VS 2005 - How To Close / Save Excel And Avoid Popup

May 14, 2010

I have VB.net code (2005) that updates an Excel (2003) file but on close I get a pop up from Excel when my code is trying to close it. How can I close and save changes and not get the pop up? ("Save Changes Made").

I tried this:
xlWorkBook.SaveAs(Filename:=excelFileName2, FileFormat:=Excel.XlFileFormat.xlExcel3)
But it renamed the "Sheet1" tab and I got more pop ups from Excel.

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Save Opened Excel Book And Close It?

Apr 28, 2009

I need code to save the opened excel book (save as) and close it.

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Save The Opened Excel Book And Close It?

Apr 28, 2009

I want to save the opened excel book and close it. My code is given below but i found errors in that code .

xlBook.SaveAs (strTargetFile)
xlBook.Saved = True

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Avoid The Closing Of A Combo Box Popup Window In Datagrid

Jan 30, 2012

How To Avoid The Closing Of A Combo Box Popup Window In Datagrid? I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse. Is there any specific reason for this behavior or something is missing in my code part?

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Avoid Closing Of Custom ComboBox Popup Window In DataGrid?

Jan 31, 2012

I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys in my datagrid which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time, after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse.

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.net - Enter Key Should Save And Close And Escape Key Should Close Without Save

Dec 11, 2009

In vb dot net, Windows form details should save if I press enter key should save and close and escape key should close without save

Currently it happens on onclick event of a button of Save and Cancel, but I wish the keyboard events also work

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Show Popup When Close Window

Dec 26, 2009

I wanna show popup when i close window. Actually i wanna show form2.show()

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Avoid Closing Of A Custom Combo Box Popup Window In A Custom Datagrid?

Jan 31, 2012

I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys in my datagrid which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time, after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse. Is there any specific reason for this behaviour or something is missing in my code part? [code]...

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Avoid The Closing Of A Custom Combo Box Popup Window In A Custom Datagrid?

Sep 2, 2010

I was trying to block the closing of a custom combo box popup window in my custom DataGrid. The popup window comes by pressing F4 or ALT+DOWN keys which is getting closed if I press the down arrow for the first time after showing the first value in the combo box as selected. Next time onwards, if I press the F4 key and down arrow, I can move to any item in the popup window and select the item using keyboard and in that case, the popup window is not getting closed till I press the ENTER key or selection using the Mouse.

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How To Find And Close Adobe Popup MsgBox

May 16, 2012

If you open up a PDF file and select File > SaveACopy you'll see the Adobe acrobat SaveAs dialog that I'm working with. Typically I'm dealing with it when the PDF is showing in Internet Explorer (I'm automating PDF downloads by controlling the File > SaveAs option).

If the destination file already exists, the dialog will popup a tiny messagebox asking if I want to replace the existing file Yes or No. It is this popup that I'm trying to close, but I can't seem to find it. When I run enumWindows to get all the top level windows, it doesn't show up. That's probably because I can see, in Spy++, that it has a parent window (the Adobe SaveAs dialog box). So i tried running EnumChildWindows to get all the child windows of the Adobe SaveAs dialog - but the popup doesn't show up on this list either (I know this because I did a WM_GettText on each child window and nothing matched the tiny popup).

I'm not sure if FindWindow would do it - but i'm leery of that because, at least on my home computer, both the popup and the Adobe SaveAs window have the same title text, namely "SAVE AS" so i'm not sure which one it would find - in fact I seem to recall I tried that already.

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VS 2008 Popup Boxes That Auto-close?

Dec 31, 2009

Microsoft's scripting languages (VBScript and JScript) have a POPUP method that allows you to control the time span a message box is displayed on screen before the message box closesI've searched but I do not believe that this functionality (i.e. ability to control the display time) is included in the VB 2008. If I'm wrong can someone point me in the right direction? If I am right and VB2008 only offers a standard message box, can anyone how they have created popup types of messages that only exist for a specified amount of time.

