Register A Name For A Program In The Windows Run Dialog?

Aug 6, 2009

How do you register a name for a program in the windows run dialog? For instance typing in "notepad" and pressing enter runs notpad.exe "photoshop" in my case runs Photoshop CS3 I'm using

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Register MSCOMCTL.OCX In Windows 7?

Jan 2, 2010

I've been searching for answers all afternoon trying to register this MSCOMCTL.OCX file, nothing is working.The closest I got away from the "Component 'MSCOMCTL.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid" that had been plaguing me was when I tried to register it through by typing REGSVR32 MSCOMCTL.OCX in the RUN field and the error message returned is 'The module MSCOMCTL.OCX may not be compatible with the version of Windows that you're running.Check if the module is compatible with an x86(32-bit)or x64 z(64 bit) version of the regsvr32.exe'.

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.net - Register Com-Interop For .net Windows Service?

Jul 27, 2011

Is it possible to register a Service for com-interop?

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Register DLL File In Windows System32?

Mar 11, 2010

I have made a DLL with Under project settings i have marked checked 2 things

1. Register for COM interop
2. Make assembly COM visible

When i build project its done successfully. Now i take DLL file from project location and copy it in System32. Then on command prompt i use following command to register self creating DLL so that other programs can use my DLL and etc.


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Register Dll In Gac In Program?

Mar 22, 2011

I want to register a .dll in gac.what is process to register a .dll in through programming.

i want to acess the .dll in my application without adding reference.

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Unable To Register Windows Media Player On Toolbox?

May 22, 2007

I just installed Visual Basic 2005. I am having problems registering the windows media player on my toolbox.I followed the instructions on Article 821767 titled "How to play audio files using Visual Basic .NET or Visual Basic 2005", and selected the msdxm.ocx COM component. I keep getting a "Self-registration for C:WindowsSystem32msdxm.tlb failed" message.

I am using Windows VISTA and I have installed SP1 for VS2005. The VS2005 is run as Administrator.

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Download Visual Studio And The 30 Day Period To Register Expired And I Cant Start It To Register?

Feb 25, 2010

I downloaded visual studio and the 30 day period to register expired and i cant start it to register.i uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it still wont let me start it up to register it. what can i do to get the key?

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Register An Automation Server In The ROT (Runtime Object Table) Using IRunningObjectTable.Register?

Feb 1, 2007

Does anyone have an example of how to register an automation server in the ROT (Runtime Object Table) using IRunningObjectTable.Register and how to revoke it using IRunningObjectTable.Revoke?

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How To Register Hotkeys And Find If In Use By Other Program

Apr 28, 2010

I would like to register a hotkeys/shortcut keys (e.g. Ctrl + Alt + A) and I would like to find out if other program is using it.

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Register Script Using Program Code?

Feb 15, 2012

I am using this [code]...

and do I need to call it only in Page_Load or can do that in button click event ??

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Cash Register Program - Opening Drawer?

Feb 9, 2010

I'm trying to convert an ancient cash register program to .net. Conquered everything else, but I can't pop open the cash register. Its connected to COM1, you are supposed to send a "trigger" text down COM1 that will cause the register to open.

Here is the .net code.
MsgBox("Opening Drawer")
Dim port As System.IO.Ports.SerialPort
port = New System.IO.Ports.SerialPort("Com1")
port.PortName = "COM1"
port.BaudRate = 9600
[Code] .....

I get msgboxes "Signal Sent", "Done Pop Drawer". It just won't pop. It's an MS-Cash Drawer (EP125KC). Definitely connected to COM1, definitely has power. Chr(65) is the old code used to pop drawer and it works:
Open drawerComPort For Output Access Write As #1
Print #1, Chr$(65); "A";
Close #1
The above code worked successfully. The root problem was caused by a reversed power cord (negative was on the wrong side).

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How To Register Program As The Default Email Handler

Jun 27, 2009

point in the direction of figuring out how to register my program as the default email handler, and then how to make the program know where it is supposed to be sending email from the mailto: link etc.

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Make A Cash Register Program That Uses An Inputbox?

May 7, 2012

I need to make a cash register program that uses an inputbox.

The outcome should be like this example[code]...

It should open a input box asking for the amount of each purchase and loop until all purchases have been entered

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Runs Program And Seems To Skip Whole Register Key Section

Mar 21, 2012

I've created my program, its all fine and dandy, only problem is i want it to start when windows does.i have read a few threads and adapted some codes.. i have this [code] now it wont let me debug, presumably because of admin rights. although when i navigate to myprogram's .exe and run as admin it runs the program and seems to skip the the whole reg key section .

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Subtraction - Program That Sims A Cash Register ?

Feb 17, 2009

I am writing a program that sims a cash register. Everything works fine except VB will not compute subtraction. If I put a replace - with + everything works. What could be the cause of this?

Here is part of the

'Convert input into number
isConverted = Double.TryParse(owedTextBox.Text, NumberStyles.Currency, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, owed)


***********If owed is 10 and paid is 5, it returns 0, but if I change the - to either a + or *, it returns the expected value

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Make A Register Program That Stores Data In Online Database?

Jun 9, 2012

My code is the following[code]....

I don't have any errors on the password orr the database!!!I only have errors on the "sqlquary"

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Cash Register Program With Separate Forms For The Items And The Display Form?

Jan 15, 2011

I have this cash register program with separate forms for the items and the display form. The code works untill you press the button 2x. It says 5.5 + 5.5 = 11.5??? Can you fix this code?

