Save The New File/folder Paths To My.settings?

Apr 22, 2011

i have loaded my application settings into 3 text boxes. now if the user changes these, how do i save the new file/folder paths to my.settings? i tried but it does not seem to work.

'Load the current options
Dim MyConnectionString As String = My.Settings.PrimaryConnectionString
Dim MyDefaultImportFolder As String = My.Settings.DefaultImportFolder


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Save Settings In Same Folder Of Application Is In .INI File

Apr 30, 2011

How do I save my settings in the same folder of my application is in .INI file.[code]And how do I delete the app.config folder in the AppData Local dir?Because what I noticed is.. It creates new folders everytime I release a new version of my application.It doesn't consume much space though but still it creates new folder corresponding to the application version.

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Where To Save Data Such As Passwords And File Paths

Jan 13, 2010

First of all, using VB 2008.I'm writing my first VB program that will actually do anything, so I am about as noob as noob can get. I'll try to keep my question as simple as possible.

My program will have a password protected screen, but rather than "hard-coding" a password into the program, I'd like to give the user the option of changing the password to whatever he'd like. Obviously, without hardcoding the password into the program, this value would need to be stored somewhere outside the program in order for it to be available the next time the program is executed.

I know that the Windows registry is a place to save data like that, but are there other places (certain types of files, etc.) where this data is typically stored? I'm writing this program for work, and I'm not sure that my IT department will look favorably upon me messing around with the registry.

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Detect If Two Paths Specify The Same Folder?

Feb 21, 2011


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Folder Browser Dialog And UNC Paths?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm writing an app where a user selects a folder on the network for a job to deposit output into.The person setting up the job will not necessarily be the same person who runs the job and that the job will not be ran on the same machine so I need to keep the path in UNC format. I can get the user to "see" the network when the FolderBrowserDialog runs by pointing the route folder at the desktop folder.

The issue is that if the network share is local even though the user has selected the folder through the network folders it returns the local path!! Which of course means that when the job is run on the other machine it can not find the folder specified.

E.g. The user on machine1 selects the network share \machine1jobsmyjob but the dialog returns C:work2010JobsClientjobsmyjob. machine2 then runs the job and looks for C:work2010JobsClientjobsmyjob and can not find it then throws an error.

As you can see from the above example I can't just replace c: with the local machine name as the share may not be in the root of the drive. I did think about parsing the text and changing it to \machine1c$work2010JobsClientjobsmyjob but this would mean I'd have to allow all the users to have admin access to our servers which is a non starter.if there is a way to switch off this behaviour in the dialog?

dim myDialog as new FolderBrowserDialog
With myDialog
.Description = "Browse to Job destination"
.ShowNewFolderButton = True


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Save Settings In .ini File?

Oct 30, 2010

i know about the My.Settings but i need to know how to save all the settings in a .ini Text file for example I GOT A SOURCE :: BUT THE GET SETTINGS DOESN'T WORK || Save settings DOES work



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Save Settings In A Xml File?

Mar 14, 2010

lets say i have a checkedlistbox in my program and i want to save everything that is checked in an xml file so it will be checked again when i start up the program the next time, how can i do this ?

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Save Settings Into Xml File?

Sep 25, 2009

I am working on a file explorer, and I want to save the view settings of each folder, like the icon size, font size, ect.. I was thinking of using an xml file to save these settings.

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Save Settings To File?

Mar 27, 2010

How can I save a few settings to a file for my application? Its just whether the orientation of the document is landscape or horizontal, the zoom level, and the current font. Would an XML file be best?How can I create, write to and read one?

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Use XML File To Save Settings?

Aug 9, 2008

I have created a new XML file that save the settings of the application built using visual basic 2008.[code]...

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Use XML Or INI To Save Settings In File For Whole App?

Nov 1, 2010

I've been trying to create an app with vb 2010. People are able to change settings (through the apps settings screen), then the changes are being saved to a file (the settings are being used in the whole app). Now my question is, what is the best way to save the setting in vb 2010:

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Where Does My.settings Save The .ini File

Jul 2, 2010

Where does my.settings save the .ini file?

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Forms :: Get All The Files Paths In A Selected Folder?

Feb 9, 2011

I want to display them in a listbox. I have gobbled together this

Dim theFolderBrowser As New FolderBrowserDialog
theFolderBrowser.Description = "Please select a folder for the download."
'theFolderBrowser.ShowNewFolderButton = False


get the actual path and then used that to get a bunch of mp3 files paths from a folder. However the above code gives me nothing in return.

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Save My.settings File On A Sever?

Jul 3, 2010

code to upload the my.settings document for my windows forms application on my sever.

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VS 2010 - How To Save All Settings Onto File

Sep 25, 2010

How do you save all the settings in a simple code; lets say you have a text box, a checkbox, and a listbox.
In the text box, it lets say you wrote hi
checkbox, you checked it off
listbox, you selected lets say HI from it.

How do you save the settings onto a file? Lets say a .cfg or whatever thats called file. Its like automatic, so that the cgf says lets say says:
Any way to do this stuff? I've seen some people do it, but they wont tell me how. I dont want to add all this code just to make a file that saves it & reads from it. I know the streamwriter and streamreader, but its a bit complicated.

