Put Files From Directory Into Listbox, Then Open Files From Listbox To RTB?

Mar 11, 2011

My knowledge of VB.net is limited (only have been reading from the book)

so what i need to do for my project is to populate a listbox with files from a certain directory (C:folder)

then once it's populated, i can select an item and it will open up in a rich text box.

This is what i have so far for the active directory > list box:

Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:Documents and SettingsuserDesktopfolder")
Dim diar1 As IO.FileInfo() = di.GetFiles()
Dim dra As IO.FileInfo


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Get The Files From A Directories Directory Etc And Add Them To A Listbox?

Dec 30, 2010

Iam making a antivirus program in Visual basic and i have to know how to get the files from a directories directory etc. And how to add them to a listbox like

1map-get files
1map-get directories
2map (directories in 1 map)get files
2map -Get directories
and so on...¨

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Copy Files Listed In The Listbox To New Directory?

Mar 14, 2011

how to copy files listed in a listbox to a new specified directory?my code isn't showing any errors but doesn't work..

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim path As String = "c:krishna folderwallpaper files"
Dim di As DirectoryInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(path)


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Populating A ListBox With Selected Files In A Directory?

Feb 20, 2011

The idea is to click Button1, for it to open a browser window, then select 1 or more files from a directory and add them to ListBox1.Currently I'm using a very basic method that adds all files from a directory to my ListBox

Dim files() As String = IO.Directory.GetFiles("C:Users")
For Each file As String In files


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VS 2008 Listbox Shows Files In Directory

Mar 4, 2010

I have it set so when button3 is clicked that the listbox displays the textfiles in a designated folder.[code]Now what I would like to have happen is a way for: Selected listbox2.item (A.txt, B.txt, or C.txt) read the selected textfile into Textbox1.text(I want to click on A, B, or C and have it just open/read that textfile into the textbox.)I have a feeling this is something simple - but for some reason I am having trouble grasping it.

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Forms :: Adding The Files From Directory Into The Listbox In Items

May 10, 2009

We have a button, textbox and a folder browser... We made it so that when you click the button it shows the folder browser dialog.. And you choose your folder/path, then it shows the selected path in textbox.. We are succesful on this.. But now weve added a listbox, And when you selected the path it will do this..


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Use ListBox Content To Delete Files In Directory And All Subfolders?

May 11, 2009

VB.net 2008 express This is what I have so far, and it loads a list of files from a text file. Now I need to be able to delete them all from a certain drive and all sub folders in it. For instance I push the delete button and it goes through the entire list and deletes all the files in it from the designated drive and all it's sub folders.

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
#Region " Windows Form Designer generated code "


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How To Open Files In Listbox

Mar 14, 2011

I have a simple program which display the file names in a list box. And I want the file to open when it is clicked. The problem is I don't know the code on how to open the selected file in the listbox.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For Each file As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("C: GlennOffice Doc"


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Add All Image Files In The Current Directory Into Listbox When Press Button

Aug 25, 2010

I want to add all image files in the current directory into my listbox1 when i press button1 Just like how u may open by OpenFileDialog or Drag & Drop but I want it to move all .jpg files in the current directory into the listbox so i do not have to use OpenFileDialog or Drag & Drop I am not sure how I can do this and the only code I could think about using is something linking to current directory.

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Read/display Directory Files In Listbox To Rich Text Box?

Mar 14, 2011

my knowledge of VB.net is limited and i'm really trying hard to figure this problem out...

what i did was create a list box and populate it with a directory ("C:Documents and Settingsuserfolder1")...

once the listbox displays the files from the directory, i want to select a certain file and that file will be opened up in a rich text box.What i found to display the directory in a listbox is:

Dim directory As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:Documents and SettingsjtanDesktopRECV")
Dim diar1 As IO.FileInfo() = directory.GetFiles()
Dim dra As IO.FileInfo
Dim files As String


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Open Multiple Files In ListBox From OpenFileDialog?

Mar 15, 2009

When I select multiple paths from openFileDialog in my listBox control enter only one path by try. This is probably because that I use OpenFileDialog.FileName. I wish to load all selected files in one time...but in this case Add(OpenFileDialog.FileNames) give me the value stringArray in same listBox. I suppose that maybe exict peace of code through ItemCollection which give me opportunity that I import all file path in one try in listBox control. It was interesting because how I may implementing matrix between openFileDialog and listBox..

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[2008] Copying From One Listbox To Another And Keeping The Paths Of The Files In The Listbox's

Jan 26, 2009

I am having problems with copying from one listbox to another and keeping the paths of the files in the listbox's. At the moment i have two listbox's, listbox1 shows the list of files without the directory paths showing. Listbox2 is used to add items from listbox1 which work ok but what i need is to be able to preserve the directory paths to each file. how to do this and have searched high and low for a solution without any luck.

I have worked out one way of doing it but i think there is a better way of doing it as the reverse does not seem to work. So basicly i want listbox1 to list the files without the paths and pass it on to listbox2 so that the files can be copied to temp directory as they are being add to listbox2.

Below is my


Routine to add items from listbox1 to listbox2: I have created another listbox3 (which is in bold), which is hidded under listbox1 and holds all the paths to the files and is use to copy the files from there original directory to a new directory.


