Programming Symbolic Links?

Apr 20, 2010

Using Visual Basic express edition,I would like to make a small application to create and check symbolic shall be like a grafical interface for Commands: 'mklink' and 'fsutil reparsepoint query'I already found ways to creta a symbolic link ( API CreateSymbolicLink )

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VB 2008 Extracting Links & Text - Links - Parsing Links & Text

Sep 12, 2009

I'm just curious as to how some software programs that I see out there have the ability to extract links & text from thousands of web pages at an extremely high and fast rate. Has anyone here, ever created a link or text extracting program the has the ability to parse many webpages and return data into a textbox? I know how to extract links via the webbrowser control, but it doesn't seem to parse/extract data at a very high & fast rate like many email, link & text extracting programs that I see out there.


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.net - Find The Target Of A Symbolic Link?

Dec 31, 2010

How can I find if a given file is a symbolic link? And once I know that it is, how can I get the target its pointing to? I'm using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010.

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.NET Enumerations Of Symbolic Constants For String Values?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a list of rather meaningless codes that I'm processing with a VB.NET Windows application. For the business logic I'm writing to process those codes, I'd like to use meaningful constants (like ServiceNotCovered or MemberNotEligible) instead of the original codes (like "SNCV" and "MNEL").As far as I can tell, Enums can only map to numeric values, not to strings. So the best I've been able to come up with is a static class that exposes the constants as static readonly string fields that are internally set equal to the code values, as follows.

Public Class MyClass
private _reasonCode as String()
Public Property ReasonCode() As String


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WEBBROWSER LINKS - Store All Links Into A Collection

Sep 11, 2010

my webbrowser navigates to a webpage. I need to store all the links into a collection, I did find the code to do the job (on this forum) and it works, but there is a problem: there are more links on the page than those the code reads, like when i right click on a picture and choose "copy shortcut" I get a link that is not showing when I display the "view source" for the entire page. I can't figure out how to do it.

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VS 2010 Determine If A Directory / File Is A Symbolic Link?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm doing some directory work and in this directory, some of the subdirectories are symbolic links to a different location. I need to be able to determine which directly is a symlink and process them differently.

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Create Symbolic Link In (fsutil +IIS6 + Work On Network)?

May 20, 2010

I want to use the function of fsutil, which can create the symbolic link for me. I have try to code in web application to call the cmd and input the command needed for create symbolic link, exampleit can be created a symbolic link between the two file under a local system network. But if I use the function for network, it cannot works because the IIS is not giving permission for those function. I wish to use it on network, using the Internet InformationMy code as below:

Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim info As New ProcessStartInfo


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Best Programming Language For Programming Windows Applications?

Jan 28, 2012

I have recently taken a liking to programming, and have programmed a few games in C#,my friend has asked me to program an application for him to use in his shop. But I have no idea of what language is best suitable?

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Game Programming :: Programming Such As OOP ?

Oct 30, 2011

I avidly create games in Being a hobby programmer I give my games away for free. Since I'm a hobbiest without formal training I do try and educate myself on proper programming principles and follow them when programming such as OOP. There are however some things I have obviously missed being self-taught that perhaps I would know if I were formally educated. Once such issue that has really been my bane is how different classes (from now on referred to as objects) 'know' about each other WITHOUT programming specific interaction.

Okay imagine this, you have a space game and the following objects


Now each one of these objects has a Health, X,Y and Z private members and properties that are all inherited from clsSpaceEntity for argument sake. Now one way of programming collision between them would be to code out the following logic in the main game loop


Now this might seam okay if your talking about the simple example above but some of my games have tens or even HUNDREDS of objects that interact in this basic way. Is there a way in OOP to do the following... for each thing that inherits from clsSpaceEntity check against every other object that inherits this type (except itself) and if they collide then reduce health next? This sort of ability for a type of objects/class or whatever to be 'aware' of another and how they are the same/different and interact would save me tonnes and tonnes and TONNES of coding.

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.Net Routing For Links?

Dec 20, 2011

I am trying to work with routing on a site I am creating. If I have two routes, /Home/{Value1}/default.aspx for route 1 and /Users/{Value2}/default.aspx for route 2, how do I tell a link I am creating to use a specific route. I am trying to create links in my .vb code behind pages but I am unsure on how to tell it to use either route 1 or route 2 depending on my situation.

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Add Links To Datagridview?

Aug 15, 2010

i hava a datagridwview with a datagridviewlinkcolumn and a split array with the links. How can I add this links from the array to the datagridviewlinkcolumn?

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How To Extract Links

Apr 20, 2011

how can i extract some links Say i have some links in text box but 3 different types of hosts


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Put Some Links In A Listbox?

Feb 6, 2012

Basically i need a code to put some links in a listbox, one after another. For example:

This is my table

and so on.

I have already opened a mysql connection, and i just need the code to put all the URLs in a listbox, one after another. I tried this: ListBox1.Items.Add("URL"), and obviousely didn't work.

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Add Links To A Combo Box's Items?

Mar 29, 2009

How to add links to combo box's items...... Like when the form is loaded, the items are already there. If you select one it will take you to a website....And how do you make it so the items in the combo box are (PERMANENT) AND dont erase..

View 3 Replies - TreeView-Like List Of Links?

