jpg or directly to the default printer) of the current public record info for anywhere from a few pages to 1,000 plus records at a time.
I don't really get paid to do this part of the job so they don't care whether it takes me a few minutes or several hours to do this. I thought there must be a way to automate this process, so last week I started searching and test code snippets.What I have to date opens an instance of IE; navigates to the reguested page; finds the form elemet for AcctNo; fills it in and submits the form. The page that comes back is formatted for screen presentation and is not suitable to be sent to the printer. There is however a link which when clicked returns a page formatted for pinting. Downside is it also brings up the print dialog which then has to be handled. I was able through several methods to click either the print button or the cancel button which leaves me with a document that is either sent to printer or sitting on screen.
The questions are: Is there a way to do this without displaying the Print Dialog? Maybe a HTTPRequest or HTTPWebREquest as I have no need to see the screens just need the final page.The resultant page is typically longer then letter by a few lines and wants to print on two pages. It would be nice to resize the page to fit and typically it will be the same resizing. If I stick with the print dialog either clicking print or cancel how can I intercept the document and decide by options set in the program wheter to send the file to the printer or save to image?
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Nov 17, 2009
I am using the below mentioned code in my application to print two copies of pdf document.
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Feb 16, 2012
How do I print the page title and the header of a GridView on each print page?
I want to add page title and GridView heading on each page.
I used page break to break the GridView into multiple pages, but only the first page comes with title and all other are without header and title page.
For a dynamic GridView, my code uses AutoGenerateColumns="true".
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Aug 1, 2011
How do I continue to print a list onto another page once the bottom of the page is reached?
Dim PrintFont As New Font("Arial", 14)
Dim HeadingFont As New Font("Arial", 14, FontStyle.Bold)
Dim LineHeightSingle As Single = PrintFont.GetHeight + 2
View 8 Replies
Jul 4, 2009
I know how to print a document from a file and a picture(Graphic) from a file but how do I print a current page of a Windows form I have developed. I.E. from my bank I get my statment by printing the page from a Print Page button. I tried codes I know but in my program it prints a blank Page.
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Jan 11, 2010
Is there a way to print just the current page from the Print Preview?
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Jul 3, 2009
I have lines like this in my text file
I want to arange this lines to be like this
I want to arrange it in decending order.. Can we do this...
View 4 Replies
Jul 20, 2010
I have a tab control in my Main Form which has 2 tab pages, each of which are a different form. I create them as:
Dim UserManagementForm As New UserManagement()
Dim FileManagementForm As New FileManagement()
Then set them up via:
UserManagementForm.TopLevel = False
UserManagementForm.Parent = TabControl1.TabPages(0)
UserManagementForm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
UserManagementForm.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
I have a PrintForm component on my form and I am trying to send the currently active tab page to the print form and then send it to the appropriate dialog. However, I keep getting the document contains no images. Any ideas how I pass the tab page to the print form component?
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Jul 17, 2009
How do i re- arrange the 3 strings into 1 string into a new text file?
what i have in the text file:
LIBRARY [2009/6/15 15:02:14, 2009/6/15 15:02:14] temp.gds
UNITS 0.001 1e-009
View 2 Replies
Aug 10, 2009
I have code that works fine on my XP machine. It loads an HTML document into the VB 6 WebBrowser control and then uses the following command to print the document without any print dialog box:mfrmPrint.WebBrowser1.ExecWB OLECMDID_PRINT, OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, PRINT_DONTBOTHERUSER_WAITFORCOMPLETIONI have also just implemented a .NET C# DLL that uses the axDHTMLEDLib. It also works fine on my XP computer.
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Oct 25, 2011
I'm trying to convert a DTS package to an SSIS Package. My package contains a Data Flow task that pumps data from an OLE DB connection to a Flat File destination.The data in the flat file needs to be arranged in a certain way (eg: spacing), So how do I do that? Is there any data trasformation tool that will help me achieve this? If so how would it be done?THE DTS CODE (to put things in perspective)
sLineItem = Space(10)
sLineItem = sLineItem & Space(10)
sLineItem = sLineItem & Space(10)[code].....
View 1 Replies
Mar 15, 2006
I'm very very very new to VB.Net and am doing a class project. I want the user to simply clicka print button and get a printout of an existing Word document. Is this possible and if so, can someone suggest the code?
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Sep 14, 2011
I want to make message strings independent of aspx file and code behind page
I want to know how to use the resource files with code behind to achieve this?
or is there any other way to do this, other than using resource files?
