Stop Shifting Of Value From Right To Left In MaskedTextBox?

Aug 3, 2010

The problem is that, when you delete MM value from the MaskedTextBox, it is shifting remaining dd/yyyy values to left in the place of deleted MM.So we would like to know how to stop shifting of dd/yyyy to left when some data is deleted from the control.

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Display Cursor At Left Side Of Text In MaskedTextBox?

Jun 23, 2010

When Window form loads, we are displaying the date (in MM/dd/yyyy format) in the MaskedTextBox control. Currently it is displaying date in MM/dd/yyyy format and displaying cursor at the end of the text. Our requirement is to display the cursor at left position of the text in MaskedTextBox.


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Use MaskCompleted On A MaskedTextBox To Display Error If Box Is Left Empty On Submit?

Mar 22, 2011

This May sound strange but I have about 10 Visual Basic book, including two references that don't explain this property. It is mentioned but there are not examples as to how to use it.

I just came across this property MaskCompleted but I am not sure how to apply it so that MaskedTextBoxes are not left empty or a message is generated.

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Bit Shifting In Ruby?

Feb 25, 2012

I'm currently converting a Visual Basic application to Ruby because we're moving it to the web. However when converting some algorithms I've run into a problem concerning bit shifting.How I understand it, the problem lies in the size mask VB enforces on Integer types (as explained Here). Ruby, in practice, doesn't differentiate in these types.


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Shifting From One Texbox To Other And Text As 0.00

Aug 17, 2009

I am writing a programme for Payment calculations.I have four textboxes txtPaymentDue, txtDiscount, txtBalancePaymentDue, txtAmountPaid, txtChange
PaymentDue, BalancePaymentDue and Change are calculated by the programme.My requirements are:

1) when i enter Discount in txtDiscount on EnterKeyPress cursor should go to txtBalancePaymentDue wherein it will display the calculated BalancePaymentDue and on next EnterKeyPress the cursor should go to the txtAmountPaid and finally on EnterKeyPress the cursor should move to txtChange.

2) When I enter a digit in txtDiscount it should take it as right to left sequence and it should allow the insersion of digits if i want to type 36.45 then if i type 5 the texbox should immediately look like this 00.05 when i type next digit it should look like this 00.45 likewise when i type next digit it should display 06.45 and finally 36.45.

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VS 2005 Shifting The Position Of A Datacolumn In A Datatable?

May 21, 2009

Can anyone demonstrate with an example how to shift the position of a datacolumn in a specific position after it is added at the end of a datatable.For example lets say I have a datatable with 9 columns and 5 rows. Now I added a 10th column. However I need this new column as the 5th column which requires shifting. How do I perform this shifting?

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VS 2008 : Change The Pointer From Left To Right To Right To Left In The TextBox?

Mar 28, 2009

I'm using vb2008 Is that possible to change the pointer from left to right to right to left in the TextBox.

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Change Pointer From Left To Right To Right To Left In TextBox?

Oct 28, 2011

Is that possible to change the pointer from left to right to right to left in the TextBox. to became as it show in the pic below.

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Make A .SubString Get The Characters From Right To Left Not Left To Right?

Oct 8, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to make a .SubString get the characters from right to left not left to right.Say if a user enters 123456789 in text box 1 and I use textbox1.text.SubString(0,2) it will display 12. But, I want it to get 89.I do not want it to get 98, but 89. I tried textbox.text.substring (0, -2) but that just gives an error.So if Gold is entered it gets ld

it gets un
it gets ic

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Scroll Left In Panel When Children.left= -

Jun 6, 2011

I got a panel that i am adding labels to. I have autoscroll enabled on it so when they fill the viewable space it scrolls. but i need to put the labels to the left unviewable space(when left scroll is already at 0) The label is placed but i dont get the scroll bars and i cant force it to scroll to a - value.

Is this even possible? Same thing with UP.

Or is the Scroll only limited to Bottom and Right?

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Found A Solution To An Annoying Bug With "shifting" Controls?

