Textbox - Populating A Table From Sql Server Including Dropdownlist And Checkboxes

Feb 17, 2010

this is the scenario. I have 1 aspx file with a table in it. it has a .aspx.vb file behind it. i want to populate this table from the .vb code. the table shall have many lines (rows) but they should be in this format. also the checkbox data, textbox data and dropdownlist data comes from database behind. how should i go about this?

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Asp.net - Add New Row(s) To Gridview Including Checkboxes

May 7, 2012

I am looking to create a gridview with an add button to have the user be able to insert a new blank row. I am also looking for this row to be able to have checkboxes as fields.

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Asp.net - Populating Dropdownlist On Pageload Event

Apr 15, 2011

I have a dropdownlist named ddlRoomName and a sql table name roomlist, when i run the sql command in sql it works fine.

But when i load the page the rooms do not load am i missing something obvious here?

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Page.IsPostBack Then


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ASP.NET - Populating The DropDownList DdlItems In The Page_Load Event?

Feb 15, 2010

I am populating the DropDownList ddlItems in the Page_Load event. I am then changing the current selection of the DropDownList in the Page_Load event but the dropdownlistbox.SelectedItems aren't firing up. Can anyone please help me? The dropdownlist keeps on repopulating and I cannot stick with one value that I have selected.Here's a screenshot of the problem.I want to have the value LK00260 selected when I PostBack.Instead of having to see "Add New Item" everytime I postback OVER AN OVER AGAIN.


I don't want 'Add New Item' to show up everytime I repopulate the box. Instead, I want a value that I have selected such as 'LK00260'. Can anybody please help? I have AutoPostBack set to true already.

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Use A Textbox To Search For A Name In A Sql Server Database Table?

Jun 1, 2009

I currently have a drop down box that selects a customers id, when selected it populates the neccesary fields. I now want to populate these fileds by entering a customers name in a textbox. The customers names are in a table in sql server.

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Retrieving Data + Image From Sql Server Table To Textbox And Picturebox?

Oct 17, 2010

i am working on my academic project in which i need to retrieve data from sql server table to textbox and image in vb.net . i am able to retrive data either in text box or only image can anyone help me out to get data in textbox as wel as image in picturebox.

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Count The Total No. Of Asp.net Checkboxes, Checkboxes Checked, No. Of Checkboxes Remain Unchecked In Webform Using .net?

Dec 9, 2010

How to count the total no. of asp.net checkboxes, checkboxes checked, no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform using vb.net ?I m using Visual studio 2008 with vb as a language ..I my webform i have 10 checkboxes...i wanna count total no. of checkboxes in webform in textboxes1 total no. of checkboxes checked in webform in textbox2 total no. of checkboxes remain unchecked in webform in textbox3?

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Checkboxes And 1 Textbox In Webform If I Type In Textbox 1,2 Then Checkbox1 & 2 Will Be Checked?

Nov 13, 2010

I have 4 checkboxes and 1 textbox in webform if i type in textbox 1,2 then checkbox1 & 2 will be checked !

directly after if i type 3,4 in textbox then the all 4 checkboxes will be checked But i want the checkbox will be checked accorcding to the data displayed in text box ..if textbox1.text =1,2 then only checkbox1 and checkbox2 will be checked and others are remain unchecked ...

and if i checked checkbox3 and checkbox4 then only 3 and 4 will be checked and others are unchecked...

how to do that in page load event I want to do this with 50000 checkboxes ..and more.... which displayed in my webform


But if i type 1,2 in textbox then checkbox 1 and 2 would be checked and agin i type 3,4 then checkbox1,2,3 and 4 all the checkbox will be checked ...but i want ...what everi type in text box only that checkboxes will be checked and others will remain unchecked.....

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VS 2010 WebClient.UploadFileAsync : Including Both Server And Client Examples?

May 13, 2011

have any examples for UploadFileAsync? Including both server and client examples?

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VS 2008 Including HOSTNAME In TextBox?

May 7, 2010

I have a script that calls system name, but right now my users have to manually input the machine name after looking it up with the .vbs into a textbox. I would like to cut out the middle man and just include it automatically in the subject line of my form.

