Programming Related Entirely To Msn / Windows Live Messenger

May 21, 2009

I'm wanting to start some programming related entirely to msn/windows live messenger My first and only question is... is it possible to write and create messenger bots in and if so also have the feature for manual text feed...

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VS 2008 Windows Live Messenger Proxy?

Apr 22, 2010

I've been asked to develop a proxy server for Windows Live Messenger that would filter out inappropriate words and replace them with asterisks for example Is this doable If yes then where do I start ?

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Make The Border Edge Round Like Windows Live Messenger?

May 17, 2010

Is there a way to make the border edge round like Windows Live Messenger?

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Programmatically Instigate A Windows Live Messenger Notification Popup?

Jul 29, 2009

I really like the MSN notification popup. Basically the popup you see when you receive a new email etc. I'd like to put timers and set times so I, for instance, get a popup at 2PM saying "Don't forget..." I know I could make my own notification bubble but I'd prefer the WLM one.

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Windows Live Messenger - Error: QuoteCreating An Instance Of The COM Component With CLSID

Feb 18, 2009

Hey I'm using Vb .net 2008 Express Edition and i've tried Lots of stuff involving:

Public Msn As MessengerAPI.Messenger
Msn = New MessengerAPI.Messenger

and get the error: QuoteCreating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {B69003B3-C55E-4B48-836C-BC5946FC3B28} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 8007000e. Would you have any ideas on how to access Msn to change Status for example.

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Create A Program To Detect When A Message Is Received In Windows Live Messenger And Alert The User?

Sep 11, 2010

I was just wondering if there was a way with, using, be able to create a program to detect when a message is received in Windows Live Messenger, and alert the user?Essentially, MSN is minimized in background and our program, Program A, is also running in backgroung.Friend X sends us a message, the MSN icon blinks as usualy, but also a window pops up and shows the name of the user and the message.I was just wondering if there was a way to connect to MSN in some fom to be able to do this?

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How To Captures Instant Messeges Of Msn Live Messenger In .net

Jun 17, 2011

How to captures(keystrokes) instant messages of msn live messenger.How to captures(keystrokes)form live conversion of msn in to create the txtfile of that capture keystrokes of that instant messeges og live messenger of MSN.

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Capture (keystrokes) Instant Messages Of Msn Live Messenger In .net?

Jun 20, 2011

How to captures instant messeges of msn in windows application. or how to captures the live chatting of msn in windows application

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Capture Instant Messages Of Msn Live Messenger In Program?

Jun 17, 2011

How to captures instant messages of msn live messenger.How to captures(keystrokes)form live conversion of msn in to create the txtfile of that capture keystrokes of that instant messeges of live messenger MSN.

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Captures(keystrokes) Instant Messages Of Msn Live Messenger?

Jun 4, 2011

How to captures instant messages of msn live messenger.How to captures(keystrokes)form live conversion of msn in to create the txtfile of that capture keystrokes of that instant messeges og live messenger of MSN.

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Matrice Related Question On Programming

Dec 16, 2011

I really need help on another assignment i have and its to do with matrices. from the code below could anyone tell me where matrice is being used and what its exactly doing? The program is basically moving the shape around and in different positions.i will screen shot the program asap.[code]

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How To Start Windows Messenger Service

Oct 19, 2011

Is it possible to Start Windows Messenger service and set the Startup type to Automatic?

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Best Programming Language For Programming Windows Applications?

Jan 28, 2012

I have recently taken a liking to programming, and have programmed a few games in C#,my friend has asked me to program an application for him to use in his shop. But I have no idea of what language is best suitable?

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Intercept Messages From Windows Messenger Service?

Jun 5, 2009

This may seem complicated but it's a somewhat basic concept, just probably a complicated execution, I am trying to create a program that will allow you to basically "IM" between computers on a LAN network. That's the concept, I plan on doing this by generating .bat files, executing them and printing the last few messages sent in a label, the big problem I have is receiving messages, I have no idea whatsoever how to even go about finding out how to take the messages received from the messenger service and print them into the label, any ideas?EDIT: This is in VB.Net 2008

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Make A LAN IM Client Using The Net Send Command - Intercept Messages From Windows Messenger Service

Jun 5, 2009

I'm trying to make a LAN IM client using the net send command and I was wondering if there is any way to capture the text of the messages received through net send and display them in a label.

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Email - Log Into Windows Live Mail?

Oct 12, 2009

I want to make a program that tells you if you can login to an email account or not by entering their username and password into Windows Live.

It would connect to the Hotmail server and see if the user/pass combination is correct. If it can log in, it would display a label that the account is valid, if not it would say that the account is not valid.

Ok here's the totally incorrect code for logging in. I kind of borrowed it from sending an email:

Dim MyMailMessage As New MailMessage
MyMailMessage.From = New MailAddress(TextBox1.Text)


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How Do Integrate The Windows Live Msn In .net Application

Sep 10, 2009

How do integrate the windows live msn in

I will try it. But I can't do it. How do integrate msn (Adds to sound,picture,video etc)

in forms application.

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Windows Live Mail Feedback Form

Mar 29, 2011

I have tried the search button to no avail. I am attempting to make a feedback form to open on Windows Live Mail. The user clicks the "feedback" item on a menu strip and it opens Windows Live Mail with Process.start("code here blah blah.exe"). What I want to do from this is force open a new message.


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Post A Windows Application That Uses Excel For Live Data Calculations?

Jul 14, 2009

Can I Post a Windows Application that uses Excel for live data calculations? Basically from the Windows app, a user makes a menu selection and which in turn opens an excel file in memory using it for calculations. These files are put together by different groups and formatted for the Windows app to build interfaces based on each file.I also accompany an .mdf file as well. Is all this possible for customers to access and run this with Windows Azure.

