Use Datagirdview In Tabular Form?

Feb 26, 2010

i want to use datagirdview in tabular form


Left Right
Normal Yes No

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Display Data In Tabular Form For A Text File?

Dec 26, 2009

code that can display data in tabular form for a text file. vb 2005

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How To Print A DataGirdView In VB 2010

Nov 9, 2011

I want to print a DataGirdView,

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Save DatagirdView To A Textfile Row By Row?

Nov 11, 2011

I need to write data that is contained in a datagridview to a text file row by row.I can't get this to work.

Dim row1 As String
Dim cell1 As String
Dim cell2 As String
Dim cell3 As String


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Datagirdview Clearing Rows On New Recordset

Jan 2, 2009

In my vb 2005, form one combobox and a datagrid view datagridview filled via dataset and sqldataadapter - declared class objects when an item in the combobox selected, some subitems corresponding to the combobox selecteditem is displayed in the, when a new item selected clear the grid and fill the grid from the new record set.[code]

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Save Data From DatagirdView To Another DataGridView?

Feb 16, 2011

I have two datagridview1 and DataGridview2 and have same field like productCode,ProductDescripiton,Price,Qty and ItemTotal. Now I want to transfer data from datagridview1 to datagridview2. I want that when i click Save button the DGV1 field save to DGV2

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Computing And Saving Column Rows On A Datagirdview

Jul 7, 2010

trying to understand DataGridView. I can sum columns with no problems and place the result in a textbox. My problem is multipling two column rows and saving it. I receive the following error when I go to save it. "Column mapping from source column failed because the data column is a computed column. So can I compute two column row to a third and save it, if so how. My code is below:

I save.[code....]

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Use Backgroundworker For Generate Query And Fill Datagirdview?

Dec 12, 2011

my query is too long and retrive larg data.

and myform hanged when query is process.

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Looping Through RTF Box With Tabular Data?

Feb 22, 2012

I need to be able to copy and paste data from a spreadsheet that may be an .xls, .xlsx or .csv into my app. Then once the data is pasted in I need to do some parsing and saving to an Access database. So I put a RichTextBox control on my form and put the following code in a command button to get the data into the textbox. Will this work as is to allow me to get to the values? And if so, can someone show me a little snippet of how I can get to the values? And if this approach is wrong, then how do I go about this?


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Alternative Way Of Presenting Tabular Data Aside From DGV?

Dec 13, 2011

What is an alternative way of presenting tabular data aside from DGV? I tried DGV but i cant seem to populate the DGV automatically using datasets. Is there a way to manually place my data on the DGV using the read.Item("column1")?

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How To Represent Data In A Tabular Format

Feb 8, 2012

i can retrieve the data from the DB and put it in a vector and then, vector in a JTable, to display data in a tabular format in java, all i wanted to know is there any similar way in vb dotnet?

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XML Code To HTML Tabular Format?

Jun 4, 2009

I have a table of values that I have being saved into xml, but I need the data to be formatted for the user to view as a compiled data view of all the tables the program generates. I'll give an example:

Number of


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Store Tabular Data Locally On User's Computer?

Feb 1, 2010

I am currently developing an application that will require each end user to specify a rather large set of tabular data specific to his/her own preferences. Each time the user starts the application, it will load this set of data.

what is the best way to store this data locally on the end user's local machine? Should I use XML, Access mdb, flat text files?

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Split A Large Set Of Tabular Data Into Smaller Relevant Tables?

May 11, 2011

I'm really hoping I can describe this question in an understandable way. This is a puzzle that I have not been able to begin to solve even though I (mostly) understand it. I'm just not sure where to start, and I'm really hoping someone out there can get me headed in the right direction.

I have a LARGE table of data. It describes relationships between objects. Let's say the Y-axis has items numbered 1-1000, and the X-axis has items 1-1000 also. If item #234 on the Y-axis is related to item #791 on X, there will be a mark in the table where the row and column cross. In some industries this is referred to an a Truth Table. One can, at a glance, see how many items in a system relate to each other. The marks in the table can help to identify trends and patterns.Here's some other helpful stuff about the nature of the table:

The full range of the number of relationships (r) for each item on either axis can be 1 <= r <= axisTotal.The X and Y axis will share common items, but each axis will also have items that the other axis does not.Each item will only exist once per axis. It can be on X and Y, but it would only be on each one 1 time.The total number of items on each axis will most likely NOT be equal. Each axis could have from 50 to 1000's of items.

The end result is that this is going to be a report that needs to be printed. We have successfully printed a table that had about 100-150 items on each axis on an 11in X 17in piece of paper. Any more than that and it begins to be so small it's unreadable.

What I am trying to do is split the super large tables into smaller tables, but related points need to stay together. If I grab item 1-100 on X then I would need each item they relate to from Y.I've generated a number of these tables and, while the number of relationships CAN be arbitrary, I have never seen an item relate to all other items. So in real practice the range is more like 1 <= r <= (10% * axisTotal). If an item's relationships exceed this range, it can be split up into multiple tables, but that is not optimal at all.

At the end of the day I think we, and our clients, would be happy if a 1000x1000 item table was split into 8 to 10 printed pages of smaller, related tables.One other thing worth noting, there will be no empty rows or columns in the table. Every item on both the x and y axis will relate to at least 1 item on the opposite axis.

