Shorten This Code That Writes Current Year And Past Years?

May 26, 2011

Dim i As Integer
Dim isNow = DatePart("yyyy", Now)


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Combobox/ Trying To Populate Current Year Plus The Next 10 Years?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm trying to use a combobox to pull the current year and then populate the next ten years. I don't want to manually put in the years in the 'item collections'. I would rather it update automatically based on the system year. How should I go about doing this?

My first instinct is to set the combobox item to the current year based on the system date, then create a loop that increments based on on counter up to current year + 10. I'm assuming this would be done on the 'form_load' event handler???

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Asset Notifications - Display All The Assets Which Crossed 4 Years In The Current Year?

Apr 15, 2012

I have a database of asset information with asset age as one of the i wish to display all the assets which crossed 4 years in the current year

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CODE - For Next Loop - Program To Display The Most Active Year For Storms Between The Years 1990-2008

Sep 23, 2010

The program I am working on uses arrays and a text file. In one section of the program it's suppose to display the most active year for storms between the years 1990-2008. The year that has the most active storms is 2005, but I don't know how to write it in the code so that it displays. Attached is the text file.

So far I have a For Next loop that counts the arrays.

Public Class frmHurricanes
' Class Level Variables
Public Shared _intSizeOfArray As Integer = 18


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Is There Any Way That Can Shorten Code

Dec 20, 2011

This is the code that i would like shortenning, it uses a progress bar and a label that counts down with it: I'm using the language of VB..[code]

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How To Shorten The Code

Mar 2, 2009

Is there a way to shorten the code below?

Like example:
from weeklbl1 to weeklbl4
location = new point ()


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Get The Current Month And Year?

Dec 30, 2011

Okay I have 2 date time pickers, "dtpStart" and "dtpEnd"

What I want to do is get the current month and year, like right now is December 2011, well I want to set the dtpStart to the first of the previous month, so dtpStart would be set at November 1, 2011 and dtpEnd I want to set it at the last of the previous month, so dtpEnd would be set at November 30th, how could I go about doing this?

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Output The Current Year?

Feb 16, 2010

I've created a program out putting the answer put im trying to output the current year aswell?what the function is?

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Forms :: Shorten This Code Using A Wildcard?

Mar 8, 2010

I am making a project for school with visual basic and its a mcdonalds ordering system.There are 50+ buttons which you can press to remove an item and my code works fine. only problem is it is waaaaayyyy to long and can be shortened with a wildcard. Does anyone know what a good way to put a wildcard in the following code would be:

Private Sub btnsmallfries_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsmallfries.Click
If Label2.Text = "Buy Mode" Then


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VS 2005 To Shorten This Line Of Code?

Mar 31, 2010

If xtn <> ".bmp" And xtn <> ".jpg" And xtn <> ".jpeg" And xtn <> ".png" And xtn <> ".gif" Then

I am getting a feel that there should an better way to do this

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VS 2010 Unable To Shorten Code?

Jul 13, 2011

I want a textbox to be checked for specific characters. I can use: with textbox1.text If .contains("a") or .contains("b") or .contains("c")...etc... then...

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C# - Dynamically Display Current Year In Assembly Info

Apr 17, 2012

How to set current year in AssemblyInfo file?

I used

Instead of this:

<Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright 2012, Company Name.")>

tried this:

<Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright" + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + ", Company Name.")>

I get invalid constant error.

I don't want to use registry key entries, what is the optimum way of doing this? (so that when a user right clicks on EXE & looks for assembly information can see current year).

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VS 2008 Shorten Code Adding Items Listview?

