Dynamicly Displayed DropDownList If Multiple Entry Exists In Table?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm trying to create an option to select a specific entry in a SQL table if multiples exists. The Sub listed below is for a textbox (MOTxt) and a button (GotMO) for checking an MO# to pull from SQL. Based on the number entered, will populate other text boxes on the page with that row's data. There are exceptions to this, where the MONumber will be entered more than once with different data associated with each entry. So, here's my situation. If we have a duplicate MONumber listed in the table, it will populate the textboxes with the first entry it finds for an update.I would like to create a dynamic dropdownlist (that displays only if multiples are found) displaying the 'Name' field entries for each MONumber found, then once the correct name is selected from that list, to then populate the textboxes with that selected datarow.Here's my code behind:

Protected Sub GotMONum_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GotMO.Click
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter


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Check If An Entry From A Textbox Exists Within A Table?

Jun 5, 2010

I am looking to programme a button to check if an entry from a textbox exists within a table.

This will done via a button.

how I would code the button to make it query the table?

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Multiple Rows In Add Row - Error Says That The Row Allready Exists In The Table

Jun 22, 2010

Have a method who gets data from one table, put the data into variables before it it returned into the same table with changed ID etc. My problem is that it adds the first row without any problems, but when it is supposed to add row number 2 the error says tha the row allready exists in the table. and I can not understand why. I have put in a couple of messageboxes to se that the ID is changing and that the ordreID is correct and changing as they should and they do, but stll I get that errormessage.

My code looks like this:
Public Sub Ordreupdate()

Dim dtbl As New DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable
dtbl = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre")
dt = dtbl.Clone


Annyone who can see why I get that error?

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Simple Looping - Create Multiple Form Fields For Each Entry In Underlying Database Table

Nov 24, 2009

I am trying to create a form which will be fed by an underlying database to create multiple form fields for each entry in an underlying database table. This is for a program to monitor patients under anesthesia, and prior to surgery, the doctor will choose which monitors they will be using. Then, on the actual monitor screen which will pop up every X minutes, there will be a text box and a check box for each chosen monitor. I am relatively new to VB, so I have tried to illustrate what I am needing but using the logic that I know from my previous life in PHP.

I am using DevExpress's layout control to place the form fields, so that is the code in the middle of the first loop (on_load), and I know that part works, I just need to know how to name the fields and then recover those fields and commit the values to the database. (the text boxes are added to the database, the check boxes are used to determine if an entry is made for that monitor- i.e. at the end of surgery if a monitor is turned off). I know that my syntax for naming the fields is no where close to correct, and it probably would not work in PHP, but I remember doing something like this in a PHP application I built long ago. [Code]

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Data-bound Dropdownlist That Permits Manual Entry Also?

Aug 16, 2011

I am not a .net programmer but I can write bits and pieces that I need, however, I have been having trouble working out the best way to achieve something for a website I'm altering.I basically need to have a drop down list which is bound to a certain SQL call (already in place) but I also need the ability to manually type into the drop down list for items that do not exist. These items do not need to be entered into the SQL (I can handle the additional data separately) but I cannot find a way to type inside a drop down list while it is bound to a datasource.Some entries in the datasource (SQL table) are used for one thing, but then a text string needs to be entered for optional entries which do not exist within this SQL table.

Does anyone know how I can achieve this or maybe another similar control can be used that offers this kind of functionality?**Update to be more clear:I need this at runtime. For instance, I do not need this to be within code I actually need the control to accept user input when someone is on the webpate.Imagine a shopping list and all the items are within the drop down list then the user wants to add another item to the shopping list so they just type it into the drop down box and submit the page and its value will be used instead of an existing item.

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Check If Entry Exists In SQL Database?

Dec 28, 2010

Is there a faster/easier and more efficient way of checking if an entry exists in SQL then this:

Private Function CustomerCheck()
Dim connString As String = ("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=BFS;Integrated Security=True;Pooling=True;")
Dim cmdText As String = "(SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE Customer=" + CustomerTextBox.Text.ToString + ")"[code]......

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System.ArgumentException: An Entry With The Same Key Already Exists

Aug 11, 2011

It's System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already exists. error.Here is the whole stack trace:An entry with the same key already exists. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: An entry with the same key already exists.


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Associative Arrays : Check An Entry Exists Or Not?

Aug 16, 2010

Using this example:-

Dim StoreItem As New Dictionary(Of String , Integer )
StoreItem.Add("CS2a", 6)
StoreItem.Add("DD72b12", 3)


The second MsgBox will throw a hissy fit. How do I code so I can tell if an entry exists or not beforehand?

