Rename An Access Table With An OleDbConnection On X64?

Apr 21, 2012

Assuming that an x64 version of ADOX is not available, how do I rename a Microsoft Access table from an x64 WinForms app using an OleDbConnection with the Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider?

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Retrieve All Records From Table Using OleDbConnection?

Jun 22, 2009

Like we can retreive all the records from a table using this method:

While (Not rst.EOF)
End While

How to retrieve all the records when using OleDbConnection?

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Insert New Records Into A Table With Visual Basic Using OLEDBConnection

Dec 7, 2010

I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express and Access 2003. I'm trying to make sql querys to the mdb file. I'm using OLEDBConnection. The Select query works fine, but I can't insert rows in the table. Here is the code.

Dim connStr As String = "provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;data source=" & System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() & " pv.mdb;"
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(connStr)


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Sqlconnection Vs Oledbconnection And DB Access 2003?

Nov 6, 2009

I have seen some comments about the difference of sqlconnection vs oledbconnection.

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Unable To Delete Records From MS Access - OleDbConnection?

Feb 6, 2010

In my application, I open a "Customer Details" form and on confirming I have to delete all records from other 2 tables (Order & OrderDetails) of the database. I am not able to delete records. It somehow stops by on - ordDetAdap.Update(ordDetDs) . The code is as follows :


There may be N number of Orders and each order may have N number of OrderRedetails. There are rows and also shows proper data in MsgBox, also row.Delete works fine, BUT why does it stop at Update(OrdDetDs) I can't make out. Any idea where am I going wrong.

Also Is their any easy way out to delete all records using just a single statement providing OrderId from OrderDetails table ? As of there are 10 rows of a single order, then For loop will iterate 10 times and delete 10 rows, instead if I can delete all 10 rows at once would be beneficial.

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How To Rename A Table Using Sql Query

Oct 26, 2009

i am trying to rename a table which is in ms Access file and i am sending a sql query through the oledb.command and the syntax i used is Rename 'table_original_name' as 'table_new_name' it show an error that invalid sql server what is the way or synax to rename the table which is in the MS Access File

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DB/Reporting :: Rename A Table In SQL Using A WildCard?

Sep 24, 2008

I'm importing a .csv file into my SQL Server (2005) using SSIS on a schedule, after its imported I would like to change the name of the file. The name of the imported file is always different as its coming from an external source.Is there anyway of changing the table name?

I've looked at using the stored procedure sp_rename, i.e.

EXEC sp_rename 'dbo.SalesTerr5673A1889', 'Values';

What I would like to use is a wildcard?

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C# - Programatically Rename Tables In Access Queries?

Aug 3, 2009

I have an access 2003 database file with hundreds of queries. I would like to rename all tables referenced from within my queries based on a condition

If tableNameInQuery = "tableName" Then
tableNameInQuery = "newTableName"
End If

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Rename Microsoft Access Database In APP_Data Folder?

Dec 25, 2010

i hope this is not a stupid questioni need to rename microsoft access database in APP_Data folder using ASP.Net - VB.Net

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Add New Table In An Access Database And Copy All Content From An Existing Table To New Table

Aug 30, 2009

I want to add a new table in my accdb and copy the content tfrom an existing table into the new one.
Is there an easy way to do this?

View 8 Replies

Connect To An Access Table That Has Spaces In Table Name (VB 2008)?

Feb 27, 2009

I'm trying to connect to an Access table who's name includes spaces ('look Material Type').How do I identify this table in an OleDB string

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How To Alter Table Column Name In Microsoft Access Table

Oct 23, 2009

I get a Syntax Error with the following code"ALTER TABLE receipts RENAME COLUMN payees TO payee"what I am doing wrong

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Populate Datagridview Table From Access Table?

Jan 15, 2012

I want to populate my table in datagridview from my access database table

I'm not just trying to bind the table in access to my datagridview...I want to put the data's in my access database to my table in datagridview

so far this is my code.....

