Variable Referencing Value In A Table

Feb 15, 2012

I have a question about assigning variables values based on values stored inside an sql database. I have the connection part down, but here is my basic set-up. I have a table with the values {username, password, isAdmin}, where username and password are strings and "isAdmin" is a bit variable. I am able to read in the username and password entered by the user and match it to the database fine, however I would like to also read in the "isAdmin" and set it to a local Boolean variable that will then direct the user to the proper form.


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Referencing Another Variable In Form Class

Dec 24, 2011

How do you reference a variable in another Class?
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
TextBox1.Text = "Class1_Text" ' Would like to replace w/correct code
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Class1
Public Class1_Text As String = "Class1 Text"
End Class
I can reference the Form1 data in Class1 but not vice-verse.

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Dynamically Referencing Class Property With A Variable?

Feb 4, 2009

So Im iterating through the properties of a class. For each property Im iterating through a datatable until I find a column name with the same name as the property.

No worries so far, here's the isse: Once I've found a match I want to set the class's property to the value in the datatable but I'm having difficulty referencing the property as it has to be done through a variable.

Dim per As New Person
Dim t As Type = per.GetType
For Each p As PropertyInfo In t.GetProperties


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Referencing An Object Using A Variable String In Visual Basic 2010

Oct 8, 2010

I have several sets of similar objects (labels, progress bars) on a form in Visual Basic 2010 on Windows. In my code, I have collections that contain data, which needs to be pushed into the value/text property of each.

I would like to get a solution similar to PHP in that I can assign values somewhat like:

For ID as Integer from 0 to count(collectionExample)

...and as such to loop through so each of the different lblExample's were updated to their corresponding value.

The issue I have come to is that I cannot seem to reference an object on the form using a variable. I have also tried using something like

CallByName("lblExample" + variableID, "Text", CallType.Set, exampleCollection(variableID))... however I still can't combine the string and variable to reference the object.

Any solutions on referring to objects in VB2010 by combining a string prefix and a variable string identifier, similar to PHP's $variable{$variable} approach?

Edit: Windows Platform

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VS 2008 Referencing Columns In Data Table

Nov 23, 2010

Basically the code below is supposed to load data from a reader into a datatable, then compare a date to the start date and end date in each row of the table.However, I am getting errors on the if statement indicating Overload resolution failed because no accessible '>=' can be called with these arguments.I can probably do this with just the reader but I am playing around with a data table because I know I will have to learn how to cycle through the records and look at them at some point and this is a simple example I can use to do this.[code]

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Syntax Error Referencing A Table Adapter Query

Jul 28, 2009

Using VS-2008, VB and SQL 2005 Developer:

I'm using Queries within the TableAdapter to grab certain data record field validations, most of them are using the Scalar Query to see if a certain condition returns a record or not.

I have one check I need to do that SUMs three fields and have tried it with both a Scalar and Regular Select, both return the results fine, my problem is creating the right syntax in the VB code to check the returned values.

Here's the Query Code in the Adapter (called GetInvoiceSum) and I pass it the cJobNum

SELECT sum(taxable) as taxable, sum(material+labor) AS subtotal, sum(tax) AS tax from ticket where jobnum = @cJobnum Here is the Code in the VB app - it gives me errors on the declaration and I've tried various types DataRow, DataSet, etc....not sure what I'm missing here and am very new at this....

Dim nSumTicket As DataSet = Me.TicketTableAdapter.GetInvoiceSum(cJobnum)

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VS 2008 Referencing Child Table Column In DataGridView?

Dec 28, 2010

I cant grasp it right now, lol. So here's what Im trying to do: I have two tables, a main table, and an employee table, with a foreign key in the main table pointing to the employee number in the employee table. Im trying to use a databound datagrid to show everything from the main table, and the corresponding name of the employee number referenced in the main table. Is there a way I can do that using DataSet.Table.Column.Expression, or what would be a simple way of doing this? I cant use TableAdapter b/c sometimes the database is offline, so preferably with datasets.

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Filling The Datatable From Three Variable Or Putting The Three Table's Data Into One Variable And Then Producing The Data Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I have three table and I want to put the three table's data in one variable and from that variable i will produce the datatable and then want to write the data in CSV file.I am Following this step..



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Referencing Field In Table Of Access Database In Visual Basic Express?

