C# - Interactive Data UI For Non-Programmers

May 3, 2011

I've created a simple tool using a datagrid and adding functionality for cutting, pasting, deleting, adding rows, etc. The select users can create new, save, edit, delete from the database. Is there a better way to do this with some of the new technology from visual studio?

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MS Access Database To Make Program Interactive But Cannot Get The Database To Update With The Entered Data

Apr 20, 2010

This program is very difficult for me, but I must get threw it or I cannot finish... What I am doing is making a Database of foreign Languages with the spelling of the words and the pronounciation inside the database... The USER enters a paragraph of words into the translator textbox and pushed translate. The program has a DATABANK of words with the phonetic spellings and matches the word, then translates to phonetics. The problem is that new words keep appearing inside the language. So I incorporated a Database of 2 fields


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Useful Sites For .NET Programmers?

Feb 3, 2010

Lately I've had to do a bit of programming in VB .NET. It hasn't been too difficult, but the lack of proper documentation or good tutorials has been annoying me. I'm used to finding a lot of relevant info when I google a programming question, or term, or method name - but it's been more difficult with VB .NET. Anyone know of any good tutorial/documentation sites for VB .NET?

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How Many Of Programmers Want To Develop A Web-browser

Jul 24, 2010

I noticed how many of Visual Basic programmers want to develop a webbrowser. So now I had the thought: why not put our knowledge together and make a webbrowser that every other webbrowser developer gets a headache from trying to understand how we pulled it? I have the base function like opening a new tab, browsing, implementing favicon and changing from tab functions working.Accept browsing with it there will also be brought out a webdeveloper version of it.If possible i would like to us a other browser control then the webbrowser control standart in VB2008/2010.If you would like tovolunteer and develop a webbrowser with an entire team contact me via mail! Your name will be mentioned in the install program and 'About Section'

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Hide Some Modules From Junior Programmers?

Jul 23, 2010

i am developing a software on which 3 junior programmers are also working. there are some modules that i dont want to share with junior programmers. but some function in theses modules can be used by them. is it possible to hide modules from junior programmers.

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How Some Programmers Made Autocomplete Functionality

Dec 11, 2011

i was wondering how some programmers made autocomplete functionality such that it also matches character within the string.Like for example, there are current records in the table of the database and these are:[code]When I start typing letter "E" in the textbox, i want that the autocomplete functionality suggest these records:

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Programmers - Workgroup Computer Or Domain Computers

Oct 12, 2011

I would like to list make a list , such as, listbox, grideview, tree view that display all my network computer, I mean workgroup computer or domain computers, or all connected computers ip address, but I don't know what code and what object to use in visual basic 2010,

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Task To Set Up Some Coding Guidelines For In-house And External Programmers

Jun 15, 2012

We develop small applications for various customers. I now got a task to set up some coding guidelines for in-house and external programmers. (Management know nothing about development and only see the problem in transferring projects from one developer to another. Customers pay by the hour and development is a small part of total project so code quality is a non-issue)My first step is to set up guidelines for C# and VB.Net (SQL will probably come later).(Most code here is created with CTRL-CCTRL-V and testing is done with F5.I have tried to introduce unit testing / code review but that is not going to happen. Static analysis is the only way forward at the moment)I am most comfortable in C#/C++ (but sometimes work with existing VB6/VBA/VB.Net code) so setting up C# guidelines is pretty easy: [code] For VB.Net I need to replace StyleCop with some written guidelines but how do I set up the VB.Net compiler.Personally I never code without Option Explicit / Option Strict etc but if I do that on our VB.Net projects I get hundreds of warnings/errors (implicit conversions, default return type/value etc).The VB developers does not seem to have a problem working without help from compiler warnings. I do not think their productivity generally differs from C# developers (it is more a personal thing).I do not want to enforce my own preference for static checking so my questions is: What warning levels are reasonable/best practice for VB.Net development?

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Taken Part In A Programmers Elite Competition And In A Group Are Assigned Different Programs To Build

Mar 11, 2010

i have taken part in a programmers elite competition and in a group you are assigned different programs to build. i have VB and C++ im really good with C++ but i have never touched VB !! now i have a project to build this is the program i have to build ... im not asking you to do my homework. this is a little request for you smart vb people Download the P3S3 Data File For Import.txt (the file is attached.)Be sure to use industry standard prefixing on these objects (i.e. Hungarian or Pascal naming) and use camel-case naming.

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Making A Text Replacer For PSP Programmers To Easily Convert The Codes To NitePR Format?

Apr 10, 2010

So im making a text replacer for PSP Programmers to easily convert the codes to NitePR format. None of you know what that is but w/e Heres my problem I load the text file that has the code into a text box.

Then i press the button to convert. It has this code


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VS 2005 Interactive Desktop?

