Remove A Character From At String At Certain Position From The End?
Aug 21, 2009
Dim str as string = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx£xxx£xxxx**£**xxxxxxxxxxI want to remove £ in the bold which is always at certain position (11th for instance) from the end. The whole string is a long one, always change in size and can't be counted from the start. Can't use Replace as well, there may be same characters at other positions that I don't wish to remove.
For each character of this string I want a new character out of the string and then remove the character from the list of characters that still maybe used for other characters. It may not get the same character, you could basically just call this encryption, but it's not what I am making. I don't want to waste my time doing this one hour while VB can do this for me in <1 second.
I am trying to remove everything AFTER a specified character in a string. The string is just the Environ("username") and the local machine's IP address separated by a colon. IE username: I have tried everything I could possibly think of in the last hour to do this with one or two lines of code and can't wrap my head around it.
this would be my string Panipat,Patna,Result should be Panipat,Patna,Panipat,Patna,Result should be Panipat,Patna Panipat,Result should be Panipat,Panipat,,Result should be Panipat How can i do it
I'm trying to build a list that will be used as the in clause of a select statement. The requirement is to have the user enter a comma separated list of descriptions. Each description can contain spaces so I can't remove the spaces before splitting by comma to add the single quotes around each description. I want to remove all white space after a single quote since no description will start with a space. What's the best way to do this in VB.NET? Regular expression or a string function? Here's what I have so far.
I have MIDNAME column in my table. I want to remove all the character starting from the second character going to the right and after removing it, a period "." will be added right after the letter which left. How do I it?
I am trying to develop a HANGMAN game and i need to implement a button where the user can click on it to "buy" letters. So, i designated 2 text boxes (one visible containing stars and another one not visible containing the word that should be guessed), and i wrote the following piece of code so that once the user presses the button any of the stars will turn to the correct letter. My question is, i found the index of "*" and removed it, and now i want to insert the corresponding char with this index (WordInLetters). How can i find what char is at index "index" in
Private Sub picBuyLetters_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles picBuyLetters.Click Dim index As Integer = txtWordinStars.Text.IndexOf("*")
Lets say I have a label with the text "_ _ _ _ _ ", some underscores. Now what if I want the program to locate the 3rd underscore and replace with something else. Is this possible? I was guessing by getting the character's position first and somehow there is a function that replaces characters by their position.
I am writing a hangman type game and I am displaying the word to the user in a label as all *'s, but I cannot figure out how to have just one of the *'s changed in the label to the correct letter when the user inputs the correct letter into the text box and clicks the check letter button.Everything else in the program works perfectly, except for this part.[code]When I use the .Replace it changes all of the *'s to the correct selected letter.
the coding is to 'Get input string and put its character into List, and replace the character with other.'but having problem putting each character into List and also replacing it,[code]
I am using a WPF richtextbox to create a syntax highlighter for code provided in a textbox. I want to have it automatically adjust the rich textbox as I am typing, using a thread timer I reset the contents of the rich textbox. I am trying to keep the cursor where it is suppose to be. I don't loose any text characters during the parse (except line breaks).
I don't know how to keep the caret position where the user has left it in the text. It defaults to the end of the document. I attempt to store the current caret position in the text and then set it to the document after I make my changes, however the error I receive is "Cannot set CaretPosition to be outside of RichTextBox." So I set the caret position to the bottom of the document. WPF,, .net Framework 4.0
Here is the code. Public Sub FormatText() If IsNothing(rtfContent.Document) Then Exit Sub End If Me.rtfContent.IsEnabled = False [Code] .....
I've been working with the substring command and after coding up all the things I needed it to do, I saw a post on here where the "For Each" statement was used basically to do the same thing.Lets say we just want to take a string apart one character at a time and add each character to a label. Which would be more efficient?I made a cheap example to show ...
Code: ABinary = "0110 1100 0001 1011" For x = 0 To Len(ABinary) - 1
I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following problem:
I am working with a csv file (it contains two columns of numbers), which as a last character has a comma and I would like to remove that comma from the file.
I understand that within a rich field text box you can search for a string and then format that string, but I am looking to change the formating of a certain position in a string regardless of what character is at that position.Can this be done in VB 2008?
What I am trying to do is sort a datagridview and remove a row from its sorted position to the 1st row.
The problem I am experiencing is as follows:
in the source below, when the code runs "MeanRow" is populated with what is required. As soon as Rows.Remove() executes, the MeanRow datarow is lost. Why would this be if I'm declaring a new variable and simply setting it?
Code: MeanRow = r TabGrid(dgv.Name).Datatable.Rows.Remove(r) Code: Private Sub dgv_Sorted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Dim MeanRow As DataRow
Private Sub txtInput_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtInput.KeyPress Dim len As Integer
i want to delete "b" from first textbox and i should delete "King" from second textbox the length of each word is same "Acer" "King" it is always 4 in length
but i am getting following error
"Index and count must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: count"
i also tried by replacing "len-4" by another variable dim c as integer=len-4
[code]The RichTextBox's text would act as if the user pressed backspace while typing in the TextBox.How is it possible to remove a character from the textbox when the backspace event happens?