Task To Set Up Some Coding Guidelines For In-house And External Programmers

Jun 15, 2012

We develop small applications for various customers. I now got a task to set up some coding guidelines for in-house and external programmers. (Management know nothing about development and only see the problem in transferring projects from one developer to another. Customers pay by the hour and development is a small part of total project so code quality is a non-issue)My first step is to set up guidelines for C# and VB.Net (SQL will probably come later).(Most code here is created with CTRL-CCTRL-V and testing is done with F5.I have tried to introduce unit testing / code review but that is not going to happen. Static analysis is the only way forward at the moment)I am most comfortable in C#/C++ (but sometimes work with existing VB6/VBA/VB.Net code) so setting up C# guidelines is pretty easy: [code] For VB.Net I need to replace StyleCop with some written guidelines but how do I set up the VB.Net compiler.Personally I never code without Option Explicit / Option Strict etc but if I do that on our VB.Net projects I get hundreds of warnings/errors (implicit conversions, default return type/value etc).The VB developers does not seem to have a problem working without help from compiler warnings. I do not think their productivity generally differs from C# developers (it is more a personal thing).I do not want to enforce my own preference for static checking so my questions is: What warning levels are reasonable/best practice for VB.Net development?

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Tell When External App Is Minimized To Task Bar?

May 5, 2009

How do I tell if an external app is minimized to the task bar? I can minimize and external app and then restore it but I don't know how to tell if it is minimized to task bar or not.

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Some General Guidelines Using This Forum?

Oct 15, 2007

We are excited to support all your Innovate On Office support questions and inquiriesthe following guidelines before posting your inquiry to this forum.Please expect up to 24hrs for initial response from an engineer after posting an inquiry to this forumPlease expect to receive status about every three days of status on your question/inquiry to this forum

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Question Guidelines To Handle Exceptions In A Class

Feb 26, 2012

I created a custom collection class with some methods: each of these has some parameters and throws an exception if a parameter is not valid.For example, the Add and Remove methods throw an NullReferenceException if one of their parameters is null.[code]...The Replace method replaces an item in the collection with another specified object: to reach the goal, it first calls the Remove method and after the Add method. Obviously the Replace method could throw exceptions if at least one of the specified parameters is null, because Remove and Add methods could throw exceptions.Is this the right way to go? Or should I also check the parameters in the Replace method as in the following code? [code]...In fact, in this second case, each check would be executed twice: first in the Replace method and after in the Remove and Addmethods, which are called by Replace, and in other cases the checks may be rather expensive.

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Developed A Very Small In-house Web Application

Jan 13, 2011

I've developed a very small in-house web application with visual basic on VS2010. Can anyone give me any advice or literature s to how i can put the site on a server?

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Useful Sites For .NET Programmers?

Feb 3, 2010

Lately I've had to do a bit of programming in VB .NET. It hasn't been too difficult, but the lack of proper documentation or good tutorials has been annoying me. I'm used to finding a lot of relevant info when I google a programming question, or term, or method name - but it's been more difficult with VB .NET. Anyone know of any good tutorial/documentation sites for VB .NET?

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Perform In-house Test Performance For .net Application?

Aug 21, 2009

my friend is currently development an application using SOA Architecture, He sent me a picture with a lot of layers (10 almost) and he is worried about performance issues, the application is development on VB.Net 2.0 & 3.5 (some libs).

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Randomly Generating Number (Price For House)

Feb 9, 2012

I'm working with a random number that generates a price for a house between 1 and 100 dollars (obviously very realistic).
Dim Housecost As Integer = (Int((100 * Rnd()) + 1))

My problem is that I put that number in the public class which does generate the number but only once. But I need the number to be re-generated every time a button is clicked. Now I would put this code snippet in the buttons Sub but there are 3 other subs in the code that call for that randomly generated number and the only way that I know of that allows all the subs to read this random number is to put it in the public class. So how do I put the number in a place where all Subs can read it and can be called to re-generate when needed?

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C# - Interactive Data UI For Non-Programmers

May 3, 2011

I've created a simple tool using a datagrid and adding functionality for cutting, pasting, deleting, adding rows, etc. The select users can create new, save, edit, delete from the database. Is there a better way to do this with some of the new technology from visual studio?

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How Many Of Programmers Want To Develop A Web-browser

Jul 24, 2010

I noticed how many of Visual Basic programmers want to develop a webbrowser. So now I had the thought: why not put our knowledge together and make a webbrowser that every other webbrowser developer gets a headache from trying to understand how we pulled it? I have the base function like opening a new tab, browsing, implementing favicon and changing from tab functions working.Accept browsing with it there will also be brought out a webdeveloper version of it.If possible i would like to us a other browser control then the webbrowser control standart in VB2008/2010.If you would like tovolunteer and develop a webbrowser with an entire team contact me via mail! Your name will be mentioned in the install program and 'About Section'

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VS 2008 - Yahtzee - Press The Full House Button

Jul 9, 2010

im trying to make yahtzee. but i dont know how to do the full house (2+3 the same). if the user press the full house button then it has to do something smart. i cant write down all the combinations. does somebody know a smart technique? let's assume that:

number1 = 1
number2 = 1
number3 = 2
number4 = 1
munber5 = 2

How would the code look?

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Hide Some Modules From Junior Programmers?

Jul 23, 2010

i am developing a software on which 3 junior programmers are also working. there are some modules that i dont want to share with junior programmers. but some function in theses modules can be used by them. is it possible to hide modules from junior programmers.

