Using The Parents And Children Forms?

Apr 29, 2009

i make a parent and children form and when i show children form and drag into parents form , when parents is little to show the children form , parents form enables the scrollbar and then show the chilren form better , how can i do something that avoid this status ( don't show scrollbar into parents form when the children form is bigger than it)?

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Children Looking After Parents: User Controls & Events?

Apr 22, 2009

I like to build objects that contain properties and also functions / subs to do work. I dont have a lot of other programmers around me to answer this question so I thought id ask. If my goal is to make a function or even sub part of a class blue print is it better to do it by making a seperate class for the function, and then construct a new copy of the classFunction as a property of the parent class or is it better to simply put the function in the parent class.


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ASP/VB Byte Arrays, Iframes, Parents, Children And Variables?

Jun 21, 2011

I have an aspx page which houses an iframe. When a button is clicked, a WCF is called to produce a PDF which is read into a byte array. I was storing the byte array in a Globals.vb file like this:

Public Shared PDF_Data as Byte()

The global was loaded from the parent aspx page like this:

PDF_Data = MyWCF.Create_PDF_File(SomeVariable)

After that, the iFrame's src was set to a blank aspx page, which had the following code in the page_load event:

'Write the PDF binary data to the screen (viewer)
Response.Buffer = True
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"

However, realizing that this application will have several users who will get different PDF documents, I have learned that this is not the way to go. My shared variable would be accessible to all users, a big no-no.However, I am stumped as to how I'm going to store the byte array and make it available to a child aspx page from it's parent.

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Preload Children Forms In A Background Process?

Jun 7, 2010

on the loan of my application i created a background_worker to pre-load some of my child forms. here is the problem - it seems that the forms gets loaded into the second process and it wont have any affects on the original process .

In another words when i try to show the preloaded form nothing is displayed. How can i ask the background process to "Merge" with the main process when it is completed! i am not sure if merge is the best word to describe what i am trying to do here!!!

also if i try to re load the form that was created by the main process i will get exception saying you can't change one some that was created by another process

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The Children Forms In MDI Form Load Very Slow

May 20, 2010

I am trying to create an application. I am using MDI forms method to navigate throughout the application. However, when a user clicks a button to create a new child or when the application execute this code


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Retrieve All Parents From The Database?

Nov 17, 2011

I am using MVC3 and EF 4.1 (Oracle DB). Let's suppose I have:

Public Class Parent
Public Property Id As Integer
Public Property Name As String


I want to retrieve all parents from the database and for each parent I can access its children.I want to do the following:

Dim firstParent = (From q In db.Parents Select q).First()
For Each child In firstParent.Children
'Do something

The problem is that I would like to enumerate the children from the youngest to the oldest. Is it possible without the client-side sorting? If yes then how can I achieve that? I know how I could achieve what I want with an SQL query, but I cannot make it work with LINQ...

EDIT:Since this seems not to have a solution in my case and sorting everytime I request data is not an option, maybe there is something I can do when I insert the data to the database? I do not have a control on which order EF saves items to the database when I call db.Save(), but maybe there is some syntax I could use to require ordering based on some property.

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Get The Parent Item's Parents' Information?

Nov 11, 2010

Sub RosterItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal item As

If I look at all the attributes of item declared above, I can find the account the rosteritem was sent to under that parent tab.. but I can't do to get to it. How can I get the parent item's parents' information?

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Allow The Child To Add A Handler To Capture The Parents Event

Dec 8, 2011

I know generally it is not the best solution for a child to handle an event of parent. Take this for example; Mainform loads UserControlOne, UserControlOne handles all UserControlOne needs to. How ever we need a MenuStrip/ToolStrip. MainForm does not need to know much about what UserControlOne is doing. Other then receive some information on a statusbar. Right now events are controlling this.

The menustrip/toolstrip need to be able to speak to UserControlOne, for example when buttons are clicked on the strips. Would you; Allow the child to add a handler to capture the parents event? Move the MenuStrip/ToolStrip/StatusStrip all to UserControlOne so we can ignore all this event hassle? My Major concern with this is now we have taken all the head ache away from MainForm and crushed it into UserControlOne. Any suggestions?

