Use "ReSharper.ReSharper_SilentCleanupCode" In A Vs2010 Macro?

Mar 27, 2012

I am trying to build a macro that formats all modified files before saving them.

Public Module ReformatAndSave
Sub SingleFile()
End Sub
Sub AllFiles()


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IDE :: VS2010 Macro IDE Crashes VS

Aug 31, 2010

VS2010 VB.Net

When I try to access the Macro IDE or open MyMacros I get the error: Vsaenv: Cannot find one or more components. reinstall the application. I have reinstalled (rebuild in place) VS2010 Pro - didn't help.

After the error the IDE goes away for a while and sometimes crashes and sometimes it returns to the code IDE. If I try again as often as not VS crashes hard. On reload it looks like it is going through rebuilding settings.

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Change The Caption Of The Command On The Toolbar From A Macro In VS2010?

Oct 27, 2011

From a macro I am accessing a command that is on the toolbar:

Dim name As String = "Macros.MyMacros.MyMacros.ToggleExceptions"
Dim cmd As EnvDTE.Command = DTE.Commands.Item(name)

How do I now change the caption of the command on the toolbar? It does not seem to have the necessary properties. Do I need to cast it to something else?

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Feature In VS2010 - Set Of Instructions And Save It As A Macro (ex: MYMACRO)

Dec 1, 2011

There is a feature I used to have in zOS assembler environment that I'd like to know if it's available in VS2010 (VB .net). In assembler it is called macro language :

First, I define a set of instructions and save it as a macro (ex: MYMACRO)

Second, anywhere in my source code I can call the macro (by adding the line "MYMACRO")

Third, when i launch the compilation/link step, the compiler implicitly replaces all the "MYMACRO" lines in the source code by the content of MYMACRO defined in first step.

Is there a feature like this in VS2010 ?


Content of macro CONTEXTSTART with a parameter &id



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Quit An Excel Macro Externally (from A GUI Not From Macro)

Oct 21, 2010

I'm have a program (GUI) that interfaces with excel to execute macros. We're using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel to call/run the macros and this works great.What I can't figure out is a good way to cancel the macros from the GUI.One idea we had was to use the excel.application variable that runs the macros to write a "stop" value to a specific cell in the workbook, and in the macros (they are all mostly loops), check for the "stop" value in that cell. This crashes my GUI with this The program '[2188] BVLReports.vshost.exe: Managed' has exited with code -336589910 (0xebf00baa).And excel gets tied up, and won't respond. I know how to Exit Sub from within the macro if the "stop" value exists, so I don't need answers on how to check/cancel from inside the macro. Any ideas on a better way to write this "stop" value or a better way to cancel the macros externally?

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C# - ReSharper Stops Working?

Aug 13, 2010

Running solution with VB.NET & C#, ASP.NET, VS 2008 with ReSharper 5 Most of the time, ReSharper is working (redundant code grayed out, squiggles, etc.)Sometimes, on the same code where it was working, nothing is highlighted to show ReSharper is enabled.I haven't done anything except modify code and debug.

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Rename Using Suggested Var Name With Resharper

Apr 26, 2011

I'm Using resharper 6 nighty builds and I've a big medium project with multiple files that don't follow the code style conventions of my company.I've configured resharper with my own convenctions and It suggest to me the right name for each variable (perfect!).But I can't find any automagic way to make the current name to be replaced with the suggested name.

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Resharper Search With Pattern?

Apr 16, 2012

I use resharper 6.1.I use VB.Net and I want to search for this. for all the help.ShowHelp things and put those in a wrapper.So I have something like this.

Private Sub BtnHelpClick(sender As System.Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnHelp.Click
Help.ShowHelp(Me, HelpFiles.AuditTables, HelpNavigator.TopicId, AudittablesContext.AuditTables)


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C# - Good Tutorial For Resharper Templates?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm looking to get into some of the more advanced features of resharper tamplates. I know just enough to be dangerous by looking at some of the existing templates.

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Resharper 4.5 Extract Method / Can't Get Function

Nov 24, 2009

I am using Resharper 4.5 in Visual Studio 2008. Whenever I try to extract a block of code into a method, it tries to create a subroutine and not a function. The return type option is disabled. Does anyone have any advice as to how I can get it to create a function and not a subroutine?

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Specific Redundant Qualifiers In Resharper?

