Variable Inside A Method Is Compiler Generated

Aug 24, 2010

Is there any way to know that a variable inside a method is Compiler generated.when decompiling a .net dll or exe the generated code looks like this. [code]

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Obsolete Codedom Compiler New Method Of Compiler?

Nov 11, 2010

Imports System.CodeDom.Compiler
Public Class iCompiler
Public Shared Sub GenerateExecutable(ByVal Output As String, ByVal Source As String, ByVal Icon As String)[code].....

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Access A Class Variable Inside Shared Method (JSON)

Jun 20, 2012

Inside my .aspx I have some JSON code that looks like this:


Basically what I'm doing is pulling text from two labels on one page, and sending them to another page by calling the "doIt" function which looks like this:


Just so I'm clear, the "doIt" function and the JSON call are on two separate web forms. My problem is that with the "doIt" function being Shared, I can't access any global variables of the class. And if I remove the Shared, my JSON doesn't execute.

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VS 2010 Compiler Creates New Variable Automatically When Use If Statement Without Strictly Declared Variable?

Jan 10, 2011

Say that i have the following code that parse about 20k records from the DB.

Code #1 While reader.Read()
list.Add(If(Integer.TryParse(reader(0).ToString, 0), Integer.Parse(reader(0).ToString), 0))
End While

And then another code which does the very same thing but it seems to be a little cleaner.

Code #2 While reader.Read()
Dim storeowner As Integer = 0
Integer.TryParse(reader(0).ToString, storeowner)
End While

This is what i am confused about; does the compiler creates a new variable automatically when i use the if statement without strictly declared variable? What approach is better in sense of performance?

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Function Inside Class File Cannot Be Seen By Compiler

Sep 22, 2011

I have written a function inside a class file which I added to my project in VB 2010 Express. Unfortunately, when trying to use this function in the main project, it cannot be seen by the compiler. The function is public. You can probably see from this that query that I don't know much about OO programming (I am assuming that the problem stems from something to do with this).

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Call The Function And The Compiler Error Went Off When Get A Return Value From That Method?

Mar 11, 2009

I'm using VB6 and trying to get an instance of a Type Library object.After i retrieved the object and i'm trying to invoke a method. I'm getting this exception. However, i've checked with the parameters and its type. it is correct.I found something fishy, that method doesnt have return value. But it is throwing a compiler error whenever i'm trying to call the function and the compiler error went off when i get a return value from that method.I don't know,

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Get The Name Of Parent Method/class/file Name Inside Other Method Call?

Feb 16, 2010

I will try to explain what I need.Let's say that I have a class like this:

Public Class Example1 Public Sub ToBeCalled()


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Compiler Slow On A Large Solution With Extension Method Project

Nov 13, 2009

I'm working on a larger VB application (framework v3.5) where the compile time continues to get slower and slower the larger it grows. It currently takes about 7 minutes to compile just the extensions project. We have other similar projects in C# that don't experience the slow compile time.

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Compiler Assign Value To Variable Even Before It Is Actually Initiated?

May 10, 2011

I've just read [url]...

I'm wondering if it is a typo. Do they actually really wanted to say: the implementation of the JVM is free to instead of the compiler is free to.

and my second question is that do we have this issue with C#/VB as well? (in which the ""compiler"" is free to assign a value to a variable even before the variable is fully initiated/even before the constructor function of the class of the variable is fully ran.

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Open A Text File That Was Already Generated With Info Inside?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm trying to open a text file that was already generated with info inside.I want to read specific lines and have them changed via user input.the lines are not consistently on the same "line".An example of the text I'm trying to read and change is:

// General (upgradeable) values the Player sees for each system
hullLevel = 1700
weaponsLevel = 1450


The "H" in hullLevel shows up in line 26 in some of the files, line 27 in other, line 36 in some others and line 37 in yet others.

The reason this jumps around is that this comes from a file that is edited by other modders when they create a ship for a game that I'm modding.My program is designed to allow the user to visually see a representation of how strong and well equiped a ship is and change the values of each line with a slider bar.I have all the slider bar and progress bar code worked out.

I just need a way to reliably pull these lines no matter where they are from the ship file chosen by the user so that the program can edit them without disturbing the rest of the text in the file.

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C# - Does The JIT Compiler Optimize (inline) Unnecessary Variable Declarations

Oct 20, 2011

I've read several articles and questions/answers that conclude the best practice is to let the JIT compiler do all the optimization for inline function calls. Makes sense. What about inline variable declarations? Does the compiler optimize these as well?


Of course I prefer the latter because it's easier to read and debug, but I can't afford the performance degradation if it exists. I have already identified this code as a bottleneck -- No need for retorts about premature optimization.

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Put A Conditional Variable In Project > Compiler Tab > Advanced > Custom Controls?

Dec 8, 2010

How is conditional compilation controlled for a VisualBasic web? For a VB Windows app, I put a conditional variable in Project > Compiler tab > Advanced > Custom controls.