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VS 2005 Load Database Table List, Including Linked Tables, Into ComboBox?

Apr 9, 2009

I need to load a list of tables and linked tables in an MS Access Database into a combo box. I have this.

vb.net Imports System.Data.OleDb


1. How do I load the access tables and the link tables into my combo without the system tables showing up?

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Populating A Table Programmatically?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm working in VB 2008 Express.

I have an MS Access DB with a Table setup with the columns that I need.

I have it linked into a form, with the requisite BindingSource, TableAdapter, BindingNavigator, etc.

On the form, I also have several textboxes linked back to the table. I can populate the table via the + (add new) button in the BindingNavigator and then filling in the textboxes (and saving of course).

Is there a way that I can put a button on the form and populate the table automatically? I want to do this via a textbox to control the number of records added - that way, I can put in an 8 and have 8 blank records added to the table via this one click (and don't have to enter the default info in for the 8 records one at a time).

I've attempted to do this by calling the BindingNavigatorAddNewItem_Click subroutine, filling in the textboxes and then calling MapBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click subroutine, but this does not work.

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Including NET Framework 3.5 - SQL Compact Server And Other Packages In VB 2008 Application Installation

May 22, 2009

Including NET Framework 3.5 - SQL Compact Server and other packages in VB 2008 Application installation

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Populating CheckedListBox With Data From A Table?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a chechedlistbox on my form in a windows project, and want to populate the checkedlist box with data that I querry from a table in sql database. I have the code below for the Form load event, but the checkedlistbox is not populated.


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Populating Listbox With Values From SQL Table?

May 23, 2010

I am working on Visual Studio 2005, VB.At the back end,there is a table called "Marks" which has a column called "Subject". This column contains duplicate values.when the form loads,I want to display all the distinct values from the "Subject" column in the listbox.

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Primary Key Not Populating In Child Table?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm having some problems trying to input records into a relational database. The design is really simple but I'm running into a wall when it comes to having the foreign key from my child table autopopulate the primary key from the parent table. I've made the connections in Access and from what I understood, so long as I committed a transaction, the child table would populate the primary key from the parent table. This is not happening.

my question is: is there a method that would do what I'm looking for? or am I cornered into using @@IDENTITY and manually inserting the primary key into the child table?

I've tried using datasets and data adapters and created a datarelation within the dataset, but it is still not doing what I need. everything I've tried thus far has allowed me to insert records into multiple tables, but won't relate them because of the missing primary key in the child table.

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Two Queries Depending On Each Other While Populating A Table?

Mar 9, 2010

I have 2 queries. One is populating a dataset that populates the dropdownlist and the other populates rest of the textboxes of a table row. i want to know how can i fill the entire dropdownlist and then make selectedvalue the value from the other query? e.g -

dataset query = select hobby from hobbies
other query - select name, dob, address, hobby from employee

now the table looks like this -

Name DOB Address Hobby
Sam 01/10/1988 111 main st Dropdownlist(n number of records)

Now in the dropdownlist I want all the hobbies populated with the hobby in the employee table to be the selected value.

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VS 2008 Populating Table From Csv File?

Apr 26, 2012

I am trying to populate an Access table with data from a csv file. Here is my code

Dim objAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim objCmdSelect As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [reporting.csv]", csvConn)


The csv has 58 rows of data. The Access table I get is 58 rows of the same data as the first row of the csv. Am I not using parameters correctly?

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Allow Specific Characters In A Textbox Including Backspace And Delete?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm trying to create a BMI Calculator with VB 2010. I have 2 TextBoxes for weight and length. I want to make sure that the user can only enter numeric (0123456789) values and also backspace and delete.

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Textbox To Show Hex Values Including Leading Zeros?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a textbox on a form that I use just for output (read only). After doing some calculations I display the value in HEX string as feedback to the user like:

txtReg0.text=HEX(Reg0) 'Reg0 is a UInteger previously calculated

This seems to work fine except the textbox only shows all the HEX characters if the first character isn't a zero. Otherwise, it shows less depending on how many zeros are leading.I WANT to show all (eight in this case) the characters regardless.