Oct 24, 2009

For some background please see the following thread where I just posted a solution that worked for me:[URL]..The issue involves the shifting of controls on a form when it is first being loaded (it may not necessarily happen in the Load event though). As I write in the first linked thread above.I have noticed it on a few projects -- all MDI -- but with no apparent rhyme or reason as to which controls get "afflicted". I've had it happen on labels, textboxes, pictureboxes, radio buttons, etc. Also the distance they shift is varied, as well as teh direction the move - sometimes different directions on the same form.There are no consistent properties that these controls share and I am positive that it is not a simple anchor issue. This is a true and serious bug and amazingly frustrating because there appeas to be nothing you can do or test to hack into the behavior and begin to debug it. Scrapping a solution and redoing it from scratch can seem like a viable answer it is this vexing.

My solution was to set the AutoScaleMode to None and the issue resolved itself immediately. Since many people come to this forum with Forms questions I thought it might be useful information -- at the very least it might get on the radar of some of teh answerers here in case a question pops up of this nature in the future.

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Stopping Multiple Timers - Stop Button To Stop Each Timer One At A Time

Feb 26, 2009

Alright, so I'm still working on the slot machine. I have three timers all independently going for my three "wheels" of the slot machine.

My issue, is that I'm trying to make a Stop button to stop each timer one at a time, and I'm not understanding why this code isn't working. The logic completely makes sense, and the first "wheel" stops when I click the button, however, it doesnt appear to stop the other two timers.


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VS 2008 Stop Threadpool With A Stop Button?

Dec 24, 2009

I have a simple application that use thread pool to read a file and input the data into a listbox. I want to be able to stop threadpool from running after clicking a stop button. How do I stop threadpool? Here is the code for my application below:

Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Private Delegate Sub StringDelegate(ByVal text As String)


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VS 2010 : Use A Stop Button To Stop A Loop?

Dec 7, 2009

I created a form and have the variable inputs for 4 motor run statements. Then with a start button the script starts and it is surrounded by a for next statement to loop 10 times. It works fine but if i need to stop the execution of the script with a stop button. I put the stop in a new section but of course does not work to do a motor stop. It just causes the exe to not respond till the loop is complete. Just need to be able to stop the Run1_Click button section.

Edit:I do not mind if it finishes the 4 motor run commands and then stops execution of the loop. So need to figure out a way to trigger a stop from a button on the form to stop the cycle. For the future the loop will be a variable integer input so 10 will not be the standard.

Edit::Does a ' Do ' statement sound like the thing to use? If so how and where would I place that? Have a Stop button on the form and it would stop after the 4th motor run command.

#End Region
Declare Function InitStp Lib "stp.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function RunMotor1 Lib "stp.dll" (ByVal steps As Integer, ByVal interval As Integer, ByVal direction As Integer, ByVal outputs As Integer) As Boolean


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MaskedtextBox And MaskedTextProvider?

May 11, 2010

What exactly is a MaskedTextProvider? What is it used for?? and How do i use it?I mostly understand the MaskedTextBox control, but I'm not sure what the connection is between to two is?how to go about using the two... Does anyone know of any??? I found plenty of the MaskedtextBox, but none with a decent explaination of the use of the MaskedTextProvider.

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MaskedTextBox Not In VS2010?

Jul 4, 2011

i recently use vs 2010 but i cant see the MaskedTextBox control in the toolbox.

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Using MaskedTextBox For A Form

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to use a MaskedTextBox for a form. I'm not sure what to put for the Name property?

Is it: maskPhone or mskPhone or mtbPhone or ......?

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VS 2010 Get VALUE Of A MaskedTextBox?

Sep 28, 2011

How do I get just the value that is typed into a MaskedTextBox?For instance, if I have a MaskedTextBox with the mask of (999) 000-0000 x000000, and the user typed in a phone number, like (905) 555-1234 x6869.How do I get back the raw number value, without the mask? (ie: 90555512346869)

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Format A TextBox Like A MaskedTextBox?

Sep 21, 2011

After experimenting around with DevExpress controls and adding them to my form, Custom mask do not seem to work on the MaskedTextBox. If I place a custom mask and debug, I get a null reference exception.

It seems to be the maskedTextBox's mask property that is doing this. I have tried setting the mask through design and by code. However, neither way works.

My question is, is it possible to use a TextBox as a maskedTextbox? To be able to format it? I need the user to enter in hours, minutes, seconds like hh:mm:ss or 00:00:00.

Here's the error I get:

"NullReferenceException was unhandled. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


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Format The MaskedTextBox Control?

