Program Sends A String To A Server Without FTP Or MySQL?

Apr 23, 2012

How could I make it so my program sends a string to a server without FTP or MySQL.

I know it's possible, and I'm thinking about PHP.. Not sure how..

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Server And Then The Server Converts That Word File To A .TIF And Sends The Image Back?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a client/server application set up that the client sends a word file to the server and then the server converts that word file to a .TIF and sends the image back.The stuff I have now works.Say if I sent the size of the file and the actual file byte() to the server back to back, would the NetworkStream contain both back to back? This what I though would happen. So I implemented a kind of 'turn' based interaction during the duration of the conversion process.


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Run ASP & Program / Access Website On A PHP - MYSQL Server?

Aug 28, 2011

Is it possible to implement an ASP website written using VB Script on a PHP MYSQL server. Maybe their is a php interpreter that can parse the asp files or something like that?

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Sends The String In Chunks For Whatever Reason As Opposed To Sending The Whole String?

Oct 26, 2011

I have sockets receiving data from a barcode reader, the problem is the reader sends the string in chunks for whatever reason as opposed to sending the whole string, for example:

comes as


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Remote Control Program That Uses Mysql Database As Bound Between Server And Client

Apr 23, 2010

I'm developing a remote control program that uses a mysql database as the bound beetween the server and the client.The only problem is that cause of mysql being really varnuable to crashes i made it in a way that it checks for information every 10 seconds so things doesnt get messy. [code] For some reason after 10 seconds the connection is mysteriously aborted and the reader gives a fatal error.How can i extend the time limit to >10 seconds ?

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HTTP Headers - Sends An Xml Code To Server - Get JSESSIONID Value ?

Jun 12, 2011

I have created a few months ago a simple tool in, that sends an xml code to server, and that server sends response after a while. Everything is performed in http session, for that purpose I use webbrowser control and webclient. I know it could have been solved in different way, however iam not an expert in, and also didnt want to spend too much time on it. Anyway it worked, until they had changed something on the server. Let me explain in a few words how that tool works, so it will be easier to understand the problem.

In the first part, I open an URL in the webbrowser control, subsequently I enter xml code in the textarea on that page and click on the submit button. In result of that I get another page with some data on it, namely links to xls files. In the next part I use webclient for downloading those files. What is important for all of these operations I need to use the same http session id.

So, simply by now, i just set headers in webclient - WebClient.Headers.Add("Cookie", WebBrowser1.Document.Cookie.ToString) What have guaranteed to use the same session id by the WebClient. However, after the change made on the server mentioned before, the JSESSIONID value is not available in that string. When I use https analyzer (fiddler), I can see that value there...until moment when I am using WebClient. Of course due to that fact, the webclient won't download files for me, because the session id is not the same.

There is one more thing, what would be useful. When I checked the cookies file on my harddrive, I saw that line starts like #HTTP_ONLY. I think that would cause that problem with jsessionid.

Now, I am coming to my question Do you have any idea, how I would get that JSESSIONID value ? It is sent from webbrowser control, however don't know how to get it.

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Develop An App That Sends Data From Client To Server And Vice Versa?

Aug 3, 2011

i wanted to develop an apps that sends sends data from client to server and vice versa. i want to build it with help of winsock in vb 2008 using tcp.

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.net Program That Sends Email?

Dec 15, 2009 program that sends email?Can we do that?

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Change The Connection String (server Ip, User And Password) Of A MySql Data Source In Visual Basic 2010?

Jun 1, 2012

I have a project where I added visually and successfully a datasource of MySql. I binded a datagridview with a table.

But, how do I change programatically the password, ip or user to connect with the MySql server? Because it can change at any time, so I can let the user change these values.

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Program In VB That Sends Emails To More Than One Recipient?

Dec 24, 2008

i want to do a program in VB that sends emails to more than one recipient i have already done that for one recipient and it works nicely


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Sends The Output To Our Charting Program?