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Aug 16, 2011
I need to post some xml data to a different aspx page and redirect to the same page.I tried the following code it does post to the page sucessfully but i need to redirect to the same page with posted data
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Mar 13, 2009
I am creating a notes software. This is just a simple application that will show the data from the database which are Notes_Title, Due_Date, Priority. I display the data with datagridview. I also added a checkbox for each row to the datagridview to mark as check if the Notes_title is already done. In displaying the data, I need to display only a 5 data in a row.So, I create a another CLASS that will only show 5 rows per page. But the PROBLEM is, if I mark the checkbox as check in the first page then if I turn it to the next page the checkbox in the first page that mark as check will be uncheck if I turn it back to the first page. The mark check in the checkbox will mark as uncheck if I turn the page. How can I make it mark as check even if I turn the pages? And How can I save the data row as done if I check
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Dec 11, 2009
i have got my print works,but then if i have got 2 pages of data have to print,its still put all in 1 page and the output is all in 1 page...anyone know how to put those data to another page?
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May 7, 2009
I'm working on a program that requires to print more than one page. How do I go about coding that, when using the sql reader?
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Mar 14, 2011
how to print the page in .net?
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Apr 16, 2009
whether or not I can print a specific page from a .pdf?
The VB application has a folder of images, the same image has a large and a small size to accommodate for screen resolution. The application gives you the ability to print either image. Problem is that both of the images are blurry. The same image contained in the .pdf is crisp and sharp when printed from within the .pdf.
Can I have the VB application print a specific page in the .pdf? or is there a way to copy the sharp .pdf image and place it in the folder of images?
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Jan 21, 2009
How to print more than one page in VB.Net 2005?
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May 20, 2009
I have a form for viewing multiple outputs from my program and a print command to print the current listbox text. This works great for most of the stuff I want to print. One output though has some long lines on the second page. I'd like to force the second page to print landscape and only when it's loaded this certain output.
How can I get the code below to print landscape for the second page? I have a variable that holds the type of output the viewer form is holding so a simple if statement could turn the landscape on for the one type of output.
I searched the forums and even grabbed a 101 examples pack from msdn but the examples didn't ever help me learn how landscape is set.
'This sub prints the list box line for line, It now properly prints multiple pages without cutting off or leaving lines out.
Static firstPage As Boolean = True
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Jul 14, 2011
I'm using Visual Basic .NET 2010 and I've created a basic program for a client that allows him to write an invoice for his business. The problem is when one invoice has too many items, the program will not create a second page. It will just keep going on the first page and will eventually cut off the rest of the information.How can I get my code to detect when a page can't be printed on anymore and automatically print on the next page.
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Jul 28, 2010
i am using this code to print Its working but i want to take print on right side of the page how can i do this form width is '352' and form height is '498'.
Dim linesPerPage As Single = 0
Dim yPosition As Single = 0
Dim count As Integer = 0
View 2 Replies
Aug 24, 2009
Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage
'e.Graphics.DrawString(RichTextBox1.Text, New Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular), Brushes.Black, 200, 200)[code]....
View 5 Replies
Aug 14, 2009
How do I check if there are multiple pages? I am trying to print order details from an sql server. Some orders have lots of items in them, but right now my code only prints one page and thats it. I would like to check if yrow > 15000, go to next page.Here is how I print:
yrow = 150
If laq >= rslb1.Fields("quantity").Value Then
args.Graphics.DrawString((rslb1.Fields("productid").Value).ToString, New Font("arial",
View 11 Replies
Jul 27, 2010
This code was intended to split a long text file into pages based on the calculations of lines_per_page.The code only prints one page of a three page document.But a very strange thing happens if I click print a second time the message box which shows "Document 1 Page X of XX goes crazy up to 100 pages until I click cancel.The code compiles fine, just doesn't function as intended. [code]
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Jun 3, 2009
I have an ASP.NET 3.5 page with some AJAX, some Validators and some business-rule validation done in the code-behind page (VB.NET).
The Validators set focus to the 'offending' control when an error is detected.
When a business rule is violated, I used the following code to generate some javascript "on the fly" and execute it to simulate the Winforms "MessageBox.Show" functionality:
Sub DisplayMessages()
Dim lblError As New Label
lblError.Text = "<script language='javascript'>" & Environment.NewLine & "window.alert('"
At the end of the "btnSave.Click" code, if everything went ok, calling that subroutine.
What I get is the page scrolling to the top and then back to where it was when the Save button was clicked.
For various reasons, 'MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="True"' is in the Page directives at the top of the .aspx code. What I'd really like is to make that FALSE for just a moment so that the page resets at the top - again, only if everything is ok and only for this button (there are other buttons on the page that require the page to keep it's scroll position).
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