Use The Time-code Data From A Wav File Or Know When A Wav File Is Playing?

Sep 18, 2009

My program turns on and off external relays from the parallel port. I need to find a way to activate the relay only while a wav file is playing and de-activate the relay when the wav file stops playing.


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WAV File Play - Detect When A Sound File (WAV) Stops Playing?

Feb 25, 2009

For stopping by, is there a way to detect when a sound file (WAV) stops playing?

e.g.> There is a FORM with a PLAY button on which is coded to play a WAV file. But how does VB detect when the WAV file has finished playing?

Here is the code I have on the PLAY button

My.Computer.Audio.Play("test.wav", AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop)

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File I/O And Registry :: Code A Delete Button For A Browsing Program Based On Data From A Txt File?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to code a delete button for a browsing program based on data from a txt file. I have coded the buttons to sort(ascending and descending), append to the text file, search the text file, but I can not seem to get the delete function working. I am using VB 2010, this is what I have so far:

Dim deleline As String
Dim line As String
Dim isFound As Boolean = False
sr4 = IO.File.OpenText("Students.txt")


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Playing A PLS File?

Jul 23, 2009

Is it possible to download a pls file and play it? it's basically streaming music, and I need to know if I can develop a way to play it through an application.

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Playing With Bat File And Exe

Jul 19, 2009

i need to decrypt a file by calling an exe.when i call this i need to supply password to that exe how can i supply the password programtically [code]this is what iam using to decript that file named V4933001.txt when i use this code a command promt will be poped up there i need to supply password.but i need to supply that password programatically

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Adding Items To The Collection At Design Time , There Is No Code Generated In The .Designer File?

Mar 17, 2009

i have created my own custom propertythe property is of type collection ,it displays a form which allow the user to add a list of images and strings,it stores the data in a collection ,my problem is , i have noticed that after adding items to the collection at design time , there is no code generated in the .Designer file of the form and there for when i close the for / save it and reload it , all the items that i added to my custom property are question , what did i miss here ? how do i make my custom property generate code at the .designer file for the items i have added to my property?

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Playing A Mp3 File What Is In The Resources?

Jan 8, 2008

i need the code for playing a mp3 file what is in the resources. i don't have a clue of where to start. i've tried so many times but i always get an error.

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Playing One .wav File Without Stopping The Other

Nov 29, 2007

I'm currently programming a music software which plays notes which are listed. as timer ticks, the notes change and so it plays a different *.wav file. The problem now is that the previous sounds stops when a new sound starts. i want them to overlap each other until each one has finished. Code:"file.wav")

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Playing The Flash File?

Feb 19, 2008

I created a code that play flash animation file. I use AxShockwaveFlashObject.

AxShockwaveFlash1.Movie = "D:\flash\boleh.swf"

it work. But when I copy the flash file to resource folder and change path become relative ( "..\..\boleh.swf" )the animation not display and didn't show error message.

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Get AVI Header Info Without Playing File?

Mar 18, 2010

I have been working off and on for a year on my own media browser that I created in VB.NET. My program will play MP3 playlists as well as supporting drag and drop

Getting fileinfo of an mp3 is no problem but I have discovered that it is more complex when I try to get file duration of video files (.avi,.mpg) etc.

My code listed below uses a timer. In order for me to get a video duration value, I must actually play the file in axwindowsmediaplayer1 for one second. This seems not practical.

I have seen many examples on the internet in C# that read video metadata without need to play/load the file. Why are there no examples in of this? Is it too difficult to achieve in[code]...

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Playing A Chosen Music File?

Jun 14, 2012

So I'm making a multi-function clock for practice.

It's a clock, timer and alarm. It's all done except for the alarm. I want to be able to choose a song (mp3) with OpenFileDialog1 and then play it when I click a button. I'm thinking about using a hidden Windows Media Player control,

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Use WithEvents When Wav File Stops Playing?

Sep 27, 2009

I have done an extensive search before posting this question, using many different search parameters without success at finding an answer.Using Visual Studio 2008 Express VB:My program requires a notification when a wav file has finished playing, a media player song list will not suit my needs.I have used System.Media.SoundPlayer, Microsoft.DirectX.DirectSound and My.Computer.Audio.Play to play a wav file. All work well at playing and stopping the requested wav. So far, I have not found a methode to capture an event when the wav has ended. DirectSound stops playing when the form has lost focus, so I dont think that I can use it. Audio.Play AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete only holds up other operations and I dont want to create multiple threads.

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VS 2005 - How To Check If WAV File Is Playing

Nov 24, 2009

I am using VS 2005 Professional and writing a guitar tuner app with visual basic. I have a 6 wav files that play in button click events using the My.Computer.Audio.Play() method. I need to animate a picture box meter while a wav file is playing. I have searched in the library, but I can't find any relevant info for checking if a sound is playing for vb. Is there a way I can check to see if the wav file is playing?

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Code That Reads An Input File And Store Data In SQL Server Data?

Sep 11, 2009

I am new to I want to read and input file and store that data to an SQL Server database. Do you have an sample code that do such?

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Adding And Playing Music Clip (WAV File)

Nov 27, 2010

I'd like to add music to one of my VB.Net 2010 applications. My preference would be an MP3, but if necessary I can convert to WAV. What's the easiest way to add and play a clip of music via 2010?

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Change Image While Media File Is Playing

Mar 17, 2010

I've created a media player by using Media Player Component. Let's say that I have a picture box that controls the player. I want to try if the media player is playing a file, the picture box will disappear. I've tried to put these code into Form Load but nothing change.[code]...