Jun 4, 2009

2.0 Framework.Our software does some measurement and then sends the output to our charting program. Right now it is taking 20-30 seconds for the results to print after our chart has sent the data to the printer since the printer is in sleep mode. What we are wanting to do is send a command to wake the printer at the end of our test, before it sends the results to the charting program, so the printer is (hopefully) done "waking up" by the time the chart program auto prints.

I have been looking around and haven't been able to find anything regarding this. The printer we are mainly using is a Brother HL 5250DN. I have contacted Brother but I have yet to hear anything back from them.

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InputBox Cancel Sends An Empty String?

May 6, 2009

Is there any workaround to the input box sending an empty string when you press cancel? I have a web research function on my program:

Private Sub Button17_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button17.Click
Dim temp7 As String = InputBox("Enter the album name.")


Basically, it provides an input box, you type in the album you want information on, and it will take you to a web page to give you information.

But when you press cancel, it does all of that anyway. It just takes an empty string...

Is there a way I can have the user press cancel to the input box and simply nothing happens? As far as I can tell, it ignores the "If windows.forms.dialogresult.ok." line...

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Communications :: Program Which Sends Email Automatically?

Dec 6, 2008

I am writing a program which sends email automatically. Sending the mail works fine. The problem is that this will be on portable systems and not always have internet connection.

Is there a way to determine if an internet connection is available before attempting to send.

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Program That Sends Their User And Password On Email

Apr 26, 2011

i made a program that sends their user and password on my email and post in a site a link.But some email me using my gmail that i used in my program. How can i hide my codes on my VB program. im using VB 2010. [code]

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VS 2010 - MySQL Connector As A Resource On My Application - Connect To My MySQL Server

Jun 21, 2012

What i have going on, is i have a MySQL connector as a resource on my application, and im basically trying to connect to my MySQL server, to either a) register a new account, or b) check that the account exists and they are premium, and login, Now what i have run into problems with is: My MySQL Database Name has a _ in it which VB is not allowing for some strange reason.

The code i am using is below

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient

Public Class Form1

Function UpdateRecord(ByVal query As String) As Integer


How i can allow the _ into the application, because the only databases that don't have a _ in the user or dbname are a) Paid ones which i DO NOT have the money for or self hosted ones, i cannot leave my computer on 24/7

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String Reading - Sends Back A Numerical Value For The Letter

May 2, 2010

i want to type in a name to a textbox like type in "Ben" to textbox1. Then i want to click a button and have correlating numbers, say 126 show up in the textbox2. Im using a function to do this, how would i write a function that takes the string in textbox1, goes through each letter and sends back a numerical value for the letter through the function. I know how to do this with text files with stream reader, but don't know how to do this with strings.

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Create A Program That Sends & Receives Data Via Rs232?

Apr 15, 2010

I need to create a program that sends & receives data via rs232. I have done it many times in VB6 with easy.

Why is so hard in vs2008?

I managed to send (or so I think). Because I can see the LEDs flashing on my board connected to the pc. But I do not get any response back from the board.

The reason I do it in vs2008, is because I need the program to run on a PDA. But to understand how rs232 works in vs2008, I just created a simple program for the pc to talk to my board.

for example, I send:

SerialPort1.Write(Chr(2) & "I" & Chr(3)) and I expect back (into a textbox), a hex string 25 characters long.

The board also send data to rs232 sometimes, without me requesting it.

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VS 2008 Make A Program That Sends An AT^ Command To A Port?

Aug 29, 2010

I want to make a program that sends an AT^ command to a port The AT^ Command is


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String - Sends Contents Of Textbox To A Designated Email Address

Dec 1, 2009

I work for a printshop that screenprints customized hats ,tees and a host of other stuff for a variety of small businesses. Being that we are a small business as well, we can't afford to mass ship catalogs to our clients, so I decided to build a catalog application/business card that can be emailed to them. The app is rep. specific, and after choosing which options suit them best using text fields and combo boxes, upon clicking submit, the customers' info is emailed to the rep.

