Select / Deselect All Children Of A Parent

Jul 2, 2008

How do you set it up so that a treeview control will select/deselect all children of a parent when it is selected/deselected? Is there a property you set or do you have to write code to do it?

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Listbox Select Or Deselect?

Oct 16, 2011

UserForm1.ListBox1.value = True

any example for check listbox control

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MDI Parent And Children

Jun 3, 2011

I have four children in a parent container. Each child form is a test for the user to type correct answers into text boxes. Option to open each form is on a menu strip in the parent. In form load, I have disabled all but the first form option. I only want the second form to become available if the first form answers are correct. I would like to figure this out on my own as much as possible. I have searched on line but since I am not sure what to ask, I have not found and answer. Can someone get me started in the right direction? Perhaps some reading that would explain how to go about this, or what I should be typing into google to get what I'm looking for.


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ListView Items. Select All And Deselect All?

Sep 15, 2010

I've got a listView item, and it has Multiselect enabled. I need to program a button to select everything in the listView and another to deselect everything. I don't know how to use SelectedIndices and SelectedItems and all that

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VS 2008 Select And Deselect All Checkboxes In A Datagridview?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a checkbox column in my grid. Let say the name on that column is "Cut". How should I do to take the right mouse button and and get a little menu where I can choose select all or deselect all checkboxes?

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Treeview Only Allow Children To Parent Node

Apr 13, 2011

I'm working on a drag-and-drop method to copy items from a listview control to a treeview. I've got the drag and drop working, but I'm hoping to limit the ability to drag items that create a child of a child. Ideally, if someone drags an item from the listview to the Treeview and the drop the listview item over a child, it would drop the dragged item to the parent.

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LINQ - Query Children Object If Parent Count Is = 1

Apr 17, 2012

I have a the following Class structure. Company > List(of Departments) > List(of Employees) I want to Query a Company to find out if it has a department of the following name and a Employee in that department with the following ID! How could I query this. The way I have the code it expect to return one department so I have it doing


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LINQ To Objects - GrandParent / Parent And Children List

Feb 3, 2010

Basically, I am trying to write a LINQ to Objects statement where the relationship is a grandparent, parent, child relationship. (You could also call it a Master Detail relationship.)

In Legacy code here is a simplified version what I am trying to accomplish.
Dim coverages As New List(Of Coverage)
Dim coverage As Coverage
For Each rl In oClaimsPolicy.RiskLocations
coverage = New Coverage
coverage.Level = "Location"
[Code] .....

If is it not clear one Location can have many Items and one Item can have many Coverages. I basically want to list the items and show the relationship between grandparent (Location), parent (Item) and child (Coverage).

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.net - Plugin Architecture - Make An MDI Parent Form Aware Of Children In DLLs

Jan 25, 2010

I'm experimenting with a plugin architecture for my company's internal business system. I have managed to read all .DLLs in a Plugin folder which implement a specific interface. What I am trying to figure out is the best method of communication between the "host" MDI parent application and forms that will be in the .DLLs which I intend to make MDI children.

Currently, I am returning just ToolStripMenuItem objects from the .DLLs to add to the MDI Parent. I've also tested that events wired in the .DLLs to the ToolStripMenuItems do propagate to the code in the .DLLs. I've also managed to return a Form object via the interface and open that form, as the Plugin folder is being "scanned".

However, I am not clear how I would make these forms MDI children. Also, any other forms living in the .DLLs will also have to be MDI children. I created a VS 2008 Addin project just to see what's going on, and it seems that the Addin accepts an Application object on which it adds to the ToolStripMenuItems and does other operations. The code to build the menu inside the .DLL. This is opposite of what I have done so far, where the MDI requests a ToolStripMenuItem from each .DLL and adds the returned object to its own menu.

Would designing my plugin architecture to accept an application object in the same manner the only way I could get forms to open as an MDI child? Am I asking for other, currently unknown to me, headaches by NOT passing in the application object to the .DLL?

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VS 2005 TreeView Select Node And All Children

Jul 3, 2009

I have a TreeView populated with some nodes, and some of those nodes have children. Is it possible that when the node, or child is selected that the entire node including the children be selected? I still want to deal only with the value of the root node, but for the UI I want the root + children to be selected.

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If Parent Node Is Checked Then Check All Children Node

Nov 8, 2009

i need to check all child node when the parent node is checked and i had do research from the internet but it seem that i had a error which is Type 'MSComctlLib.Node' is not i need to import any reference? [code]

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Select XML Nodes By Parent Attribute?

Mar 5, 2009

I have an xml similar to this one[cod]e...

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C# - LINQ - Select All In Parent-child Heirarchy

Mar 12, 2012

I was wondering if there is a neat way do to this, that DOESN'T use any kind of while loop or similar, preferably that would run against Linq to Entities as a single SQL round-trip, and also against Linq To Objects. I have an entity - Forum - that has a parent-child relationship going on. That is, a Forum may (or in the case of the top level, may not) have a ParentForum, and may have many ChildForums. A Forum then contains many Posts.

What I'm after here is a way to get all the Posts from a tree of Forums - i.e. the Forum in question, and all it's children, grandchildren etc. I don't know in advance how many sub-levels the Forum in question may have. (Note - I know this example isn't necessarily a valuble use case, but the Forum object model one is one that is familar to most people, and so serves as a generic and accessible premise rather than my actual domain model.)

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Deselect All In Combo Box

Mar 24, 2012

What is the code for deselecting all text in a combo box?Bgeo99

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Deselect The Firstrow In Datagridview?

