Vb Datagridview Columntype Change On Edit?

Aug 4, 2011

is there a method of setting up my datagridview to show me textboxcolumns until editmode is entered? At which time I will swap some textboxcolumns for bound comboboxcolumns. And at the end of validation/exit edit mode I can swap back?

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Save After Edit Change In Datagridview Net?

Jan 26, 2012

how to save again, after I edit cannot save again.... !The changes you reguested to the table were not successfull because the would create duplicate values in the index, primarkey, or relationship.

Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Dim save As String


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Can't Change / Edit Project

Nov 30, 2011

I had to switch computers at work to a laptop. My co-worker was using this laptop and we where both working on the same project using CollabNetSubversion to update the VB project. Well he left and reformatted his Laptop and now I am using it.

I took the VB project from my PC to the laptop and now every change I do won't show up if I run the program.I can completely commit out code for a form and it still runs!My trial version of VB ends in six days so I can't use the PC anymore.

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Add Edit Menu To Change Font Format

Oct 25, 2009

-Add the Edit menu to change the Font font format

-Add Color to the Edit menu to change the font color

-Add a message "Form to $ disave yet. Will it be saved? "If you choose Close and there is not yet form disave children. If you selected YES then the Save dialog appears. ($ Is the order form child)

-There combobox / listbox on the left, typed characters and their ASCII code it will go into combox / listbox it. Characters that have entered may not be entered again.

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Change Database Inputs Using Edit Button?

Sep 12, 2011

Public Class Form1
Dim conn As String
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter


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Asp.net - Change The Values Of The Controls In The ASPxGridview Edit Form

Jul 11, 2010

I'm trying to change the values of some of the controls in the ASPxGridview Edit Form, however they are not changing. It seems to be resetting? How can I do this and in which event would I do this in?

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Cannot Edit And Delete Record When I Change Primary Key To String

May 17, 2012

The coding will works if the data type of my primary key is integer.but when i try to change the primary key in string data type i cant delete oe edit. below is my coding for that 2 button that is working.[code]..

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Change/Edit A TextBox Or MaskedTextBox: How Do Keep Track Of The Previous Value

Dec 21, 2010

I have an officecharge textbox in which I specify how much I'm charging the customer for a specific service. If the user changes the officecharge value for that customer I would like to keep track of the previous value to then compare

it to the new value to then set a boolean variable true or false accordingly. I would like to fire/trigger this segment of code everytime the user leaves the OfficeChargeTextBox (after it loses focus) so that it can compare the final value entered with the previous value and then decide what to do based on whatever login.applies from that point forward.[code...]

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Parameter Link - User Can Edit / Change Value Of Threshold

Dec 26, 2010

I want to create a page name "parameter link" where the user can edit and change the value of the threshold. For now, what I have is, all user can change the threshold permanently. What I want now is the user can only change the threshold value during the session only, and the value will reset back to the previous value when the other user login. Only admin will have the privilege to change the value of the threshold permanently., but I don't know where to start.

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DataGridView Edit Mode?

Jun 28, 2009

This should be something simple, but I just cant make it work. I have a DataGridView with a "Technician" column that I would like to have a dropdown box, allowing the user to select and assign that row to X technician. It works, however with the default edit mode, you have to click the box THREE times to get the dropdown. If the edit mode is changed to "Edit On Enter", it works FIRST click, but this ruins the way I want some of my other columns to work.


1. Can I enable/disable editing of ONLY certain columns?
2. Can I set the edit mode for ONE column?
3. My "Unassigned" section (the last line) no longer works after adding my "With" section to add my combobox. I thought the "DataPropertyName" would allow this to work. Whats the deal?
4. Can I edit the visual style of the combo box? It does not match AT ALL


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Datagridview To Edit Picturebox?

May 19, 2011

I need a picturebox to change it's position and width according to values entered in a datagridview. The datagridview is unbound. Whenever I enter code for additional rows, i get an indexoutofrange error.


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Edit A Record From DataGridView?

May 28, 2009

I'm currently developing a application in VB.Net. I'm using the DataGridView to display my data on the form. I have a EDIT button on the module and I need to know how can I populate a selected row record into the textboxes from the DataGridView.

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Edit Access DB Through DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2012

I'm familiar with SQL to an extent from PHP, but I've never worked with databases in VB.net before.I'm making a scheduling system to try and learn how to work with databases, and I have an Access database, that is already populated with data, has all the foreign keys and associative tables, that I need to connect to a DataGridView in my Windows Form.This is basically what I need to accomplish:-Have each table of the database display in it's own DataGridView.-Have changes made in the DataGridView/Windows Form in general... actually update the Access database(I would for example, schedule a new course(by clicking new course, and then selecting the appropriate values for each field), and it would check the make sure the student isn't in a class at that time, that the classroom isn't taken already, and the the instructor isn't busy at that time on that day)

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Edit Cells In Datagridview?

Oct 20, 2009

I'm completely newbie and I have been trying to solve a problem that is strongly related to what you guys had discussed here .

I have a datagridview (datagridview1) on my form and it is not linked to any database. I'm only trying to programatically enter values into the rows of the grid by values that my program generates.

For example if the value that my program generates is x, y, z then I would like to say something like[code]...

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Edit Data In Datagridview?

Nov 25, 2011

i have an error is Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index how to rectify this.any one help me.

If (conn.State = ConnectionState.Closed) Then
End If


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Edit Datagridview Into Schedule?

Jan 13, 2012

how to add time on the arrow is pointing so that its look like a schedule?

i want to create a simple appointment system, so i decided to use datagridview to collect data, is this a good choice or there is another better choice??

