Properties Statement Used For Declaring Name Of A Property

Jun 28, 2009

i have read on the msdn and know properties statement used for declaring the name of a property, and the property procedures used to store and retrieve the value of the property.i learned about structure of it. but i cant figure out it clearly. [code]

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Declaring Variables And Properties?

Oct 25, 2010

OK, I'm working on a project and i need to access the property of a usercontrol which I have set.Here is the code in the UserControl

Private Color As Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#000000")
Public Property InkColor() As Color


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Declaring Private Variable - Automate Properties?

Sep 28, 2009

I come from C# (use VS 2005, .NET 2) and I know that when I declare a private variable I can "extract" from it the corresponding "property". In VB.NET I've declared a lot of properties (in the diagram class designer). Now am I forced manually adding the corresponding private fields?

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Declaring Property In ASP.NET 4.0

Sep 2, 2009

I haven't check yet all the new features of ASP.NET 4.0 but I'm wondering if one of those features (VB syntax) is declaration of class properties oppose to C# in less code.[code]

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Assign Default Value When Declaring Boolean Vs Using Both Clauses Of An If Statement?

Mar 8, 2012

Which of the following is more readable and preferable?

This, where the default value is assigned in the declaration:

Dim isLastWeekOfPeriod As Boolean = False
If periodInfo.WeekCount = weekInfo.Week Then
isLastWeekOfPeriod = True


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Set The Transparent Property Via Label Properties Properties Not Via Code?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm working on a Hazardous Materials label printing program. One of the options is to do an "NFPA" label. Since there are 4 values required with 4 or 6 options, the ratings are entered via radio buttons in a group box. That's working okay. I display values in the NFPA diamond as they're entered: left quadrant blue, top quadrant red, left yellow, bottom red. I'm having trouble with the label in which the rating will be displayed on top of a jpg diamond for the white. In this quadrant the text can be up to 4 characters. I can accept the text going into an adjacent block a little, but the corners of the label overlap into another quadrant/color. I reduced the font size which solved the overlap problem but the font is then too small and looks terrible. I tried to make the background of the label transparent to let the color come through correctly but that's not a valid value for label.background. I'm figuring that the transparent background is the best solution. What can I use that will accept a transparent background so the color shows through?

I'm trying to set the transparent property via label properties properties, not via code. Here's the code if it makes any difference:

Public Class NFPA
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub


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Purpose Of GET SET Property Versus Just Declaring It As Normal?

May 23, 2012

I have been wondering for a while what the difference is between the following two:

Public Property ProgressMaxValue() As Integer
Return maxval
End Get


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Late Binding - Declaring A String Variable And Assigning The Item Property?

Nov 27, 2011

I have a problem involving late binding, and I absolutely cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix it. I have spent hours researching the problem to no avail, so I am turning to stackoverflow as a last resort.The problem is pretty much this: I am creating a grocery list application. I have a class named Item which stores the name, price, quantity, and description of an item on the grocery list. I have a module named ListCollection which defines a Collection of Item objects. I have created an Edit form which will automatically display the currently selected ListCollection item properties, but whenever I attempt to fill the text boxes, it tells me that Option Strict disallows late binding. I COULD take the easy route and disable Option Strict, but I'd prefer to figure out what the problem is so I know for future reference.I shall paste pertinent code here. (Late binding error is in EditItem.vb)


I have tried declaring a String variable and assigning the Item property to that, and I have also tried grabbing the value directly from the List item (not using the Get function), and neither of these made a difference.

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Sum The Properties Of Two Members Of A Collection Without Doing It Property By Property?

Aug 8, 2011

I've reviewed the links that were offered and don't find an answer. Neither has a lot of searching helped, probably because I can't think of a reasonably short way to ask the question. I hope that I've at least found the proper forum and category.

In my VB 2010 code, I've defined a structure that has about 30 elements. I want to sum the properties (they are all singles) of two members of the corresponding collection. I understand that I can do something like:

member1.property1=member2.property1+member 3.property1 for the entire set of properties of member2 and member3 to produce a completely defined member1 What I wonder is whether or not there is a way that uses fewer lines of code - I know that I can't do:member1=member2+member3, for example.

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Properties - Object Property?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm a C# coder, and I have trouble even reading VB.NET, so please forgive what may turn out to be an incredibly dumb question. But I have some code which looks like this:


So, ignoring the fact that the syntax is probably wrong - how does VB.NET get the Name property from sourceObject? Inspecting it at run-time reveals that sourceObject is of a type that supports a property called Name with a getter, but what does VB.NET do in this case? Is there some extra code that is being generated by the compiler to somehow cast this automagically at run-time?