Sub filldatagridview()
Dim conn As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(strConnect)


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Update Access DataBase Table From Another Table

May 1, 2010

I need to Update Access Database Table with Data from a Different Table. Not all the rows of original Table to be Updated will be affected. How do you loop through the 2 Tables to do the required Update.

The Table to be updated is called "RecordList" and Table with new Data is called "RecListReport".Every attempt I've made won't work. I tried to Use 2 Datagridviews but couldn't get it to work right.

Dim Testconn2 As New OleDbConnection(NewTestConn1)
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter


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VB - Access - Registration Form That Connects To Access Database And Inserts Values In Table

Mar 14, 2011

I'm writing an page with a simple registration form that connects to my access database and inserts the values in the table. So I have my database, my registration page, everything looks fine in my code, but there's a syntax error I can't seem to figure out. When I go on my webpage and click submit, it says : Syntax error in INSERT INTO instruction.

Here's my code:

<%@Page language="vb" explicit="true" debug="true"%>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>


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Insert Data From An Access Unbounds Form To An Access Table

Jun 9, 2009

I'm trying to insert data from an Access unbounds form to an Access Table using the follwoing code:

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Export A Table From An Access Database To Another Access Db Using VB 2005

Mar 31, 2009

I have two Access database, say database One.mdb and Two.mdb. I want to use VB2005 to export tblCustomer from One.mdb to Two.mdb, and replace the existing tblCustomer in Two.mdb, during run time. I basically want to simulate the export function that is available in MS Access (which can export one table from one Access database to another) with VB2005 during run time. I can think of a way by querying the table to a dataset and then delete everything on the other database before filling the table in that database with the dataset. However, there should be something simpler and faster than that, shouldn't it? Any idea?

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Division By Zero For Oledbconnection?

Feb 24, 2011

I am using oledbconnection object with access database engine 64 bit to get data from Excel file. While using sqlconnection object if sql string has these statements "SET ARITHABORT OFF;SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF;" , then division by zero exception doesn't cause any problem. But while using oledbconnection these statements cause error. My code samples are below:

Dim PbpConn As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:BuzBeatDataPBPData.xls" & ";" & _


When SUM(pbA) has value "0" then it causes error and can't get data. is there a way to close the warnings and division by zero exceptions?

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Should Use OledbConnection Or ADODB With .NET

Jul 23, 2011

I'm converting a VB6 + ADODB app to VB.NET 2010 and targeting both x86 and x64 I understand that ADO is available in both 32 and 64 bits and that .NET supports it.The VB6 code uses ADODB and ADOX to work with OleDb and Odbc data sources. It also uses the Jet and Replication Objects 2.6 library to compact and copy Access database files (if the uderlying database it's using is Access)I'm wondering if I should consider using OleDbConnection/OdbcConnection in the .NET version of the software or stick with ADO.I've looked at OleDbConnection, OdbcConnection and SqlConnection and can see that porting the old code over would be time consuming and risky.

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Connect The .mdf File With OleDbConnection?

Jul 30, 2009

Can I connect the .mdf file with OleDbConnection.

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OleDbConnection Not Showing In Toolbox

Jun 12, 2009

HI!, i'm using VB.NET 2005. I want to use OleDbConnection in my .net application but it is not showing in the 'Data' section of the 'toolbox'. is there any way to import it to the toolbox.

NOTE: (Also OleDbDataAdapter, SqlConnection,SqlDataAdapter, etc are missing in toolbox)

Waiting for reply newbee

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Extracting Data From A Database Using OleDbConnection?

Apr 24, 2011

Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Public outputs As New DataSet
sub main()
sqlquery("SELECT * FROM Students", "mark")


Here is an image of my table data and design I am trying to read some values from a database using the oledb dataset however when I run the sql command and get down to outputting the value I am greeted with the following error: "IndexOutOfRangeException: There is no row at position 0.". Yet when I run the very same sql command in access I get back the data I wanted.When I am running the above code, no errors are produced until I get down to the last writeline where I want to output my data.

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Listview And All Data From Accessdatabase (using Oledbconnection)?