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How To Add/edit Data In Datagridview

Jun 8, 2011

i have a problem with editing data in datagridview in vb.net 2005

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How To Edit Data In DataGridView

May 4, 2009

I have a datagridview that is bound to a Dataset I have created. My question is, how hard is it to be able to edit/add data to these rows? It looks as though the Dataset is actually a query of somesort (which you obviously can't edit) Is there a way to link directly to the table for editing? I know you can do this using queries, etc... but I'm thinking there should be an easier way.

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Particular(one Cell) Should Edit And Change The Information And Save To Database In Row Or Column

Nov 1, 2011

in row or column..particular(one cell) should edit and change the information...and save to database...

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DataGridView Add TextBox & And Allow Edit After Binding?

Feb 20, 2012

I have one DataGridView named dgv.dgv is pretty much a plain gridview. No bounded data. No columns added. It's basically empty.I also have one DataTable named dt.I add rows and columns manually into dt.

dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("TexBox", GetType(String)))
dr = dt.NewRow()
dr("TextBox") = String.Empty

I then simply set dgv datasource into dt.

dgv.DataSource = dt

I then set the value for this particular cell.

dgv.Item(0,0).Value = "xxx"

Now when I run and execute all those commands. I happen to retrieve the gridview with that value indeed. The "xxx" cell appeared and currently it's uneditable.What I want to achieve is:Allow this "xxx" cell to be editable. Preferrably if it can be inserted into a TextBox control inside the cell.

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Datagridview ContextMenu In Edit Mode?

Sep 3, 2009

When the cell is selected but not open for editing a right click will open the ContextMenu. If the cell is open in edit mode a differnt list is displayed (cut, copy, paste, etc.). Is there a way to append the ContextMenu to this menu or turn that menu off and use the ContextMenu?

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Edit A Bound Datagridview Programmatically?

Aug 15, 2010

I am using Visual Basic 10/I have 2 datagridview tables. The main datagridview can be edited by the user; adding/removing rows, changing data in text/combo columns, sort, etc. 2 columns from the second datagridview are a carbon copy of 2 columns from the main datagridview. I have achieved this by binding both datagridviews to a dataset. So that when I edit the main datagridview the effects are automatically replicated in the second datagridview.

Before I bound the datagridviews to the dataset I had a fully functional system to save the content of the datagridview to a text file and read it back in. This has now stopped working with the error message 'Can't edit a bound datagridview programmatically'.

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Edit Mdb File From A DataGridView Object?

Apr 7, 2009

I have been reading and testing for hours. I am trying to edit an mdb (access) database from a DataGridView, connecting both with an ADODB connection. The DataGridView populates from the mdb, but whenever I try to edit it, the new information does not get saved to the mdb. Here is the code I am using.[code]...

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How To Stop Cell Edit In Datagridview

Dec 7, 2011

I programmatically create a datagridview in my program. When the user first enters the datagridview with the mouse, the cursor changes to edit mode (thin vertical line) regardless of which cell is entered. I just want the cell highlighted (in selection mode I assume) as issubsequently done when the cursor is moved to a new cell.

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VS 2005 Edit The Contents Of The Datagridview?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a datagridview. i fetched the data in the datagridview from the database(access) and then i want to edit the contents of the datagridview. the datagridview looks like this:

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Cell And Stay In Edit Mode For .NET DataGridView?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a DataGridView in which one column has data that the user needs to align by adding spaces. For example, the first two rows might contain:


And the user needs to be able to line up the letters that match by adding spaces. Something like this:

ku mb u

Now in order to do that with the DataGridView, the user must enter edit mode in the top cell, add spaces, hit enter, re-enter edit mode in the bottom cell, and then add spaces. Our users would like to be able to, while in edit mode in the top cell, hit the down arrow and advance to the second cell while staying in edit mode, saving clicks or F2 hits.

Is there a good way to do this? I have tried trapping the down arrow key press, leaving edit mode, advancing a cell, and then entering edit mode with the grid's BeginEdit method, but this does not do what I want.

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Datagridview Double Click With Edit Form

Sep 16, 2011

My Datagridview displays data perfectly. What I want is that if I click or doubleclick cell of

datagrid it will shows myedit form...

code to displays data'[code...]

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How To Edit Cell In DataGridView Then Save Data In DB

Jun 8, 2011

My code is this:

At first I can insert data into the cells and save it... but when I try to edit the same cell with data already saved in it I get this error...
sqlcelexception was unhandled
There was an error parsing the query.
[ Token line number = 2,Token line offset = 29,Token in error = , ]
I also get the same error when deleting an already saved cell with data.

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How To Edit Specific DataGridView Cell From Another Form

Sep 25, 2009

I have a main form with a DataGridView populated from an Access Table.So far so good.When the user clicks on a row a small form pops up and the the user can enter/edit for 2 specific fields .After that hitting the save button an update query ensures that the data are written back.Because the base table is big i don't want to refresh the dataset (at least i don't want to have the user wait for a good amount of time for a simple change.......this is acceptable only when the application is starting) and i thought given the fact that the changed data are just a few words to "edit" the datagridview cell i want so that it displays the changes.BUT i can't do that.As soon as the 2nd form where the user enters the details the DGV from the main form is unaccessible.When i try to get access to it i have a nice message "Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference."I tried to make a object reference but nothing ...

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Not Allowing Null Value In Datagridview When Trying To Cancel An Edit?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a datagridview that has three columns. All three fields are unique fields in the Access table that the datagridview reads from in order to make sure that an entire record is unique. I have a form where a user can add a new record. Upon opening the form, two of the three fields have data automatically entered, leaving one field for the user to enter information. The field that the user needs to enter information in is put in edit mode. The problem I am having is that I have a Cancel button if the user does not want to enter a new record and wants to close the form. I tried using the following line of code to remove the current record that has information in two of the three fields before closing the form:


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