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How Some Programmers Made Autocomplete Functionality

Dec 11, 2011

i was wondering how some programmers made autocomplete functionality such that it also matches character within the string.Like for example, there are current records in the table of the database and these are:[code]When I start typing letter "E" in the textbox, i want that the autocomplete functionality suggest these records:

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Create A Application On Windows To Present The Plan Of The House And Control?

May 30, 2012

I study automation engeering!I am in the last year of my studies and i choose for the final project <<Smart house Design And Controlling>>.I would like to create a application on windows to present the plan of the house and control it I decide to use the Visual Basic Express!If someone can help me on this project.

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Record Who Makes An Outbound Call From A Phone Port In My House?

May 10, 2010

Is there any way of recording who makes an outbound call from a phone port in my house? and if so what number they dailed etc??

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Programmers - Workgroup Computer Or Domain Computers

Oct 12, 2011

I would like to list make a list , such as, listbox, grideview, tree view that display all my network computer, I mean workgroup computer or domain computers, or all connected computers ip address, but I don't know what code and what object to use in visual basic 2010,

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Is It Guaranteed That Task A Started Before TaskB Will Be Completed Before Task B

Nov 24, 2010

is it guaranted that a task A started before TaskB will be completed before task B assuming the task do the same level of operatons?or in other words is there a chance that a task B will finish before tast A in the assumption that the task calls the same procedure?

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Taken Part In A Programmers Elite Competition And In A Group Are Assigned Different Programs To Build

Mar 11, 2010

i have taken part in a programmers elite competition and in a group you are assigned different programs to build. i have VB and C++ im really good with C++ but i have never touched VB !! now i have a project to build this is the program i have to build ... im not asking you to do my homework. this is a little request for you smart vb people Download the P3S3 Data File For Import.txt (the file is attached.)Be sure to use industry standard prefixing on these objects (i.e. Hungarian or Pascal naming) and use camel-case naming.

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Making A Text Replacer For PSP Programmers To Easily Convert The Codes To NitePR Format?

Apr 10, 2010

So im making a text replacer for PSP Programmers to easily convert the codes to NitePR format. None of you know what that is but w/e Heres my problem I load the text file that has the code into a text box.

Then i press the button to convert. It has this code


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Hard Coding Vs Soft Coding

May 7, 2009

Say we have a DataGridView on the main form. I can chose to establish its properties by code or by selecting them in the Properties panel. Is there a difference between these two techniques, a loading time penalty in any of the cases especially?

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Zip A Folder Without Any External Dll Nor Any External References?

Feb 3, 2012

I wanted to know if it is possible to Zip a folder without any external dll nor any external references - just with native features.I've been able to Zip files with System.IO.Packaging, but it does not include folders and I cannot tell it to Zip the parent folder.I know there are external dll and so, but I'd like to know if it's possible to make it from a native way.

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Add A Textbox With Coding?

Mar 28, 2009

Ok, I don't even know if the is possible, but what I want to do is have a button that when pressed will add a new text box below each other each time it is pressed. So meaning, ther4e is text in one text box, then a button is pressed, a new textbox will appear below it and you can add text to that, and so on.

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Add Button With Coding?

May 15, 2010

I was wondering if you can programme in a code to add buttons to a page, without physically putting them in.Ive got a customisable set of options, currently in a txt file 1 item per line maybe thinking of putting into a listbox, if a user adds an item i need it to add a button with that text on.

say i had a drink list, with my first 3 items of beer, cocktail, food, and theres a button prest for each one and i decided to sell wine, shandy, rout beer and so an so on, or how ever many items there are, could be 50 items or 100 items don't really fancy?

View 12 Replies

C# - Coding Standards For .NET?

Oct 25, 2010

Possible Duplicate: C# Coding standard / Best practices

What VB.NET or C# coding standards are you using for your .NET applications?I was looking at hungarian notation and I don't think it is a good idea for a .NET application.

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Coding For Sql Update

Aug 21, 2011

I have a probelm to my quotation..

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Coding With A New Object?

Jan 5, 2009

I'm creating a game similar to the tradtional space invaders in VB '08. My problem is twofold. One, when I dim a new picture box (picPrimaryLaser) it won't move. Two, I can't do anything while it's moving. The screen just turns white and flashy around that area.Here's the code.

Public Class frmMainInvasion
Dim activationCheck As Boolean = False
Private Sub frmMainInvasion_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As


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Database Coding In VB?

May 3, 2010

Could someone be able to advise what does the following code do i.e what does this mean in English:

ATableAdapter.Fill(Me.HotelBookingDataSet.FreeRoom, roomDateTimePicker.Value.Date.AddHours(timeNumericUpDown.Value))

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Email By Coding On .NET?

Apr 28, 2009

<Visual Studio 2005. VB.NET.> Does anyone has a sample code to send an e-mail like below?

Namespace My
Partial Friend Class MyApplication
Private Sub MyApplication_NetworkAvailabilityChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.NetworkAvailableEventArgs) Handles Me.NetworkAvailabilityChanged
MsgBox("Network Connection has been changed", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Network Connectivity")
"Send an error email to admin"


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Get Rid Of Html Coding?

Nov 26, 2009

I'm currently extracting strings from the page source of a certain website. I'm using the start string and the length to get the string I want. However, the problem is that it contains some html codes such as href, a, li etc. Is there a way in which I can copy the text only and not the code?

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How To Improve My Coding

May 28, 2011

Whenever i work on form, so i use this code


Now i have 2 things to ask?

1) is this right way which i use?

2) I use the same on every form regardless on number of forms? is it fine to use it on every form?

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