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SQL - Select Query Result In Tabular Format Like Summary Report

Nov 30, 2011

For example
month1 month2 month3 total
district1 5 2 9 16
district2 1 0 11 12
total 260 150 140 550

Here final total is not much important. But at least I need to show count per district per month.
SELECT Districts_mst.district_name,COUNT(Payments.PaymentId)users ,DATEPART(M,payments.saveon)Month
FROM Payments
JOIN Subsciber ON Payments.SubId =Subsciber.SubId
JOIN districts_mst ON districts_mst.district_id = Subsciber.District
where lang_id=1
group by district_name, DATEPART(M,payments.saveon)

Which give me list like.....
district_name users Month
dist0 1 1
dist1 1 11
dist2 3 11
dist3 1 11
dist4 3 11
dist5 1 12
dist6 1 12

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Download A Pdf File And Import The Tabular Data Into Access 2007 Database

Sep 21, 2009

how could we download a pdf file and import the tabular data into access 2007 database, i have tried and got successful in downloading the pdf file from an URL, but not able to import the table data into access 2007 database/or may be an excel file through a VB6 program.

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Get Form Click Or Form Control Mouse Events To Fire DURING Form LOADing

Aug 26, 2011

Im Using VB 2008. I have MsgBox() statements in all Mouse & Form Click events to TEST & NOTHING FIRES during Form Load when I click on Form or Button Controls !!! The Form Load event contains code for Displaying the Label.Text control many times with changes in the Text to simmulate annimation.


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Form In A Form - Manipulate The App's Properties Place Inside Child Form?

Dec 23, 2008

The following code does create a form within a form and does place NotePad inside the child form. You have to manually start NotePad prior to execution (I work on that later) but the code does workŠ My problem is now I want to manipulate the properties of notepad i.e. focus, size, location, etc. but I cannot figure out how to reference notepad and its properties.


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Get A Button On Form A To Open Form B And Then Close (not Hide) Form A When Clicked?

Jun 12, 2009

get a button on form A to open form B and then close (not hide) form A when clicked?Background: I am coding a VSTO application for Excel in VB2008.

Private Sub FormAButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FormAButton.Click
Dim FormB As New FormB


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Inter-form Communication - Form Being Called Form Several Forms Using ShowDialog()

Mar 28, 2011

I have a form being called form several forms using ShowDialog().

1. Is there a way for called form to know which form called it by receiving a code or key from the calling form?

2. The calling form has a gridview. How can the called form pick up a column's value from the currently highlighted row in gridview in the calling form?

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Mdi Child Form Order - Move The New Form Behind The Main Form While It Loads

Aug 5, 2010

i have my main child form open. then i show the new form:


but when the form opens it flickers a lot. so i want move the new form behind the main form while it loads so the user does not see the flicker. once it is done loading i will set the form to topmost. how do i move the new form behind the main form?

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TopMost Form - Messages Form Would Be Hidden By The Main Form

Nov 20, 2009

I have a tool window that I want to stay above the main application form, but not stay on top of all windows forms. Similar to the floating properties window for visual studio - it always stays on top of the main VS window, but if I select another program, like internet explorer, the floating properties window will be behind internet explorer.

What I have is an application that has several forms that may be displayed at the same time. I have a Messages form that displays messages generated by the code in the form, that gives the status of the application. Obviously, the user would not normally be working on this form, but they may want it to be visible to see the status messages from the program (File saved confirmations, etc). So, my two options right now are I can set the form to be on top of all other windows forms or, when the user clicks on the main application form, the messages form would be hidden by the main form.

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Form Result To Another Form - Class Contains A Form That Have Buttons

Apr 9, 2010

I designed a class contains a form that have buttons. When i click any button this function runs

Public Sub BtnClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
result = CType(sender, Button).Text


In another project I imported this class. I called the method that shows the form in my class. I need to store the 'result' variable in another variable in the new project. How can It be done.

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Forms :: Pass Value From One Form To Another Form In .net Windows Form?

Jan 22, 2011

how to pass value from one form into another form...? for example if i have 1 mdiform and 2 form (form1, and form2) for load form1 i'm using system.reflection.assembly here is the code for load form1 :

Imports System.Reflection
Private Asm As Assembly
Private FrmNama As Form
Public Function GetForm(ByVal FormName As String) As Form


after form1 load i call form2 from form1 and from form2 i want pass value, here is the code from form2 to pass value into form1 :

form1.textbox1.text = textform2.text

why value from form2 can't fill into textbox1 in form1?

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Mdi Form And Show Form - Error "Form That Is Already Visible Cannot Be Displayed As A Modal Dialog Box"

Jan 26, 2010

I'm new in .Net and I have an application with windows form "LOGIN" When users enter the user and password and click "ok", then if user passes validation then I have the code Show(MDIMainMenu) (I'm trying to open an mdi form), but I receive the following error: "Form that is already visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Set the form's visible property to false before calling Show. Error Number 5"


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Move A Form Without The Form Control Box Or Form Name?

Apr 24, 2009

i want to be able to click anywhere there isn't a control on the form and be able to move the form to anywhere on the desktop...

the control box is off and the form text is blank, so there is nowhere on top of the form to click and move the form..

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Unable To Place A Label Box In The MDI Parent Form And Then Open A Child Form The Label Box Highlighted In Child Form?

Dec 15, 2011

I have an issue when I place a label box in the MDI Parent form and then open a child form the label box highlighted in child form?

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Make Form Visible For The First Time From Another Form (form.visible = True)

Aug 18, 2009

Below is the exception code info. when I try to make form visible for the first time from another form then I get an exception code. something like 'a required variable not set'



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Irregular Shaped Form With No Borders Moving Across The Screen Until From Within The Loop The Form Closes?

May 26, 2012

I tried it every way I can think off, but nothing can stop it .

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Crop Form Screenshot - Screen Capture Of Twindows Form And Display Only A Certain Specified Area

Aug 2, 2010

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


So I'm trying to take a screen capture of the windows form and display only a certain specified area of that screen capture in a picturebox on a different form. Kind of like this. First, take the screen capture of the form: Then get a specified area of that form through x,y coordinates or something and display it on a picturebox on a separate form.

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