VS 2010 Export Dataadapter To Excel Appends Instead Overwrite

Jan 11, 2012

I have some code that fills my datagridview (VulDgv) I also have some code that exports the datatable to an excelfile (DatatableToExcel). All works pretty good. However...when I export to an existing file I get 2 warnings, first is the "file exists overwrite" warning from the savefiledialog. The second message is the "excelfile exists" from excel itselve. (is it possible to hide this message?) My real problem is after the 2 messages the code APPENDS the data to the excel file instead of overwriting it.


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Overwrite An Other Excel-file Without The Dialog "Really Want To Overwrite"?

Feb 11, 2010

How can I save an Excel-file, which I'd edit with VB.NE, to a file, which already exists? Evertime there is a dialog: File already exists. Do you really want to overwrite? YES|NO|Abort

How can I overwrite without this dialog?

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VS 2010 Export Data To Excel?

Aug 21, 2010

I use this simple code to export data from my dataset to excel. Now i want to export that data with a condition from the "cbVecka" combobox. I can't figure out how to do that. Any Ideas?

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VS 2010 Export DataGridView To Excel

Mar 9, 2011

I've google so many examples but none of them work. Well they do but they don't perform the way I need it to:

1) Check if excel file with specific file name exists in application.startup path

2) If doesn't exist, then take DataGridView contents (including header names) and write it to a new excel file

If exists, then take DataGridView contents and append to the existing excel file (excluding header names)Can someone for the love of VB.NET paste some code that can do this? I've been at it for 3 days with no sleep and nothing has worked so far I make the smallest changes to code I find online and the bloody thing doesn't work anymore. I don't know why it does that...I already have Imports.Microsoft.Office referenced to my project so I can create Excel Applications on my form.

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Asp.net - Add An "Export To Excel" Button To A Webpage To Export Gridview To Excel In Webapplication

Dec 9, 2010

i built a patient management software for a clinic and i need to export patiet list from ASP.net grid view to excel file my question is:Is there a way to export gridview to excel i am using vb.net and visual web developer 2010 i store datasource from advanced search page into a session and redirect to result page
here is the code of result page


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VS 2010 Prog Appends A Textfile - User Able To Delete Or Modify While Form Open?

May 17, 2012

Prog appends a textfile. Don't want user able to delete or modify while form open. How do I do this?? - As long as form is open user cannot modify or delete textfile. But so the file can be edited from within form

How do I do this. Here is my code so far

Public Class Form1 Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:UsersBirthdayDocumentsinfo.txt" Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 Export Control Data To Excel Sheet/file?

Aug 25, 2011

I am trying to export data from textboxes to a blank newly created excel document on button click.

I'm simply taking the string data from textboxes and exporting/saving them to a excel document.

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VS 2010 Export Columns From 3 Excel Files And Send To One File?

Oct 7, 2011

I am dealing with survey data at the moment and i am interested in extracting data of identical 5 columns from 3 excel files and then aggregate them into one excel file.below is the code im working on, fairly new to VBA so my apologies if my code doesnt make sense to you.

Sub extraction()
Dim a As Range
Dim r As Range
Dim wbSource As Workbook
Dim wbDestination As Workbook


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VS 2010 MS Access Query Export To Excel (Office 2003)?

May 16, 2011

I'm running into a bit of a roadblock here. I have tried to search the web/forums for answer for last several hours to no avail and I'm not the expert VB Programmer.However, I was able to write an app to do the following:

1) read Outlook emails for particular emails containing xml link in which I was able to download the file and save to my hard drive.

2) opened the Excel spreadsheet to run the macro which import those XMLs into existing XLS spreadsheets to refresh the data.

3) Those XLS spreadsheets are linked in my MS Access in which I join all four XLS sheets to create one report via Query which I have created in the past prior to this app development.

I have manually done a File Export of this query via ALT+F then E and what I'd like to do is to either take control of menu commands OR alternate method of performing a File Export to a new Excel spreadsheet (version 2003).I've seen two different methods, one via DoCmd OutputtoFile and another is TransferSpreadsheet.Here's my Access coding I have in my VB 2010:

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Public Class OutlookOfflineEmailExtractor
Dim wsAccessApp As Access.Application


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Overwrite An Excel Application Without Prompting The Users?

May 14, 2010

how can I overwrite the excel file without prompting the users in VB.Net..I have try this code but It doesn't work..

Dim xlsApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlsBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlsSheet As Excel.Worksheet[code].......

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Fill A DataAdapter From An Excel.xls Spreadsheet?