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Use Reflection To Get A Properties Property?

Oct 6, 2010

I am trying to get the value of local path by doing the following[code]...

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Statement Can Not Appear Within A Property Body

Jul 23, 2009

This is probably the piece of code with the most errors: i have inserted the errors as comments under which parts they are to do with but some of them shouldn't be there because there are preceding ifs and property methods. [code] '@ Dim - Statement can not appear within a property body. End of property assumed [code]

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.net - Listing Properties / Checking If A Property Is ReadOnly

Nov 26, 2009

I'm faced with a couple of problems in I have a series of objects, which properties I'm displaying in a grid for the user to edit. My first problem is: how do I get a list of all the properties of an object? Is it even possible? The datagrid control that I'm using accepts string values with the name of the property as parameters, but inserting them manually would be a real problem, because there are a LOT of them. So: is there a way to get a list of strings with the name of each property of an object?

If that's possible, here comes the second question: Now, of course, since users are editing the properties, I'm not interested in showing ReadOnly properties which they cannot edit. Hence my secodn problem: is there a way to check if a property is readonly at runtime?

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Override Textbox Properties Like Selectionstart Property?

May 25, 2011

It is possible to override textbox properties like selectionstart property

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Properties - .net Property Get And Set Values Without Private Variables?

May 4, 2012

I am programmer from some time only, I have certain doubts in fundamentals, could you please clarify on the following:Case 1:


Does case 1 and case 2 yield same result, I mean is a private value necessarily in there?, can we use property itself to use its own value in its Set and get statements?

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Properties - Invoke A Property Change In A Control?

Oct 6, 2010

how to invoke methods, but how does one change a simple property?

For demonstration-sake, here's a very simple set of code that should help. Let's say I need to set the visible property from a child form, and thus, it needs to be invoked:

Friend Sub activateItem(ByVal myItem As PictureBox)
If myItem.InvokeRequired = True Then


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VS 2008 Property Grid Sub Items To Have Properties Too?

Dec 5, 2011

i have a clsTest with the following layout:

Public Class clsTest
Public Property Test1 as string


how can i make it so when i show clsTest's properties in a propertygrid it has the ability to expand clssettings properties? (kind of how font does it on a text box for example)

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Wpf - Property Notification When Binding To Class Not Properties?

Jun 13, 2011

I have a window that contains different functional areas of an account. The details, roles, type, contracts The window's DataContext is set to the 'AccountViewModel'. Inside the AccountViewModel, there are properties one of them being 'Account' which contains the details. I need for the user to be able to update these details. How can I notifiy the properties to call my Update() code when they are changed?

Here is what I have

<TextBox x:Name="txtAccountNumber" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding Path=Account.AccountNumber, UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus}" />


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Showing Properties Of Child Objects In The Property Grid?

Mar 9, 2010

I have a custom class (Class1) with a bunch of properties. One of the properties of this class is another custom class (Class2) with its own properties.I have a property grid with the selected object set to Class 1. I can see Class 2 as a property, but i would like to expand Class 2 to show its properties in the same property grid.

Im basically trying to do the exact same thing as the Font Class on a form. If you look at the properties of a form in the designer, you can see the font property. You can then expand that to show the properties of the font class.

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Error With The Using Statement And Lazy Initialized Property

Dec 1, 2009

The code below will throw an InvalidOperationException: The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. The exception is thrown at the line calling Connection.Open() in the Load method. If I use the try-finally statement instead of the using statement, everything works correctly. Can anyone explain why the exception occurs with the using statement?


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Have Multiple Selectable Options Property Listed In Properties Window?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a UserControl with a property called "Type". This can have any combination of three values, say

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Show The Error Provider Properties To Property Grid At Runtime?

Feb 23, 2011

In designer i had a button with errorprovider.The button show 3 extra properties at button's property grid in design time.Error on ErrorProvider1

IconAlignmnent on

IconPadding on

But how can i show this 3 extra properties in propertygrid at run time?

Private Sub Form_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim propertyGrid1 As New PropertyGrid()
propertyGrid1.CommandsVisibleIfAvailable = True[code].....

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VS 2008 Properties In 'groups' (class) In Designer (property Grid)?

Jul 29, 2009

I'm creating a UserControl that draws a simple radial gauge. I need it to be very customizable; the user should be able to customize everything such as the colors, fonts, sizes. So, I just made a property for every customizable detail. For example, I had ScaleFont, ScaleColor, ScaleStart, ScaleEnd, ScaleInnerRadius, ScaleOuterRadius, ScaleTickmarkFrequenty, etc.. etc.. etc...

