Recognize An Out-of-office Auto-reply Email?

Feb 24, 2012

I'm working on a VB.Net application that extracts emails from an Exchange inbox and then does various things with them. I want it to treat out-of-office auto-replies differently to everything else, so I was hoping someone might know how to identify them.

Obviously, I could simply look to see if the message subject starts with "Out of Office:", but that seems a bit sloppy to me. There's clearly a more accurate way to identify them, because in Outlook, an auto-reply has a different icon to a normal email that simply has "Out of Office:" at the beginning of the subject.

I'm using the component Independentsoft.Webdav.Exchange.dll to handle the email side of things, but I couldn't find anything obvious there.

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Office Automation - Auto Email After File Open

Mar 10, 2009

The below code works fine to export data from a datagrid to excel spreadsheet. Is it possible to incorporate an auto email (outlook) so that I can automatically send the spreadsheet to my manager lets say his email is What I want to do is when the spreadsheet is opened an auto email is sent with the spreadsheet attached to my line manager.

Private Sub ExporttoExcel()
'verifying the datagridview having data or not
If ((DgvQuarCommit.Columns.Count = 0) Or(DgvQuarCommit.Rows.Count = 0)) Then
Exit Sub
[Code] .....

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Develop An Automated Reply To An Email

Mar 31, 2010

I receive info requests through email, generated from a web form, which I cant touch, I would, but I can't cos it's an external service. These emails have assigned differents template replies, which I, manually, use to answer them. For this company, this is obvious. For me is a machine work, it¡s totally automatic. So, why don't I set up a rule in Outlook? Because the reply-to address doesn't match with the real one. As it comes from our own server, the reply-to address is our own address.

i just have to answer with different specific templates I already have depending on different fields in the message and send this to an address that is also in one of these message fields. For more data, here is one of the messages I could receive:


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Exchange Email Reply Between Set Time Every Day

Jan 26, 2011

I have to set our support email to send an out of office reply between 6pm and 8am every day and then for the entire weekend. I come to find out exchange does not support this. Is it possible to write a "service" that I can load up on a machine that monitor the support email then send an auto reply if it is between 6pm and 8am? Basically it would just be a lite weight email client that only does anything outside of business hours.

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VS 2010 - Msg Box With Auto Reply In N Seconds

Aug 8, 2010

I've an old vb6 ocx in order to show an msgbox with autoreply in n seconds.

rm = waitMsg("can't connect to host...",9,"*Retry","Cancel")
if rm = 2 then exit sub 'cancel

acts in same way of msgbox, but after 9 seconds (in the example) then auto click the Retry button (the default button, the one with * prefix). maybe I could convert this old ocx to net, but wondering if there is not an better alternative using messagebox.

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How To Make The System(modem) Auto Reply Using Vb?

Nov 30, 2009

currently i doing a sms service system using vb , can anyone tell me how or what code i can use to make the system auto reply when recieve an sms from a phone no

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Office Auto-mation :: Auto-mating Excel Spreadsheet Creation?

Jun 5, 2009

I am trying to just write something to a cell in a sheet and I am getting the error message:

Exception Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC Stack Trace: at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)


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VS 2010 Email Auto-responder - Open New Email On Gmail?

Oct 12, 2011

I am development a small app for auto response all new emails with custom responses. My problem is that I don't know how open the email (make click on the subject link) on gmail. I am using web browser control, so I need to know how make click on the email titles for open each emails.

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Better To Have A Reply Table For Each Category Orhave Only One Reply Table For Whole Site

May 10, 2009

Using 2003 Sql Server 2005 1.1..If I were to make a forum site and I had alot of visitorsdaily, like 300,000.I also had many categories such as this site.Would it be better to have a Reply table for each category orhave only one Reply table for the whole site.The same for Question table, although the questions would be numerousit would be smaller than the Reply table.Also if anyone has a Database Diagram,or Schema of a large forum I like to take a lookat one have'nt seen any online for a forum.

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Office Automation :: Extract An Attachment From An Outlook Email?

Mar 2, 2010

I was wondering if anyone knew a way to have vb extract an attachment from an outlook email and save it to a specified directory. What I have is a program that when a file (outlook attachment) is dropped onto the main form it saves that file to a specific directory. I have the following code which seems to work for anything other than Outlook (possibly because outlook's drag and drop feature is defined differently?):

Private Sub Form1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles MyBase.DragDrop


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Office Automation :: Retrieving Email Addresses From Outlook?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a VB NET application that reads through my Outlook 2007 Inbox and retrieves email addresses - the only problem I have is that mailitem.recipients returns the CC addresses but not BCC s,

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Office Auto-mation :: Create Object Command Do Nothing?

Apr 3, 2010

the create object command is not responondingi try createobject("Excel.Application") or ("Word.Application") but nothing happen.i have office 2007 i have added the references Microsoft Excel 12.0 object library and Microsoft Word 12.0 object library. I have added Imports Microsoft.Office.Intercop

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Office Auto-mation :: Creating A New Instance Of Excel?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm writing VB code in Visual Basic 2008 Express and can't seem to figure out how to create a new instance of Excel with VB code. The most common answer appears to be setting an object variable to 'Excel.Application', but that gives an error (Type 'Excel.Application' is not defined).

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Office Auto-mation :: Excel Selection And Sort

Sep 19, 2009

This seems like is should be simple but for the life of me I can't seem to get it. I am using am importing a text file into Excel. Then I want to select everything and sort it based on a cell (A) in this case. So here is what I have so far.

xlApp.Workbooks.OpenText(sDump, , 1, , XlTextQualifier.xlTextQualifierDoubleQuote, , , , True)


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Office Automation :: Create And Send An Email In 2005 And Outlook

Nov 16, 2009

I have a customer who wants to send emails to his customer and suppliers with confirmation of order, purchase orders etc. instead of printing them and mailing them (postal strikes in the UK, and threats of more).

