Sql Server :: Join Two Different Types Of Databases Together?

Nov 14, 2011

Right now, inside the access file, the mssql tables are set up as linked tables so queries can be written using tables from both databases. (e.g. "select * db1.table1 where db1.table1.somevalue not in db2.table1", or select into tables like that one)These queries need to be moved into a VB.NET project, but still be linked to the access file.ng loops or something?

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Join 2 Tables From 2 Different Access Databases?

May 22, 2012

I am tying to build a COMMAND that joins two tables from two different access databases in vb.net,

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VS 2010 Application Development - Supporting Two Types Of Databases?

Apr 27, 2012

I want to design a application which can support two different types of databases same time e.g; when we install, it will ask which db it has to support and based on initial selection it should work with any db without changing anything in the application.In short it has to be developed keeping in mind that user may have either MS SQL or MySQL. It should support both.

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Sql - "INNER JOIN" The Results Of Two Different Queries From Two Different Databases?

Jun 13, 2012

I connect to SQL Server database and grab a DataSet of the result with the following function:


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Sql Server :: LINQ To SQL Get Grouped MIN With JOIN?

Apr 19, 2010

I'm having trouble with a LINQ to SQL query getting the min value using Visual Basic. Here's the SQL:

SELECT RC.AssetID, MIN(RC.RecCode) AS RecCode, JA.EngineerNote from JobAssetRecCode RC
JOIN JobAssets JA ON JA.AssetID = RC.AssetID AND JA.JobID = RC.JobID
WHERE RC.InspState = 2 AND RC.RecCode > 0


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Best Way To Set Up Server That Could Hold Multiple Databases

Apr 5, 2010

connect my vb.net application to a remote sql server database, so every one who installs the application would be able to connect to the same remote database. the application would obviously require the internet to run.i also want the option to add more databases in the future, preferably one for each business who would use my software.i am wondering the best way to set up this server that could hold multiple databases. i would think i have two options:

1) set up the server myself on a dedicated computer

2) pay for some type of service that host sql server dataases

so how would i go about executing these options? i dont know the first thing. which option is better?i do however know how to connect to a remote database so thats not what i am asking.

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Show Sql Server Servers And Databases?

Sep 9, 2010

I want to display a dialog that has 2 dropdown combo's. The first combo display a list of the available SqlServer servers. The second combo displays the list of available database once the user has selected a server. how to populate the combo's?

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Insert The Excel Data Into Sql Server Databases

Aug 4, 2006

I would like to import the excel in to the sql server using vb.net. how can i do it? Another question is how can i execute the DTS using vb.net

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Make Small Databases Then To Use Access Or Sql Server?

Oct 11, 2009

Are there any other ways to make small databases then to use access or sql server?

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Sync 2 Sql Server 2005 Express Databases

Feb 23, 2010

I have a client that has the basic database on a server(sql server 2005 express database) and wants to work on his laptop from his home, so i guess that i can install the software on his laptop but how will the 2 databases be synchronized, having same data. the synchronization will be made once a day in the morning when he returns to his office. How can this be accomplished?

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C# :: Aggregate Or Join Strings In Linq To Sql Query (SQL Server)?

Aug 6, 2010

Given a table like

ID | Name | City
1 | X | Y
2 | Z | Y


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Multi - Table Join Query In ASP.NET To SQL Server Via LINQ?

Jan 29, 2012

I'm working on an ASP.NET 4.0 site, which I inherited ownership of. It has a number of existing LINQ datasources pointing to individual tables. For example, to the Patient Encounter Summary table in SQL Server. The problem is in displaying the data there. It's a normalized database, so that table contains (for example) the provider ID, rather than the provider name.

It's simple enough to join the Patient Counter Summary to the Providers table (in SQL)... but how does one do that in ASP.NET? I'm not sure of the correct nomenclature, but the 'mid layer' is VB.


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Connect To Previous Other Databases Such As SQL Server, Oracle. But Getting An Error?

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to Connect my VB.net Window Application to IBM_DB2 Database.I have used the same method to connect to previous other databases such as SQL Server, Oracle. But getting an error in DB2.

Dim cn As New OdbcConnection("dsn=Sample;uid=db2admin;pwd=password") 'Sample is DSN


Dim da As New OdbcDataAdapter("Select * from Employee", cn)[code]......

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IDE :: VS Server Explorer Close Databases Connections While Debugging?

Jul 27, 2009

Every time I execute my application and the app try to access the database I received an error message telling me that the user cannot login into the database. This is because the VS Server Explorer have the connection opened. What I need is that every time I debug (F5) my app the Server Explorer close the connection with the database so I do not have to stop the execution and manually close the connection. Is this is possible? Is there any way I can setup the debug or the Server Explorer to do this?


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Whats The Bare Minimal Need To Connect To A Irc Server Then Join The Channel

Aug 4, 2010

Whats the bare minimal you need to connect to a irc server then join the channel? vb6 use to use winsock whats vb.net equilivent?

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Sql Server - Join Tables Based On A Column Without Creating Records For Every Combination

Mar 20, 2012

I have two tables as follows:

Customer | Product
A | Car
A | Bike
A | Boat


If I use a normal JOIN then I get a list of friends for every separate product. I just want the two lists once.

The output lists with '-' need not be table cells, they can be <ul>s.

How can I achieve this? I would like to bind to ASP.net GridView. Should I try to do it all in one query, or use multiple queries and somehow add them both to the same Grid?

Each row actually forms part of a long report. Essentially each row of the report contains Customer ID, a bunch of other fields which match one-to-one with Customer ID, then the two lists for each Customer ID I described. Perhaps I can use a separate query for each list, then manually add each list to the grid on RowDataBound or similar?