Mar 17, 2009

I am creating a WinForms application using VS.NET 2005, VB.NET, and SQL Server 2000. My problem is the MaskedTextBox control. I can successfully insert the value in an SQL Server table column as smalldate such as 3/17/2009, but it displays as 31/72/009.

I tried the following with no success:mskLastPayment.Text = Format(rdr!LastPayment).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")mskLastPayment.Text = rdr!LastPayment.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")mskLastPayment.Text = CType(rdr!LastPayment.ToString(), DateTime).ToShortDateString

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How To Understand A MaskedTextBox In Null

Jun 6, 2011

how to understand a msakeditbox in null?

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MaskedTextbox - How To Format Number

May 11, 2011

What can I do when we need to write in maskedtextbox this format
like : 0.00
result : 1235422.10
first level any digits
second level just 2 digits

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Maskedtextbox 000000 Not Visible?

Jun 9, 2011

for example i want to put 0000012, but the zero number not showing.

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MaskedTextBox Control Validation?

Apr 3, 2009

I am trying to find a way to validate my MaskedTextBox control called mskDate which is a short date property. I need to determine whether the user entered a date in the MaskedTextBox control. I cannot use the Not IsDate function because what happens if the user does not make an entry, then the Not IsDate would not work because the user is not required to enter a date. What happens if the user only enters 03/? This would not be considered a date, but a valid date is required. I tried using the substring to see if an entry has been made but it does not work because of the / / format.

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Maskedtextbox Disabled But Not Greyed Out

Jan 2, 2011

Is it possible to disable a maskedtextbox and not have it greyed out? I have several on my form, some of them I allow input and some I don't. I'd like to have the enabled boxes one color and the disabled another color.

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MaskedTextBox Property Does Not Work?

Jan 27, 2012

MaskedTextBox Property does not work

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Set MaskedTextbox Height Property?

May 18, 2006

I am trying to find a way to adjust the height of a MaskedTextBox. The height seems to depend only on the font size. I tried to create my own class and use SetStyle to allow me change the height but it didn't seem to have any effect. I set the parameter to True and False, both with the same result. The height changed according to the font size and I could not change it. The code is shown below.

What is the purpose of the FixedHeight style? Is there a way to control the height of the MaskedTextBox?

Public Class Form1
Dim WithEvents MTB As MyTextBox
Public Class MyTextBox


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Set Maskedtextbox To A Currency Format?

Sep 16, 2007

Does anyone know how to set the maskedtextbox to a currency format that actually works? I have set the mask to $999,999.00 but the user input looks like this 120,0 instead of this 12.00. It seems like the maskedtextbox would be able to handle this type of input without using the keypress events to alter the text.

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Validate Input Of 10 Same MaskedTextBox?

Jul 3, 2011

I am going to make a form which will have 10 MaskedTextBoxes. I want to validate input of all these MaskedTextBoxes then Sum the input of validated one into another MaskedTextBox. If there is any value in any MaskedTextBox it mast be validate by the format of "9990.000" or if it is empty return zero. I do not want to write the same code for every MaskedTextBox, I want to use function & sub. The problem with "e" type TypeValidationEventArgs. When I call the SumBurBoxes sub in txtBur_1_TypeValidationCompleted & give the "e" as second parameter, then if the txtBur_1 be invalid type and any other txtBur Boxes have value it will get error on all boxes if the txtBur_1 be valid type even the the other boxes be invalid type it does not get error on them.

Here is my Code.

Public Class Entrance
Private Function RetrnTxtBur(ByVal index As Integer)
Dim txt(0 To 9) As MaskedTextBox
txt(0) = Me.txtBur_1


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Validating Zip Code In MaskedTextBox

Mar 24, 2011

I have a MaskedTextBox set to validate Zip Codes.

I set up my code to allow the user to enter either 5 numbers since most people like me don't know the last four of their zip codes.

The plan here is to allow the user to either enter 5 numbers or 9 numbers. The numbers cannot be less then 5 or more then 9.

If the user does not enter the numbers they cannot leave the field.

This is just a practice project.

This is the code I have written.

I have chaged this code multiple times for about an hour and cannot figure out what I am doing wwrong.

take a look:

Private Sub masTxtCusZipCodeField_Leave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles masTxtCusZipCodeField.Leave
If masTxtCusZipCodeField.Text.Length = 4 Or masTxtCusZipCodeField.Text.Length = 8 Then


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