Feb 3, 2010

I have some code which addes values into the items and subitems, which works fine.
Case "Aa en Hunze"
Dim Lvi00 As New ListViewItem(New String() {"naam", "blabla"})
Dim Lvi01 As New ListViewItem(New String() {"adres", "blabla"})
Dim Lvi02 As New ListViewItem(New String() {"postc/plaats", "blabla"})


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Javascript - Fill + One Year Date From Another Textbox Current Text Box

Aug 26, 2009

I have two textboxes in my code

<td align="right">


I want that when I enter date in dd/mm/yyyy in first text box (ActivationReqDTTextBox), it will automatically fill the second text box (DeactivationReqDTTextBox) by adding plus one year in above entered date.

provide your solution with javascript, jquery or

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How To Make Previous Years Balance Become Next Years And So Forth

Apr 20, 2011

Suppose $800 is deposited into a savings account earning 4% interest compounded annually, and $100 is added to the account at the end of each year. Calculate the amount of money in the account at the end of 10 years. Determine a formula for computing the balance at the end of one year based on the balance at the beginning of the year.Allow the user to input the beginning balance and the amount to be contributed at the end of each year. You must a loop in this program. [code] I cannot figure out how to make the previous years balance become the next years and so forth.

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Create A Table That Include Current Year Data And As Well As Previous Data To Be Compare

Dec 8, 2010

i want to create a table that include a current year data and as well as previous data to be compare. here is the example of the table that i want to create: but i want to compare one of the annual data with the previous year. as example i want to compare between the data of current AR of 2007 with the current AR for 2006, Current AR of 2006 with current AR for 2005 and go on~, but i have no idea how to do it.

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Show The Current Month & Year On The Button Which On Clicking Show The MonthCalender?

Aug 14, 2009

Can anyone help me to make a program which include a Button shows the current Month and the year and when clicking the button it shows a DialogBox ith a MonthCalender (this one I have done - the Monthcalender shown on a Dialogbox).Further I want to change the month shown as a Text of the Button when I click other Buttons to make the calender to go backwards or forwards,

Another thing I want to know is how to make the TreeView which expand / reveal another line or something on clicking the "Plus".I am learning only VB 2005 / VB 2008, please give the codes etc for VB 2005 only.

BTW, Can you tell me how to paste a picture in this writing place? I tried to paste the picture to shoow what exactly I want to do, but I couldn't do it.

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C# - Code Up A Month And Year Drop Down List For ASP.NET?

May 1, 2009

I have an internal application that I needs to have a drop down list for two date type elements: Month and Year.These values are not in a database or other repository of information.I know I could just setup a list with the values I need by adding them to a dictionary like object (I need to correlate the Month to the numerical representation, January => 01):

var months = new Dictionary<String,String>();
months.Add("01", "January");

The drop down list for the year will be a bit easier as I can just choose a starting year and iterate up to the current or current+1 year in a generic list.Is there a better way to handle these data elements? Something built in, or a good design pattern that I should be implementing?

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C# - Why This Code Is Not Working While It Worked Fine For Almost A Year

Apr 21, 2009

Does automatic software update causes some of the module property not to work? They are basically the same function that reads image logo from the currently executing assembly. Function named "Get2LogoImageStream" is different from "Get1LogoImageStream" by just Current.ManifestModule.Name vs Current.ManifestModule.ScopeName.

This "Current.ManifestModule.Name " version of the code worked on both Web From app and Windows form app, however right now it only works for Windows App form. But when I changed this code "Current.ManifestModule.Name" with "Current.ManifestModule.ScopeName" and it worked on WEB without any problem. So my questions to fellow C# or VB.NET developers is that does automatic software update causes this kind of issues?

protected Stream Get1LogoImageStream()
Assembly current = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
string imageName = "logo.jpg";


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Insert Booking_no As Combination Of Year And Sno(year/sno) Into Database?

Jan 26, 2010

i want to insert booking_no as combination of year and sno(year/sno) into database here iam giving the code as follows,,,,,,,,,
here sno stated from 1.........

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("guest1").ConnectionString())
Dim booking_no, sno As String
If Len(sno) = 1 Then


but here booking_no was not inserted properly,it was inserted as "0/ ",,iwant to insert booking_no as "2010/sno" ,

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Validate The Day If The Selected Year Is A Leap Year In Combo Box?