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Inner Join - Join Two Tables,'Employee' And 'Dispatch'

May 17, 2012

Iwant to join two tables,'Employee' and 'Dispatch'. Dispatch has column 'DispatcherID' and 'TechnicianID' which are both foregn keys to EmployeeID in Employee table.I want to join these two tables using EmployeeID so that i can obtain the matching name to each id.but it only works when i make a single join to either DispatcherID or TechnicianID and not for both.


select Employee.firstname+' '+Employee,secondname as Technician,Employee.firstname+' '+Employee.secondname as Dispatcher from Dispatch inner join Employee on Dispatch.TechnicianID=Employee.EmployeeID inner join Employee on


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Sql Server - List Of All The SQL Types And Their .NET Mapping?

Nov 27, 2009

I need a list of all the SQL types and their .NET (vb would be preferred, but C# also works for me)equivalent.

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SQL Server Database Attaching Types

Feb 15, 2012

I am attaching DBs using following code.
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=MyHomeServerSQLExpress;Database=master;Integrated Security=SSPI")
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("", conn)
cmd.CommandText = "CREATE DATABASE dbNoPWD ON ( FILENAME = 'd:dbNoPWD.mdf' ), ( FILENAME = 'd:dbNoPWD_log.ldf' ) FOR ATTACH"

I do not want to give any username and password. When I ran the above code and then checked SSMS, I found my attach DB was not checked in Roles (pls. see pic.) The problem with this is my network computers can not access this DB. I want to run some code like above (without sa password) and want that all my network computers can access the DB without my user get involved in setting up SSMS.

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Defining Data Types In SQL Server By Fields Not Columns

May 5, 2011

I am looking to define data types by fields in SQL Server 2005. My source is an Excel spreadsheet and I cannot define by columns because each row requires a set of definitions applied to each field in that row. Ex, row 1 requires field1 to be CHAR while in row 2 field 1 needs to be DATE.

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C# :: Determining Object Equivalence For Value Types, Reference Types And ILists?

Nov 1, 2009

I have a class with a Property called 'Value' which is of type Object.Value can be of any type, a structure, a class, an array, IList etc.My problem is with the setter and determining whether the value has changed or not.This is simple enough for value types, but reference types and lists present a problem.For a class, would you assume that the Equals method has been implemented correctly, or just assume that the value has changed every time the setter is called?If I did assume it's changed, then perhaps I should assume it for value types as well, so that the behaviour is consistent.

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Compare Two Types In Dictionary Of Types .net?

Jun 23, 2012

I need to compare two dictionary values if the types stored are equal, this is what i have

if gettype(Args(key)) = gettype(argtypes(key)) then
'' do something
end if


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Data Types - Decimal - Move That Value Into A SQL Server Data Table Column Defined As A "Float"?

Aug 7, 2010

SQL Server has a Data Type of "Float". Visual Studio has a Data Type of "Decimal". In other words, if I have a variable in a VB.Net app that is defined as a "Decimal" ...can I move that value into a SQL Server Data Table column defined as a "Float"?

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How To Do Databases Using DAO

Apr 2, 2012

i've been doing ADO.NET for a while but I would like to know if its posssible to use dao recordsets in VB.Net 2010 and where I can get tutorials and code samples to do database stuff like insert etc. I've tried to google but most of the code available is for vb6 I was going through some stuff on this link [URL]../bb243801%28v=office.12%29.aspx and i'd like to know if it works for vb.net 2010 or maybe theres something i'm missing. because the moment I put "Dim dbmyDB As dao.database" its been giving me the wavy blue line and i am now doubting if it works or maybe i'm missing some other code

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SQL Databases In .net?

Sep 9, 2009

If you are using an sql database with a vb.net application, does the user need to have anything extra other than the .net framework installed for the program to run? Meaning, if I simply compile the application, are there any extra steps I need to take to make this work?

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.net - Performing An Inner Join?

May 20, 2009

I've trying to do an inner join select statement where I select two fields from a table, and than all the records of a field in a second table that have the same id as the first table.The code looks as follow:

Dim conn As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
Public Sub openDB()


I get a an exception: "invalid bracketing of name [Vegetables Descriptions.DescID] if I take it out to make it look as follow I get a "Join expression not supported"

da = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT [Vegetables Descriptions.Task], [Vegetables Descriptions.Description], [TasksOcc.When] FROM [Vegetables Descriptions] INNER JOIN [TasksOcc] ON [DescID] = [DescID] WHERE [Vegetables Descriptions.VegeID] = vegeID", conn)

I tried folowing examples from the net but where unsuccessful.

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Asp.net - Inner Join Using Linq .net?

Apr 15, 2011

I'm trying to join two datatables of same keyfields.

ID Class
---- -----
1 10
2 9



ID Class1 Class2
1 10 8
2 9 7

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CopyToDataTable From Join?

Jul 23, 2011

After beating my head up against a brick wall for weeks I finally discovered that VB 2008 will not allow CopyToDataTable from a LINQ Query that uses a join.Can anyone provide me with alternative that will let me get a datatable from a join query?

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How To Join Tables

Sep 1, 2010

I've been using Java for a number of years, and now I'm at the beginning again with VB.NET.How would I go about joining two tables?- order doesn't matter, as long as i can print/display the order
Here's an example of what I'd like to do:

table 1
data 1 , data 2 , date time
12 , 23 , 2010/8/20 10:00:00


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How To Join Two Datasets Together

Aug 2, 2011

how to join two datasets together.

First Dataset
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT payment.Debtor, SUM(Value_invoice) AS before_this_month,debtor.nama FROM Payment INNER JOIN dbo.debtor ON Payment.Debtor = debtor.debtor" & _


Now i just want to either inner join or left join PaymentBeforeThisMonth and PaymentThisMonth into another dataset?

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