Select A Textbox In TabControl?

Jan 18, 2011

I have tab control on one of my windows form. The tab control has three tabs. On each tab there are textboxes with data from a sql database. What I am trying to do is get data that is from the textbox in the 3rd tab. I have no problem getting the data from the first tab. Example: I want to get the company name from the textbox and put it in string "b", my code would then look like this

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Select A Tab In Tabcontrol Using API?

Feb 15, 2012

Are there anyone know how to select a tab in tabcontrol using API?

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.net - Winforms Textbox Focus With TabControl?

Aug 22, 2011

VB.NET Windows Forms Project, VS2010.I have a tabcontrol with several tabpages and on each tabpage there is a textbox. I want the focus (and insertion point) to go to the end of the text in the textbox when the tab is selected. If I make a junky project with the following code in each tab, it works fine:

Private Sub TabPage1_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabPage1.Enter
With TextBox1
.SelectionStart = .Text.Length
End With
End Sub

However, the same code is not working in my actual project. I am having trouble debugging, because if I step through, the breakpoints and IDE mean the focus events don't fire in the same order.

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TabControl - Textbox Disappeared But Name Exists

Dec 11, 2010

I have been using a tabcontrol with multiple tabpages. On one particular tabpage I accept a value into a textbox which has worked many times. For some reason the textbox has now disappeared {clumsy thumbs are always a possibility}. However, when I try to put a new textbox in its place I find the textbox name already exists. I look for the name in the components address box in the properties sections of the ide and it doesn't exist?

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VS 2010 Counting TextBox-es In TabControl?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a problem with summing up the number od TextBox-es placed on several TabPages of a TabControl. The next line works fine without TabControl:

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Validating A Textbox When Changing Tabcontrol Index?

Jun 8, 2012

how to validate and save the results of a textbox when I change to another tab on a tabcontrol?I have found the SelectedIndexChanged and LostFocus but they do not tell what was the tab that has been previously selected, so I then can do that validation and save. is there an event that triggers before the SelectedIndexChanged?

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Setting Focus On Textbox Inside A TabControl Works With Shown Event?

Dec 16, 2011

The only way I found to set the focus on a TextBox inside a TabPage is:

Private Sub Form1_Shown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown
End Sub

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How To De-select The Textbox Focus

Jun 22, 2010

When a Windows Forms TextBox control first receives the focus the cursor has to be there at first position in the Textbox.

We have tried to resolve the above issue by adding below code in form load event.

TextBox1.SelectionStart = 0
TextBox1.SelectionLength = 0

Now, when a Windows Forms TextBox control first receives the focus, the default insertion (cursor) within the text box is to the left of any existing text. The user can move the insertion point with the keyboard or the mouse. If the text box loses and then regains the focus, the insertion point will be wherever the user last placed it.

But the problem is when some operation is performed in TextBox_Leave event, it will loose the focus. Again when it receives the focus, the whole text is getting selected instead of showing cursor where the user left.

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Select A Specified Line In A Textbox?

Mar 13, 2009

I have 2 textboxes, in the 1th the user fills in is classname. Then with a hit on the button it searches it in the 2nd textbox. That works so far but, If it exist in the 2nd textbox I want it to select the current line it is on. how can I select a specified line in a textbox?

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Select All In Textbox During Runtime?

Oct 15, 2009

The textbox that I create in does not let me select all the text using the common keystroke control + a at runtime. The textbox is able to detect all other keystroke combinations at runtime, such as control + c, control + v for cut and paste, but it does nothing for when the keystroke control + a is pressed. Is this something that textboxes do not detect and therefore I would have to program manually by having the program detect keystrokes and then have the program select the text using the code TextBox1.SelectAll() ?

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Select All Text In Any Textbox

Jul 28, 2010

I am building a application for a company. In my application, I have a form which has many textboxes. When user set focus on them, all the text in is selected. My problem is I don't want to write a code for each textbox because there many of them.

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Select First Line In Textbox?

Oct 21, 2011

In this is my code

WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("Email").SetAttribute("value", TextBox1.Text)

How can i change this to instead it will be the first line in textbox1.text and not the whole entire box

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Select Textbox From String?

Oct 15, 2011

I currently have a form with about 20 textboxes on, labeled Textbox1, Textbox2 and so on...

I would like to know how to get the data from any one of these textboxes from an integer.

Dim text as String
text = "Textbox" & RandomInteger & ".Text"

Anytime I do this, I just get the textbox name eg, "Textbox10.Text" I am using Visual Studio 2010

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Shortcut For Select All On Textbox?

Mar 31, 2010

In the standard context menu of a text box in a Windows form, following options are vailable:

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Textbox.Select() Also Add The Enter Key

Apr 22, 2012

I have a validation class that I use to validate data entered into textboxes on my form. If the data entered does not pass the validity test then the function does the following: [Code] All that works like a charm BUT What triggers the validation routine is when the user either presses the Enter Key OR the Tab Key. If the data is validated the next textbox, (textbox2) is populated with the same data as textbox1 and given the focus then waits for the user to enter new data or press enter which the goes through the validation routine for that textbox.

My problem is way back at the first textbox when the user enters invalid data. As I mentioned above the validation routine populates the textbox with valid default data BUT It also seems to somehow include the enter key because once the default data has been entered by the validation routine it then re-evaluates the data as though the user had pressed enter. Because the data is now valid it moves to the next textbox and never lets the user enter his/her own data.

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VS 2005 Select The End Of The Textbox?

Jun 24, 2011

I have a problem with the source code. I am trying to select at the end of the textbox after I have input the text in the textbox, but it have selected at the start of the textbox. Do you know which property of the textbox that i should use?