Routine to add items back to listbox1 and remove them from listbox2. I have created another listbox4 which is hidden under listbox2 which i was trying add the paths from listbox3.


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Files In Listbox - Only Show .txt Files?

Apr 16, 2009

I am working on getting files from my computer into a listbox which i have working.. but i want it to show just the filename not the directory and the ext. also i want it to only show .txt files?here is my code.

Private Sub Form5_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim sFiles() As String
Dim i As Integer[code].....

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Copying Files - Add Button For User To Open And Browse Directory

May 11, 2010

i am working on a little project for myself in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 and i want to add an option so that when a user clicks a button it will open a browse directory window where they can select their directory and when they click "Ok" it will copy files into it. [Code]

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Deleting Files In A ListBox

Mar 11, 2010

So I have a program that allows the user to load up some images, which appear in a ListBox. You can click the imported images and they load into a PictureBox. [code]The path is not of a legal form.You can load up the code and see for yourself. Now I need to be able to delete these images from the ListBox. The exception occurs because the image is now null, and can't load.

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Get Files In Listbox(Dynamic)?

Jul 19, 2011

I have a listbox with a directories contents in it, I want to be able to open the folder in the listbox and also have navigation.I have noticed that if you set the web browser url to a directory it will do that automatically

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Get Result Of Files Name In Listbox?

Mar 6, 2010

I have all Files With two Names Like[code]...

How can i get Result of First Name Of Files OR How can i get Result of Last Name

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How To Download Files In Listbox

Jun 8, 2011

I have tried many ways to download the files in a listbox. non-seems to work.

the listbox has url
eg: <a href="http://www.hahaww.com/2.pdf">http://www.hahaww.com/2.pdf</a>
<a href="http://www.hahaww.com/f1.pdf">http://www.hahaww.com/f1.pdf</a>


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Uploading Files To Listbox

Aug 19, 2010

[code]I would like someone to kindly ajust it so instead of uploading from the "Downloaded Songs" in the application files, i would like it to upload from the user's "My Music" Folder

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Deleting A File Or Files Using A Listbox?

Jan 19, 2010

I have been working on software that finds a specific backup file type and lists it in a list box. Then the user selects the files he/she wants to delete. Then clicks the delete button to remove the files.I have everything finished and working excpet for deleting the actual file. I figured out the code to delete the actual list item... but I cannot figure out how to get the selected file to be deleted within its directory as well... been at it for 4 hours now.

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Displaying The Files Inside A Listbox?

Aug 14, 2011

i have a problem on displaying the files inside a listbox i cant see files like .wav or .mp3 or .wmv or any video or movie related files...

on my forms load this is the code

Private Sub Subjects_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Label4.Text = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Application.StartupPath & "....


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Downloading Files From Listbox Links?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a listbox full of links, and I want to download them. The listbox items' text contains a link to a webpage in each one. Now I want to download each page's code to a file site1.html for example. Also for each file I need to add a number site1, site2, site3 ... How do I do that ?

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Files I Import Into The Listbox Have The Full Name?

Jan 23, 2010

the files i import into the listbox have the full name so like... c:/users

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Go One Folder Up And View Files In Listbox?

Apr 21, 2009

ok.. i have the code to load files in a listbox, just for that folder.

i would like to add a button that would load files one folder up from the current folder...

here's the code i'm using to load files from folder in case something needs to be adjusted..

TextBox1.Text = "C:Documents and SettingsOwnerDesktop"
Dim filepath As String = (textbox1.text)


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How To Show Taskbar Files In ListBox

May 4, 2009

Is there a way to show all the apps/folders from the task bar in a listbox, and when clicked on selected item to bring or setfocus to?

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List Files In A Ftp Folder In A Listbox?

Sep 5, 2010

i creating a admin thing for a game i created . but i cant find how to list files in a ftp folder in a listbox

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Listing RAR Files From Sub Directories Into ListBox

Feb 23, 2010

I'm having a problem when I list .rar-files into a ListBox. I can list .rar-files OK from subdirectories, but what I want to determine if the file is actually the first part of .rar-archive. The new .rar-format packs files like:

So I have no idea when I'm listing the first part of the archive or actually listing the other parts.
Function UpdateFiles(ByVal FolderPath As String) As Boolean
'If FolderPath is empty, return false
If FolderPath = "" Then
Return False
End If
[Code] ......

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Multiple Files In ListBox From FolderBrowserDialog?

Mar 16, 2009

I wish to choose folder in FoderBrowserDialog and get all filepaths from this folder added with few different file extensions in my listBox.

Have someone some constructing proposal ?

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Opening Up Files Displayed In ListBox?

Jan 6, 2010

How do I open up the files displayed in the Listbox with an external text app.

I coded this :
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Collections
Public Class RinexHeader
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Clear the list box and the picture box.
[Code] .....

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Program Where Drag .WMV Files Into A Listbox?

May 14, 2010

Im creating a program where you drag .WMV files into a listbox. I have the drag drop working but it displays the location of the item. How do I get it to only display the filename of the item ive dragged into the listbox?

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