Take The Numerical Contents Of A Textbox?

Sep 9, 2009

Would it be possible to take the numerical contents of a textbox that looks something like:


and on button click have them added together and display the total on a label.

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Numerical Validation - User Chose Only Numerical Values After The Empty String

Jul 22, 2010

I am checking for empty string values, but how do i see for the Quantity text box if the user chose only numerical values after the empty string. For example...


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Can't Clear Textbox Text Property When It Contains A Numerical Value

Oct 6, 2011

I'm trying to write a Database manager in VB (2010) that updates a SQL database that compiles and summarizes my financial records. The code works, but I'm having issues with one exception that I think I understand, but can't circumvent. I've built an I/O form that enters a series of purchases and sales into a temporary datatable. After review of the list, the program connects to the database and executes the SQL. That all works and isn't a problem.


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Masked TextBox Appearance - Accept Numerical Values Between 0 And 999?

Aug 10, 2011

Problem: I wanted data input text boxes that only accept numerical values between 0 and 999. I could check for this during a later 'save' routine, but instead preferred to warn the user at the input stage; so I chose masked textboxes - setting the mask to "000". However these boxes appear and behave differently. They have a row of 3 underscores - which I don't want - and also seem more difficult to hit with the cursor. How can I get Masked TextBoxes to appear and behave exactly as normal ones?

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VS 2008 Focus Textbox (numerical Keyboard On Screen)?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a form with some textbox and a numerical keyboard on screen. The following code works well if only it had 1 textbox..

Private Sub botones_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt0.Click, bt1.Click, bt2.Click, bt3.Click, bt4.Click, bt5.Click, bt6.Click, bt7.Click, bt8.Click, bt9.Click, btDec.Click


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Format TextBox Only Numerical Data And 2 Decimal Places, Enable Backspace?

Apr 26, 2010

I have managed to format a text box to be formatted to two decimal places, and to only accept numbers.Only problem is i need to allow the backspace so that if someone types something wrong, they can backspace and type the correct number

Private Sub txtCAmount_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles txtCAmount.KeyPress
'Allow only numberical input plus decimal.
Dim allowedChars As String = "0123456789."


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Forms :: Convert String To Give Textbox Name To Get Contents Of Textbox

Jul 6, 2011

I have a form where a number of textboxes are programmatically created within a flowLayoutPanel and named by adding together 2 strings.

With the click of another button i hope to have all the values entered into these text boxes stored in a text file. However, i cant seem to find a way to add strings together to allow me to retrieve the values entered within the text boxes created.

Below is the code i have so far: BTW FLP is my flow layout panel and c is my calculated nmber of textboxes that are created.

Private Sub createTB(ByVal c As Integer)
Dim x1 As Integer = 1
Dim y As Integer = 2


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Send The Contents Of A Vb Textbox To A Flash Textbox Which Is In An Swf Embedded On Vb Form?

Feb 3, 2010

I recently learned how to send the contents of a vb textbox to a flash textbox which is in an swf embedded on my vb form using a vb button to trigger...

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(0, "C:sample.swf")
End Sub


This workds great, however what i REALLY want to do is the other way around.... I want to click a flash button thats in the embedded swf and have it put text into my VB textbox... The text I want to dislay is:"well done!" SO Far:I have built a simple swf with a dynamic textbox and a button. textbox is named "sampleField" and its var is: "sampleFieldVar"...button instance named "Button1" is an instance of "button".

using as2 I have put the following code onto the button:
(read this somwhere online)


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Take The Contents Of A Textbox And Put?

Jul 22, 2009

I am attempting to take the contents of a textbox and put it in a field in the webbrowser. Once placed in the named field, an "Add" button is clicked. Is there a way I can loop it so that it will fill in the filed with textbox1 and click, then textbox2 and click etc.I have attempted this, and it skips immediately to the last textbox.Here is the code that I would like to repeat:Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click


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How To Print Textbox Contents

Apr 1, 2009

I need to print the contents of a textbox in vb.net 2008.[code]

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Save Contents In TextBox?

Sep 5, 2009

How would I save the contents in the textbox so that next time the form containing the textbox is opened, it will still have the same text?

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Auto-select A Textbox's Contents?

Jul 16, 2010

I am writing an add-in for VB.NET 2008. I am getting some strange behavior when I run the generated form and was wondering if anyone has any clue as to why this happens. I re-booted and started fresh and get the same results.

I am trying to select the contents of the textbox when the user clicks on it using the Enter event. I tried the following

private sub txtPMAItemPMAStatus_Enter(sender as system.object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles txtPMAItemPMAStatus.enter
With txtPMAItemPMAStatus


After I click OK on the MessageBox the text is selected. Could it be because it is a spawned instance of the IDE?

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Display Folder Contents In A Textbox?

Dec 16, 2009

I've got another problem. This time I am Trying to display the contents of a folder into a textbox:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub browseFolder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles browseFolder.Click
FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath = _


I know the line TextBox1.Text = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath is not what I want to be doing, but thats the only thing I can get to work, but that just displays the folder path obviously. What I want is to display the contents of the selected folder into TextBox1

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Display The Contents Of A Variable In A Textbox

Oct 3, 2009

Does variable total have to be converted back to string ie..Cstr(total) in order for the result of total to be displayed in the text box txtdisplay? I notice It will work if I convert it to string or If I leave total a double it will still display the result as a double. what is the correct programming practice? [code]

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Highlight Contents Of A Textbox When Gets Focus?