I have the following code which works on a Vista machine:

'Created Outlook Application object
Dim OLApp As New Outlook.Application
'Creating outlook Namespace object


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Implement Auto-email In

Dec 28, 2008

how to implement auto email in and how to create crystel report in

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Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem How To Make Email Read

Jun 21, 2011

I have a console app which checks inbox for unread messages.I would like to make the email message read but could NOT manage. Is there a way to do it?

Dim oMsg As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem
Dim i As Integer


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Office Auto-mation :: Annoying Window Pops Up From Hidden Excel?

Oct 20, 2010

I have an application that opens and saves spreadsheet via interop.At start up I set

_excelApp.Visible = false;
_excelApp.DisplayAlerts = false;


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Office Auto-mation :: How To Replace Table With Chart In Slide.Shape

Apr 21, 2009

I want to use VB .Net to remove a table from an EXISTINGpowerpoint Slide Shape and replace it with a chart withoutdeleting the shape or adding a new shape. Presently using
Copy() and Paste() to place Chart in new Shape.

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Office Auto-mation :: Writing A Line To Excel Cell Error?

Aug 5, 2009

I dont know why its giving me an error when i run this code...

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook


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Have Another Button To Auto-email The Work?

Mar 10, 2009

I have a form in When the applications runs it populates the data on a datagrid from the database. Then I have an export to excel button which when clicked creates a spreadsheet and dumps all the data in it. Nice!!!Now, what I want to do is have another button to auto email the work to my Boss. The work should be presented to him in a spreadsheet form, therefore I reckon after the export will be ideal or any ideas will be handy

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Auto Email Coming From Person That Entered?

Aug 26, 2009

how to code the "from" portion when an email via I could easily do "mm.From="...but for this project it needs to be sent automatically depending on which user is entering the information. So I have lets say a group of 10 users, anytime a specific user sends in an update on a project form, the email is sent to the manager from the person who it's been updated from. Any suggestion? They all have specific ID's. How would I code it to where I could get the program to find them by their ID and then get their email address from their ID?

Protected Sub SendEmail()
Dim ToAddress As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("AstMgr").ToString()
Dim mm As New Net.Mail.MailMessage("", ToAddress)


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Creating Auto-mated Email Error

Sep 18, 2009

I am trying to get vb 2008 to send an automated Email to a specified Email address with a new password code. Unfortunately one of the final few lines of code creates an error when run and I'm not sure why.I am using a googlemail account to send the email and I'm using the smtp port number for gmail so I don't know whether that will be a problem as I didn't know where to find one for googlemail (got the gmail one off a tutorial).

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Vb 2005 Create Standalone Program To Auto-send Datagrid Via Email?

Jun 12, 2011

Now i wan to create a standalone program to send datagrid data via email . izit any way to send the datagrid to email body ? below is my code.

Public Class Form1
Dim oLapp As Object
Dim oItem As Object


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Parsing Webservices XML Reply?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm having problems with parsing the XML results that a webservices is sending me. Mostly due to the format this result is sent in. I can succesfully send a request and I get the response back in a string. Now the (truncated) result looks like this:

- <tr>
<td field="fin.trs.line.dim2" hideforuser="false" type="String">01249</td>
<td field="fin.trs.line.openbasevaluesigned" hideforuser="false" type="Value">-100.00</td>


This is where my problem starts. Because I've found various pieces of code that let me take out the nodes I need. So in the above example <Office> and <code> come out perfectly. But the problem appears when reading the other lines because they start with <td SPACE field=> etc etc. When I readout those lines all I get back is TD.

I need to specifically filter the results based on those TR/TD fields. I'm using an XMLreader and xmlnodetype to filter out the results, but maybe I'm using the wrong method.

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Closing An Open Reply On Forum?

Mar 16, 2012

How do I find an open Reply that I have lost?

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Include The Reply Times In The Display?

Jun 17, 2007

i have the code below to ping an ip address, it works fine but Is there anyway i can include the reply times in the display or return the ping reply times in any shape or form for that matter ? preferable the average round trip time in ms is what i would like returned along with the ping result. anyone have any ideas or is it even possible to do within vb ?


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Using SendKeys To Reply To Message Programmatically

Jul 12, 2011

I am developing a program which shells to SmartRipper to do the actual ripping process and I need the process to run unattended. The problem I've just spent 4 days trying to resolve is to simply respond to a message box that pops up when SmartRipper starts but I'm not having much success at all.

When I try SendKeys.Send("{ENTER}") while debugging the program I get an error "changes are not allowed while code is running or if the option "break all processes when one process breaks is disabled". I don't know why the error message shows but I do have the option enabled as indicated how to eliminate it from showing.

I've been working on this for 4 days and now I'm just spinning my wheels.

' Declares
Private BM_CLICK As Integer = &HF5
Declare Auto Function SendMessage Lib "user32" (ByValhWndAsIntPtr,


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VS 2008 Http Post Reply?

Mar 29, 2010

I have the following code, and i would like to know how i can show the result i got from the post.

vb Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Module Module1
Sub Main()
' Send("")


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Waiting For Command Prompt Specific Reply

Nov 9, 2011

I'm trying to create a program that calls the command prompt, runs a line of text, needs to wait for a specific reply then moves on. Using the sleep command doesn't really apply in this particular situation because I need to wait for either reply A or reply B and move on accordingly. Most of the resources I find on this all refer to the sleep command. Sure there is a way to view a reply in the shell command and if reply A then do the rest...etc.

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