Vb.net - Membership Roles.GetUsersInRole Not Working For Me

May 13, 2010


The code above throws a "Specified method is not supported." exception on the first line.
Any one knows what am doing wrong here?

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Use Membership Roles Using Sql Provider In Windows Forms Application?

Nov 22, 2010

Is it possible to use membership roles using sql provider in windows forms application

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Using Roles In MVC 3 App

Nov 4, 2011

I have an issue to do with roles in mvc 3 vb.net app..Say I have Admin, Developer, PowerAdmin roles.. if I want to restrict view options based on roles I have been using a if statement in the view to hide the link all together such as:[code]I am also decorating controller actions with authorize in places. The Problem is this say I have several actions that should only be available to say a user who is in all three roles or even 2 of the roles in any combination.. Would I simply nest the if statements in the view to hide those view items? What about controller functions.. Is it possible to decorate controller functions with something like [code]and then have that function only accessible by someone with both roles????

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(SQL) List User Roles Via SMO

Jun 21, 2010

Is there a method for checking which roles a user has in SQL using SMO? I can add a role via: user.AddToRole("Administrators") But cannot see an obvious method to progmatically list them.

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Change Database Roles In SQL Through VB

Apr 23, 2010

I fiqured out how to create a new user in vb for SQL, but when I try to access the database, I get a select error. I went into SQLMSO and changed the membership role to db_datareader and db_datawriter and ran my form again and I was allowed to delete and add records. Is there a way with the below to add a user and let them add and delete records.


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Roles Only Returning 1 Role

Jun 16, 2010

I am having a problem with my roles Identification. I am try to read all the roles for a given user. No matter what I try only the first role, only 1 role for the user is being returned. My code is as follows.


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Asp.net - Setting Up Different Roles Depending On Url In Web.config?

Jan 17, 2012

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<allow users="USERS"/>


Is there a way to write an if statement in here to detect what url I am on so I can allow a certain role for that certain URL.

Example code in my head of what I kind of want to see:

If (UCase(Url) = UCase("URL")) Then
<allow roles="ROLES"/>
ElseIF(UCase(Url) = UCase("URL")) Then


Is this even allowed in the web.config? I have 3 websites. One for Dev, UAT and PROD. Now for each sites I have different user groups for each set up. I just want to find a way that I can just find what URL i'm at and point it at the certain user group. I'm guessing I have to make a web.config for each because you can't do conditional statements but I'm just making sure. If I have to make a web.config for each how can I go about setting that up?

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ASP.NET MVC Custom User Roles / Profiles

Jan 15, 2010

I am creating a website using asp.net mvc model. When you create an mvc application asp.net automatically creates roles/profiles for user and admins (as far as i know) and corresponding tables in sql server database.I a need a new profile/role names "sponsor" that has all the benefits of users/admins (like authorization etc).

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How To Show Roles Based Menu

Dec 9, 2009

How to show menu according to their roles in vb.net2.0

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Add User To Roles During CreateUserWizard.CreatedUser Step?

Jan 22, 2011

How to add user to roles during CreateUserWizard.CreatedUser?What's wrong in this code:

Protected Sub CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles CreateUserWizard1.CreatedUser
Dim username As TextBox =


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How To Add Hide Two Roles From String Array .GetallRoles()

May 30, 2009

I want to hide two specific roles from string Array(Admin,Member). Right now it lists all the roles

in my checkbox control. This is my code.[code...]

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Roles.getallroles Method Not Appearing With Intellisence?

Apr 14, 2009

Trying to retrieve all roles for a user. Thought maybe I could select by User.

When I key " roles. " the getallroles method does not appear as an option. I get "Add,AddRange,BinarySearch,Capacity,Clear,Contains,Count,IndexOf,Insert,Item,Remove,RemoveAt,Sort,ToArray".

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Sql Server - Roles And Permissions In Windows Forms

Dec 7, 2011

I am wanting to update our current windows forms security to something a lot more flexible. At the moment we have a single column in thew users table which is named 'Access_Level', this field holds an int value (1 to 4) which is then use to determine users access to certain areas of the application. This worked fine when the system was small, but the system is growing rapidly now so I think it is a good time to update the user access and possibly introduce roles.


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Winforms - Use Custom Roles For User Access?

Sep 2, 2009

I have a winforms (VB 2008) based app that I'm developing and I want to use custom roles for user access.Application Layout:I have a Main form that opens a login form when certain actions occur.The Login form intern uses an authentication class that I've created, to authenticate users and set access rights.On my Applications settings page, I have Authentication Mode set to Application-defined because I cannot use Windows Authentication in the environment where this will be deployed.