Jan 31, 2012

We have always used Me.Property and Me.Control in our VB projects, and have just got ReSharper. Does anyone know of a way to get it to ignore this specific type if redundant qualifier?

I still want it to complain if I use any other redundant qualifiers.

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C# - Force Resharper To Use The CLR Type Names For Auto-generated Code?

Nov 4, 2011

According to the General Naming Conventions the usage of CLR type names (e.g. String, Int16) should be preferred over the usage of language specific type names (string, short). I usually follow this advice. Resharper however seems to use the language specific type names when generating code (eg. when extracting methods or generating foreach loops) which is very annoying.

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Run A Macro From Vb?

Apr 11, 2011

I made a simple vb program with vb 2011 express. I want with a simple button click to open a prototype Powerpoint presentation and running in background a batch file.So far,so good... I want to do a third step. Into the "test.ppt" i have already made a macro with vba and i want to execute the macro.


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Get A Macro Convert From VBA Over To .net?

Jan 18, 2010

I am trying to get a macro convert from VBA over to and I am getting a type mismatched error and can't figure it out.

This is the code.

Sub SortRawData()
Dim oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim oRange As Excel.Range


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Run Excel Macro`s With .net?

Jun 11, 2011

I wrote a UDF to enable users to run Macro`s in excel here is the function below

Private Sub RunExcelMacros(ByVal Path As String, ByVal MacroName As String)
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application
Dim oBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim oBooks As Excel.Workbooks


And to use it just call the udf with the 2 parameters like below

RunExcelMacros("c:MyExcelBook.xls", "TheNetMacro")

just remember that you have to have an excel sheet with a macro named TheNetMacro or any other name you want to give it.

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Use Regex In VS Macro?

Jul 22, 2010

I want create macro for replacing. But my problem is how to use regular expression in Visual Basic's macro for Visual Studio?

document.Selection.ReplacePattern("test{[^']+}test", "testAAAAtest")

Doesn't work.

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VB In Merge To New Doc With Macro In New Doc?

May 11, 2009

Using word 2003, merging to a new document. I want the macros in the template to be in the new document. I'm using the macros to control printer desitination, each template can go to a different printer.

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.net - Add Header And Footer Macro?

Oct 5, 2009

I need to make a difficult makro.When the makro has been activated (will happen via a button), it has to add a header and a footer to the document.Also page1/frontpage needs a different header and footer than all the other potential pages.So far, I have accomplished making page1/frontpage to work - somewhat.I did this by recording a makro, where I'd enable headers and footers, write the needed data and then stop recording.Afterwards I edited the coding so it would fit a little better. Mostly it was junk-code cleanup.


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Call An Excel Macro With .net?

Feb 23, 2010

I have an excel document that has a button that i need to activate through

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Calling Access Macro From .NET?

Mar 20, 2011

I call an Access macro from like so: Acc.DoCmd.RunMacro("Macro1")

The Macro in Access has many OpenQuerys and Msgbox with a message saying "data done" at the end.

When I execute the macro from, it shows the data done message and then done. However, when I analyse the table's to see if data has been appended, it hasen't.When I run the same macro from within Access, it works fine. It does show many messages like "You are about to run an append query that will modify data in your query" and I hit yes and does take slightly longer, but it does do it. In VB.NET, the only message I get is the final messagebox.


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Copy And Paste Macro?

Aug 5, 2010

In my Sheet1, i will be having a data From column A to F and in Colunm D (The Red one) it will be empty, The data can be 10 rows or might be more the 60 rows sometimes and in Column I i will have some more Data.

Now i need a macro where in sheet 2, Automatically the Lines from Column A to F should get pasted and it shlould take the Column D from column I. Once the Total line are pasted the it should go for next list of Column I.

Exm: IF i have 50 lines in Column F and in Column I i have 5 lines Then i should get the result of (50x5=250 lines) 250 lines each of 50 as per Column I.

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Creating A Macro In Excel Using Vb?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm creating a macro in excel using vb?What the macro is doing is checking if the row and column headers are same, and if it is then I want it to save the row header (the date in this case) AND the value (a number) into an array, and this is done in a for loop and goes on.... I dont know if I should use 2-D array or a 1-D array that stores 2 values....Not sure at all !Then after the outer most FOR LOOP is done, I want to print those values stored in the array.