CashReg.ListBox1.Items.Add("Item 1")
Dim cash As String
cash = (5.5)[code]....

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Invoking The Windows Security Dialog In C#?

Feb 16, 2010

I would like to know how to invoke the Windows Security Dialog (press ctrl+alt+del on a windows workstation NOTE: i dont want the task manager!) programatically.ON AN XP WORKSTATION, don't worry about Win7 or Vista with a quick example in C# (or VB.NET if you must)Ive searched many of the DLL's such as msgina.dll and i can't find it anywhere!

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Add A Checkbox To Windows Default Print Dialog?

Mar 31, 2009

Is there any way to add a checkbox to the windows default print dialog or do I have to create my own print dialog?

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Save Dialog Popping Under Active Windows?

Jun 25, 2010

When I call the save dialog object to prompt the user for a new file name, sometimes it does not appear as the active window, it is occasionally popping under all the open windows, and you have to minimize all of them back to the desktop to find it. What sort of problem would cause this, and is there a way to force it to the front?

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Special Operation Dialog In Windows Vista And 7

Feb 12, 2012

I'm trying to acheive something similar to this in my application: But is there a way I can get this with custom text in it like this: and have my application show it?

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VS 2008 Save Dialog Popping Under Other Windows?

Apr 30, 2012

I have a simple program that runs in the background and when the user presses a certain key will take a printscreen and pop up a save file dialog to save an image. But sometimes the save dialog is not appearing because it loads buried under other pre-existing windows, which have to be minimized in order to find it. Is there any way to force this dialog to be on top?

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Dialog Box Appearing To Select Video Source In Windows 7 Which Is Not In Xp,vb?

Apr 24, 2010

Currently i am using wpf with vb ,vs2008,framework 3.5 ,there i am having code to connect with camera and capturing video.

Code :

If SendMessage(Me.hWnd, WM_CAP_DRIVER_CONNECT, 0, 0) <> 0
'---set the preview scale---


Here in this code while executing the bold ,italic marked line ,a dialog box appearing to select video source even if one option is there(i.e i have connected one camera to my pc through usb).Its coming in windows 7 not in xp ( Same code ). Is there any setting to stop this dialog box or to select the video source in code without showing the dialog box.

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VS 2008 - Windows Dialog Forms Hidden But Not Closed

Jan 24, 2010

I am using a Windows Dialog form in my VB 2008 project. I bring up the dialog form no problem with the following
Dim resultNewInc As DialogResult
resultNewInc = frmDialog.ShowDialog()
If resultNewInc = DialogResult.OK Then
...some code here ...
End If

And in the Dialog Form, the OK button has code
Me.DialogResult = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK

But there is one problem. If I call up the dialog form again, the form controls have the text values that were typed in during the previous instantiation and a class which is part of the form was not disposed. So it looks like the form is being "hidden" and not closed. I tried to use the code form.dispose but it didn't work.

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Get Windows To Open The Credentials Dialog - Network Folder Security

Jun 2, 2009

I have a treeview control which is being used to browse various folder on the users system drive. It can also be set up to connect network folders using UNC paths e.g "serverfiles". At the moment I'm getting a list of Directories by using My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories however this obviously fails when the folder is password protected.

Is there a way that I can get Windows to open the credentials dialog as you would see in Windows Explorer and deal with the credentials side so then the user name & password is cached as well?

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Show Windows'Open With' Dialog When No File Association Found

Mar 2, 2009

I am using Process.Start(fileName) to let Windows open certain files outside of my application with their 'default application'.If "fileName" for example is a ".txt" file, it opens the file in Notepad. If it is a folder, it opens windows explorer with that folder selected.This all seems to work well, except when the user enters a file that has no application 'linked' to it.(a file that has no file associations)I have wrapped the Process. Start() in a Try/Catch block so that any errors are caught and displayed.When I now open a file without any file associations (windows does not know with which application to open it) it tells me that it cannot find any application to open it with. (The exact error is in dutch so I don't think that's going to be much help here, but I think it's clear what's happening, no?)What I would like to happen in this case is that the windows "Open With" dialog comes up, asking the user to select an application to open the file with. Now it just displays the error message and continues, making it impossible for the user to open the file unless he browses to the file manually and sets up the file association, something many users probably don't know how to do.

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VS 2008 Have A Windows 7 Common Dialog Open To A Library By Default

Jan 20, 2010

I'm sure most people on here have opened an OpenFileDialog or SaveFileDialog and set the SelectedPath property to point to some directory...

Has anyone done this on a Windows 7 machine and been able to point the thing to a Library? If so, what do you set it to?

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Windows Form Hiding After Open File Dialog Ok Or Cancel

Sep 8, 2011

As part of a new program, I need 2 forms and an openfiledialog. On Form1, a button event opens Form2. Form2 has an openfiledialog triggered by a button shown below.

'Form1's button to open Form2
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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How To Use Save Dialog In Program

Apr 28, 2012

I have a button on my form and when clicked I want to show the save dialog box but I want to have a filter so the file saved can only be .txt also I want to change the default location of the save as dialog, is this possible?

So far I have the following
Dim filesaveas As New SaveFileDialog
filesaveas.Filter = "Text Files|*.txt"
filesaveas.Filter = "C:\Test\"

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Progress Dialog Box In Program?

Oct 4, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple Windows form app that does things. I'd like a box to show the progress of each step as it's doing these things. Sort of like a console output, except not on the console, but in a display box that is non-interactive to the user. What thing in the VB.NET toolbox do I use?

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