May 7, 2009

There is no other workaround at this point, so here is what I am attempting to do:

1. Fill a DataAdapter from an Excel.xls spreadsheet.
2. TRUNCATE an existing SQLServer2005 db table that matches this excel spreadsheet.
3. UPDATE that SQL Table with the DataTable filled from the excel spreadsheet.

If there are anyother suggestions (OPENROWSET/DATASET is not possible for my situation, in or outside of a SProc),Here's the current dev point I am at --- no errors, but also the SQL table does not update.


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Save Excel File - Option For User To Overwrite If Already Exists

Feb 10, 2009

I'm trying to save an excel file:

If the file already exists excel will open an message box and ask if you want to overwrite. If I click yes, it works. If I click no or cancel, I get an error:
Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
How can I tell what button the user clicked?

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Zip Code Is Dropping Leading Zero When Displayed On Excel. Export To Excel From XML To XSLT Transform?

Aug 16, 2010

I am exporting data from vb.net to excel and it is dropping the leading zero when its displayed on excel. How can I avoid the dropping of leading zero? I read the solution of adding a single quote but it makes my excel sheet column ugly. Also users will complain if they see a single quote on zip code field.vb.net code

Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment)
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.Charset = ""

the stored procedure outputs XML and it is transformed by XSLT before it is displayed on EXCEL

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<xsl:template match="/">


adding a single quote or manipulating excel sheet with column formatter (general/numbers ) etc. I don't want user to make any changes on excel to get the display properly when the excel is displayed from web page it should be all set with proper formatting. also we have no control over client excel software?

View 4 Replies

Export A Datagridview To Excel And Open The Excel Spreadsheet (not SAVE The Worksheet)?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm trying to export a datagridview to Excel and open the Excel spreadsheet (not SAVE the worksheet).

Public Sub ExcelRpt(ByVal DgvName As GridView, ByVal url As String)
Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet


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.net - Exporting To Excel Removes Leading Zeros. Css Styles To The Table Does Not Carry Over To The Excel Export?

Aug 4, 2011

I have an asp:table which I want to exported to excel. One of my fields are alpha numeric and when exported to excel the leading 0s are stripped off. After going through this thread: Validation (CSS 2.0): 'mso-number-format' is not a known CSS property name I would like to use the css method "mso-number-format:@;.But the css is not exported to excel. I just tried to test it with simpler css things like bold font etc but its not getting carried over. I can see that if I surround my asp:Label with tags this change gets carried over to the excel but not the css bold . Other solutions in other thread does not work for me as ="00111" shows up as desired in excel but in the web form it shows up as ="00111" which is not what i want.

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Export An Image Into An Excel File Without Excel Installed?

Oct 7, 2011

I need to export Chart(image) and grid (tabular) row data into excel file. I can not use automation because Office tools are not installed in my server. I've found a bunch of free/proprietary tools like:

ExcelWriter (softartisans)
JetCell (DevTrio)
Aspose.Cells (Aspose)

But I do not know which one is better for my needs. I need to export not only grid row data but also Chart (image), thats why I am thinking about.

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Export To Excel 3 Related Tables Into Excel?

Aug 22, 2010

I'm a beginner to VB.net. I have 3 table (Torder, Titem, Customer)Table structure as below.

Order.dbf fields (OrderNo, CustCode)
Titem.dbf fields (OrderNo, Itemno, product)
Customer.dbf fields (CustCode, CustName)

Torder related to Titem via Order No. Customer related to Torder via CustCode. How to output data to excel sheet in this format?

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VS 2010 : SaveFileDialog1 - Overwrite Read Only File?

Jan 24, 2012

I would like to know how to convince the SaveFileDialog to overwrite a read only file. Currently, it is throwing up a dialog and not even getting to my FileOk method.

View 14 Replies

VS 2010 Transaction Serial Number Overwrite Each Other?

Mar 26, 2011

I have code to generate transaction number. hire my code :

Function TransNumber() As String
Dim oCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim sNo As String = "P"


I had a problem when there are multiple users using the transaction or the serial number is, because the data overwrite each other.

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Address Bar Appends Unknown Characters?

Jul 1, 2011

When i run my website in Visual Studio 2008 the address bar of explorer generates the following address


The bold and underlined portion i-e (S(2vq3th45ep5kle5542jo4i45)) is generated from today and automatically. What is this showing? Is it a virus in my computer and will it destroy my application? It is making me tense as i am ne to ASP.NET and not in position to re-develop what i have mde up till now.

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Takes A Value In A Combo Box And Appends It To A String?

Jul 23, 2009

I have the following expression that takes a value in a combo box and appends it to a string :

Dim Expression As String = "COMPANY = '" & cmbCompany.Text & "'"

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IDE :: Modify A VB DataAdapter Select Statement At Run Time In VS 2010?

