Save The Opened Excel Book And Close It?

Apr 28, 2009

I want to save the opened excel book and close it. My code is given below but i found errors in that code .

xlBook.SaveAs (strTargetFile)
xlBook.Saved = True

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Save Opened Excel Book And Close It?

Apr 28, 2009

I need code to save the opened excel book (save as) and close it.

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RTF Close - Add A Close Button To Menu Strip That Will Just Close The Currently Opened File

Jan 16, 2009

I'm currently in the process of building a text editor type program, and have run into a brick wall. I haven't done VB in years, so I may just need a little reminder on some things. I have coded everything so far as far as opening files, saving them, changing fonts, colors, etc. However, I'm looking to add a Close button to my menu strip that will just close the currently opened file, and not the entire program, while also ask the user if he/she would like to save before closing the file, and then if they select yes, it will show the save dialog, and if not, it will go ahead and close the currently opened item.

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VS 2005 - How To Close / Save Excel And Avoid Popup

May 14, 2010

I have code (2005) that updates an Excel (2003) file but on close I get a pop up from Excel when my code is trying to close it. How can I close and save changes and not get the pop up? ("Save Changes Made").

I tried this:
xlWorkBook.SaveAs(Filename:=excelFileName2, FileFormat:=Excel.XlFileFormat.xlExcel3)
But it renamed the "Sheet1" tab and I got more pop ups from Excel.

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Office Automation :: Code Hangs When An Excel File Is Opened To A Excel Workbook Object?

Aug 3, 2009

I use the following code snippet

Dim exlapp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook_new As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim strOriginal As String
strOriginal = Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath & "/Attachments/") & "abc.xls"
xlWorkBook_new = exlapp.Workbooks.Open(strOriginal)

The code hangs in the last line. It works fine in the development environment. i deployed in windows server 2000 ,where I get this issue. the browser goes half way and throws the below exception after some time


I have set the identity impersonate to true in web config. This should be mostly an access rights issue.I have even provided access rights for the "everyone " user in the excel file and as well for the interop component. Please post ur valuable comments.

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C# - Close All Opened Forms Which Are Created On The Fly?

Sep 10, 2011

How do I close all opened forms which are created on the fly?

Sub OpenForms
dim F as new frmForm1


I want to close all opened frmForm1?

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Close A Folder Opened By User?

Oct 8, 2009

i am stucked with a procedure in my app. this procedure do monitor application.startuppath folder. if this folder is opened by user my application should close it.i have tried it to be done with system.Diagnostics.process. but wont be able to make it possible.

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Close The Opened Childform With Menustrip?

Jun 12, 2009

i create a mdiparent form and a form1, all i wanted to do is to close the mdichild form(form1) with a close in the menustrip.When i want to close the opened childform with menustrip (i create a button close in the menustrip)

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.net - Enter Key Should Save And Close And Escape Key Should Close Without Save

Dec 11, 2009

In vb dot net, Windows form details should save if I press enter key should save and close and escape key should close without save

Currently it happens on onclick event of a button of Save and Cancel, but I wish the keyboard events also work

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.net - ASP.NET (VB) - Close An Opened SQL Connection Inside Function?

Apr 11, 2012

Can anyone tell me how I close an opened SQL connection inside a Function?

I call a Select Function like this:


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Close A Text File Which Is Opened And Write To It?

Jul 15, 2011

I am trying to write text to a file in this path "C:\Test\test.txt" and when I want to save image filenames to this path I need to check if the file is opened and if it is opened I need to close the ".txt" file and write the text to the text file.[code]...

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Close Opened Form In SplitContainer Panel2

Jun 4, 2012

I have a master form which uses the SplitContainer control. The PANEL1 of the split carries the MenuStrip and Panel2 is used to call related external forms

Code (refer below): Function ResetSplitContainerPanel2 clears the Panel2 and loads the new form using the SetFormAttributesToLoadInPanel2

Issue: Although SettingSplitContainer.Panel2.Controls.Clear() clears the Panel2 but the form still maintains the form in the editable mode. If I call the same form again, I can see the values which I typed earlier

Output Expected: On Load of new form, the previous loaded form in PANEL2 should be disposed completely

Private Sub ResetSplitContainerPanel2()
End Sub
Private Function SetFormAttributesToLoadInPanel2(ByVal formNameToChange As Form) As Boolean
On Error GoTo errHandler
[Code] .....