Private Sub MyEventRoutine(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox1.Text += ":)"


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.net SQL - Listbox On Select Fill Textbox?

Dec 10, 2009

I don�t want to use built-in data binding through Visual Studio, I would like to learn and code directly. I have created a form with a listbox on the left side and several texbox on the right side. I have code working that populates a listbox from my data reader (MyReader). The listbox works fine. There are two (2) buttons over the listbox to select All Active records or All Inactive records that queries the field �Status� in the �tblAdvocates� table.So the listbox works fine. Problem is trying to setup the SelectedIndexChanged function. I can�t figure out how to take the selected record from the listbox and use that to fill the textboxes. Do I �re-query� the database using the ID field from the table? Do I use the MyReader from the form load code and pull the data from that?

Here is my code:

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Windows.Forms.ListBox
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Auto-select A Textbox's Contents?

Jul 16, 2010

I am writing an add-in for VB.NET 2008. I am getting some strange behavior when I run the generated form and was wondering if anyone has any clue as to why this happens. I re-booted and started fresh and get the same results.

I am trying to select the contents of the textbox when the user clicks on it using the Enter event. I tried the following

private sub txtPMAItemPMAStatus_Enter(sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles txtPMAItemPMAStatus.enter
With txtPMAItemPMAStatus


After I click OK on the MessageBox the text is selected. Could it be because it is a spawned instance of the IDE?

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How To Select Current Row In DGV That Enters Value In Textbox

May 21, 2011

How to select the current row in data grid view that enters his value in textbox. Like when I write the code of employee in textbox the row of data that contend his employ data selected in datagridview.

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Populate Textbox Using An SQL SELECT Statement?

Nov 21, 2011

How do I populate a VB.NET textbox using an SQL SELECT statement?

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Select Information To Textbox Of Access?

Jun 11, 2012

how come the picture I have a ComboBox that has the names of customers. How do I get when I click the button "OK" appears on the client data: "Name, Mail and Telephone" in TextBoxes?

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Select Textbox Text On Focus?

Jun 18, 2011

I'm using the code below to select the text within my textbox during the mousedown event. It works great when the HeaderChanged sub is not called. The problem is, the HeaderChanged sub will always be called on the textbox's focus event.If the user clicks the far right portion of the textbox the whole text value will be selected (like it should), but if the user clicks near the left side of the textbox only a portion of the text will be selected.


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Select Word On Mouse Over Textbox?

Sep 29, 2009

I have a textbox with the following:"Hello this is a text message box".When I put my mouse over/click each word, ex: "message" I would like the word to be highlighted..How would I go about doing this?I already spent a lot of time searching on google, but its hard to search for the right questions cause its a vague question.

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Turn Off Auto-select In A Textbox?

Sep 6, 2011

I am copying text to a textbox the normal way

txtInfo.Text = someText

The text is automatically highlighted. I would like to not have that highlighted. How can I do this?

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.net - Select Something And Change The Text Of A TextBox -- #name? Error

Oct 21, 2010

For some sort of reason, which I can't seem to spot, this fails and I get a #Name? error. When I tried to do this, I use pretty much the same code in another place in my form; the only difference is the "cbo" and the names of my txt and alike.


Can anyone spot my error? What I wish the code would do is when I Select something in my cboVarenummer, the TextBox txtVarenavn changes its text to what the sql statement returns.

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DataGrid Cell Select - Searching Through Textbox?

Mar 6, 2012

The problem is when I search through a textbox and nothing matches the search query, I accidentally click the column header which is the lastname then the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." pops up.

The highlighted part of my code is the text closed in quotation marks.
"If dgvStud.CurrentCell.Selected = Nothing Then"
btnEdit.Enabled = False
btnDelete.Enabled = False
Exit Sub
btnEdit.Enabled = True
btnDelete.Enabled = True
End If

This code is under my dgv cell click event. Here is a screenshot for the column header where I found the error. [URL]

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Dynamically Select First Textbox Object In A Form?

Dec 7, 2010

I am coding a public sub routine that clears all textbox fields in a form. I want to call/reuse this sub routine everytime i want to clear all textfields in any form in my program.

I can create a collections of all textbox objects in a form and loop on each of them to clear their textfields.

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Select An Item In The Listbox And Display It Into The Textbox?

Feb 16, 2010

How could I link a Listbox to a Textbox? So each Listbox item holds string data, and when I click that Listbox item, it shows it's string data into the multiline Textbox. For example

I have a listbox item names "Numbers". It holds this data:


So I want it to when I select this item in the listbox, it display the number data into the multi line textbox.

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Select Statement That Uses Variable Result To Textbox

Jul 31, 2010

I'm relatively new to VB. I want to perform a SELECT statement that uses a variable to return a value, example;
mysql> SELECT room_description FROM room_descriptions WHERE current_room = 'someVariable';
And display the result in a TextBox i.e. TextBox.text = someVariable.
So how do I perform a query from VB that passes a variable? How do I assign the result to a variable?

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Select Textbox Content With Mouse Position?

Jul 8, 2010

Here is what I am trying to do: I've added a .SelectAll() method in the MouseDown event of a textbox and it works well.

Now when the user double clicks, I'd like to unselect the text and set the position where the cursor is.

I don't know if I'am making myself clear here so here is an example:

Let's say this is the following text in the textbox: "this is just a test, please do not panic."

User clicks in the textbox, all the text becomes selected.

Let's assume the position of the curosr is just before the "j"

The user double click so the text becomes unselected and the cursor position automatically changes to the j.

I know I have to use the .Select(start, length) method with 0 as length value, but how do I find the start value depending of the mouse position ?

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