How in a VB web app is a conditional compilation variable assigned that can be accessed by all the files of the web app?

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Make Compiler Flag Unitialized Form's Private Variable As Error?

Jun 29, 2010

I can make the compiler give me an error (Use of variable prior to assignment) with:

private sub Test()
Dim ord As Order
Dim ord2 As Order


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Use The ToString Method And A Counter To Concatenate A File Name Into A String Variable From The Image.FromFile Method?

Dec 18, 2010

I have nine pictures that I need to animate -I need to use the ToString method and a counter to concatenate a file name into a string variable from the Image.FromFile method. Once the counter reaches its maximum value, and the last picture is displayed, the counter should be reset to zero or one depending on how the first image file has been name. Also a static counter variable should be incremented in the time routine. what I have so far -- I know what I have to do; however, I just do not know how to code this properly.. Right now I have this going thru a button procedure but it needs to go through a timer.


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IDE :: The Code Within The Method 'InitializeComponent' Is Generated By The Designer And Should Not Be Manually Modified?

Sep 19, 2009

I have made changes to the windows form name from "form1" to "applicant_name" after that it shows this error The designer cannot process the code at line 249: = "applicant_name" The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.when i comment it its started working fine can any one suggest me wat to do and why it is comming

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VS 2010 Can't Find The Auto-generated Initialize Components Method

Jul 14, 2011

I'm messing with a GUI however I can't seem to find the auto-generated initialize components method. There certainly is a constructor somewhere, my gui initialises and works just fine, but I can't see it...

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.net - Populating A List Box With Variable Names From LINQ Generated Class?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm quite new to Visual Basic - using Visual Studio 2008 and can't seem to find a way to do the following:

I have a few tables in a SQL Server database and have used LINQ to SQL to create classes of those tables.

Here's a cut down example of what I'd like:listbox1 filled with table names - APS, SMPS, WCPC, CFLAPS
Then from the SelectedIndexChanged event, listbox2 should populate column headers of the selected table.

I have no issues getting data from the database, and can access all of these headers through the anonymous type objects created from a LINQ query (eg APS.ID, APS.count etc), but populating a listbox with these variable names rather than the data inside them seems rather elusive.

This is probably a cross platform coding question rather than VB specific, so if you have a solution in C# or whatever I'd be happy if you could let me know.

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Interface And Graphics :: Program Generated Variable Length Form?

May 10, 2011

I have an existing application which uses a home grown database. The database has over 60,000 unique multi-field records in it.The user can search in each field using drill-down to find a record, and then can add that record to a separate database.(60,000 collectibles described in a master database. User can drill down by category, manufacturer, year produced, etc. to find a record and then add it to their own 'collection', 'wanted', 'have for sale', or 'spares' database for record keeping.)

Instead of having them drill down, I would like for them to be able to perform a search and have all of the results (any amount of matches from 1 to 60,000+) appear on a scrolling form with a checkbox next to each so that they can simply check any that they want and do a mass add to their list databases.

The part I cannot figure out is how to have (2008) create a variable length scrolling form with the results, and how to identify the checkboxes (generated by the system for search matches) to see which, if any, have been checked by the user.

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VB2010: Which Compiler Errors Can Be Detected Out By VB Compiler/interpreter?

Sep 25, 2009

which compiler errors would be detected out by VB compiler?

I have searched out some compiler errors list for C#, for example, see the website at [URL]

MS provided us the information about C# compiler error. Does MS provide VB compiler errors information as well.VS

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Addressing Variable Inside A Variable

Feb 19, 2010

I am sure this has had to have been answered somewhere but after looking on the web I cant find anything addressing variables in variables. For instance say I have var1, var2, var3, var4 decalred. How can I create a loop assignment? Something like var & i = "variable 1". So instead of "var1" I have the numeric piece be a variable.

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VS 2010 Form Inside A Method

Jan 13, 2011

I would like a method that opens a form which has a textbox. The user then types into the text ox and click the button "OK". The method then performs an action on the userinput before returning the manipulated value to the program.

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'Me' Is Valid Only Within An Instance Method' Inside PageMethods

Oct 13, 2011

I'm getting "Me' is valid only within an instance method" error when I convert function to a PageMethods. [code] If I remove Me, I get different error.I got this shopping cart script somewhere online and I'm not sure what to replace "Me.objDR" with something else.

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Preserve An Array Inside A Class Method?

Mar 30, 2010

I have been learning about OOP and classes from a book and one of the question is the book has asked to create a simple Saving/Checking accounts Program. The question says that most of the functionality must be done through an Accounts Class, and this Acoounts class must inherit certain private fileds from an base class 'Transaction.

The question also says that data from the Saving/Checking accounts Program must be read to and from a text file, and these functions must be done within the Acounts class.

i have done everything the question asks to the best of my knowlegde and understanding but when it comes to storing and retieving data from the textfile i cannot utilise the array i created to store the textfile data onto it.