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VS 2010 Built-in Method For Stepping Back Through Folder Paths?

Jan 27, 2011

Is there a built-in method for stepping back through folder paths? Or a better way then what I'm doing? To go back two folder paths I'm doing it like this...


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File I/O And Registry :: Save Settings That A User Has Entered?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm trying to create an app to launch at start up that will ask you what applications you want launching, or if you want all your favorite app's to start up etc. But before I go any further, I think its crucial to know how to save settings that a user has entered (such as program location and name in this case) so that he/she doesn't have to enter them every time at start up.

So far I have just made this, can anyone tell me how I would get it to save the settings entered?

Option Explicit On
Module Module1
Dim name As String


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VS 2010 - Easiest Way To Save Settings To Config File?

Mar 23, 2011

Is there a really simple way to save the app.config file to a location then load it again? I'm making a multiclient app. I was planning on having each user have a folder, and in that folder would be their personalized app.config file that would load when they log in. I don't really know any XML.

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Read And Save Ini File (settings File)

Jan 8, 2011

before i use VB6 i was make multiple file for each settings, i try load my VB6 into VB.NET 2008 and code show like this

FileOpen(1, My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "path.ini", OpenMode.Input)
Input(1, home1)
myWeb(X).Navigate(New System.URI((home1)))


so each form load will read ini file, and form close save ini file

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Application.Settings VB 2005 - Save Arrays Using The Settings System Object

Jan 14, 2009

I just wondered if you can or can't save arrays using the settings system object. There seems to be no way of entering it at designtime. It seems implied you cannot create new user settings.subobjects at runtime. I'm looking to find the easiest way to save a populated array of PictureBox's. If the only way is a self/custom made/managed .ini file then I need to know so i can start on that but I was hoping to use some of all this phaff in the new frameworks usefully.

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Application.restart After Doesn't Load The New Settings

Feb 8, 2008

i have created a user setting named 'setmeup' as string, scope = user, value = "magical meow meow!".in my code i access it and assign it a new value like = "howdy cowboy!" the application restarts, i expect the my.settings.setmeup = "howdy cowboy!" but when i check its contents its still "magical meow meow!".but when i use application.exit() instead of application.restart() and manually restart the program, my.settings.setmeup = "howdy cowboy!" which is correct.what must i do? i want to use application.restart() because i don't want the users to double-click the icon again to start the program. i want the program to restart automatically.

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VS 2010 Save The Treeview Items To Settings (my.settings.history)?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm working with an Treeview and i'm new at it and i have 2 questions.

1. How can i save the treeview items, to settings (my.settings.history)

2. How can i save the treeview items as an TXT or XML file or another exception.

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Save File To Folder?

Oct 26, 2010

I managed to create a folder in the my documents folder by typing the path name and the variable from which the folder must be named. So for example the folder variable1 was created. I want to save a file in that folder and i want the filename to be the date. I managed to do that as well but instead of saving the file into variable1 it is being saved into the my documents folder with filename: variable1(date).

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How To Save A File In Temp Folder

Feb 11, 2009

I have a case where the user or client attaches the document and the document is saved in the data base as byte stream.Now I need to get that binary data and convert it to the corresponding format and save the file in the temp folder in client system using and then I want to get the path where it was saved so that I can send it to the data base for sending DB email.

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Load A File From Www And Save It To Folder?

Jun 22, 2010

I would like to load a file from www and save it to folder. I am using Visual studio 2008 an VB in form aplication. So how to load a file from example and saving it to c:/myfolder/

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VS 2010 Add A Folder To Save A File?

May 29, 2012

This seems almost to easy to ask, but I must be missing something simple.I've added a folder in the project explorer, by right clicking>add>new folderBut when I run under debug, I am unable to save to that folder as it's not in the debug folder, I get:"A Generic error occurred in GDI+"In this code, the first line saves the bitmap fine (in the debug folder), the second line fails with the above alarm..

If Not value Is Nothing Then value.Save(Application.StartupPath & "Image.bmp")
If Not value Is Nothing Then value.Save(Application.StartupPath & "ImageImage.bmp")


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Save As Text File At Any Location Folder

Jun 11, 2011

based on the title, I want my textfile created can save at any location folder .

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VS 2008 Save/get A File In User Folder?

Jun 8, 2010

How to get the User (Username) folder? I mean C:/Users/Username, D:/Users/Username or C:/Documents and Settings/Username ...Don't remeber exactly

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Save File To A Folder Created Inside Project?

Sep 1, 2011

I am confused on saving a file to a certain folder. I know how to save files and what not but what I can't figure out is this:I right clicked my project name in VS2010 -->New Folder and added a new folder. Now this folder shows up in my Solution Explorer. How to I reference this folders location?

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VS 2008 Save File To Set Folder Without Showing Dialog Box?

Jun 2, 2009

How would I go about forcing a file to download from the web browser control so that instead of a file dialog box showing it will automatically download to a set folder?

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