Jun 9, 2011

i hve create 1 listview and all data from accessdatabase (using oledbconnection)in database hve 4 column, so in listview 4 column..can i view only 2 column in listview, example only column 1 & 2 only in listview.


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OledbConnection Not Reading All Data From Excel?

Jan 24, 2012

I'm developing application in VB.NET 2008.I'm reading data from Excel through OledbConnection. Here data are reading sometimes perfectly but sometimes it is missing to read some data.

Example :In Excel ,I have 79 columns in excel and 4 rows , first 3 rows are headers so after import i'll delete that rows and actual data starts from 4, so here i have only one row.After Reading through oledb, that dataset's datatable has only first 3 rows( first row became header and 2 & 3 row only in datatable, its ignoring 4th row)


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Updating Excel File Using OleDbConnection Not Working?

Mar 4, 2008

I am currently writing a program in that will read and write to an exel sheet using OleDbConnection. I can read in from the file fine. When I save to the excel sheet and open it, the changes are there, however, when I close the file it asks me if I want to save, which makes me assume that the changes are not saved even thought they show up.

Below is the code I am using:

Dim conn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & excelPath & ";" & _


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IDE :: Visual Web Developer 2008 Express OleDBConnection/Command?

Jun 7, 2010

I'm at the end of my tether now.I'm trying to build a website which takes its information from an access database. seems to be the answer, so I've downloaded Visual Basic Express 2008 and Visual Web Developer Express 2008 and I'm following a tutorial to learn the basics.

I can't seem to get the OleDBConnection and the OleDBCommand functions to come up in my toolbar. I've created a Web Application, a Webform and tried "Choose Toolbar Items", where I've ticked the box for both, but they still haven't came up in the toolbox. This is the last step in what has been as steep learning curve for me.

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Odbc.OdbcConnection Vs. OleDb.OleDbConnection And Sqlclient.SqlConnection?

Apr 27, 2009

I have a 2005 application that will use both Access and SQL server databases. I have DSN namesfor both access and sql server database. I used OleDb.OleDbConnection to open the Access database and it works fine. I am trying to make it work with sql server database. Do I have to have to have separate source codes using Sqlclient.SqlConnection and its related name spaces? Can I use odbc.OdbcConnection name space

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Vb 2010: Type OledbConnection, OledbAdapter, And OledbCommand Is Not Defined

Jan 9, 2012

I'm trying to import data excel (*.xlsx) to reportview... but i'm getting stuck for six hours to solve this problem :

type OledbConnection, OledbAdapter, and OledbCommand is not defined

i also couldn't find any reference named Microsoft Jet OledB 4.0 in my visual studio 2010 ......... but i find Microsoft Jet and Replication Object 2,6 Library... i added it to my reference , but it didn't work to solve my problem where can i download reference to Microsoft Jet OledB 4.0... is there any mistakes in my installation package visual studio 2010? once, i got message that type "crystalreport" is not defined, probably because i use visual studio 2010 that's not include crystal report in their package installer, and i decided have to download it as 3rd my codes so far... i'm not finished it yet to the report view... i was stuck in this "type not defined error"here i attached also my files ( my macro.xla (zipped in *.zip), and some excel files to execute)

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btn_PilihFileExcel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_PilihFileExcel.Click


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VS 2008 Project / Application Global OleDbConnection Object

Jun 17, 2009

I need a single, global OleDbConnection. One which will be available to use throughout my app/project. Another project like a custom UserControl? I should mention I'm not using TableAdapters, BindingNavigitor, etc. The datasource is not associated with my project. I communicate with the Db through code I write. I'm just a hack trying to ride with the big dogs while I develop an app for my job... We were/are in the stone-age!!!

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VB Login Access With Access Table

Mar 11, 2011

i am trying to create a login access for my application. Well, i have 2 account type, that is manager and receptionist. And both account type have their own forms. which mean if i log in as manager, then i will open to the manager forms, and if i log in as receptionist then i will be open to receptionist forms. Can it possible be done?

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