Feb 19, 2009

I have th is little programm:

Dim dbOud As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsOud As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strCnnOud As String


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Get "levels" Of A Self Referencing Table In LINQ?

Jul 19, 2011

There's a table Category with a pk idCategory and a self-referencing foreign-key fiCategory.That means categories are "main-categories" when fiCategory is null. If fiCategory links to another category, it is a sub-category of it. But it's also valid that this sub-category also has 1-n sub-categories(with fiCategory linking to it's idCategory).Q: How can i get a list of main-categories,sub-categories,"sub-sub-categories", ...etc. with LINQ?I'm using typed DataSets to compare data from Server1/MySQL with data from Server2/MS SQL-Server.After normalizing and cleaning(there are several inconsistencies) i want to import the new data into SQL-Server. First of all i have to import the main-categories, then the sub-categories and so on. Otherwise SQL-Server would throw a constraint exception when i would try to insert a row with a foreign-key to a category that is yet not inserted.

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Using A Variable On SQL To SELECT A Table?

Apr 16, 2009

I want to select a table on my database but I have the name of the table on a variable.Because I will create tables periodically I have don't know the name of the future tables so I will stored on a variable. The problem is how I call the variable on SQL statment. I made a code using the addwithvalue to use the variable on the SQL but didn't work. Here is my code

Dim tablename As String
tablename = InputBox("Enter the table name")
Dim myconecction As String


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Create Database Table With Name From Variable?

Mar 16, 2012

i am trying to create a table in a access 2007 database with the name stored in a variable wich the user inputs. For example, if the username entered by someone is "John", i want to create a table in the database also named "John". I have tryed this:

Dim mypath = Application.StartupPath & "\mydb.mdb"
Dim mypassword = ""
Di Cmd As OleDbCommand


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Passing Variable From Table To Query?

Oct 5, 2010

Do you just need to format the date? Such as msgbox(New Date(2010, 1, 1).ToString("yyyy-MM"))

Or do you need a hashtable:


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ComboBox.Text As Table Name Variable In FROM Clause

Sep 23, 2009

I'm getting the following error:"Incorrect syntax near 'Sysco' " when running the following statement using SqlDataAdapter:[code]

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Insert The Variable CDT (datatype : Date) Into The Table

May 6, 2012

Dim cDT as date
strSQL = "Insert Into computetb (period_id, date, staffer_no, day_type, restday, rate_hr, regular_hr, ot_hr, night_diff, basic_pay, ot_pay, nd_pay) Values (" & gPeriodID & ",#" & cDT & "#," & cID & ",'" & cTYP & "'," & cREST & "," & cRATE & "," & cREG & "," & cOT & "," & cND & "," & bp & "," & ot & "," & nd & ")"
dbs.Execute (strSQL)

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VS 2010 Variable Length Rows In Table?

Dec 26, 2011

I am wanting to create 2 tables called Stores and Locations. Locations is a table containing a unique location_code and a location. Stores is a table containing a unique store_code a store name and a variable number of location_code's and a relationship is set up between the 2 tables.

creating the Stores table in particular the location_ code. Can rows in a table have differing numbers of columns? as a particular store type could be in many diferent locations. I feel it should be possible to set up some sort of array of Location_code's in the Stores table.

View 2 Replies - Create A LINQ Statement Where The Table Name (FROM) And Column Name Is Variable?

May 11, 2012

In my programming task I've gone down a dark alley and wished I hadn't, but there is no turning back now.

I'm building up a SQL statement where the table name, column name and id value are retrieved from query string parameters i.e. ("SELECT [{0}] FROM [{1}] WHERE [Id] = {2};", c, t, id)

But it isn't as bad as it looks, I'm protected: Only authenticated users (i.e. signed in users) can execute the Page_Load I'm checking that both the table and the column exists beforehand (using GetSchema etc.)I'm checking that the Id is an integer beforehand All my tables have Id columns The database connection is reasonably secure


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Date / Time Variable Stored In A Column In An SQLite Table

Jan 26, 2012

I have a date/time variable stored in a column in an SQLite table. I need to select the string with the last 3 digits trimmed off. [code]

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Use An Excel VBA Variable That Contains A Field Name To Be Used In A DAO SQL "ALTER TABLE" Statement For An Access Database?