Feb 20, 2009

I have a have a table with Region_Name, Region_ID fields, and another one with Area_Name, Region_ID fields (each region have Areas that belongs to it).I want to display on my page a list of links (something that looks like a treeView) so when someone clicks on for ex The Bronx from Region New York in this list:


So, apart from the basics, i want to know how to populate the above list Automatically and make sure that the results are ALL Links, in other words, New York is a link, The Bronx is a link, and all the elements in the list are links that i will later attach a queryString to.

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Click Multiple Links With Almost The Same Name?

Oct 23, 2011

I am creating a program for a company and what it does is the following:1. Opens web page and logs in automatically - (Done)2. User selects from 2 folders on the site - (Done)3.ser types in date - (Done)4. User sets default directory for download - (Done)5. User clicks a download button that does the following:5a. Takes date that was put into text box and searches for any related folders and opens that folder - (Done)5b. After folder is open, there is the possibility of being multiple zip files to be clicked and downloaded - (Not Done)My problem is in 5b. I cannot figure out how to select multiple items. I have tried using a wildcard but that doesn't seem to work. I tried setting loops for each link but it only opens that last link on the page

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Click Multiple Links With The Same Name

Nov 24, 2010

I am creating a program for a company and what it does is the following:

1. Opens web page and logs in automatically - (Done)
2. User selects from 2 folders on the site - (Done)
3. User types in date - (Done)
4. User sets default directory for download - (Done)
5. User clicks a download button that does the following:

5a. Takes date that was put into text box and searches for any related folders and opens that folder - (Done) 5b. After folder is open, there is the possibility of being multiple zip files to be clicked and downloaded - (Not Done)

My problem is in 5b. I cannot figure out how to select multiple items. I have tried using a wildcard but that doesn't seem to work. I tried setting loops for each link but it only opens that last link on the page. The zip files to be downloaded are all named in the following manner - 11-22(1).ZIP, 11-22(2).ZIP etc. Also, zip extensions vary from ZIP to zip. Don't know if casing makes a difference. What I currently have the program do is to click each file and begin download. All it's doing is clicking the last file in the list. Whole website is basically a JavaScript applet. The only way to click a file is to search for the link name. [Code]

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Create Expiring Links To S3?

Oct 22, 2009

Anyone have an example of creating a signed URL with an expiration using ASP .Net? I'm exploring using LitS3 or ThreeSharp in my project, and have not seen any specific methods to do this in either of those projects.

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Create Links To Pdf Files?

May 23, 2012

I hope this post is in the correct forum. We have a folder on the server that has pdf files. The file names are in the format of 'report_name_propname_04_21_12.pdf'. The report_name is different as is the prop_name and 04 is the month, 21 is the day of month, and the 12 is the year. The goal is to have links on the web page that has the prop_name(s). When clicked it would display a list of months as links. ie 01,02,03,...11,12 under the propname link. When these month links are clicked the web page would display
a list of links of the pdf files. The part of displaying the pdf link I have. The question I have is how can this be achived in code? Is there a control for this functionality? I think it is like an Excel pivot table.

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Finding Links With Regex

Dec 15, 2011

I'm working on a program that gets some info about a certain web page. But one of the features is it needs to find all the links to other webpages on THE SAME site (I think its called an internal link... not sure). I already figured out how to get the page's HTML code, now i just need to know how to find stuff like "" in the HTML code then output me [URL]

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Get All Links From A Website Page?

Mar 14, 2010

I haven't coded vb in 4 months.. I never thought I would lose my experience that easily, anyways there's something I can't figure out.[code]...

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Get Links On Webpage To Textbox?

Sep 18, 2010

There are placenames on this webpage and if you click on the placename it leads you to its profile. I need to get all the profile links into a textbox on my form. An example of the webpage [url]...

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Getting HTML Data - How To Get The Links Name?

Apr 8, 2012

I have this code to take links from a page


But how would i also get the links name?

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Grab All Onclick Links?

Sep 7, 2011

I want to grab all the links inside the onclick.[code]...

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How To Create Custom 'links'

Apr 12, 2012

I searched several keywords but could not find a good tutorial on how to create custom 'links'. My goal is for my apps to be able to handle special links inside of Outlook. The link will cause my app to display the proper info when it is clicked.

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Links - Can't Get All The Quotes In The Right Places

Dec 1, 2010

I want to make a link from what the user filepath that is given from an openfiledialog. But I can't get all the quotes in the right places


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Links Fussy In RichTextBox?

Nov 18, 2011

This sounds pretty basic but for the life of me a can't figure out why any link I add to a richtextbox is blurry is there a easy fix?

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Links In Webbrowser Control

Nov 18, 2009

I am working on a term project for my university graduation next month. I was wondering if there is a way to disable the links on a webpage which is loaded into a VS2008 webbrowser control. I am trying to create an application that uses static webpages that I prefer are unable to be navigated out of due to the fact that the way the app is set up, being able to navigate within the webpage rather than returning to my selection form could get the user lost. The program itself is done, and all my selection form option links work fine in the webbrowser control.

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Listbox Text Into Links?

Mar 2, 2012

st getting introduced with visual basic so this may be a simple question or something that makes no sense. BUT, Im making a program that searches Wikipedia depending on what the user inputs into the text box. I have what they searched in my web browser save to a listbox. Im wondering if there is a way to turn this into the history, so they can click these texts in the list box and go back to those previous web pages.

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Make Combobox1 Links?

Aug 5, 2009

How to make Combobox1 list to have links?

Combobox1 have 2 lines in items:


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