The application uses a MS SQL 2005 db and the 3 tables I'm using in the authentication process are the User_Account , User_Roles and User_Access tables. The combination of an account in the User_Account and the roles within the User_Roles table are the bases for the User_Access table. Using the User_Access table is how I assign access to the various functions within the application

Authentication Method:To authenticate a user, I'm using the "My.User.CurrentPrincipal" (Code below) method. The My.User object works great and allows the use of "My.User.Name" property throughout the app when referring to the currently authenticated user.

Access Method:In order to set the current users access levels I'm using a function within my Authentication class and passing in My.User.Name as a variable. The function uses a Dataset Table Adaptor and a Select Case statement inside a For loop to assign all the access levels for the user (Function code below).

My Problem:This method of assigning access rights to a user does work but it's not persistent throughout the application as the My.User object is.I would like to find a way to create custom roles through the My.User object using its .IsInRole property. I would like to have these roles dynamically created using my User_Roles table.This would allow the custom roles to be used throughout my application using the My.User.IsInRole ("MyRole")syntax ...similar to how I'm currently able to use My.User.Name.Unfortunately the only roles I can currently validate against are the built in Windows
type accounts (Adminisrator ...ect.).

'User Authentication example:
If Authenticate.CheckPassword(tbxUserName.Text, strPassword) Then
My.User.CurrentPrincipal = New GenericPrincipal(New GenericIdentity(tbxUserName.Text), Nothing)[code].....

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C# - Storing Static Files To Be Shared Among Azure Roles

Sep 13, 2011

I'm trying to host some static files for access by an ASP.Net web role and a separate data worker role that are both running on the same deployment (they use a global static interface).

However, I'm unsure how exactly to 'host' them, I've tried using virtual folders via HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, but it only occasionally works in debug mode. The files also don't seem to get packaged into the deployment packages made by VS vis CSPack (though this might be a separate issue, is it possible to fix this too?)

The static files in question are actually WordNet, which I'm using through WordNet.Net, If that makes any difference. I also need the solution to work in both the cloud deployment and the emulator (if possible).

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Implement Custom User-roles In Windows Application

Apr 21, 2010

I am looking for ways to implement custom user-roles in windows application with vb.net. I got a database table called Roles with Administrator and User entries. User cannot see some of the form data. In ASP.NET MVC we can do like.

[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public function GetAccount() as Array

End Function

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Use Custom SqlMembershipProvider To Store Users (and Roles) In Cache?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm developing a "small" warehouse-management WebApplication for few users(5-10 parralel) but with a complex authorization system(checking if pages,menus,TabPanels, UserControls and even single controls are visible or enabled) and permanent and frequent access. Because i've only limited experiences with the ASP.Net MembershipProvider, i'm unsure what's the best approach for following goal:

I want to hold all users, roles and frequently used masterdata in the Cache(in a Dataset). Hence every readonly access should be faster and causes less traffic than always using the database. On updates,deletes and inserts i would update the cached dataset and also the database.

Can i use or extend the SqlMembershipProvider to achieve this goal and if possible how?

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Conrolling Site Access Via Windows Authentication And Roles / Groups

May 30, 2012

I am trying to restrict access to an intranet site via Windows authentication. I would like to control access via active directory user groups, but my added AD groups don't appear to be recognised by .net. I started with the following test code in my app to determine if the group could be used...

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.Label1.Text = User.Identity.Name


The isuserinrole returns false and the group is not shown in getrolesforuser. However, getrolesforuser returns all of the built in windows groups as well as custom admin user groups created by our anti virus software (SOPHOS). This tells me that .net doesn't seem to have any issue with reading our active directory but I don't understand why my custom group is not being recognised.

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Make A DetailsView Where Only Users With Specific Roles See Some Fields As Editable?

Dec 16, 2011

For example lets say I want only admins to be able to see and edit CustomerID in details view, moderators can see this value but it is not editable, and regular users cannot even see it.

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Configure The Membership In ASP.NET?

Jun 19, 2009

i need to set up membership for my first website, as i was told i have followed the following steps:1. website --> ASP .NET configuration2. select teh security tab If my admin tool works fine , then it should display the following

1. users - allows to create and manage users2. Role - enable roles3. Access rules - create and manage access rules But my security tab doesnt display those otpions instead it displays an error as:

Code:"There is a problem with your selected data store. This can be caused by an invalid server name or credentials, or by insufficient permission. It can also be caused by the role manager feature not being enabled. Click the button below to be redirected to a page where you can choose a new data store.