Jun 23, 2009

As you can see below in the code the " & tblName & " will work fine but instead of using the BankName (which the user cannot change because it is in the code) I would like to do the same as I did with the Table name and use a variable that gets its name from an excel spreadsheet rather that an actual name hard coded in a VBA module. I would like the variable field name entered in the Excel Spreadsheet by the user just like the table name is filled in by the user. The problem is getting the ADO SQL string ( cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE " & tblName & " Add Column BankName Char(25)" ) to recognize that the value in the Variable " & fldName & " is the field name to be used.

Sub AddFieldToAccess()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command


'If I do this I end up with a field named BankName what I need is the name in the variable " & fldName & "

cmd.CommandText = "ALTER TABLE " & tblName & " Add Column BankName Char(25)"
cmd.Execute , , adCmdText
Set cmd = Nothing


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Can't Set DataTable Class Level Variable = Class Table Property?

Sep 29, 2011

I have procedure (Import) that calls a for a new instance of frmImportData. I also have a class name clsBatch that has a data table property called prpParametersTable.For some reason, I get an error (indicated below with ERROR>>>) when trying to assign prpParameterTable to cv_dtImport2. The error states "Object reference not set to an instance of an object.". Why does this error not happen when I assign dtBP to cv_dtImport1? Both cv_dtImport1 and cv_dtImport2 are equal to Nothing and in my Import procedure dtBP = prpParametersTable.

Public Sub Import(ByVal clsB As clsBatch)
Me.cv_clsB = clsB


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VS 2008 Error: Range Variable 'sender' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block Or A Range Variable Previously Defined In The Query Expression

Mar 25, 2010

I am getting the error:"Range variable 'sender' hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable previously defined in the query expression."for this

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Linq
Public Class Form1


I can select any other item from the table without the error. "sender" has the same properties as "receiver" in the SQL table.

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Create A (in Excel ) Variable Table (database) Inside A Function Which Could Be Called For Filling And Reading Through "for To Next" Loop Module?

Feb 4, 2012

i just got 1 question how do u create a (in excel ) variable table (database) inside a function which could be called for filling and reading through "for to next" loop module

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Pull Data From Table To Set Variable With That Data?

Mar 13, 2012

I need to be able to pull the data from a row to either store in variables or to place into a class to store the variables there. I've tried to do so with the following code but get an error about the row not existing


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Referencing .xls In VB?

Apr 24, 2012

I am a self-taught noob and have been given the task of developing someone elses code. I have rebuilt someone elses solution into my dev machine and able to run with some minimal bugs. I don't know where to add an .xls file into my solution

System.IO.FileNotFoundException was unhandled
Message=Could not find file 'TestRec.xls'.


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Referencing An Int Value In VB?

Apr 25, 2010

I have a line of VB code which looks like this : If GroupTagDropDownList.SelectedValue Is "1" Then The system doesn't throw up any errors for it but the statement doesn't appear to work.

I think that the problem must lie in how I've referenced the '1' value - I've tried putting single quotation marks around it but it appears to make no difference at all.

There is definitely a value in the drop down list of value '1' but it doesn't appear to be read at all.

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Referencing C++ DLL In .NET?

Sep 9, 2010

I have been given a .dll file (implemented in C++) that I want to use in my VB.NET application.When I try to add a reference to this dll using Visual Studio I get the following error:A reference to 'path-to-dll' could not be added. Please make sure that the file is accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component.

Based on this error I concluded that I need to register the dll. Since it has been implemented with unmanaged code I tried to use the regsvr32 tool to register it. But when I try to register the dll using this tool I get the following error:Name-Of-DLL was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found. This file cannot be registered. how do I add a reference to this dll in my VB.NET application?If I have to register it, how?

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Referencing In .net?

Aug 10, 2011

Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module StringExtensions
Public Sub Print(ByVal aString As String)


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Variable Error "Variable 'reader' Hides A Variable In An Enclosing Block"

Aug 23, 2011

I receive the error -


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C++ - Referencing A Dll In Java?

Sep 28, 2010

I need to reference a C++ dll from my Java project. The method that I need to expose is actually written in Visual Basic. Is there any way to access the Visual Basic code in C++, so that it can eventually be accessed in the Java project?

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Referencing A .jar File?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a java class that is used to for ssl connections to a web server. I have got some of it converted however there are serveral java libraries that i have been unable to figure out how to call or reference in First off i'm not even sure if it's possible to reference them. In Java code they look like this:



I'll use the last one for example: I get a "Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'org.xml.sax.SAXExeption' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use aliases.

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