Validate Textboxes So That They Accept Only Numerical Input (1 2 3 Etc And Not Abc @$ Etc)?

Mar 26, 2011

How do I validate textboxes so that they accept only numerical input (1 2 3 etc and not abc @$ etc)? Is there some kind of property of the textbox that I have to change?

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Masked TextBox Appearance - Accept Numerical Values Between 0 And 999?

Aug 10, 2011

Problem: I wanted data input text boxes that only accept numerical values between 0 and 999. I could check for this during a later 'save' routine, but instead preferred to warn the user at the input stage; so I chose masked textboxes - setting the mask to "000". However these boxes appear and behave differently. They have a row of 3 underscores - which I don't want - and also seem more difficult to hit with the cursor. How can I get Masked TextBoxes to appear and behave exactly as normal ones?

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Get The App To Accept Numeric And Operator Input While Ignoring All The Alpha Input?

May 10, 2010

I am writing a calculator app in VB Express 2008. I'm trying to get the app to accept numeric and operator input while ignoring all the alpha input. In other words taking input from the numeric keypad and the top of the keyboard and ignoring all the letters.

Here's the block of code I have so far:

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
If (e.KeyCode >= Keys.D0 OrElse e.KeyCode >= Keys.NumPad0) And (e.KeyCode <= Keys.D9 OrElse e.KeyCode <= Keys.NumPad9) Then
Select Case e.KeyCode


I can't get vb to recognize the above code it seems to skip right over it. BTW, is 'Keys.Crsel' the same as the caret '^' symbol?

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Input - DataGridViewTextBoxColumn - Column Should Not Accept Input Of Data

Jul 29, 2009

On geting input into DataGridViewTextBoxColumn but the column should not accept input of data that is not integer like; 10003, 2.00, 1500.00

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Validate Textbox To Accept Numbers Only

Nov 15, 2011

i need to validate the textbox such that in can accept numbers only but the entered no should be greater than 0 , it can be 0.1 and should be less than 101.

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VS 2008 Validation - Whether Or Not Input Is Numerical

Jan 22, 2011

I have code that will validate whether or not the input is numerical. After that's passed validation, I need to check and see if that value is greater than another.

Here's the code for the numerical validation (it works)
If Decimal.TryParse(EndOdometerTextBox.Text, EndOdometerDecimal) Then
ErrorProvider1.SetError(EndOdometerTextBox, _
"Please enter a numeric value.")
e.Cancel = True

Now, I need to verify that the input for this is greater than another decimal (BeginOdometerDecimal). How can I do this? Everything I've tried fails completely (ignored) or messes up the fist validation.

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Two Textboxes That Accept Negative Value?

Aug 15, 2009

Public Class Final2
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


there's a logic error in this code. it accepts negative value but output positive one. just wonder if Math.Abs functions here.

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Forms :: Make Textboxes To Accept Only Numbers?

Jan 11, 2010

On Form Level, I use following codes to make textboxes to accept only numbers,How to add these codes in main module, instead of of writing these codes on every form.

If TypeName(Me.ActiveControl) = "TextBox" Then
With Me.ActiveControl
If Not IsNumeric(.Text) And .Text <> vbNullString Then


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Make The Textboxes Only Accept Letters A, B, C, Or D As Answers From The User?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm having trouble with the Try...Catch code. I'm trying to make the textboxes only accept letters A, B, C, or D as answers from the user. I'm also having trouble matching the two arrays. I wanted it to be like if textbox1 is A then it is correct but in a loop. Please take a look at my code.

This is the programming challenge instruction for reference: The local Registry of Motor Vehicles office has asked you to create an application that grades the written portion of the driver's license exam. The exam has 20 multiple choice questions. Here are the correct answers to the questions:


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Making A Input Box Accept @?

Nov 17, 2009

This is the program that i made for class to be a calculator for shopping

Public Class frmHarrysGroceryCalculator
Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
'exit button ep


I want to be able to use the @ i.e 3@10, meaning 3 items at 10 dollars, in the input box.

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Way To Accept Multiple Input

Jan 31, 2012

In ,how to accept multiple input? I want to enter marks of a student in 5 subjects to find percentage of marks,but i am not able to understand which statement i should use to take input in a single line

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Develop The Application To Accept As Input?

Nov 11, 2011

Problem Specification: The Caswell Catering and Convention Service want to install a computerized billing system. You are to develop the application to accept as input the following items:

a.The Name of the customer (string).
b.The number of adults to be served (byte).
c.The number of children to be served (byte).
d.The cost per adult meal (single).
e.The room fee (no room fee if catered at the person's home).
f.Amount of deposit which is deducted from the bill.

The following is a sample application's input section [code]...

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Numerical Validation - User Chose Only Numerical Values After The Empty String

Jul 22, 2010

I am checking for empty string values, but how do i see for the Quantity text box if the user chose only numerical values after the empty string. For example...


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Function To Validate 5 Textboxes In Form

Feb 22, 2011

Actually I am trying to get a function to validate all the textboxes in my form. At the moment, my code look like:
Private Sub Textbox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Textbox1.textchanged
If Textbox1.Text.Length = 0 Then
MsgBox("TextBox1 is empty. Please enter something", msgboxstyle.okonly)
End Sub
I have to write the same line of code for each textbox to check if it is not empty and was thinking of using a function that will be called and check each textbox in my form.

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Accept Input Into Program Console Application?

Oct 26, 2010

How to accept input into a console application? How Do I allow people to type into a console application, and then press enter, and then the console application writes that and uses the console.writeline function to write what the person typed in into the network stream(or whatever its called).

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VS 2005 Implement The Following Code To Validate Several Textboxes?