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Which Control Does Windows Live Mail Use To Show The Calendar Date

Feb 14, 2011

I would like to create a tabular view of my data in which i would like to show dates as column header and room no as rows header. And room reservation data in that tabular form. I would also like to make date zooming from year, half yearly, month, week to day. Denote the reserved room in some color along with name too.

To my requirement, i found windows live mail's calendar control abit matching without zooming functionality.

Here is a sample of windows live mail's control: [URL]

I would like to get reference/example of control/project matching my requirement.

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Resources Related To Hiding And Showing A Windows Form

Feb 25, 2011

I have a form which has a picturebox and after clicking on a button another form will appear with a picture box containing the exact same picture. I use this line of code:Image1.Image = vImage.Image..The thing is after I do this i need to hide the form and show it again to be able to see the changes.[code]

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Internet Radio Listener - Display Live Artist / Song Info From Several Stations On A Windows Form?

Jan 22, 2010

but is there some way to create a program that would be able to listen to internet radio and possibly display live artist/song info from several stations on a windows form? Has anybody done anything like this or have any ideas as to how to tackle this?

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More Windows API Programming (.NET 2005)?

May 8, 2008

I am trying to write a VB application that will talk with USB Printers. After seaching far and wide, I have come across a wiki that I think may be what I am looking for, but the examples are written in C, which is absolutely not my thing.I would like to use the functions SetupDiGetClassDevs, SetupDiEnumDevice Interfaces and SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail included in setupapi.dll to retrieve the devicename of the printer so I can then call CreateFile() from kernel32.dll to get a handle on the printer I would like to use. I'm not sure if the steps I've mentioned are the right way to retrieve the device name (hardcoding in a device name doesn't seem to work, so I'm assuming this is the only thing I can do). The main problem I am having with those functions is that I do not know how to call them. As I mentioned, I referenced a wiki, which can be found here, but I do not understand the parameters and structures etc.. that I need to pass in order for this to work. Can someone please explain the parameters (namely where to get the first parameter for SetupDiGetClass Devs), how to define the structures etc...If it matters, this is all the code I have for this task

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Create Logon Using SQL Server Similar To The Windows Live Logon

Aug 20, 2011

I am wanting to create a logon similar to the Windows Live logon, so in other words. user has frmLogon and is located in Australia. The user enters his/her details and then the program connects to a server in the United States and checks the Username and Password to make sure it is correct if it is correct it allows the user to logon and move to the next stage, if it is wrong it will give him an error message. I am wondering if anyone has a tutorial or source code laying around that I can rip apart and see how it works. I want to put the database on my server and connect to it from my desktop using the logon form.

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3D Programming Within The Microsoft Windows .NET Environment?

Apr 2, 2011

I want to learn 3D programming within the Microsoft Windows .NET environment. My best .NET language is VB.NET.My aim is to be able to create 3D images only. I do not want to create 3D videos or 3D games.Any suggestion of books or online resources that are suitable for VB.NET users like me?


I know nothing about 3D programming and only have limited experiences in 2D graphics programming under .NET I can work in all versions of VB.NET and Visual Studio (2003-2010)

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Get "LIVE" Scrolling In Windows 7 With Program?

Oct 21, 2011

I have an application with a scrolling window of thumbnail images. On XP it works just the way I want it; as the user scrolls the thumbnails go flying by. But in Windows 7 the thumbnails stay put until the user releases the mouse button and the thumbnails jump to the correct position.

I've examined the properties of the control I'm using (I am actually using set to autoscroll) and there doesn't appear to by anything to activate live scrolling - besides that would likely be inconsisten between XP and Windows 7.

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Free Ebook Programming Windows Phone 7, By Charles Petzold?

Nov 4, 2010

This is free book for windows phone 7 developers.[URL]..

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Game Programming :: Check What Windows The Client Has On His Pc ... Xp / Windows7 / Vista?

Jun 9, 2010

how can i check what windows the client has on his pc...xp/windows7/vista

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Make A Database Of All The Xbox Live Arcade Arcade Games On The Xbox Live Marketplace?

Jun 16, 2010

I want to make a database of all the xbox live arcade arcade games on the xbox live marketplace, I need to parse an xml file and add the needed data from the xml node into a datagridview.Here is the xml file i need to use to grab links and other data about the game:


Being the noob I am it took me about 6 hours to figure out how xml works and to write some code for what i need to do.

Here is what i came up with:

'for grabbing the name of the update
Public Sub updatename()
Dim xmldoc As New XmlDataDocument()


That code works fine.Now when i add another column to the datagridview called "update size" i want to know how to add the grabbed data from another sub i made to the new column.What would the code be for adding the strings for the new sub into the seconds column? the first was, DataGridView1.Rows.Add(str)" . So what would the second be ?Also another question i have is how do i put an image in an imagecolumn by a web link, not a local picture.

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Programming Login - Developing A Windows Application Using Visual Basic 2008 With A SQL Server Database

Feb 26, 2011

Iam developing a Windows application using Visual Basic 2008 with a SQL Server database. Throughout the program I give the user as many options as possible and have no problem with either the database or the windows forms. The program does not initially require a Login and I want toprovide the User with the opportunity to add a Login to the system. The default Login form is perfectly satisfactory.

The problem is that I can't figure out how to program the change sothat the Login from isopens the program rather then th form designated as the StartUp form. this forum I am able to prgrammatically change the form but I can't figure out how to make the requirement a permanent factor. I tried using a Constant, but if the User wants to change, you can't change the constant. Its an apparantly simple yes/no situation but if I set a varable to yes and then change it to no the next time the program runs, the change will be lost.

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