Because there are so many properties about the same subject, I wanted to 'group' these properties into one "property". I've seen this done loads of times in third party controls, but I've never done it before myself.The idea is that the properties can be accessed like

Me.Gauge1.ScaleSettings.Start = 10
Me.Gauge1.ScaleSettings.End = 80

So far, I tried creating a class for each group, for example a clsScaleSettings class, containing properties like Font, Color, Start, End, InnerRadius, OuterRadius, TickmarkFrequenty, etc (corresponding to the same properties as above).

Then, for every 'group' or class, I create a Property. For example, I have the ScaleSettings property, which simply returns an instance of the clsScaleSettings class (I initialize the instance only once of course):
Private _ScaleSettings As New clsScaleSettings
Public Property ScaleSettings() As clsScaleSettings


Now, this works in the code editor. I can now use

Gauge1.ScaleSettings.Font = Me.Font

for example, and it sets the font correctly.But, I does not work in the designer, in the Property Grid. The whole reason I made the effort to move and rename nearly all properties (about 70!), and all references to those properties, to separate classes, was so that the user could design the gauge more easily using the Property Grid!Instead of having 15 settings related to the scale, scattered all over the Property Grid, he can now have one ScaleSettings property, which he can expand, and then he can edit the properties of that group easily.The ScaleSettings property is greyed out in the property grid... So I cannot expand it and view it's underlying properties.

View 16 Replies - Benifit/Advantage Of C# Property Properties - Private Access Modifiers For Setters?

Jan 25, 2012

Below is the class with a property.

public class abc
public int MyProperty { get; private set; }

What's the benefit of typing private access modifier in setter ?

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Set The Properties Of A Base Control So That Instances Of That Control Inherit The Property Settings

Dec 11, 2009

I would like to be able to set Control visual properties such as color, boarder, flat style, etc. on the base class of the control so that as I add new instances of the control, each instance inherits the visual properties of the base. I have tried using Application Settings but it appears as though I need to reference an application setting manually each time I add the control to a form. This is a Windows Form question.

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.net - Setting ReadOnly Property In PropertyGrid Sets All Properties Readonly?

Jun 12, 2012

I am using a PropertyGrid control to edit my class properties and I am trying to set certain properties read-only depending on other property settings.This is the code of my class:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class PropertyClass[code].....

This is the code I am using to edit the values:

Dim c As New PropertyClass
PropertyGrid1.SelectedObject = c

The problem is that when I set SomeProperty to True, nothing happens and when I then set it to False again it sets all properties Read-Only.

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Changing Parent Property From The "Properties Windows"?

Jan 7, 2010

Im always using this code(Example):Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ToolStrip1.Parent = PictureBox1 End Sub To set the Parent Property of an Object. How can i change it from the "Properties Window"? Just to save 3 line of code.

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Datagrid Bound Column Properties Column Property Will Not Change

Aug 4, 2009

I have a datagrid that I am unable to change the width setting, it always reverts back to the original setting.

To change this setting:

1. select the datagrid view tasks

2. Edit columns bound column properties

3. Select Width property

4. Width property will always revert back to the original setting.

I have check the properties settings without any luck.

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Properties - Default Property Set Being Called Mysteriously Called?

Apr 2, 2012

I have the following line of code in my program:


This JCL_History object is basically a Generic.List encapsulated in a wrapper and has the following method:

Public Sub Enqueue(ByRef value As String)
If Members.Contains(value) Then


In my testing I have 2 items in this JCL_History list. When I call that first line of code I posted (the one that invokes Enqueue) with I = 1 I expect the first item to be shuffled to the bottom and the second item to be shuffled to the top.

After the thread returns from Enqueue I notice that this is exactly what happens to my list, HOWEVER if I hit the "step_in" button after the execution of Enqueue I go into the Default Property's set method where Index = 1 and value = and it screws everything up, because the item that got shuffled to the end (index 1) gets overwritten by the item value shuffled to the top.

So basically the set method on the default property is getting called at what I think to be a completely ridiculous time. What gives? By the way I'm running VS2005 on XP.

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In SSRS Under Report /REport Properties In The Code Tab Trying To Use Code From MSDN Library And Getting BC30465 Imports Statement Must Precede Any Declarations?

Aug 3, 2009

It looks like this: Itis stripping out HTML characters.

Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Function GetTextFromHtml(ByVal htmlText As String) As String


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