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Playing A Wav File Then Pausing For A Few Seconds Loop

Mar 5, 2009

Is there a way to play a wav file and then pause for 10 seconds and then it will repeat? I know it will be a loop, but the part that gets me is pausing for 10 seconds before starting the loop again.

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Playing An Unknown Selected Audio File

Oct 15, 2011

[code]So basically the combobox1 item which is selected is sent to a string and is then supposed to be played from my resources. The .wav file which is in my resources is named "Sound1" however I have no idea how to reference it.

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Playing File Over Network With AXWMPLib.AXWindowsMediaPlayer?

Jan 18, 2010

I am developing a WinForms app that stores media files (video/audio) on a file server.All the file attributes are indexed on a SQL server. Currently, I am accessing the files in my client app for playback and export to file by impersonating the authorized user for the file share, caching a local copy, then doing what I need to do with the cached file (playback, export etc.)If a viewer wants to view a file (using the AXWindowsMediaPlayer control), I have to first cache the file completely (using the process I just mentioned) before the user can play it back. Any way I can get around this - perhaps someway I can avoid the cache step and play directly from the UNC source?I tried impersonating the authorized user then passing the UNC path for the file to AXWindowsMediaPlayer,but I got an error. It seems like the impersonation does not work with the control.Different threads? Also, is there a better way to do all this? Mounting a share does not seem to be an options since I want to control access to the media files through the app.

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Playing Wave File From Resource Dll Using DirectSound?

Aug 6, 2011

I have used DirectSound to play a wave file in my application using the function CreateSoundBufferFromFile. It works perfectly.Now I want to play files from a resource dll file. I have created 1n2v32.dll file having nearly 100 small wave files named 1,2,3... I can play them using LoadLibraryEx, PlaySound & FreeLibrary.Now, I am trying to use CreateSoundBufferFromResource function from DirectSound api to play these files. I get Run-time error '432': File name or class name not found during Automation operation I used the following code to create the buffer.

Set LDSB = LDS.CreateSoundBufferFromResource(App.Path & "1n2v32.dll", "14", BufferDesc, gw)

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File.readalllines - Program To Handle Only A Medium Chunk Of Data At A Time?

Feb 27, 2012

Say I have a 5 GB file. I want to split it in the following way.

First 100 MB is on the file

The rest go some reserve file

I do not want to use readalllines kind of function because it's too slow for large files.

I do not want to read the whole file to the memory. I want the program to handle only a medium chunk of data at a time.

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Alarm Clock Freezes When Playing Audio File And Loop Will Never End Is

Mar 6, 2009

[code] I am programming a simple alarm clock and the loop never ends the clock stops counting seconds, and I can not click any button as the form seems to be frozen

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Use WinAPI Recording And Playing Sound Without To Output To A File In VB Language?

Nov 19, 2007

I want to make a function to record the sound and then to play the record,like the telephone. I have ever download some articles,but they were all too complex,or they have too many unassociate code,so I can not understand the courses of the recording and playing.I want to get some code here?

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VB2010 - Click A Command Button Wav File Stops Playing

Jan 30, 2012

I have a problem. When I play a wav file using winmm, as soon as I click on a different command button on the form, the audio playback stops. How do I make sure the wav files are allowed to play in their entirety even when focus is moved to another control?

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Add Code To Read And Use The Data From The Sales.txt File?

Jul 12, 2009

How do I (Add code to read and use the data from the Sales.txt file



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Write A Code To Read Data From .gpx File?

Jul 5, 2011

I would like to write a code to read data from .gpx file, but I get stucked with classes: I have a problem with creating working array of objects in object and setting or getting data from it.

I wrote this:

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer


but I get always the latest values of points for all slots of array... Lets say we got 3 points as an input: 1. lon: 5, lat: 1; 2. lon: 2, lat: 3; 3. lon: 4, lat:9. I always get the same values for i = 0 to 2... lon: 4, lat: 9.

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File I/O And Registry :: Move Data From One Data File To The Next, Using A Text File?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm Writing a Problem that will allow users to move data from one Data file to the next, using a Text file. My problem is that i so far i 3 test users.

No matter what test user is logged on it seems to be Reading the first user info no matter which one is on.

How do i get it to Only Read the User Info and show it up on text file that is Currently logged on.

Imports System.IO
Public Class TestForm6
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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The Application Is Used To Find A Given File Name In A Given File Directory And Put Messages To Remind User At A Given Time?

May 13, 2011

the application is used to find a given file name in a given file directory and put messages to remind user at a given time.

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Output Data To Text File In Asp. Markup Code?

Sep 27, 2010

I downloaded some sample code which includes a database query within the markup code. It makes a query to the database and displays the results of the web form and I would like to divert the output to a text file and I am not sure how to do this?Can this be done from here or would it just be easier to code it in the source and make a new connection to the database?

Sample code:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionStringIP %>"
DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [ip-to-country] WHERE [ID] = ?" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [ip-to-country] ([ID], [BeginingIP], [EndingIP], [TwoCountryCode], [ThreeCountryCode], [CountryName]) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"


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File I/O And Registry :: File Founder - Taking Long Time?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm writing a program to search files.The result is saved in a text file.Everything it's working fine, but when I say to look for files/folders in C:* the process takes long time and in task manager it's displayed as "Not Responding", this is not true because I see that CPU and RAM are working with this process.I've disabled in DEBUG OPTIONS the line "ContextSwitchDeadlock" just to prevent the error message "this operation require long time ... bla bla bla".Is there any way to display a progress bar or something like that that shows the program is running and it isn't "hang"?Here's my code (in red the line where the program hangs):

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cartella, scelta, cosa As String


I think that it's like when you type in the command prompt "tree" it doesn't hang... I know... it's not the same thing but...I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express?

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