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Lock Child Form Location To Parents?

Jun 8, 2010

I have a Dialog which I'm calling via Loading.Show()Can I lock the position and location to the parent form? In such a way so if the parent is minimised or moved, the child will stay centred to the parent?

I was using ShowDialog() but this obviously stops the parent from being accessible. This is being used to display a progress gif. (Child is 50% opacity)

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VS 2010 Refresh Datagrid Of Parents Mdichild?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a big problem regarding MdiChild. My problem is that I have 3 forms loaded;

Form1=Mainform / mdiParent
Form2= Display the Datagrids
Form3= This is where I let the user input the necessary fields like Lastname, Firstname,Age,etc...

My problem goes like this, Form3 is the child of Form2, Form2 is the child of Form1 and I call them one by one like this:

Form2.MdiParent = this;


I want in the Form3 to save data and refresh on my datagrid on Form2 so that every data that I encoded in Form3 will reflect in Form2. I let the Form3 close everytime there is data entered but my problem is that the data that entered doesn't reflect in my datagrid.

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.net - Repository Pattern - Remove Child Elements From Multiple Parents

Nov 16, 2011

I have the following tables

Public Class Tag
<Key()> _
Public Property TagID As Integer


I implemented the repository pattern.

Now i have a list of Tags which contain the right TagReferences, but the tags may not be deleted, it's the TagReferences.

Variabels = ReferenceValue,ReferenceID
IEnumerable(Of Tag) = TagRepository.GetMany(Function(el) el.Reference = ReferenceValue And el.TagReferences.Any(Function(bl) bl.ReferencedID.Equals(ReferenceID)))

How can i remove all the TagReferences which contain the ReferenceID in one line?

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Iterate The Parents Hidden Controls Names, Get Their Handles And Then Activate Them One By One?

Aug 24, 2010

I have an application and Spy++ reports that the parent window has many controls that are hidden. When I do a mouse click on the application's window, a number appears and I suppose it's the hidden controls that change their text/picture.So, is there a way to iterate the parents hidden controls names, get their handles and then activate them one by one (with sendmessage/postmessage wm_buttonclick) to see what changes?Right now I get the windows handle with FindWindow and the window's process id.

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C# - Mdi Children Changed In .Net?

Apr 15, 2010

Is there a simple way of tracking the change of an Mdi's children i.e. when they are created and closed, something like an event OnMdiChildListChanged (I realise this doesn't actually exist).

I am also aware that I could have a method within my Mdi that handles the creation of child forms and logs the state of them or even create an Interface that defines that a child form has a "NotifyParent" method that is then called on close of the form, but i was wondering if there was any built in events that i could plumb into?

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Get The Children Of A Panel?

Aug 17, 2009

How do you get the children of a panel?

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MDI Parent And Children

Jun 3, 2011

I have four children in a parent container. Each child form is a test for the user to type correct answers into text boxes. Option to open each form is on a menu strip in the parent. In form load, I have disabled all but the first form option. I only want the second form to become available if the first form answers are correct. I would like to figure this out on my own as much as possible. I have searched on line but since I am not sure what to ask, I have not found and answer. Can someone get me started in the right direction? Perhaps some reading that would explain how to go about this, or what I should be typing into google to get what I'm looking for.


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Not Loading All Children XML

May 6, 2012


I'm sifting through the dump of AniDB titles and everything works except that it only sees 7161 elements instead of 9200. Anyone have any idea why? It's not calling an exception on the load method as if something is wrong. Even when I change it to just take the root element and then get the count of children, it gives 7161. Like it doesn't even see the last 2000.

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Changing Focus Between MDI Children

Jun 3, 2011

A common problem I have come across when migrating from VB6 to VB.NET is that to change the focus between MDI children, you can't just click any control to give that child focus, you must click its title bar. The solution that I have found works is to enter the child form's Designer and change the following:

#Region "Windows Form Designer generated code "
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode()> Public Sub New()
'This is required by the Windows Form Designer.
[Code] .....

This needs to be done on all child forms in the project. If one form does not have the fix, once it's opened, the bug will return even when the form is closed.

