Select A Random Word In {Robert|John|Wayne} And {blue|green|yellow}?

Feb 25, 2010

Say I have a string like this:

"Hi My Name is {Robert|John|Wayne} and I like the color {blue|green|yellow}"

How do I select a random word in {Robert|John|Wayne} and {blue|green|yellow}?

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Fill Picture Boxes With Red - Green - Yellow - Blue Or System.control Randomly

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a simple little bit of code, to fill 33 Picture boxes with red, green, yellow, blue or system.control randomly. (System.Control should be more likely). Here is what I have at the moment:


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Change The Color From Green To Yellow To Red As Values Decrease?

Mar 24, 2009

Using VS 2008 how can I change the color from green to yellow to red as my values decrease? Actually the logic is easy but my color isn't changing.

progressbar1.forecolor = -- This is not working

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Red, Green, Blue To HTML Output?

Jan 30, 2010

I have three HScrollBars(for the colors red, green, blue and maximum to 255), a picturebox(to see the output color) and a textbox which gives the color in HTML output. For example: 0xE60000FF >> This is a red color.I know I first should make a code and paste it here, but I really don't have any idea how.

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VS2010 Chart Control - 60% To Be Green And 40% To Be Blue

Sep 4, 2010

Say i have an empty chart, and on form load i wanted 60% to be green and 40% to be blue, how do i do this in code?

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Load A GIF File, And Start With The First Pixel And Check To See If That Pixel Color Is Closer To Black, Red, Green Or Yellow?

Jan 30, 2009

I would like to load a GIF file, and start with the first pixel and check to see if that pixel color is closer to Black, Red, Green or Yellow, then take what ever color it closest matched to and output that color as a number, 0, 1, 2 or 3. So just for a small example a 5x4 GIF would be converted to something like this: 0112223322220111332?

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Select Random Word?

Feb 13, 2010

rying to make a program that will pull a word out from a text file and put it in a textbox

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Hangman - Program Must Select Random Word From Text Files?

May 2, 2009

i have to write a simple Hangman game with sum extra features for bonus points.... the funny thing is i can write the code for the extra features such as "adding additional word, help menu...etc",but i cant write the main program,The program must select random word from text files, it have three difficulities, the codes should be the same for all three, just read from different files...(well thats what i think)... i think i hav to use array... but how do i read the contain of the text file into an array n randomly select a word?


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Add Word 'blue' At End Of Each Line

Apr 9, 2010

I want to add the word "blue" at the end of each line. [code]

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Colouring Text Depending On " If My RichTextBox1 Has The Word "void" In It; It Will Be Coloured Blue "?

Jun 5, 2010

How can i make it so if my RichTextBox1 has the word "void" in it; it will be coloured blue but only "void" it self so the world "else" next to it can be red but in the same RichTextBox1

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Generating A Random Word?

Jun 4, 2012

i am working with Visual Basic 2008 and i wanted to know how u can create a random word?

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Random Word Generator?

Apr 6, 2011

Ok so i would like to have like a list of lets say 500 words. I would like to randomly select 5 of them. Almost like a random number generator. iam using this software

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Get The Error No Property Or Field 'John' Exists In Type 'xUser'?

Nov 15, 2011

My LINQ query is as follows

Dim Query = From t In New XPQuery(Of xUser)(Xpo.Session.DefaultSession)
.Where("Name=John").Select("new (Name as FirstName)")

Unfortunately i get the error No property or field 'John' exists in type 'xUser'.Of course no such property exists in my xUser class, but hot can i fix that?After reading within the DynamicLinq Class i found this function

Function FindPropertyOrField(ByVal type As Type, ByVal memberName As String, ByVal staticAccess As Boolean) As MemberInfo
Dim flags As BindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly Or _
If(staticAccess, BindingFlags.Static, BindingFlags.Instance)[code]...

How can i edit my "faulty" query? What am i doing wrong here?

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Choosing A Random Word From A List

Mar 21, 2009

I am making a program to enter random phrases and words into an object on a web browser. I am not sure how to make the program choose a random phrase or word though.Basically I need to have a list of 100 or more words and phrases inside a program, and for the program to choose one when called upon.

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Make A Random Word Generator?

Dec 23, 2009

I want to make a random word generator. Like just the words that I type in the script though. Could anyone please give me the code?
It would just be a simple word that appears in a text box. But in the script it puts one of the random words i tell it to every time you click the button. I know lua 5.1 scripting a little. I'm only 13 though. So as you can imagine I'm no mastermind at code.

button1 function onclick
print word.math;random(word1,word2,word3,etc)

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VB2010 Random Word Generator?

Mar 24, 2012

My current task that I am working on is a word generator. I want my program to generate words that I have selected such as mammal, amphibian, arachnid, insect. Random generates or puts one of those words in a text box in my VB program. I can only find code that generates the strings such as a single letter but not words.