I have a situation where I would like to display an informational message box on screen when an event takes place but I don't want the user to have to acknowledge the event by having to press the OK button as the machine may or may not be attended at the time the message is displayed. If someone is present they can either acknowledge the event by pressing OK or simply waiting for the specified timeframe has elapsed.

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Hook Excel - The Process Excel.exe Doesn't Finish After Close Excel

Jul 20, 2010

I need to access the current instance of MS Excel. To do that, I wrote the following code:

Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Imports System.Diagnostics
Private _ExcelApp As Excel.Application


The code runs nice, but it has a problem: After the user close the Excel application (click button X - note: no other instance of Excel exists), if you open the Windows's task manager, its possible to see the process Excel.exe.

If I open and close the Excel application, there is no process Excel.exe, but if I run my code with the Excel application openned, after the user close the Excel application, the process Excel.exe isn't finished.

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Auto-close Webbrowser Popup Alert Message In Vb2008?

Mar 8, 2010

How to auto close webbrowser popup alert message in vb2008?

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Save Without The Save Dialog Popup?

Feb 24, 2010

Need Code for Save in my Text Editor. I want to save without the save dialog popup.

I have received help from Formlesstree4 on placing the name in the title of my form.

I don't want to save as just want to save if i have already saved the file and I am still working in it.

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Avoid Adding In Database That Has Been Already Save?

Mar 15, 2012

how can i avoid data duplicate in the database?i mean if i add in the fields that has been already save it will still save.i don't know how to query or filter not to add the same info.i have the code below but it still save if i input same as already in the database.[code]i want is to query first before it add the data to avoid same info.

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Using Late Binding To Avoid Version With Excel?

Feb 9, 2009

In my computer excel 2003 is installed. My code runs well in my computer but failed in another computer which only has excel 2007. If I want to make my code still functions in excel 2007, I heard of that something like late binding but I haven't experienced with that and not sure.

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MODI Save As Popup To Appear At All

Oct 17, 2007

I have an applicaiton that I wrote that converts PDFs into TIFFS using the MODI driver and it works fine except for one part. Once I use Adobe to print out the PDF to the (MODI) driver, I get a "Save As" popup. The name of the file is correct and all I need to do is to click save. Problem is that I do not want the "Save As" to appear at all. Is there a way to prevent this window from coming up and just save it to default location? I need to take my application code and make it into a windows service, so having this popup really makes it hard.

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[2005] Avoid Overwriting The File?

Feb 5, 2009

I am going to handle an event to write all files in a directory to a text file.But only the last file's context is saved successfully, I think that because of overwriting.

Private Sub ExtractButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ExtractButton.Click
Dim FileName As String
Dim FileItem As ListViewItem


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VS 2005 : Avoid Packet Sniffer To Pick Up The Outcoming Connection Details?

Aug 17, 2010

I am thinking of creating a code to allows my project to pass through the port forward without the outcoming connection details being pass on the third party software such as packet sniffer.Is it possible to avoid packet sniffer to pick up the outcoming connection details?

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VS 2005 - ContectMenuStrip Popup Alignment Or Flag

Jan 8, 2010

i left VB6 to .NET (Microsoft Visual C# / Basic.NET / MS Visual Basic 2005). i made ContextMenuStrip for NotifyIcon but in VB6 we able to set flag for popupmenu which you can edit the align of menu vbRight.

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[2005] Creating A Systray Popup Menu?

Jan 6, 2009

I am trying to create a popup menu when a user right clicks an icon in my systray. I need to have 3 items in this menu. How do I do that?

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Export A Datagridview To Excel And Open The Excel Spreadsheet (not SAVE The Worksheet)?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm trying to export a datagridview to Excel and open the Excel spreadsheet (not SAVE the worksheet).

