Takes A Value In A Combo Box And Appends It To A String?

Jul 23, 2009

I have the following expression that takes a value in a combo box and appends it to a string :

Dim Expression As String = "COMPANY = '" & cmbCompany.Text & "'"

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C# - Which Takes More Memory - String Value Or Long Value

Apr 16, 2012

I have a client application that connects to a WCF service, i get the file size from the server as a long value then i convert it at the client to a string so it appears like ex:52.21 MB the application gets too many files sizes every time user changes the directory pathso the question is :should i convert the values to a string format from WCF service app then return it to the client as a string format or should i just return the size as a long value and let the client to convert it to a string format in other way which value take more bytes in the memory:


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Function That Takes A String As A Parameter?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a function that takes a String as a parameter And in it I have variables, so if I call it it's like

Dim Text As String = MyStringConverter("Hello Mr. " & Name & " " & Surname "!")

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Takes A String Parameter And Runs A Command?

Mar 15, 2010

What function in VB.NET simply takes a string parameter and runs a command? It would work just like the OK button in the Start -> Run dialog.[code]

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Write A Program That Takes A String Of Bits And Encrypts It Using DES Encryption?

Feb 19, 2010

Alright, So ive returned to using vb after several years now. Ive programed in VB6.0 years ago and I was quite proficient at it. However after returning to vb (now using Visual Studio 2010). Either Ive forgotten everything, or something has changed. For a university project. Im trying to write a program that takes a string of bits and encrypts it using DES Encryption.


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Address Bar Appends Unknown Characters?

Jul 1, 2011

When i run my website in Visual Studio 2008 the address bar of explorer generates the following address


The bold and underlined portion i-e (S(2vq3th45ep5kle5542jo4i45)) is generated from today and automatically. What is this showing? Is it a virus in my computer and will it destroy my application? It is making me tense as i am ne to ASP.NET and not in position to re-develop what i have mde up till now.

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VS 2010 Export Dataadapter To Excel Appends Instead Overwrite

Jan 11, 2012

I have some code that fills my datagridview (VulDgv) I also have some code that exports the datatable to an excelfile (DatatableToExcel). All works pretty good. However...when I export to an existing file I get 2 warnings, first is the "file exists overwrite" warning from the savefiledialog. The second message is the "excelfile exists" from excel itselve. (is it possible to hide this message?) My real problem is after the 2 messages the code APPENDS the data to the excel file instead of overwriting it.


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Shared Functions - Two Threads Both Calling A Normal Function At The Same That Appends Strings

Dec 6, 2009

If I have two threads both calling a normal function at the same that appends strings, sometime the output string is a combination from both threads as the function had not finished executing the code before it was called again... Would a shared function wait to finish first?

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VS 2010 Prog Appends A Textfile - User Able To Delete Or Modify While Form Open?

May 17, 2012

Prog appends a textfile. Don't want user able to delete or modify while form open. How do I do this?? - As long as form is open user cannot modify or delete textfile. But so the file can be edited from within form

How do I do this. Here is my code so far

Public Class Form1 Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:UsersBirthdayDocumentsinfo.txt" Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Check If String Is In A Combo Box List?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm having kind of a hard time about this, just would like to ask if anyone knows how to check if a string that is input by the user in a text of combo box is in the list of the combo box?

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Convert Combo Box String To Integer?

Mar 4, 2012

I'm trying to get a combobox that has a string value in it to be an integer value. So that I can do math with the value that comes from choosing its indexes.The two strings are "one dozen" and "two dozen" of which I am trying to let VB know that they are actually 12 and 24 respectively so I do the math. How do I declare the variable(s) that becomes the selection of this combobox so visual basic does it right without and error?

This is the code I have so far, with "bagelquantity" and "bagelquantitystring" as the proposed method to work with this problem. I'm thinking I set a variable for the strings of the combo box (bagelquantitystring) to be converted from string to integer into this variable, and then a normal variable (bagelquantity) for the rest of the combobox values.

Private bagelquantitycount As Integer
Private totalsales As Double 'accumulator for total sales LIKE totalsales += totalsales
Private Sub MenuFileCalc_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MenuFileCalc.Click[code].....

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Listview String Value Goto Combo Box On Double Click

May 2, 2012

i have hard codeded combo like this suppose i select not tolerated by pattient this is listview box and i want "not tolerated by pattient" back to combo box on double click to list view box

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Combo Box Selected Item Is Null - Assign An Empty String To It Instead?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a property called ReplacementTo and I set a value to it based on the selecteditem from the combobox, like this:

classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString

Now I can't use cmbReplcmnt.Text because what I actually need is the value of that SelectedItem

So problem is, if the user leaves the combobox as blank, it throws a null exception.I decided to use the IIf function then:classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = IIf(IsNothing(cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString), classEquipmentItem.ReplacementTo = "", cmbReplcmnt.SelectedItem.ToString)

Unfortunately I still get the error I tried using a Try-Catch for it and it worked, but I don't want to rely on the Try-Catch, so I was wondering is there a another way to work this through?

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Manipulate A String That Have Selected From A Combo Box That Has Been Upated Dynamically From An MS Access Database Table?