Aug 8, 2009

How do I highlight the contents of a textbox when gets focus?

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TextBox Contents To DataGridView Cell?

Jun 12, 2011

What i have: I have five Textboxs (1 to 5) I have a Button I have a Datagrid with five columns (1 to 5)What i want to do: on a button click put whatevers in the 5 textboxs in the specified columns create another row below and so on..

I don't know why its not a easy as:

DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("Column1").Value = TextBox1
Etc, then create another row and repeat.

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Transfer The Contents Of A Row In A Datagrid To A Textbox?

Jan 16, 2010

Is it possible to transfer the contents of a row in a datagrid to a textbox? (Like, when I click row 3, the contents of that row will be transferred to the textboxes) If it is, can anyone guide me to a tutorial? Or is this technique applicable only to the ListView object?

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Unwanted Selection Of All Contents In Textbox

Feb 10, 2011

I'm using VB 2005 and MS Access 2000. I have a process that does some "stuff" with the data, re-queries the database, re-populates the form then displays a messagebox indicating that the process has completed. My issue is that after clicking OK in the messagebox, that whatever textbox the cursor was in prior to starting the process, now has all the text in it highlighted. If I don't show the messagebox then this doesn't happen. And if I don't call the process that repopulates the form controls, this doesn't happen. There's no code in the app that selects the contents of the textbox so is there a property somewhere that controls this?

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VS 2008 Save Contents In TextBox?

Sep 26, 2009

How would I save the contents in a textbox? Right now I save a "Save" button, and heres the code

1.Text = My.Settings.1
2.Text = My.Settings.2
3.Text = My.Settings.3


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Write Contents Of A TextBox To Memory?

Jan 15, 2010

Is it possible to write the contents of a TextBox to memory so it is available in e.g. WORD or NOTEPAD and can be pasted using CTRL-V?

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Write Contents Of Textbox To A File?

Dec 31, 2008

EmpNoteFileName = EmpFileDir & SEmpID & ".TXT"
FileOpen(EmpNoteFileNum, EmpNoteFileName, OpenMode.Output)
txtAddEmpNote.Text = "LAST UPDATED ON " & DateString & vbCrLf & txtAddEmpNote.Text


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Write Contents Of Textbox To File?

Oct 16, 2010

I need the code when i write something in a textbox and when i click on save, it is save in a folder and in that folder will be the text file. How do i do that?

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Code To Print The Contents Of Rich Textbox?

Aug 17, 2011

Using the following code to print the contents of my rich textbox

Private Sub PrintText(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal ev As PrintPageEventArgs)
tbUpperBody.Text = vbNewLine &
vbNewLine &


Issue is that when the rich textbox contains text that is spread over multiple lines, it prints as one massive line, which obviously disappears off the edge of the page.

how can i get it to print with line breaks?

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Compare The Contents Of The Textbox With Result Of The Dataset?

Sep 14, 2009

How do you compare the contents of the textbox with result of the dataset?

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DB/Reporting :: Write And Read Contents Of Textbox

May 16, 2008

Would I be able to for example, write the contents of Textbox1 (say it's labeled First Name) and Textbox2 (Last Name) and make it write to a database. The on the next screen, form, window, whatever....have it say Hello (First and Last name that was put in on the previous screen).

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Forms :: Entering Textbox And Highlighting All Contents Or Not?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a normal form and normal textboxes. When the focus passes to a one-line textbox with text in it, I want to force the text to be selected and highlighted. When the focus passes to a multi-line textbox, I want to force the text to NOT be selected or highlighted, and the cursor to be at the end.I have the code HTML

Private Sub TextBoxMultiLines_Enter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBoxMultiLine1.Enter, TextBoxMultiLine2.Enter etc. etc.


After the initial TAB, the code works fine when you use the Enter key. How can I overcome the 'use TAB key first' problem?

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Input Textbox Contents Inside File

Sep 25, 2010

I want to create a simple program in Visual Basic 2010 that can take input from three text boxes and when pressing a button I can write to a file, the input can be letters or numbers or both of them about 10 characters long. The program should overwrite a specific text file and place a predifined text on it and the input from the text boxes must be placed in a certain
position of the file.

"This is the input from text box I want to include" the "input from the text box" shows how it should positioned the input from the text boxes inside the file.

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Rename Text File With Contents In Textbox?

Jun 10, 2011

how to rename text file with textbox contents. I have a textbox and i would like to make it so once a button is clicked the text file is renamed according to the contents in the textbox.I am using VB 2008.

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Save And Load Textbox Contents To File?

May 22, 2009

I have an application that pings IP addresses. When complete it will probably have close to 1000 IP addresses it will ping. I have a settings page that has a textbox that stores the IP address (one IP address eg. per text box) for the object to ping. I want to be able to save all of the textbox IP address into a text file, and then be able to load the IP addresses from the text file into the respective text boxes.

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Saving And Loading Contents Of AutoCompleteCustomSource For Textbox

Nov 29, 2008

I've got a textbox using a custom auto complete source, which gathers info from what the user has previously typed. Problem is, I can't figure out how to have that source saved when the application closes and loaded when the application opens.

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