Change The Caption Of The Command On The Toolbar From A Macro In VS2010?

Oct 27, 2011

From a macro I am accessing a command that is on the toolbar:

Dim name As String = "Macros.MyMacros.MyMacros.ToggleExceptions"
Dim cmd As EnvDTE.Command = DTE.Commands.Item(name)

How do I now change the caption of the command on the toolbar? It does not seem to have the necessary properties. Do I need to cast it to something else?

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IDE :: VS2010 Macro IDE Crashes VS

Aug 31, 2010

VS2010 VB.Net

When I try to access the Macro IDE or open MyMacros I get the error: Vsaenv: Cannot find one or more components. reinstall the application. I have reinstalled (rebuild in place) VS2010 Pro - didn't help.

After the error the IDE goes away for a while and sometimes crashes and sometimes it returns to the code IDE. If I try again as often as not VS crashes hard. On reload it looks like it is going through rebuilding settings.

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Feature In VS2010 - Set Of Instructions And Save It As A Macro (ex: MYMACRO)

Dec 1, 2011

There is a feature I used to have in zOS assembler environment that I'd like to know if it's available in VS2010 (VB .net). In assembler it is called macro language :

First, I define a set of instructions and save it as a macro (ex: MYMACRO)

Second, anywhere in my source code I can call the macro (by adding the line "MYMACRO")

Third, when i launch the compilation/link step, the compiler implicitly replaces all the "MYMACRO" lines in the source code by the content of MYMACRO defined in first step.

Is there a feature like this in VS2010 ?


Content of macro CONTEXTSTART with a parameter &id



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Use "ReSharper.ReSharper_SilentCleanupCode" In A Vs2010 Macro?

Mar 27, 2012

I am trying to build a macro that formats all modified files before saving them.

Public Module ReformatAndSave
Sub SingleFile()
End Sub
Sub AllFiles()


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Change A Caption On A Tool Tip On A DataGridView?

Jul 26, 2009

I cannot get a tool-tip to appear over a DataGridView object, although checking Microsoft's advice, it should do so, as I assume I have a DatSource property NOT set to 'Nothing' for the said DGV. ( I believe this is right, as the columns sort alphabetically, when I click the column headers ! As normal ) If I can get this to work, is there a way to get the underlying data from a Mouse Hover ( Cell Enter ) event, from the cell in question to modify the Tool-Tip's caption ?

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Change The Caption On A Button During Run Time?

May 9, 2010

How can I change the caption on a button during run time?

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FindWindow - Change Caption Of The Window?

Mar 19, 2010

If i use this, it will give me the handle of the window "Test Window 1.0"


but what if the caption of the window changes? how do you find it? If it change to "Test Window 2.0" ? Program like Explorer caption always changes.

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Change Form Caption To Center Align?

Jun 20, 2011

I want to change the form caption to center align by default it's right align .

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Change Report Caption In Access 2007?

Apr 27, 2010

I would like to use VBA to change the caption of a report when it opens based on parameters set in the code. For example[code]...

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.net - Change The Column Header Caption In A WinForm DataGridView?

Nov 23, 2011

How to change the row name with option button?If option button export selected:

Private sub optexport_click()
txtimport = "I"
fgcargo.textmatrix(0,2) = "bl number"
fgcargo.textmatrix(0,4) = "date"
end sub

If option button import selected:


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4.0 VS2010 Using VB: Force Textbox Update To Appear To Users Before Following Command Lines Are Finished (Onclick)?

Jan 14, 2012

I'm fairly new to something I have been spinning my wheels on. I would like to update the value a textbox and then load some data when a user clicks a button. I have this working perfectly but unfortunately the textbox change isn't visible until AFTER the data loads. I've tried several methods, updatepanel, backgroundworker, and async

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Create Macro Which Change All Cells Which Has A Hyperlink?

Sep 28, 2009

We want to create an makro who change all cells who has an hyperlink ex." \serversubsub3example.pdf" to \newserversubexample.pdf. All cells have different pdf´s who they are link to. Not alls cells have hyperlink.

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.net - Why Does Inheriting A WPF Button Change The Appearance Of The Image In A Toolbar

Jun 22, 2010

Using the following code btn2 looks different to btn1 and btn3 yet they are using exactly the same image.

Public Class MyToolBar
Inherits ToolBar
Public Sub New()


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Quit An Excel Macro Externally (from A GUI Not From Macro)

Oct 21, 2010

I'm have a program (GUI) that interfaces with excel to execute macros. We're using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel to call/run the macros and this works great.What I can't figure out is a good way to cancel the macros from the GUI.One idea we had was to use the excel.application variable that runs the macros to write a "stop" value to a specific cell in the workbook, and in the macros (they are all mostly loops), check for the "stop" value in that cell. This crashes my GUI with this The program '[2188] BVLReports.vshost.exe: Managed' has exited with code -336589910 (0xebf00baa).And excel gets tied up, and won't respond. I know how to Exit Sub from within the macro if the "stop" value exists, so I don't need answers on how to check/cancel from inside the macro. Any ideas on a better way to write this "stop" value or a better way to cancel the macros externally?

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Datetime - Change The Format Of The Date Calendar Control Vs2010?

Feb 16, 2012

I am trying to store DoteOfBirth from a Calender control in visual studio 2010.

Dim dob As Date = Calendar1.SelectedDate.Date.ToShortDateString()

I wanna save like dd/MM/yyyy without anything else but when i save it it shows like


I don't know where to change the format and I don't know how to remove the thing attached to the date. I am writing it in and saving to xml file.