Public Sub ExcelRpt(ByVal DgvName As GridView, ByVal url As String)
Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet


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Make A Popup Blocker Type Message Box That Pops Up When A Popup Tries To Load A Page?

Dec 2, 2010

im trying to make a popup blocker type message box that pops up when a popup tries to load a page, and it asks The page [URL]is trying to open,open in a new tab?

No (button) Yes (button)

how would i make a menu appear when i click somwhere on the page,how would i make it recognise a picture, and be able to copy it to a location on the local drive?

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Parse The URL Of The Desired Popup To The Popup-form AND Show Hints / Tooltips In The WebKit-Component?

Apr 11, 2012

I'm trying to use the WebKit-component ([URL]) in VB with the help of Visual Studio 2008. This is running without problems, except for two following two issues:

1. Hints/Tooltips are not shown (e.g. as there usually will appear one if you stay with the mouse over the Google-logo)

2. If there's a popup-window, I don't know how to get the new desired URL.


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Save An Excel File After Opening Excel Application?

Jan 28, 2010

i'm trying to save an excel file after I open my excel application. This is what I have so far:

'Opens the report
xlPeakDemand.Visible = True
xlPeakDemandWorkbook.SaveAs("C:Documents and


When saving as an xls it works fine but when saving as a htm its a disaster Just a bunch or symbols and stuff. BUT if I go into my xls document and Save As webpage from there, it works fine!

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Silverlight Popup: Call A Method After Popup Is Opened?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm working with a Silverlight Popup control (SL4). I would like to update data shown on that popup every time the user opens it (IsOpen=true) by passing a string and calling a Private method located in the Popup control behind code to fetch updated data.

I was hoping to place code to make this happen in the Opened event of the Popup, but such an event does not seem to exist (even though I found some documentation on it).

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Wpf - Create New UserControl In Popup Each Time Popup Pops?

Jun 16, 2011

I have a usercontrol that has a popup that displays another usercontrol when the user selects an item from a listbox. When the parent initializes, all the usercontrols initialize.

<Popup x:Name="PopContactLogs" Width="670" StaysOpen="True" AllowsTransparency="True" PopupAnimation="Fade" PlacementTarget="{Binding ElementName=PageCustomerHome}" Placement="Center">


and it just keeps the original data in there. I'd really like to just reinitalize it every time and basically have a new webpart each time.

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Close Program And Ask To Save Changes?

Jun 20, 2009

I have a form with a listbox. I have controls on the form that can add items to the listbox with the click of a button. I already have the save file, open file dialogs working properly but I want to add something else that works with them. Lets say I open a file and the listbox adds all the strings from the file. Now, lets say I add something to the listbox and instead of saving the file, I just close the whole form. How do I make my program ask if i want to save the changes to the file when it is about to be closed? (I only want it to ask that IF there are changes to the file).

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DateTimePicker .Net Save Value On Close?

Jun 5, 2012

I have 2 Forms.Form 1 is main and holds a button that should show msgbox with date that is selected on datetimepicker which is on Form 2. Date shown on msgbox should be in short format (dd.MM.yyyy.).On program start datetimepicker should be reset to today and msgbox should show today date unless user selects another date on Form2. If user goes to From 2 and changes date Form 2 should save new value and msgbox should show it after button click on form1. How do i do this?I made myDate parameter in settings of type "DATE" and i didn't set a value.on form1 load i have:my.Settings.myDate = Today on Form2 load i have: datetimepicker1.Value = my.Settings.myDate on Form2 closing i have: my.Settings.myDate = datetimepicker1.Value

This sets date on picker correctly, but when i go to form2 and change value, then close form2 and reopen it it still shows date that i have chosen, but msgbox shows initial value.

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Trying To Save Settings On Close

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to save settings on close I have the following code


I have edited the control properties of the checkBox and bound the checkBox with settings value under application settings when I load the form the checkBox is always checked = false ? what have I done wrong?

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