Mar 19, 2009

Ive been thinking for awhile about this but I cant get my head around it, Ive been experimenting with physics of objects in visual basic and what (a boucing ball) and Ive been wanting to take it the step further,

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Interactive Arrays Visual Basic?

Jan 21, 2011

In doing mathematics, I need to enter many values from equations into an array or arrays. I want to be able to vary these value any time I run the program.

I would like to know how to do this while the program is running?

back in the days of Quich Basic, it was simple, ie

Dim array(9)
For I = 1 to 9
INPUT array(I)
Next I

The program stopped at each pass to let you enter values.

How can you do this in Viual Basic 2010 for example

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Interactive Screensaver Access Printer?

Oct 12, 2009

I am sure the screensaver wasn't meant to be used in this manner, but I have created an interactive screensaver for the company I work for which acts as a checkout station for calibrated measurement equipment.Part of this process is printing out a sticker using an SII SLP Label printer which is attached to the computer with the checkout station. Printing with the printer works just fine over the network from another computer (not running the program as a screensaver), but for some reason I am getting a -16 error (I believe that is "Unknown Error") when the program as a screensaver uses the local SLP printer. The only possible reason I can think for this happening is that screensavers aren't allowed to access printers. Is there some way to give the screensaver permission to use the printer? Currently the screensaver is able to access files on the network file share (such as the equipment database) just fine. If I were to create a TCP/IP server that acts as a proxy or go-between for the printer so that all the screensaver does is connect to localhost and tells the server to print would that work?

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Make Translator Interactive With The User

Oct 5, 2009

I want to make my translator interactive with the user. In microsoft Word the User can change the dictionary terms of the word or insert a word to make the (little red line) beneath a misspelt word go away. In my translator program. I have a databank of words that are inside a strArray. The strArray is read as EnglishWord[SpanishDefinition] and SpanishWord[EnglishDefinition] inside the DataBank. I want the user to be able to insert a word with it's definition if the databank does not have the word or the definition...

View 13 Replies

Making An Interactive Computer Survival Game

Jun 2, 2010

I was thinking about making an interactive computer survival game, such as the Rainbow Survival levels in Little Big Planet. I was wondering if there was a tool i could use to create the objects, such as the character, explosives, bombs, and point bubbles. i know how to make all the objects move, i just don't know how to create them to begin with, is there a certain tool in Visual Basic 2008 i could use?

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Single Command Shell (cmd.exe) In Interactive Form?

Jun 17, 2011

I would like to have the single command shell, aka cmd, in my app within a form in an interactive way.

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VS 2008 Creating An Interactive Overlay Over A Game?

Jun 14, 2009

creating an interactive overlay over a game (such as the way xfire lets you chat with people ingame).

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Windows Service And Interactive Services Detection?

Nov 23, 2010

In order to send out emergency alerts in our organization, I created a windows service that checks a web service (WCF) to see if an emergency alert is pending. If there is a pending alert the windows service then runs a windows form application (exe) to display the alert message. Now my problem......These services are running on a windows 7 machine. When the exe for the alert message runs, it pops up a message stating.

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Create Interactive Voice Response Systems From Home?

May 7, 2009

I am trying to build an IVR and hook it up to my website, what are the different (inexpensive) ways that I can do it.

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VB, Windows 2008, Interactive User And Buffer Cannot Be Null?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a web application on a Windows 2008 server. The web application opens another application interactively.The issue: If I am logged into the server, the web application runs without any problem. If I log-off, and try to use the web application, I get an error "Buffer cannot be null."If I log myself back into the server,go to another computer and try the web app, it will work fine.What security setting is causing this?

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VS 2008 Sorting With Interactive Sort Of A Textbox In A Report?

Jul 4, 2011

I am trying to sort my report on the values in a column. The underlying query consists of a director colum a movietitle column and a rating column, for every movie a director has directed there is a record which off course shows the rating in the ratingcolumn In my report I have grouped by Director and created two other columns which are called: Nr of Films and averageRating. in the design view i used two functions to accomplish this. the first is: count('the field of the rating') and sum('the field of the rating')/count('the field of the rating'). This is working... but now I would like to sort the column, Nr of Films. I think I have to do this with interactive sort of the textbox which holds the column name(i.e. Nr of Films)

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Create A Tile Map That's Interactive With Mouse Clicks And Rollover Event?

Feb 1, 2010

Is there a way to create a tile map that allows a user to click a tile on the map and have an event happen? Better yet, can this be done in a web application?

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VS 2008 Local System Service Starts Process As Interactive User?

Aug 15, 2010

The original code came from AutoItI just rewrote what was necessary for VB.NET and added the structures and throws. If successful the PID of the process started is returned, else an exception is thrown. No imports needed.

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VS 2010 Picturebox - Creating An Interactive Map Which Displays Facilities When User Clicks On Checkbox

Oct 10, 2011

I am creating an Interactive map which displays the facilities when the user clicks on the Checkbox, such as toilets. It will display all the toilet locations via PictureBoxes. I want to do this without having to write all this code?