Apr 20, 2010

How do you manipulate a string that you have selected from a Combo Box that has been upated dynamically from an MS Access Database table?I have strings that are "1, Surname, Forename" and need to get both the number, and the surname out to put back into a different database table.

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Pick A Word In Combo Box A That Has Specific Words/phrases In Combo Box B Show?

Feb 24, 2009

i wanted to link options selected from Comb box A (general) to specific options in combo box B (specific). I want to pick a word in Combo box A that has specific words/phrases in Combo Box B show. But not all the words to show in the combo box B if they aren't associated with the Word picked in Combo Box A. Ex.When "Soda" is picked in A, only "Coke, Sprite, Fanta" should be visible in combo box b, not everything else.This is the code i used to make the boxes, but i don't know how to link them.

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' fills the combo boxes with values


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Use A Databound Combo Box To Display One Field In The Drop Down And Another As The Combo Box Text On Roll Up?

Feb 21, 2012

How to use a databound combo box to display one field in the drop down, and another as the combo box text on roll up? Using VS 2005... For example, I have a datatable that has 2 fields. One called "ShortDesc" and one called "LongDesc". I want to be able to see the "LongDesc" column values in the drop down on the combo box. When I make a selection, I want the text in the combo box to read the corresponding "ShortDesc" value.


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Object Null Combo - Error When Try To Populate Some Combo Boxes With A Value

Nov 16, 2011

I am getting an error when i try to populate some combo boxes with a value, the combo box has values in and the right amount the code is getting the right number.

the error msg is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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One Combo Box Fills Another And Hits The Second Combo Box's Lost Focus Event?

Jun 7, 2012

Combo box 2 is filled based on a selection made in combo box 1 and a listview is populated based on the selection made in combo box 2.When the LostFocus event completes in combo box 1, it hits the LostFocus event in Combo Box 2 but it shouldn't. How do I prevent this from happening or if I can't prevent it, how do I work around it? The following is the code used.

Private Sub cboCategory_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategory.LostFocus


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Javascript - Change Values In Combo Box By Selection In First Combo Box?

Jan 12, 2012

I've got some code like the following. I want it so that when I chose an item in 'select 1' it changes the in the second combo box but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Does it have to be AJax or can it be done with just Javascript?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Datagridview Combo Box - Set A Single Cell As A Combo Box?

Feb 13, 2009

is there a way to set a single cell as a combo box? it looks to me that you can only set the whole column.

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Forms :: Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box. i have this code for now but it does not work


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Programmatically Add Combo Box Items To A Combo Box In A Datagrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I know how to add the items during design time but how do you add the items through code. I want to fill the combo box in the datagrid with the results of an SQL query?

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Enable/Disable Combo Box From Another Combo Box?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a form with 8 combo boxes and would like to disble certain combo boxes, depending on what was selected in another combo box. The reason is so the user will not have a blank return on a query. The first form I created like this worked great, no issues. This form only allows one combo box (Number_of_Lightheads) to disable any others. Below is the code I have for this Form. why the other combo boxes will not disable the ones that are called out in the code?

Option Compare Database
Private Sub High_Def_AfterUpdate()
If Me.High_Def = Yes Then


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Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box i have this code for now but it does not work

j = 0
Do While j < cmbSession.Items.Count
If (j <> lesson) Then


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Program Takes All Cpu?

May 10, 2010

A couple days, I figured up a working program and it was def. faster than what we needed. Now, adding a couple more loops, the program barely uses any memory, but the cpu used spikes up to 90+ and just letting it sit doesn't help.I tried taking out the couple loops I put in, but it does not revert back to being fast. It's nothing big, but since dealing with 1000+ excel files a day, I'd rather not do that by hand.

how many infinite loops vb.net can support without dragging down the system? I know, infinite loops are poor design, but it works.

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.Net Exe Takes More Time While Loading?

Feb 9, 2010

When I run my .net application exe .It takes time while loading first time How can I reduce a loading time of my application exe ?

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Httpwebrequests Takes Too Much Bandwidth?

Apr 24, 2012

I have a multi-threaded application that sends requests to my online app and that page is less than 1kb now the question is how do 15 threads take 300kbs

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Hyperlink In Asp.net That Takes The Value To The Next Page?

Feb 2, 2010

im using asp.net with vb.net in backcode. On my first page, i diplay names of all employees. I want to give that a hyperlink, that when clicked upon shall open the next page with say a querystring and opn only that employees records. Also I want the save the employeeid (which is not shown on page 1) on the second page, cause when i do updates on second page, I want to use that employeeId in "where" clause for update or insert statements.

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IDE :: .Net Exe Takes Time While Loading?

Feb 4, 2010

When I run my .net application exe .It takes time while loading How can i reduce a loading time of my application exe.

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Opacity Takes Away Smoothness?

Feb 1, 2012

I designing a form with different control have different opacity values.the problem is when i use the transparency key method to make a portion of the form transparent the resulting form and text is not smooth and traces of the transparency colours can be seen is there a way to remove this or any other way to implement transparency?

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