Bank Account.Write a program to maintain a person's Savings and Checking accounts. The program should keep track of and display the balances in both accounts, and maintain a list of transactions (deposits, withdrawals, fund transfers, and check clearings) separately for each account. The two lists of transactions should be stored in sequential files so that they will persist between program sessions.

Consider the form in Figure 11.12. The two dropdown combo boxes should each contain the items Checking and Savings. Each of the four group boxes corresponds to a type of transaction. (When Savings is selected in the Account combo box, the Check group box should disappear.) The user makes a transaction by typing data into the text boxes of a group box and pressing the button. The items appearing in the Transactions list box should correspond to the type of account that has been selected. The caption of the second label in the Transfer group box should toggle between "to Checking" and "to Savings" depending on the item selected in the "Transfer from" combo box. If a transaction cannot be carried out, a message (such as "Insufficient funds") should be displayed.

The program should use two classes, Transaction and Account. The class Transaction should have properties for transaction name, amount, date, and whether it is a credit (deposit) or debit (withdrawal/check). The class Account, which will have both a checking account and a savings account as instances, should use an array of Transaction objects. In addition, it should have properties for name (Checking or Savings) and balance. It should have methods to carry out a transaction (if possible), to display the list of transactions, and to load and retrieve the set of transactions into or from a sequential file. The events InsufficientFunds and TransactionCommitted should be triggered at appropriate times.

Hint: In order for an Account object to display a list of transactions, a list box should be passed to a method as an argument. The method might be declared with Sub EnumerateTransactions(ByVal lb As ListBox).

Here is my code. I am sorry this code is basic and unedited.

Public Class Form3
'load contents of Text file into the listbox when first loaded
'store data in file into array of accounts, record no. counts


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Define A Region Inside An Event Or Method In .net 2005?

Sep 16, 2009

Is There a way to define a region inside an event or method in VB.Net 2005, I see it works on C#.Net but on VB.Net?

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Calling .dll Method From Inside A Timer Won't Work(Console Application)?

Nov 26, 2009

I have a .dll file (Interop.ACTMULTILib.dll) that I use to connect to a PLC. This .dll contains a sub called ReadDeviceBlock2(byval devicename as string, byval size as integer, byref data as short). When I call this method in my main it works fine, if I call it from another method that was called by main it works as well.However, it doesn't work when I call it from my Timer_Elapsed sub? I guess this has to do something with threads but I can't figure it out.

Module Main
Private Timer As New System.Timers.Timer
Private PLC As New ACTMULTILib.ActEasyIF
Private DataSet As new DataSet[code].....

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How To Insert AT Command Method Inside My Program To Receive Incoming Sms

Jul 9, 2009

May i know how to insert a AT command method inside my program to receive incoming sms?

My program is in visual basic windows form 2005.

Here is how my program goes.

After i click connect button in my application, the gsm modem will automatically read the incoming sms and display in the textbox on the program.

I already have the list of AT commands to be used, they are :

1. AT

I also would like to know how to declare these commands as string inside the program.

Here is my program so far:


This code is for the user to click on connect button which will connect to the serial port. So after connecting the modem will then auto read and display new incoming sms.

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Assign Value To Variable Inside An IF Condition?

Jul 28, 2010

is there any possibility to assign a value to a variable inside an IF condition in VB.NET?

Something like that:

Dim customer As Customer = Nothing
If IsNothing(customer = GetCustomer(id)) Then
Return False
End If

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Declared A Class Variable Inside Sub?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a text file to read, at the first line will have a size of array, that means I cannot guess size of array, and I have to create a array in side a sub (Local Variable). Then, I want to use value of array in another sub, but I cannot use value of variable of another sub. What I have to do to make an array con be used in every sub/function in a class? Also, I've post an example file, code and error list.


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Dimension Of Variable Inside For Loop

Mar 30, 2010

Using VB.NET .NetFramwork 3.5. This fails and strikes me as odd. Is this correct behavior:
Public Sub TestForEach()
For index As Integer = 1 To 10
Dim z As Integer
Assert.AreEqual(0, z)
z = index
End Sub
I would expect z to always equal 0 as I thought the dim-ing of an integer would set the value to 0. If you run this. It fails at the second loop. For some reason z retains it's value of 1. I know I can manually initialize z to = 0, but I wanted to know if this is a bug or expected behavior.

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Pass/use A Variable Inside A Sql Statement?

Feb 3, 2009

I want to pass/use a variable inside a sql statement. The code is the following:

Dim i As Integer = 2
Using Command As New SqlCommand("SELECT Comment FROM Params where id=' " & i & "' ", objConnection)

I tried to pass the i variable by using the ' " & i & " ' but it doesn't work (I am getting an error like - Conversion from type 'DBNull' to type 'String' is not valid. )

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