Mar 28, 2012

I wish to populate a datagrid from a data source using parameters specified by the user. I have successfully achieved this by using the TableAdapter.Fill method with VB in VS 2010 Express. However, the potential permutation of parameters is becoming too large to have a separate Fill method for every possible combination. Ideally I would like to construct the SQL SELECT statement at run time to reflect the user's options. Can the Fill select command be set at run time, and if so, how? I only need to build the WHERE clause, and the query is read only.

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Asp.net Using Oledb To Export Excel File Returns Empty Excel File

Feb 24, 2010

I am using asp.net oledb to export information to excel file. I encounter problems when the information to export becomes too big, in this case the code I have given below, the excel file generated becomes an empty spreadsheet.If I changed the loop to 1123 for insertion of the rows. The generated excel file is fine, 1125 rows, and 4 columns shown.A test program in windows form is also working fine regardless of how many rows.[code]I couldn't find a solution to my problem as well. What I did eventually was to run the process using another separate windows service. The code works perfectly fine running from a windows form or service program, but not asp.net, not sure why.

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Export To Excel Excel Could Not Open The File Because The File Format Is Not Valid?

May 8, 2012

I have this issue that occurs with me and driving me crazy i have a report that contains thousands of records and i need to export it to excel , but the excel normal extension .xls

is showing missing records at the end of the file , so i save my file as an .xlsx extension it saves correctly but when i open the file it generates an error

"Excel cannot open the file '<var>filename</var>.xlsx' because the file format for the file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file."but when i test the file i drag it and open it in an empty notepad all the records shows up correctly

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Excel Export In ASP.NET + .NET Bug?

Mar 20, 2009

We use a small bit of excel exporting code in our app code at work to export XML controls from our ASP pages into an excel format using the following code:

Public Shared Sub Export(ByRef xml As Xml, ByVal filename As String)
Dim response As HttpResponse = HttpContext.Current.Response()


This is all fine, except we've encountered a rather frustrating bug. If the XML control has a link in it then the export code is called again. We have a button which will say "Export to Excel" from the .aspx page which simply calls ExcelExport.Export(Xml1, "MyFileName") which is in a LinkButton click event.Here's the order of events based on the form submit (selecting filters)

Enter filters
Submit form
Page_Load occurs


So the user submits a form which loads up the XML control in a nice viewable XSLT page. Then they click "export to excel" which will give them the page in excel instead, then they click on the XSLT page, for example a link, but the save dialog for excel comes up again. We've gone through the series of events, and if we do not call the excel exporter it goes through the series of events as normal. If we do call the excel exporter it will go through the page load event and unexpectedly go into the link button click event.

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Export From DGV To Excel

Oct 22, 2011

I'm using vb2008 and Ms2007
I'm looking to export from DGV to Excel
I added from reference this: Microsoft Excel 12.0 Object Library.
then I called it by this way
Imports.....but there is nothing

By the way in the vb2005. I added Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library.and called Impotrs Excel. and succeed

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Export To Excel In .net?

Jul 16, 2010

I have following code for export to excel in ReportByApp.aspx page containing crystal report crReportbyApp.rpt

Dim outstream As System.IO.MemoryStream
Dim strFileName As String
strFileName = "Report_" & Now.ToString("MM-dd-yy") & " " & Now.Hour.ToString &


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Export A GridView To Excel?

Mar 30, 2009

I would like to export a GridView to excel, which is easy enough. But above the grid, in Excel, I would like some other information for identification. Can I somehow export things other than gridviews while then putting in the gridview below?

Edit:For some reason when the GridView1 is visible and I try to export, the entire page exports and not just the gridview. Not sure why!

Protected Sub btnExport_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExport.Click
'Create a StringWriter and HtmlTextWriter
Dim sw As System.IO.StringWriter = New System.IO.StringWriter()[code]....

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Export Column To Excel?

Oct 7, 2010

i have one gridview with additional column (the additional column is not attach to database) but i want to import it to excel, but i used the common export to excel coding like below:

Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=search.xls")
Response.Charset = ""


and when i export, the data cannot be copy/read and cannot be export to excel. other than that, i have it set to be in xls format but it changed to xml format.

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ASP.Net Export To Excel: Name Worksheet Tab?

Apr 25, 2012

Below is the method I'm using to export my gridview data to Excel. The user has asked if I can name the worksheet tab.

Private Sub btnExportToExcel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExportToExcel.Click
Dim form As New HtmlForm
Dim strAttachment As String


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