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Command Button To Change View?

May 15, 2010

I have a spreadsheet that I am forced to keep 100 rows and 130 columns. For ease of use, I want to use a command button that will automatically pan from one cell to another specified cell location.

I am extremely rusty with VB, what kind of operators and code will I need to use so the command button automatically pan the view from cell A4 to cell Q3 for example?

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Invoke Command To Change Value Of Progressbar1 To 50?

Mar 9, 2009

I am using vb 2008 express and i am using the backround worker component. I am trying to change the value of progressbar1 to 50. Whenever I type progressbar1.value=50 in the DoWork section for backround worker, it says I need to use the invoke command because I am on a different thread.How do you use the invoke command to change the value of progressbar1 to 50?

View 6 Replies

Change Datatable Fill Or Get Command Text?

Apr 12, 2011

I was wondering if there is a way to change the Fill command text of a datatable before issuing it.I need this because the table I am opening has over 15 thousand rows and it hangs for a while in the network when filling the table. So I would like to tell it what to SELECT instead of getting the whole table and then applying a filter.If there's a way of doing that without changing the fill command, it will also work for me.

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Change Default Command Line Argument?

Oct 26, 2011

Recently, I just helping my friend for developing game private server, in Game Client there are 3 application is needed, its is a patcher, launcher, and main exe, my friend use open source (C++ language) application for the patcher, the patcher is work nicely, and the launcher is program that launch main exe, its using launcher because main exe is need some argument to run, the launcher is created by me.The problem is the user can be run game directly without opening the patcher, so I want to change default command line (usually "0" / "1") in launcher to 3, and I have the trap if user open directly the launcher

If My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Item(0) = "3" Then
MsgBox("Please Run Patcher to proceed the game!")


View 5 Replies - Datasource Select Command Won't Change With Radio Buttonlist

May 10, 2011

So based on what is selected in a radiobuttonlist i want the select command to change for my datasource. The problem I'm facing is that if i set the default selected radio button the query will work for that

my radiobuttonlist , user (dropdownlist are all located in an update panel that is not updated after the button is clicked

this my button code

If user.Text = "ALL" Then
SqlDataSource22.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [dashboardtasks] WHERE [completed] = 'NO'"


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Change Back Color Of A Label By Command Button By Using A String Variable ?

May 29, 2012

i tried to change back color of a label by command button by using a variable value

Private Sub Button3_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim colorof As String
colorof = "Color.Red"[code]....

but its giving error and is not working,

Label1.BackColor = Color.Red is working but I wanted to do this with variable value

View 35 Replies

Send A Command To A Command Line And Then Submit The Command?

Apr 30, 2010

First let me say that I am not sure whether or not this should go in this section or the API section, and if it needs to be moved I apologize. My issue is fairly straight forward, but for some reason I cannot get it to work.

I am trying to send a command to a command line and then submit the command. I have been trying without success to get this to work in v2008 Express and v2010 Express, Here is the code I am trying to us:

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" ( _
ByVal lpClassName As String, _
ByVal lpWindowName As String _


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Set The Caption Of The 10 Buttons?

Sep 21, 2010

if i have a database table with two column btnid and btncaption and i have a form with 10 buttons how can i make function to set the caption of the 10 buttons depending on the btncaption column?

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Button In The Taskbar But No Caption?

Jan 16, 2009 application i'd like to have the application button (with both icon and text) on the windows taskbarbut i need to do not have the caption bar on the application frame.How can i do it

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Center The Caption Of A GroupBox?

May 20, 2011

I'm using VB with VSPRO2010 I have a groupbox with its caption on the top right . I would like to place the caption on the top center.

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Code For A Label Caption?

Mar 30, 2011

I have made a model in excel (windows vista) which predicts the rate of an organisms growth.The mass of the organism changes for a given year depending on the size of the time step. I would ideally like to have a label which displays the mass, at a given year of growth to demonstrate this. Is there a way a row number can be attributed to a value in a column? Something like:

mass = Cells(i, 2)
i = "the row number where the number 6 is in column one!!" <<<<This is where the problem lies!


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Datagrid Caption Does Not Update

Apr 15, 2010

I have a form that contains a datagrid control. This form call another form and from that form i change the datagrid caption property. When i show the form that contains the datagrid, the property caption it have not changed. But if i give it the focus the property is updated. I After change the property value call the refresh method on the datagrid, But that not update the datagrid display

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Get Client Area Below Caption Bar?

Feb 1, 2011

I am trying to get the coordinates of the client area of an MDI form. Currently I am using.[code]...

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Merge Menu Bar With Caption Bar?

Mar 25, 2009

I got a application with MDI parent and child form. When the children file is activate it will show two rolls of the caption bar. is the image show,how to make the menu bar from the child form to merge with the 2nd roll of the caption bar? Or straightly hide the 2nd rolls of the caption bar. i try to set the form minimize, maximixize buttong to false , and then activate another child form and close it then 1st child will caption bar is hide, but the form doesn't show in maximize as before, even manualy maximize the form is not allow.

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Record Label Caption Into DB?

Apr 13, 2009

I am using a solution called AdvancedHMI for building an interface to PLC. I a label setup that reflects the value of a certain integer coming from the PLC. This is my question, how can I take the label caption and record it into a database every 5 minutes, or hour, etc.? I already have the stringconnection made to a test db in my sample file, I just don't know vb well enough to do this. What I'm getting at is I want to record several temperature values at certain intervals. The amount of time between doesn't need to be change often, but it would be nice if it could be changed by user.

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