May 28, 2010

I have a Datagridview . In which i am adding rows one by one.. I Edit mode when i am filling the Data to the Datagrid the First Row is Selected byDefault. But i do not want any row to be selected automatically ..

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How To Deselect RichTextBox BackColor

Nov 30, 2009

I changed a part of my RichTextBox text back color and now I want to change it back, but the original color (Control) is not in the backcolor list. I tried deselectAll() or change the color to Transperent but it didn't work.

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C# - How To Deselect A Row In RadGrid For Windows Forms

Jan 23, 2012

I tried the ClearSelection method, it is deselecting the row but the selected cell is still highlighted

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Deselect Radio Boxes In A Groupbox?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a groupbox called "GradeGroupBox" that contains 4 radio buttons for each high school grade. I also have a clear button which, when pressed, should deselect any values in that box. how can this be completed? I know how to do each one individually, but is there a way to do it as a group?

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VS 2010 Can't Deselect Objects On A Form?

Nov 10, 2011

I've got a form I'm using with a ShowDialog() statement and I want it to pop up with all its listboxes and radio buttons deselected. However, no matter what I do, the listbox always loads with something selected, even if I manually try to deselect it, like so:

frmPopUp.Listbox1.SelectedIndex = -1
if frmPopUp.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then

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Some Code Can Use To Deselect Any Cells That Are Selected Within Datagrid?

Jul 20, 2010

i am having some problems running some code when there is a cell within my datagrid there some code i can use to deselect any cells that are selected within the datagrid?i have looked into this and tried, but nothing seems to do the right trick.

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C# - LINQ To SQL Join Two Tables To Select Parent Table Twice Based On Two Different Columns From Child Table?

Aug 23, 2010

I have two tables Employees and CafeLogs. Some employees can be cashiers and also customers at the Cafe shop.

Table structures:

Employees: EmployeeId(PK) , FirstName, LastName
CafeLogs: LogId (PK), CashierId, EmployeeId, Value, => CashierId and EmployeeId are the data from column EmployeeId of Empoyee table

Table relationship:

Employees 1:N CafeLogs (CashierId (FK))


Right now I know how to select only LogId, Employee's name, and , Value, not with Cashier name yet.

Dim query = From log In db.CafeLogs _
Join emp In db.Employees On emp.EmployeeId Equals log.EmployeeId _
Select log.LogId, emp.FirsName, emp.LastName, log.Value

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Call A Member Through Its Parent's Type That Shadowed A Parent Class Implementation?

Aug 3, 2011

This is a challenging one that got me stumped while I was coding today. Suppose I am running the Sub Test1() and Test2() and would like to print out the value of the Shadows method of the instance of the object I am passing in to TestCall() (see below - it is clearer) using the following restrictions:

Can't change the contents of Class A, B, and C
Can't change Sub Test1() and Sub Test2()
TestCall() can't have an if, select case etc. statement that tries to figure out the type


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.net - Parent/Child Relationships Failing When Getting Data From Parent Class With Multiple Forms Open?

Jun 24, 2009

I have a main form, and some sub forms, and each sub form can have some sub forms. When I have multiple sub forms open, and I try to get data from the parent form, it returns the data from the wrong parent form.For example I have two instances of Mainform.subform running. If I do something like this in a child form of one instance of the subform. It returns data from the other subform.

dim l = Mainform.subform.listofdata

Edit:I am using visual Studio 2008. Winforms, form designed using designer. In my mainform I am doing this

Protected Friend frmMain as Mainform
frmmain = new mainform

In frmMain I am doing this

Protected Friend frmsub as new Subform'
frmsub = new subform


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Releasing A Child From A Parent Control Without Knowing The Parent(WPF)

Apr 10, 2010

I would like to know if there is some simple code to release a child control from it's parent control, without having to name the parent control. In pseudocode, I'm looking for something like this:


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C# - Mdi Children Changed In .Net?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there a simple way of tracking the change of an Mdi's children i.e. when they are created and closed, something like an event OnMdiChildListChanged (I realise this doesn't actually exist).

I am also aware that I could have a method within my Mdi that handles the creation of child forms and logs the state of them or even create an Interface that defines that a child form has a "NotifyParent" method that is then called on close of the form, but i was wondering if there was any built in events that i could plumb into?

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Get The Children Of A Panel?

Aug 17, 2009

How do you get the children of a panel?

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Not Loading All Children XML

May 6, 2012


I'm sifting through the dump of AniDB titles and everything works except that it only sees 7161 elements instead of 9200. Anyone have any idea why? It's not calling an exception on the load method as if something is wrong. Even when I change it to just take the root element and then get the count of children, it gives 7161. Like it doesn't even see the last 2000.

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Changing Focus Between MDI Children

Jun 3, 2011

A common problem I have come across when migrating from VB6 to VB.NET is that to change the focus between MDI children, you can't just click any control to give that child focus, you must click its title bar. The solution that I have found works is to enter the child form's Designer and change the following:

#Region "Windows Form Designer generated code "
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> Public Sub New()
'This is required by the Windows Form Designer.
[Code] .....

This needs to be done on all child forms in the project. If one form does not have the fix, once it's opened, the bug will return even when the form is closed.

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Disable Keys Outside Of App For Children?

Dec 12, 2010

I would like to turn on an app in the background that disables or temporarily remaps all but the alphanumeric keys while they are using my laptop if possible.

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Find A Treenode Children?

Oct 31, 2011

I start with VB 2010 since a short time.I need to check in a Treeview if a node has children or not.In VB 6 there was the property clildren that allow to understand this.

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