MsgBox("Error Description: " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "Error")
SetFormAttributesToLoadInPanel2 = True
Exit Function
End Function

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Opened A File Using Command . After A Sec , Close It Automatically?

Jun 21, 2012


i opened a file using this command . after a sec i want to close it automatically can i do it using visualbasic?

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VS 2005 When Close MdiParent If Any Mdi Child Is Opened?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm Using VB.NEt 2005.... the Problem is...If I close Mdiparent When i've opened many MdiChild Forms All Forms Also Closed.I Want that when MdiChild Forms opened if i Press Close Button of MdiParent Form there Should be a Msg that "First Close MdiChild Forms " then Close Mdi Parent.

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Excel Copys Form One Book But Paste Incorrectly To The Other?

Jun 14, 2009

I am working in 2008. I have a Window application that will be used to eliminate a lot of manual copy and paste activates from one work sheet to anther. Workbook 1 (wbMatrix)Never has the same layout twice. The destination Workbook2(wbTemplateSAS)has a defined layout that remains constant. To collect the copy ranges the user pouplates the text box on the form. Only the textbox that need popualted. There are 16 total. These textbox values are then concantianted to create the range. This process is intiated with button click.

When itinated the copy and paste works but not as expected. Cell.text range paste correctly In A9, OEC range paste correctly in P9. After that it skips the next colume as it should. Then in colume R9 the error starts the a paste of the range A10:B10 form wbMatrix is pouplated in R9:S9 Then It paste accoring to the application T9. Then in U9:X9 it paste date for wbMatrix A10:D10. It paste correctly again in Z9. it has the same error agiain till the next Range. It then paste correctly in 9AD. This should be the last paste that have values entered in the textbox to create the range. But it does not finish it paste the balnce of the cells form wbMartix on wbTempateSAS.

To sumerize above
wbMatrix Paste to wbTemplateSAS
First Row =10
Last Row = 158


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Good Site Or Book For Word And Excel Programming For VB

Aug 5, 2010

Can anyone point me in the right direction for a good book or web site for Word and Excel Programming for VB. I'm not talking about VBA, I need to "work" with them from within my program not from within word or excel. I need to upgrade programs that were looking at Office 2000 and we're going to 07 or 10 not sure yet but figured I could at least get a bit of a jump on things.

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Hook Excel - The Process Excel.exe Doesn't Finish After Close Excel

Jul 20, 2010

I need to access the current instance of MS Excel. To do that, I wrote the following code:

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Diagnostics
Private _ExcelApp As Excel.Application


The code runs nice, but it has a problem: After the user close the Excel application (click button X - note: no other instance of Excel exists), if you open the Windows's task manager, its possible to see the process Excel.exe.

If I open and close the Excel application, there is no process Excel.exe, but if I run my code with the Excel application openned, after the user close the Excel application, the process Excel.exe isn't finished.

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Load Data (Book) To Text Box When User Just Enter The Book Code?

Oct 28, 2009

how to load data (Book) to text box when user just enter the book code?how to load data (student) to text box when user just enter the student id?how to write the code when user click the save button , the book quantity(Book) will reduce 1 and the all the data in textbox will save in database(Issue)the interface is like


the database is show at


the code is

Public Class frmIssue
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
Dim rowIndex1 As Integer = 0


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Office Automation :: Excel - Code To Compare 2 Worksheets In The Same Work Book

Dec 12, 2009

I have been looking for a good Example of Code to Compare 2 worksheets in the Same work book I have not had much luck. The Goal when complete is to compare Sheet 1 to Sheet 2 Then the Difference Recorded on Sheet 3 as a complete row with a date Stamp in A . If it is just a change then it is color coated Orange. If total new entry that was not on the sheet then it would be green If a Row is deleted in would be Pink.