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Disable Keys Outside Of App For Children?

Dec 12, 2010

I would like to turn on an app in the background that disables or temporarily remaps all but the alphanumeric keys while they are using my laptop if possible.

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Find A Treenode Children?

Oct 31, 2011

I start with VB 2010 since a short time.I need to check in a Treeview if a node has children or not.In VB 6 there was the property clildren that allow to understand this.

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Removing All Grid's Children In WPF?

Apr 20, 2011

I'm trying to remove all children (and sub-children) of a Grid in WPF (I'm really new to the whole WPF business). Is there a good way of doing it programmatically? I need to do this so that I could leave an empty canvas (Grid) at one point and draw other stuff on it.

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Treeview Not Checking ALL Children

Aug 24, 2010

Im new to treeviews so I hope this is not posting a problem that has been covered. I want all the children of a checked parent to also be checked. I have found various snippets that can achieve this but only for one or two levels. When I expand further than 2 levels the children are not checkeds. What am I missing? I have managed to find this piece of code that I am using in both the "AfterExpand" and the "AfterChecked" events to achieve the result. There must be a better way.


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Wpf - Add Children To Wrap Panel?

Oct 1, 2011

I'm adding rectangles to a wrap panel like this:

For i = 0 to 20

I would like to use this loop because I don't want to specify the limit:


But how can I break the loop when the wrap panel is filled? For example the loop would stop when the wrap panel can't display a rectangle in its full height or width.

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.Net - Dispose Correctly Children Object

Aug 19, 2010

From code analysis (Visual studio), I got this warning:


The warning disappear but then the literal control isn't anymore being displayed on the page... EDIT Note that the code come from a Microsoft web page: [URL]

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Add Xml A Node With A Bunch Of Children Nodes In .Net?

Nov 3, 2011

I need to modify a xml file (actually a .rdlc report file) and add some nodes which have a lot of children nodes (and those children nodes again have children nodes). Actually they are almost the same strucutre, like this one:



and it will add my specified NS. (like I said, XElement.Parse(string) won't add it) So now I can construct the correct node. For my second problem I still can't figure out: I can't navigate to the target node by using the element name since it won't search for correct NS.

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Child :: Cycle Through Specific MDI Children?

Dec 22, 2011

My application creates MDI Children programatically. I have a frmBrowser as an MDI Child which I create multiple instances of. There are several other MDI children in the MDIParent. How do I only cycle through the frmBrowser MDI children?

For Each Child As frmBrowser In frmMain.MdiChildren
'perform action on child
Next Child

The code above gives an error for all the Child that aren't of the type frmBrowser.

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Clicking Between Two MDI Children Form And Focus

Oct 28, 2009

I have two mdi children forms open. I would think that clicking on the non active form would change the focus from the active form to the form I just clicked on. It only does this if I click on the title bar. Then the focus changes. But if I click on a control on the non-active form, focus does not transfer.

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Detect Children Controls Under Mouse In WPF?

Apr 17, 2012

I have a WPF ParentUserControl and some ChildUserControlA ChildUserControlB etc. (also WPF controls)

The ChildUserControls are controls containing on them some other basic elements (textboxes, labels, etc)

In the main form's status bar I need to display the name of the currenlty mouse overed ChildUserControl.[code]...

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Make The Functions For The Children Property?

Oct 22, 2011

I want to make something similar to the listbox.children property. I know I can write this to return the children of the listbox:


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MDI Children - Only One Instance Of The Child Will Show?

Feb 9, 2010

I have an MDI application that shows a child window, obviously. I want multiple instances of this child window to be possible. However, I only get one. The first one will close out and the new one will show.

Dim newWindow As New frmWatcherWindow()
newWindow.MdiParent = Me

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MDI Children Focus Only On Title Bar Click?

Dec 17, 2011

One would imagine that clicking anywhere within the MDI Child form (or on any control) will focus that form. But in my application I can only focus a MDI child by clicking on its titlebar, which is an abnormal behavior on the part of the user. My forms are filled with either controls or panels so I don't have the luxury of just "clicking on the form." But clicking anywhere within it should focus it.

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