To do this, I am trying to get a popup window that displays an email form with the 'mailto' address previously set, so it can't be altered and the info from the previous screen to be pasted in the body of the email. Upon clicking the confirm button, the mail is sent and the window is closed. I already have the code to copy the info from the textbox and combobox entries and paste it into the textbox in the next form, but getting the email form to be functional is appearing to be quite a feet.

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Reading From CMD - Program Which Creates A Console In Which It Sends A Ping To An Domain

Oct 15, 2011

I was thinking of making a program which creates a console in which it sends a ping to an domain, in this case "". then read this into my vb application. Probably looking to read each line into a listbox, this way i can add a parser to only take the data i want.

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Create A Shortcut For Program That Sends The User To The World Map Of A Website With The Press Of A Button?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm trying to create a shortcut for my program that sends the user to the world map of a website with the press of a button, but it isn't working. Here's my code:

Private Sub Game_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Game.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.M Then
End If
End Sub

"Game" is a WebBrowser control.

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Delay In Server Response Time While Executing Stored Procedures On Mysql Db Server?

Sep 7, 2010

I am using stored procedures in my application using, while executing stored procedures on mysql database server thru application, the response time from the server is more. Is there any settings that i need to set on mysql db server or any changes in connection string or in code.

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Error - (10061) ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't Connect To MySQL Server On

Jun 4, 2010

I'm connecting to my mysql server using ODBC in, the database is shared throughout the company because it is used in an accounting program (simply accounting), each user has their own account user/pass to login to the database. I have developped a program that uses the accounting database and combines it with other information, my problem is that at least once a day I get this error when I run my program: "(10061) ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on"and the error persists for at least 4 hours, for some reason it starts to work again later on in the day.

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Make A Program That Sends Text In The Text Box To A Form On A Website And Print The Page As .xps

Aug 30, 2010

I want to make a program that sends text in the text box to a form on a website and print the page as .xps

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Press "x" Key Program Sends A Msgbox?

Jul 6, 2010

I made a program but i want,

When i press "x" key program sends a msgbox(i know msgbox part)

I Just need binding keys.

Somebody told me TextBox_KeyPress or KeyDown but i want it differently.

For example I'm working on my Word file and i pressed "ESC" key program send a msgbox(You Pressed ESC Key).

And 1 More Question too.Can take send keys value from Textbox ?

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Connect To A Web Mysql Server?

May 16, 2010

I want to use datasources or something to connect VB to mysql db and execute a querry with the information filled in and standard information.

i know how web scripts work with mysql but in VB i cant find any tuts anywhere about mysql and vb

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Getting Data From My MySQL Server?

Mar 18, 2011

I use to do programs in VB5 and haven't touch VB for years, and now i just started to pick it up again, VB2010. my problem is getting data from my MySQL Server (local)

i was able to create my Data Source successfully.. however, when i click and drag my CUSTOMERS table to my form the datagridview shows nothing. I read a few online tutorials and they all said that's all i have to do not working for me..i have 9 records in the table already but nothing is showing..

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How To Login Vb Via Mysql (from Other Server)

Feb 29, 2012

I have the login codes.. Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click

mysqlconnection = New MySqlConnection
mysqlconnection.ConnectionString = "server=xxxxxx; port=3306; user id = root ; password = 123456 ; database = alogin;"


my server is a IP address xx.xx.xx.xx...which other server in other place but why i got the error which is

'unable to connect to any of the specified mysql host'

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.net - Cannot Connect To MySQL Server Over Different Domains?

Oct 4, 2011

I'm having a problem connecting to a MySQL server over two different trusted domains.We're developing an app for internal use and have been using MySQL till now. It's a desktop app written in until now all the users were on the same domain and there were no issues. Just recently there was an higher-level decision to split users in 2 different domains for various reasons.The problem is that users from the new domain cannot access the server. If that helps, I was told by the administrators that the users from both domains are trusted. Both machines are running Windows Server - 2003 and 2008.The server port is open, the grants are all in there(base_class@%) but upon attempt access denied for user base_class@datablock2.

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Connect To A MySQL Database On A Server?

May 4, 2010

I have a database in MySQL server called MD

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