Here is what I have so far, this works actually however i'm using 2 seperate arrays, one to store the row header (the date) and another array to store the value. But really I want to make it simpler, shorter and use only one array that stores both of these values as we go through the for loop and at the end of the for loop, all the values from beginning which are stored can be printed out.

Here is my code :

Sub Test ()
Dim sys_arr() As String ' declaring the array to store the values
Dim sys_date_arr() As String 'declaring the array to store the dates


This totally works but with 2 different arrays, all I want is just 1 single array (not sure if it is 2-dimensions or still stays as 1 dimension but with 2 different variables)... and then the array can store the date and variable correspondant to the date, and goes to the next row, and do same thing... So the output results should be like for eg :

2/12/2010 37
2/13/2010 41
2/14/2010 66
and so forth

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How To Make VB Run A Macro Of Another Program

Mar 4, 2009

I'm not getting make VB run a macro of a program that I use in the job(WinFIOL) that is a non-Microsoft program.I created the macro in the WinFIOL, and put the Hot Key Ctrl+F2 to run it; I make a program with VB, that calls the WinFIOL (the program that contains the macro), but I don't know how to make VB runs the WinFIOL macro.

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Macro Without Mouse Control?

Dec 11, 2010

I have seen a few programs one in particular, that runs like a macro but it doesn't take over/control your mouse. Instead it uses a secondary, what you could call virtual mouse. It constrains the mouse to the form and then uses this 'secondary' mouse to run the macro without controlling your other mouse. This way you can browser the internet, or whatever else without being disturbed by the running macro.

Does anyone know what this is called? May someone please give me a tutorial on how to use it,

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Make A Macro Program?

Dec 8, 2009

I already know how to check what buttons/mouse event have been issued by the user. What I need to know is how to reissue those commands at the same intervals. Reissuing the commands is easy to do, but issuing them at the same intervals as I have done? Not so easy for me.

So let's just say I press LMB one minute after I press a button that starts recording what I've done, then RMB 15 seconds later, if I wanted to click Playback and it would do these actions at the same time that I did them after pressing Record, how would I make the program issue the commands at those specific times?

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MsgBox To Stop A Macro?

May 28, 2009

I have a message box as follows:

MsgBox "This will delete all staff data and re-import data from the HR file. Are you sure you want to continue?", 36

which will give Yes and No buttons. I want the macro to continue if the user clicks Yes, and to stop if the users clicks No. I know this is probably very simple, but I'm just a humble accountant trying to teach myself some basic VB :)

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Opening A Macro From VB2005?

Feb 23, 2009

I have created a project in VB2005, and I am using ms access 2003 as the database. I have created a report in ms access and I have also created a macro. I have added the following code to open the macro, but when i click on the button to call the procedure I get the following message:

Dim Adb As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Access.Application()
Adb.OpenCurrentDatabase("C:program filesSupport DeskAccessdatabase.mdb")

When I run the code, and I call the procedure to call the Macro, nothing happends, I don't get an error or anything, what a my missing? The macro does exist.

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Serial Number For Macro?

May 24, 2012

What is missing is a way that when I give a print click on the quantity of copies informed skirt with sequential numbers without repetitionex.: 10001, 10002, 10003

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Setup A Macro To Lookup A Value?

Oct 19, 2009

I am trying to setup a macro to lookup a value. Its very basic, I am trying setup a sheet to build tariff requests for mobile phone deals. so on sheet i will have lots of macro boxes that simply pubulate a table with a value on sheet 2.

Its basically so a sales person can go onto the excel sheet click click click and it will produce a table of all the product on each mobile number connection.

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Toggle Macro Using ColorIndex?

Jul 2, 2010

I am really new at writing macros and want to keep them simple, but can't quite get this one to work. Here it is:

Sub HighLight()
Dim switch As Boolean
switch = Not switch[code].....

I created a toggle button and assigned this macro to it. However on the first click of the button, it only executes the first half of the macro--highlighting the requested cells yellow. Yet, when I click the button again, it does not turn the cells back to the un-highlighted state. From querying the web, most examples use the If-Then-Else.This is a macro that I got off the web and it works beautifully (and simply written):

Sub ToggleHideRows()
For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("H:H")
If cell.Value = "X" _[code].....

I was trying to write the first macro to act in quite the same manner as the second macro. Also, with the first macro I would like to add "cell.Offset(0, -7)" along with "cell.Offset(0, 2)".

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