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Adding Subclassed Password Recovery Control To Page Causes "An Entry With The Same Key Already Exists." Error?

May 6, 2011

I am trying to subclass the password recovery control in asp.net (4) so that I can override the behaviour of the OnVerifyingUser event but I'm having trouble adding my subclassed password recovery control into the page. I tried creating an asp:placeholder control and adding a new instance of my subclassed control to it but I just get an error that says "An entry with the same key already exists". I've tried doing this in the page_init and page_load methods but get the same error.

Here's an example of my subclass
Partial Class MyPasswordReminder
Inherits PasswordRecovery


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Increment A Entry In A Sql Table Via Asp.net By 1?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a database containing usernames and "points". I need to increment the "points" at will. I have the table connected to a sqldatasource.

Here is my current code:

With Users
.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE Users SET points = points + 1"
End With

This works great, except, instead of just changing the entry with the username specified by a QueryString, it changes all of the entries and adds one.The sqldatasource has the following select command:

SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Users] WHERE ([username] = @username)"

This command makes it so that only entries with the querystring specified username are displayed. This is really my first attempt at SQL.


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Disable Multiple Items From DropDownList?

Jun 6, 2011

I would like to disable a specific items from DropDownList. I have below code but it does not working. DropDownList have 5 items.And,I'm getting error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index

Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
Dim X As Integer = 0 <> 1
DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False
End Sub

But, if I add a different value for X, then it disable 1st and 2nd item.

Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged
Dim X As Integer = 0 or 1
DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False
End Sub

My goal is if I would have a 365 items in DropwDownList to disable items for example between 120 and 150.

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Select Multiple Values In DropdownList In Asp.net With VB?

Jan 20, 2012

I am creating a page in which I need to show a drop down List. From this drop down List a user can select multiple values. I know I could use a check box list like:

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxList1" runat="server" style="margin-right: 158px">
<asp:ListItem>Value 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Value 2</asp:ListItem>


but if there are more than 50 or so values then that will consume a lot of space on the page and will look odd. So kindly tell me how can I select multiple values from drop down list or if there any alternatives so that I can select multiple values and show many records on a minimum space but not a grid?

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Sql - Check To See If An Entry In A Db Table Is Null?

Apr 20, 2011

I have a sub that updates a form on certain occasions. Sometimes I need to update a form when some of the entries in my table will still have a NULL value. I used this code to prevent the sub from trying to fill the form fields with NULL data:


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Using A Case Statement With An Int Entry From A Table?

Apr 15, 2011

What is the best way to compare an Int entry from a table in a case statement?Using SQL server 2008 R2, Visual Basic Express with LINQ to SQL.The code I tried doesnt work:

Private Sub UpdateSetOpt()
Dim db = New ACEDataContext
Dim SRM = From q In db.Settings


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VS 2005 - Searching For Particular Entry In MDB Table

Nov 10, 2009

I made some progress and I am succesfully reading in reading in two columns of data to my DataGridView but now I am stuck. I have to search the first column for a particular number the read in that row and put the data in a variable to use, how do I search through this data?

Here is what I have so far:
Private Sub RetrieveContacts()
Dim conn As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "myTest.mdb")
Dim adapter As New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT [PN], [SIZE] FROM MYTABLE", conn)
Dim dt As New DataTable("MYTABLE")
dgContacts.DataSource = dt
End Sub

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Which Control I Use To As A Table Data Entry?

Feb 13, 2011

I use in java JTable looks like a excell sheet create columns and rows and enter data in it.In vb 2008 what control i can use, I think table control layout not supported to data entry it supports control to in it and then add data .

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ComboBox Populated And Displayed With Multiple Columns

Nov 8, 2010

I have seen something like the following in many software. Combo box populated and displayed with multiple columns (for example stock code, stock description). But now I am only able to populate with stock code. May I know how to achieve this? I know it can be done by calling a form (And I can do whatever coding in this form) out when clicking on the combo box. But I am looking for better solution, or is it possible to populate the whole datagrid into the combo box as source instead of only the data.

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Can't Find Table Even Though It Exists

May 10, 2009

I'm using the following code (System.Data.SQLite within VB.net)[code]...

I know the table exists because I can write to it via the command line through sqlite and through Autoit and can see it and edit it in the SQLite browser when I open the database. I don't understand why VB can't see it (I know it sees and opens the database file just fine).