The following message may help in diagnosing the problem: An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 1802 and the SqlException message is: CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors. Cannot create file 'C:VBWEBSITESMEMBERSHIP1APP_DATAASPNETDB_TMP.MDF' because it already exists. Change the file path or the file name, and retry the operation. Creating the ASPNETDB_dbd9891837cf479eab2e5e8a5e483986 database... "

Then i followed it's instructions, clicked on choose datastore and configured the provider, according to the web admin tool the "single provider" passed the test.

Then i closed the adin tool and restarted it. but still the above error occurs. How can i fix this? PS: this happens even when i disable the firewall!

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Disable Menu Items Based On Allowed Security Roles Specified For An Item?

Nov 23, 2009

How to enable / disable menu items based on allowed security roles specified for an item.

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ASP.Net Using The Membership.CreateUser Method

Mar 17, 2011

I'm having issues using the membership.createuser method. My code is below, I get a null exception as runtime. [code]

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Custom Membership For Dot Net Nuke

Dec 11, 2009

i am new in dot net nuke.i just found that there is open id logging option in dot net nuke.And so i did need user to register afresh in my dnn application.This is because i have another mvc application which i would like to be the openid provider for my dnn application.and am totally confused on how to go about that? Again,is it possible to tamper with dnn membership such that i use aspnetsqlmembership?

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Get The Logged-in User From ASP.NET Membership?

Dec 12, 2009

(I work on VS 2005 with Access Database and C#)

I have my code as follows:

protected void Page_Load(object sender,
System.EventArgs e)


The logged-in 'UserId' and 'UserName' is getting displayed correctly, but now how do I use the string 'lmember' in my 'SELECT' statement when I need to display the related information from the table 'aspnet_Users' for the logged-in user? getting the following select statement:

SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM aspnet_Users WHERE (UserName= ????)"

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Membership Provider For MS Access In VB?

Aug 13, 2010

Over the past few weeks I've been attempting to convert the readily available C# code for the Membership Provider etc whilst working with MS Access. I'm fairly experienced with VB unlike C# and have ran AccessMembershipProvider.cs, AccessConnectionHelper.cs and so on through 3 different converters. All of which have given a varying degree of errors, all of which I've fixed, either by ever so slightly re-writing the logic or in the Cryptographic case finding a working translation.

This evening I have fixed all of the errors from all of the now converted VB files (which I was pretty pleased about as you can imagine), I then created a simple login page to test this out, added a new user to the system and tried to login to find out I'm being told the username or password is wrong.Just to clarify, the converters all had an error or two or even more in some cases which I've bypassed but now I can't login - at all!!Finally I've written reams of code over the years and am really stumped on this one, has knowone actually successfully converted these files from C# to VB and actually got it working?? I'm not looking for someone to send me there hard work but I am almost at the point of not wanting to bother with it anymore and I just can't believe that it's not out there to download.

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Replacing Membership Of Asp.net In Winform?

Jun 3, 2011

I wanna create sthg like the membership in asp.net to use it to manage winform VB.NET how can i deal with it without using active directory.I can create a database like the database generated in asp.net and create win form to create user ,create roles etc.

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Why Does Membership.CreateUser Function Does Nothing

Oct 19, 2009

This is the Membership API in .NET 2.0. Suddenly it stopped working on me. I've stripped it to the basics. I get no response when I try to create a user. It goes through the code with no error, but nothing happens. Here is the code in the aspx:[code]

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ASP.NET Membership With Two Providers Cant Use GetAllUsers Method?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm using two membership providers.I declared a following statement Dim allUsers As MembershipUserCollection=Membership.Providers("Membership RoleManager" ).GetAllUsers Then, it gave me this error message.


This statment Dim pageSize As Integer = GetTotalNumberOfUser() returns the total counted record, it's already round trip to database, just to get the total number of users, because I need to provide the pageSize param value.

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Calculate The Duration Of The Expiration Of Membership?

Aug 29, 2010

I am developing a database in which I want to calculate the duration of the expiration of membership automatically from the Date of Registration & Membership Option.

Date of Registration: 8/29/2010
Membership Option: Single (3 Months)

From those input show MsgBox that the membership have expired automatically after 3 Months from the Date of Registration.

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Database - Password Recovery Without Using ASP.Net Membership?

Dec 12, 2011

I'm working on a website using VB (ASP.NET)I want to implement a password recovery code without using the controls in asp.net I didn't use ASP.Net Membership for logging in, I have MSSQL database with USER table? when the user forget his/her password, he/she enters the email then press a button to submit, then I have to find this email in the user table, retrieve the user name and password, generate new a random password, update the password with the new generated one, and finally send an email to the user with the username and the new generated password.

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