Jun 12, 2011

how to validate the day if the selected year is a leap year in combo box.

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Trying To Make A Calendar - Code Doesn't Work For Leap Year?

Apr 8, 2010

i'm trying to make a calendar and now i'm trying to know whether if it's a leap year and how many days in the current month etc. but my codes doesn't seems to be working and i don't know where is the problem,


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Code Opens A File In Example 1 And Writes On Another File Only The Lines?

Jan 16, 2010

The code below opens a file in Example 1 and writes on another file only the lines that satisfy the condition If times > 4 to another file. What I want to do is illustrated in example 2


t= 2 comes from Subtracting t= 11 - t= 9 from the script in example 1. I have scripts with thousands of lines every time the program should automatically subtract the next value with the previous one and write the result into a new file starting from t= 0

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.net - Vb .net Shorten An If Statement

Sep 29, 2011

I'm trying to make this cleaner... I know there's lots of shortcuts for If statements, but I don't know what's best.

If item.RecurrenceId > 0 Then
xmlTextWriter.WriteElementString("recordtype", "2")
ElseIf IsNothing(item.OngoingEndDate) = False Then
xmlTextWriter.WriteElementString("recordtype", "1")
xmlTextWriter.WriteElementString("recordtype", "0")
End If

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.net - Shorten Array Declaration?

Sep 15, 2010

Question: How to shorten this array creation ? I need to create an array of type ReportingService2005_WebService.Property with one property.

Something like:

Dim PropertyArray() as new ReportingService2005_WebService.Property(1)

I have to do this:

Dim PropertyArray As ReportingService2005_WebService.Property() = New ReportingService2005_WebService.Property(0) {}
PropertyArray(0) = New ReportingService2005_WebService.Property


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VS 2008 How To Shorten Long Value

May 4, 2012

Dim num as integer = 1.60285253
Msgbox(shorted num??)

I want msgbox to show only shorted version of that number, so It should give 1.06

And is is possible to make it round third number to higer? If I want limit it to 2 numbers only, it should show 1.06 as 1.1, but if number was 1.04 it shows shortened number as 1.0.

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Any Algorithm To Shorten Very Large Integer?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a function which generates a very large Integer (I do this by using Biginteger from vjslib.dll and I am able to operate all kind of arithmetic operators on such a biginteger.) But, My goal is to shorten this big integer into a small integer. Is there any algorithm? or a mathematical Formula which I can use to represent it in a small integer and use some reverse formula to get the original Big integer?

The big integer my function creates goes like this:
98761210112313489375987956157462364864823458794572 34573485683465868234568613123749081377932457923457 93475897836587236458678234568234658362458762347895 68932456892346578636123846715376123475745723645666 38247687346128346812364812364816341384612384678345 76341236412783461278346781236481263489126348971238 41134681273467812364789

I do not want to represent my bigInteger in a higher base as it will not be possible to do conversion into higher bases with such a large integer.

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Possible To Shorten Length Of Any Of String In A Way In Which It Also Can Be Reversed?

Jan 1, 2011

Im working a lot with normal strings and during my development process strings with lengts of 10.000+ characters are being processes which makes it a my application run slower.Is it possible to shorten the length of any of string, in a way in which it also can be reversed?

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Replace / Shorten Word In RichTextBox

Feb 6, 2011

I am trying to use this code to shorten words like Hello to Hi, and Whats up to sup in a rich text box.
If Value.Contains("Hello") Then
Value.Replace("Hello", "Hi")
End If
End Sub

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Retrieving Current Line Of Code?

Oct 2, 2009

Is it possible to (programmatically) retrieve the current line of code being executed? For example, I have program X that's only 200 lines long. Is it possible to tell a user "The current line of code is: ....."?Mods - Please do not mark my posts as answered. It is extremely rude. You have no idea if you've answered my question.

I WILL come back and mark the ones that are answers, as answers.

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