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Table / View Does Not Exists

Sep 4, 2009

I developed a package in vb6.0 backend as oracle 8.1.7, i instaled my package on nearly 50 client systems, every thing is fine except ,in some screens when iam saving the record it displays the message "Table or view does not exists", but this error is occuring only on thoes systems using other than Windows 2000 OS . What might be the problem

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Asp.net - Error Cannot Have Multiple Items Selected In A DropDownList?

Mar 14, 2012

This is my code and i am getting an error ..Cannot have multiple items selected in a DropDownList. when the page loads it select "ALL" in DDLModality but when i change DDLModality.selectedvalue to any "value" then no error but again when i change to "ALL "getting the error.

onchange of DDLMODALITY submit the form
form1.target = "";
form1.action = "";


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Asp.net - HTML.DropDownList Values From Multiple Sources?

Jul 27, 2010

In ASP.NET MVC, is it possible to fill the list of values of a Html.DropDownList from multiple data sources along with multiple manually entered values?Basically, I envision it being formated like the below using something along the lines of OPTGROUP:

**Group 1**
Manual Item 1
Manual Item 2
**Group 2**


I've thought about using a view on the DB and getting the data from that, however, I've not really the faintest how to lay it out like above using helpers and to pass the data to it from multiple sources.

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Interface And Graphics :: Create A Table As Displayed In The Image?

Nov 19, 2011

I want to create a table as displayed in the image in VB.net. How do i do it ?? I tried LISTVIEW with Gridlines, but it has both horizontal and vertical lines, but in the image there is only Vertical lines.

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Control Data Entry In 3 Different Table With BeginTranaction?

Jun 21, 2010

how can i control Data Entry in 3 different table with BeginTranaction / Commit /Rollback in vb.net 2008. i am using sql server 2000 at back end and used SqlClient,SqlConnection, ExecNonQuery method.

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Database - Adding A New Entry To A Access Table?

Nov 23, 2011

Iam trying to link a database to a website. I want the website to allow a user to make a username (OrgID) and password (OrgPassword) and have them apear in my database table (Organizer). This is the code I have so far, but I cannot get it to update the information in the database.

protected void RegisterUser_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (txtUserName.Text != "" && OrgPassword.Text !="")


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Matching A TextBox Entry To A Primary Key In A DB Table?

Mar 7, 2009

I hope someone can help me. I have an ATM machine connected to a server. A form takes a textBox entry as a PIN number and matches it to a card number in the same table which is the primary key. The card number is in a comboBox.Selected Item. I have used a dataset to fill the comboBox as the form loads. I have tried for days and got nowhere.

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Asp.net - Select Multiple Items From DropDownList Into TextBox, No Duplicates?

Dec 7, 2010

i used the following technique to Select multiple items from DropDownList into TextBox with No duplicates, however i dont think it is the most proper way,

pressing again with same value selected choose another value from DDL and press button

here is my code Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If TextBox2.Text.Contains(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text) Then


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Disable Multiple Items From DropDownList. Someone Need To Check Code?

May 15, 2011

I would like to disable a specific items from DropDownList. I have below code but it does not working. So, need someone to told me what I'm doing wrong. DropDownList have 5 items.And, I'm getting error:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Parameter name: index

Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged Dim X As Integer = 0 <> 1 DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False End Sub

But, if I add a different value for X, then it disable 1st and 2nd item. Protected Sub CheckBox1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBox1.CheckedChanged Dim X As Integer = 0 or 1 DropDownList1.Items(X).Enabled = False End Sub My goal is if I would have a 365 items in DropwDownList to disable items for example between 120 and 150.

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Inserting Multiple Dropdownlist Values In A Field In Database (ASP)?

Dec 29, 2011

I have three dropdownlist which values are to be inserted in one particular field in the database. But i am new to ASP.

This are my following codes:
Dim strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim myConn As New SqlConnection(strConn)


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ADO.Net Excel, Checking If A Table Exists?

May 14, 2009

I'm using ADO.Net to work with an Excel Document. Essentially, I'm looking up values in a table called "source" and creating a new table called "result" which will be populated with the results of my query.

I have a couple of questions.A) How can I check if a table exists and create a new one if it doesn't? B) Is a table the same as a sheet in Excel?[URL]...

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Check If Record Exists In A Table?

May 23, 2012

I have a tenant details form that has a field called TenantID, I also have a Lease table that also has a TenantID field, what I want to do is click the lease button, check to see if the lease already exists, if it does open the lease form to that record. If not then open the lease form to a New record so the user can enter all the information for that lease.

I am trying to use the below code but am having a little trouble understanding how it all works. What needs to be declared, what doesnt

Private Sub btnLease_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLease.Click
Dim fm2 As New LeaseDetails


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