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Database Connectivity With A Table Having Checkboxes?

Apr 17, 2010

2 insert d code to move 2 d next record of the database in a table that has one CHECKBOX? i tried using the regular method of heckbox1=.Item("BookingStatus").ToString

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Dynamically Creating A Table And Then Populating The Cell?

Jan 25, 2011

Before any jumps in and says, Why dont you just use a gridview, i have my reasons not to use it.I trying to dynamically create a table and then populate the cells via a linq object.

Good news, i can dynamically create the table and the cells.
Dim numrows As Integer = MyActions.Count()
Dim numcells As Integer = 5


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Asp.net - Sql Server Query DropDownList Selected Value

Apr 30, 2012

I have a DropDownList that pulls values from a table in sql server. I want the dropdownlist to populate the list of values based on a selection by the user but also display the contents of the rest of my table in case they need to change something. For ex:

ddl1 has values of: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 user selects 5, so the value displayed in ddl2 is five, but if you exand the ddl2 you will also see the values of one, two, three, four...

This is the code in my load event...

If Not IsPostBack Then
result = dal.dbConnect(DAL.dbType.SqlServer, ConfigurationManager.AppSetting("SQLServerConnection"))


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Forms :: Getting Error Populating The Table Cells Into Listview?

Nov 7, 2009

Here is the code I am playing around I am getting error populating the table cells into my listview. In my codes it is always add only in one cloumn in my lv.

Private Sub DumpTables()
Dim t, c As Integer ' Used to count tables and cells.
Dim IWebDocument As HTMLDocument


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Sql Server - Checkboxes Populate From Database

Feb 16, 2010

i have this requirement and since im new to vb.net dont really have much of idea how to do this. I have 20 checkboxes with dropdowns and textbox with it. the example is -


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Dynamicly Displayed DropDownList If Multiple Entry Exists In Table?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm trying to create an option to select a specific entry in a SQL table if multiples exists. The Sub listed below is for a textbox (MOTxt) and a button (GotMO) for checking an MO# to pull from SQL. Based on the number entered, will populate other text boxes on the page with that row's data. There are exceptions to this, where the MONumber will be entered more than once with different data associated with each entry. So, here's my situation. If we have a duplicate MONumber listed in the table, it will populate the textboxes with the first entry it finds for an update.I would like to create a dynamic dropdownlist (that displays only if multiples are found) displaying the 'Name' field entries for each MONumber found, then once the correct name is selected from that list, to then populate the textboxes with that selected datarow.Here's my code behind:

Protected Sub GotMONum_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GotMO.Click
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter


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Add One Single Item In Combobox After Populating It Form Database Table

Sep 7, 2009

i have imported names from database table into combobox..i want to add item"all" above all names..how can i just add one single item in combobox after populating it form database tabel.

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C# - Validating Dropdownlist OR Textbox?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a page where a user can either select a vendor via dropdown or enter a vendor number via textbox. One or the other must have a value. I can do this in javascript easily but how can I do this using a custom validator provided by ajax all on the client side?


Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
If Page.IsValid Then
//save stuff
End If


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Combining 3 Textbox And Dropdownlist?

Nov 11, 2009

I have 3 textbox's and 1 dropdownlist and I am trying to combine all that data into one string. Here is what I tried but is not working:

Private Sub FullAddressTextBox_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FullAddressTextBox.TextChanged
FullAddressTextBox.Text = AddressTextBox.Text & " , " & CityTextBox.Text & " , " & StateDropdown.text " , " & ZipCodeTextBox.Text
End Sub

My goal is to combine these simultaneously as whoever is filling in the data or after I hit my submit button, if so it has to occur as the first event.

I think my problem has to do with .text after the statedropdown, Is it suppose to be .tostring?

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Populating Textbox With Combobox?

Dec 16, 2009

I want to populate the textboxs with the access databse fields when i select the combobox.

my combobox is populating but my txtunivdetails is not being populated. I am not able to find my error.

Private Sub UiComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
On Error Resume Next


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