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How To Tell If Certain Excel File Is Opened

May 26, 2010

I'm exporting my Dataset to an excel file, and I want to make sure I keep any file errors under control. One in particular that I'm concerned about is accessing a file that's already open. A general IOException occurs that says:
"The process cannot access the file 'C:Reports eport300.csv' because it is being used by another process."

Here is the line in which the error will occur:
Dim output As New IO.StreamWriter(path, False, UnicodeEncoding.Default)

I guess I could just throw a try catch around it, but what if an IOException happens that isnt related to this particular incident? Is there a way I can check to see if the file is already open before allowing this code to run? Especially when I'm using excel.

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Too Many Excel.exe Tasks Are Opened?

Jan 14, 2011

I have the code below:

Dim i As Integer
Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook


At the end of this routine, eventhough the data was correctly saved to my Data.xlsx file, this routine also opened 15 EXCEL.EXE tasks in task manager.I thought that I had cleaned up before quitting. By the way, whether I write to 1 or 5 or 10 cells in Data.xlsx, 15 EXCEL.EXE tasks would be opened regardless.Is there a way to (easily and) completely close all EXCEL.EXE in task manager before leaving my application?

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C# - .net Save Opened Word Document?

Apr 15, 2010

I just trying to made word add-ins that gone save opened document.I made ribbon and button on it.Below is the that i use for saving word document on certain location:


But when i click on this button i just made email.doc but that document does not contain any content of the opened document, it just made new doc file.What i am doing wrong? The event on this button need to just same as event on standard Word save button, so how i can do this?

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Add In Not Working When Excel Is Opened Using 2008

Mar 7, 2011

The problem I have is that I have a 3rd party add-in working in excel to convert certain info into a barcode.

When I open excel normally, the add in works without a problem, but when I open it through excel it just doesnt work until I manually go into the add-in option, disable the add-in and the reenable it.

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How To Write Content To The Already Opened EXCEL?

Sep 28, 2009

I need some code which checks if excel is open or not, if excel is not open then opens it (that code is fine)
else try to write some content/cellvalues to the already opened excel, basically I am creating windows application, which has been scheduled to run numbers of time in a day, when ever application executed, the application has something to write to the excel. one more thing is i don't want excel to save and close every time i execute the application, Its like transparent processing of EXCEL writing, a file is already opened, just write some content, and after writing it exit the application without either closing or saving the excel

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Check If An Excel File Is Opened By Another User?

Apr 26, 2012

My program opens 4 excel spreadsheets updating info. I update one at a time and then close it before opening the next one.I want to add code to my program to test if the file is already open, before trying to open it. Occasionally someone will have one of the files opened and it causes a crash. If I test to ensure it is not open, then I can avoid this.

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Check For Opened Excel Workbook (if Any) Before Closing Using 2005

Jun 21, 2010

What I wanted to do is close all opened workbooks. This code does the work IF there is at least one or more opened workbooks. My problem is IF there is NO opened workbook at all; It goes around unendlessly in the WHILE Loop. How do I not process the closing IF there is no any opened workbook at all? (NOTE: I found this code from somewhere else.)


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Multiple UserForms - How To Work With Opened Excel Instance

May 4, 2012

I will know how do I work with the opened excel instance, when I use multiple userforms. I have on my form1_load open a excel file. Then I observed that on my next userform, was unable to write to that file again. Project have no instance of APP.workbook.

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VS 2010 Download Excel Files Opened By Webbrowser

Feb 15, 2011

I developing an application that downloads some reports from a external ASP web app. I use the control webbrowser to navigate through the pages, generates and download the reports. The URL are in an array ArrURL and I have 2 situacions:[code]

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VS 2010 When Opened Save Html Page / Not Able To View Image

Oct 19, 2011

I m using this code for downloading a webpage [code]but when i opened the save html page.. I was not able to view the image's.

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Create A Formatted Summary Table That Would Look Organized When Opened In Excel?

Aug 24, 2009

I need to:

1) Read a CSV file,

2) Put the data in a list object that I can sort,

3) and populate a few GridView controls on a form,

4) Write my sorted list to an excel file, which I've never done.

I'd like to create a formatted summary table that would look organized when opened in Excel. Who is best person/ or place to ask about that?

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