Private Sub chkCash_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkCash.CheckedChanged

If chkToilet.Checked And RadioButton1.Checked Then


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Complete" Is Always False. The State Is Always "interactive"?

Jul 30, 2009

I am wiring a startup script JavaScript function on Page_Load to fire like so:

ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Me, GetType(Page), "page_init", "page_init();", True)

This function calls a couple of different functions to setup the page. One of those functions checks the document.readyState and makes sure it's "complete". This deals with images and I want to make sure everything has been fully rendered.

if (document.readyState == "complete") {

Everything works fine, until I need to write a byte array to the outputstream (using either Response.BinaryWrite or Response.OutputStream.Write() to give a file to a user. After that, the document.readyState is always "interactive", until I navigate off of the page and back. I have even used a setTimeout(myFunction, 1000); call if document.readyState isn't complete to recursively call the function until it is complete. It never reaches "complete".

I have researched this myself for quite sometime, and cannot figure out this behavior.

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Dont Get Any Data From Socket When Data Should Be There And No Exeptions Raised, Connection Is Open. Using DataAvailable To Wait For Data

Mar 24, 2011

I have a problem reading data from an RFID-reader. I connect to the reader by tcp and wait for DataAvailable to be true, then reading the data until I got a end of data character. Then I just go back and waiting for a new DataAvailable. This is done in a own thread for the function.

There seems to be some kind of timeout, If I don't got any data in a couple of minutes, then it just sits there in the do/loop waiting for DataAvailable. I hold the card to the RFID reader, it beeps, but there is no data available. I don't get any exeptions, and the information says that the clientsocket is still connected. Are there anything more I can check?

If I put the card to the reader in a minute-interval it seems as this will never occur. So 2-3 minutes idle:ing seems to do this.

Here are my code to read data from the socket, I have taken away some irrelevant code:

Sub test(ByVal ip As String, ByVal port As Integer)
' this sub is meant to run forever


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HSD 32 Bit Data Bus To Serial Converter Via A Microcontroller - Data Sniffer To Read The Data Bus (32Bit)

Sep 3, 2008

Im working on a HSD 32 bit data bus to serial converter via a microcontroller. Now first I want to make a sort of data sniffer to read the data bus (32Bit) .All on the controller side is working and the stream of bytes are coming in via RS232 as 4 bytes in HEX like FD,A5,45,8B . I already converted the bytes in Dec and ASCII to determine what is passed true the bus and how fast and stuff.. Now that is all correct and working very well if the LSB (least significant bit) of the 32 data bus is Data line 0 and the MSB (most significant bit) is Data line 31 but if that is not the case I need to invert the 32Bits (like as I would invert the connector on the bus) . How do I best do this using the 4 bytes I send from the micro controller.


(MSB) 01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 (LSB)
HEX= 48 65 6C 70
DEC= 72,101,108,112

I need to invert it with a button to:

(MSB) 00001110 00110110 10100110 00010010 (LSB)
HEX= 0E 36 A6 12
DEC= 14,54,166,18
ASCII= (SO) 6 : (DC2)

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GPIB Communication - Sending Data - Receiving Data - Saving Data

Sep 19, 2010

I need to control a device with a GPIB port. I have the commands that I need to use to do this; but I don't know which is the sintaxis in Visual Basic.

For example if I need to send a instruction like "START:0.01" to the external device which are the libraries that I have to include?, how should I write the programming line to do this?

The main tasks that I need to program are sending data, receiving data, and saving data

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Data From Access, Data Adapters & Data Sets?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a basic application that allows pre-defined users to use the application.The Username & passwords along with some other basic user info is stored in a simple access dbIn my application I want a user to login, Username & PasswordI create a connection string, a data adapter and a dataset, I then need to validate the password the user has entered.Would it be best to query the access db directly, or the dataset?

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Update New Data With The Previous Data If The New Data Equal To 0?

Sep 11, 2010

I am having an issue on the listbox when the new data value equal to previous data then = to "0". However, I want if the new data value( A ) is equal to the previous data( B ) then ( A ) equal to ( B ).

Delegate Sub ListBoxUpdater(ByRef listbox As ListBox, ByRef str As Object)
Private Sub OnQuoteUpdate(ByRef QuoteUpdate As LingLib.structQuoteUpdate)
UpdateListBox(lbBox, QuoteUpdate.tQuote)
End Sub


My problem is when the new data comes out from the API, if it is equal to the previous data and it will appear 0. But what i want is the new data comes out is 0 and it will equal to previous data. e.g: first data comes out is 12.00, in above case, if the second data comes out is 12.00 but it will shows 0 which means unchanged. But in my case now, i want if the first data come out is 12.00, then if the next data is unchanged (0) and it will appear 12.00 and so on.

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