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Specify A Color (eg And Then Be Able To Paint The Blue Version?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a alpha mask (grayscale)... and want to specify a color (eg and then be able to paint the blue version of the new image(using the solid color with the alpha mask) to the screen using graphics...

How is it best to do this?

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Generate A Random Word But Pick One From A Collection

Jul 11, 2010

So what I'm trying to do is not so much generate a random word but pick one from a collection. I was thinking on generating a random number since that is very easy, then picking a word acording to the number generated. Is there a more efficient way of doing this?

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Select Button At Random

Jun 7, 2009

I have a form with a tic tac toe game on it. I have been trying to make it have a single player mode by allowing the computer to select one of the 9 buttons. However I can't even get it to select one of the buttons. Is there anyone out there that can help point me in the right direction.

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DB/Reporting :: Replacing Text With Random Word From Table

Jan 8, 2011

I'm new to VB and am trying to create something that will change specific words within a DB entry to a random word from a table. My goal is to change swear words to a random word in a separate table (like darn, dang, waterstopper, etc.) So far I have an "Input" table with the text I need to change and a "SwearRep" table with a list of words I need to replace in col "WBad" and their replacements in "WGood".

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Regarding On Random Select Record From The Database?

Jun 3, 2009

As in today i click on the button it will display the item when i hit again the button it will still display the same item and last for the whole. On the second day, i hit the button again it will display other items and last for thewhole day again.


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Select 1 Random Records From Database?

Feb 15, 2012

I just want to select 1 random record from my database for example in my table1 i have a,b,c,d,e,f,g then everytime i click the button in my program it will output randomly between a to g then i can add another record from my database and if I make it a to x it will randomly choose between a to x, the random doesnt have any conditions.

Right now i've found some codes that will be very useful but i cant modify it so it will be connected to my database.

Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim DT1 As New DataTable


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Select Random Entry From .txt File?

May 7, 2012

I am also very new to visual basic, and need some simple advice from you guys. I basically have a button, text box and a .txt file.When the button is clicked, I need one of the entries in the .txt file (which are names) to be selected and displayed in the text box

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Select Random Items With Parameters?

Dec 20, 2010

I'm working on a program that will randomly select a loadout(weapon, perks, etc), but the user enters their current level to get the loadout. This is important because certain guns unlock at certain levels, so i don't want someone getting something they can't use.

I'm not sure what the best way of approaching this is. All i can think of is either getting a random item, checking if the user's level is high enough then if it's not high enough do it again.

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Use A Random Number To Select A Label

May 23, 2011

I have 25 labels (Label1 - Label25). How can i randomly make the background of 1 label blue?I can set a random number in a variable, but I can't find out what to do next. It has to be something like this:[code]

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Pick Random Word From .txt File And Display In TextBox (VB Express 2010)

Jan 15, 2012

I need to have two pieces of software, made in vb where one encrypts the contents of a .txt file, and the other decrypts it, and then picks one word at random and displays it each time a button is pressed, but never displays the same word. Or, if there was a way to hard code it into the program as there is only 5 words that would be better.

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Pull A Random Word From A Text File And Check Against User Input?

Apr 19, 2011

I need to pull a random word from a text file in my resource folder (visual Studio 2010) and then have a user enter a letter to see if it is in the word. Yes, Hangman game. There is more, but right now I need to pull from that text file for a start. I know what I have is not even close to right under "Get Word Button", but I'm kind of confused about the process.

Public Class hangMan
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim word As New Random
End Sub


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Pull Random Word From File In Visual Studio And Match Against User

Apr 20, 2011

I have to use the word list supplied and cannot use "streamreader" so, I need to pull a random word from text file in my resource folder (Visual Studio 2010) so user can guess letters for hangman game). I don't know if the code under "get word" button is right or not as far as pulling from the file. I would like to get that far!


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Random Number Generation Of Select Numbers

Apr 15, 2009

If I have say 5 numbers: 1, 29, 53, 95, 103 What would be the code for randomly selecting a number of those 5.

i.e) The random number has to be 1, 29, 53, 95, or 103 and has to be randomly generated.

I've tried using the Int(Rnd() * 104), but I do not know how to make it choose only these 5 numbers!

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Select A Random Folder From A List Of Folders?

Aug 30, 2011

i want to get a random directory from a specified directory, for example, the desktop.

im not sure how to do this, this and the only thing I'm having trouble with for my application

for example i have 5 different directories on the desktop called

Dir3, etc...

i would like to get Dir3, then maybe Dir1, after that maybe Dir3 again, and so on. i want to get a random directory from the desktop...dont really know how to explain it any better...

A specified a directory - a directory that i specify maybe in a text box for example. or a folder browser dialog

also i just want to get the path of the directory, i dont want to do anything to it.

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