Dec 31, 2010

I am trying to implement the following code to validate several textboxes The problem i cant figure out is once i get in an offending textbox and input the data i cant get out of it? I know i am probaly missing something simple but I can't seem to find it


Private Sub tb_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles subj_ba_txt.Validating, subj_bed_txt.Validating, subj_dom_txt.Validating, subj_gla_txt.Validating
Dim errorMsg As String = "Missing Data"


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IDE :: How To Make Column In Table To Accept Only 2 Types Of Input

Aug 17, 2009

I am having a problem on setting the SQL CE table column a field type. What field type does a column that only accepts only two inputs..
Example: If a table has a column named should only accepts two types of Make or Female.

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Write A Program Using A For Next Loop To Accept A Word As Input?

Apr 28, 2012

I need to write a program using a For Next loop to accept a word as input and determine if its letters are in alphabetical order.

This is the code I came up with but am getting the error "Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length" at run time when I click the button.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Validate Two Textboxes At Single Button Click Using Program?

Nov 22, 2010

How to validate two textboxes at single button click using ?[code]...

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Best Way To Validate A Users Input?

Apr 12, 2010

What is the best way to validate a users input? I need to validate a "Name" entered in a textbox, as well as an enetered "Score".

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How To Validate Different Textbox Input

Apr 1, 2011

i have this code:

If TextBox1.Text = "" Then
Label2.Text = " feild empty "
Elseif TextBox1.Text <> "1234" or "7463" or "3625" or "7642" Then


it works when its only only content "1234" but i need to place more than one possible valid input.

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Validate Input In A Textbox?

May 4, 2012

how one would go about validating input into a textbox for example:

Lets say the first letter the user enters has to be 'A' and the third letter the user enters has to be any number ranging from 0-9 and the length of their input cannot exceed lets say 10.

This is what I have so far:

If txtOperatorID.TextLength > 10 Then
bErrorOccured = True
sErrorMessage = sErrorMessage & "-No more than 10 chars" & vbCrLf


The coding for the length works(is there a better way to do this)? The coding for the first letter to be A works but then I have no idea how to set validation for any proceeding characters entered. Am i right in thinking I have to find their position somehow in the string if so how?

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Validate Input Of 10 Same MaskedTextBox?

Jul 3, 2011

I am going to make a form which will have 10 MaskedTextBoxes. I want to validate input of all these MaskedTextBoxes then Sum the input of validated one into another MaskedTextBox. If there is any value in any MaskedTextBox it mast be validate by the format of "9990.000" or if it is empty return zero. I do not want to write the same code for every MaskedTextBox, I want to use function & sub. The problem with "e" type TypeValidationEventArgs. When I call the SumBurBoxes sub in txtBur_1_TypeValidationCompleted & give the "e" as second parameter, then if the txtBur_1 be invalid type and any other txtBur Boxes have value it will get error on all boxes if the txtBur_1 be valid type even the the other boxes be invalid type it does not get error on them.

Here is my Code.

Public Class Entrance
Private Function RetrnTxtBur(ByVal index As Integer)
Dim txt(0 To 9) As MaskedTextBox
txt(0) = Me.txtBur_1


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Validate Input Parameters In VB?

Apr 4, 2010

Should I validate input parameters on all functions I create? Input isn't passed from a user, but from other routines as part of an automatic process.

I use error handling. I'm not sure what more validating input could do for me. If the input isn't valid, that's pretty much the same thing as an error, isn't it?

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Validate Text Box Input?

May 5, 2009

I am creating a program and I need to validate my text boxes. For the program the user needs to put in a phrase. But I am not sure how to make sure that the user actually entered in a phrase, the phrase isn't (ex.) skldkfdl, or that there isn't a space.

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Change This Checksum Function To Accept An Integer Input Instead Of A String?

Dec 31, 2009

This function doesn't work if I change the input argument 'pdu' from a string to an int.Would someone please help me figure out what to do here so that the checksum does not add the ascii value of the int argument but rather the actual integer value?I took out a few lines of the actual function but it adds the input argument to a packet sent out via TCP protocol.This function shows the integer value just fine in the string that gets encoded as a byte array. the checksum is wrong.!

''Public Function buildpacket(pdu As Integer) is what I want.
Public Function buildpacket(pdu As String)
Dim packet As String


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How To Validate Numeric / Alphanumeric / Currency And 4-digit Number In Textboxes

Apr 10, 2009

Can someone tell me how to validate numeric, alphanumeric, currency, and 4-digit number in textboxes ?

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Validate The Input Fields On BLL Class?

Aug 2, 2010

Im builtina an windows application based on 3 tiers model. I have BLL, DAL, and UI Class. IN DAL I have SQL code, In BLL I have proprietie and methods .Im trying to validate the input fields on BLL class and no problem,and im just do it after SET instruction. I also PUT a message to view error. But From BLL class I want to put the focus in textfield that return error. I cant acess form proprieties (the forms are on UI class).

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Validate User Input In A New Class?

Apr 15, 2012

I am trying to create a new class to validate user input and then call that class from my main form. I am not looking for anything to do the work for me, as this is the last part of my project but I am looking for a place to start. I tried the isNumeric IF statement but I have to create an object to reference the specific text box. Can I be generic and say that aTextBox requires validation and then call that class?

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Custom WPF RIchTextBox Will Not Accept User Input - Even After Setting IsReadOnly=false

Feb 3, 2010

I have written a custom Bindable RichText Box, so I can bind to the Document property. However, as soon as I set my document content, the only keyboard input it accepts is the backspace key (???). No other keyboard input is acknowledged (including the arrow keys).


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