Viewing Dbf On Datagrid?

Jan 13, 2011

I'm trying to view dbf on datagrid but fail. My script is like this:

Imports System.Data.OleDb


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Viewing Database Into DataGrid - Column Sort?

Mar 13, 2012

I have use this code to view my database into my datagird
Dim dbPath As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0; Data Source=../VG.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter
da = New OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Marriage", dbPath)
Now every time I visit that form I have to manually click the column header of "EventDate" to that it will sort Descending. Is there a way to automatically sort it every time I visit this form?

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Viewing Selected Row Data From Datagrid In Textboxes

Jan 15, 2012

how can we view the selected row's data from datagrid in textboxes in 2003?

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Viewing Child Table With Parent Table In Datagrid?

Jun 17, 2009

I have a SQL Data Base. I have created a relation between these tables. Problem is when i drag and drop it on Data grid i get only Parent table columns but i want to sea them both like this.

- Parent Table Row
- Child Row 1
- Child Row 2


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Get The Url Of The Page I Am Viewing In My WebBrowser?

Dec 5, 2009

I am creating basic slideshow form to finish off an app I am writing. I have been at it all day finishing off the main app and am getting very tired now!!

Anyway, I have a form (which is called by another form) with just a Picturebox and a Timer on it. I use the following code to read in all the images in a folder:


As this just points to the array of images and not a single image and there is no way of telling it to move to the next image each time.

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Viewing A Hostfile In Textbox?

Dec 1, 2011

I have a program to add and remove sites from the HOST file. So, sorta like a site blocker. I kinda wish I had a chicken in a police outfit giving the stop! hand sign and name it cock blocker :P anyways... To read what sites/ip's are blocked I'm just reading the HOST file in a read only textbox. I was wanting to know if I can read everything but the crud at the top of the file(Describing how to edit the HOST file manually). How could I do that? Here is my code I'm using to read the HOST file:

Dim ReadItem As String = String.Empty
ReadItem = IO.File.ReadAllText("c:windowssystem32driversetchosts")


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Viewing A Video In A Picture Box?

Nov 4, 2009

Is it possible to view video in a Picturebox? if you do know then reply..G peter.

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Viewing MSSQL RS Reports From Web App ?

Mar 16, 2010

We are trying to view reports with MS SQL 2008 reporting services for a custom web application.We have MS SQL 2008 Express full install. We've tested the application from our IDE and it works. Once published to the web server we get the following error:

404 - File or directory not found.The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.I syuspect this may have something to to with IIS 7.0 setting, since it works in the IDE but not on the server, but I have been unable to figure out what the issue is.Here is our code.[code].....

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Viewing Records In An Array

Jan 5, 2010

I have this program that views the records in a structure using the previous(button1) and next(button2) buttons. The button1 which displays the previous record is already working. I have done the next button, but it didn't work.[code]it only showed the last record. I want the codes to show all of the records in the structure

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Viewing Source Of A Webpage?

Mar 24, 2010

Been working on a Web Browser in VB 2008 Express, and so far things have been going good. I have run into a little problem though. I have a menu bar at the top of the browser as normal and one of the items selects is "View" and then under that "Page Source".

Now, i have added the following code and it works as expected but one problem. When the box opens to display the web page source it has no scroll bars, minimize or maximize buttons to manipulate the page.

Private Sub PageSourceToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PageSourceToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim pagelSource As String = WebBrowser1.DocumentText
End Sub

I think the problem is that I am using "MsgBox" . Would there be a better way to do this?

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Viewing The Database Records?

Jun 10, 2009

I used visual basic 2008 express edition and I read the "How Do I" tutorial and I went over with it but there are still some instances I can't find or figure out and I need some assistance. I used the LinqtoSQL classes in my project, I have one database and has one table in it,now here is the output of my project.Everytime I first run my project I would be able to view all the records in the table that is inserted in the datagridview on one of my form w/c has existing records that Ive added when I input records when running but when you add new records into it and after adding the new records when you view it right away it would only display the records in 4 fields or 4column of my table and I have 8 fields or 8 columns in my table the rest are blanks but when you exit the program and run it again that's the time you can be able to view all the records in the datagridview attached on a form.I want that when I add records and view it would display all the records w/out needing to exit the program.

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Viewing The Next Photographs From Folder?

Apr 14, 2009

i want to browse and load a whole folder and show the next image from that folder at one button click how it is possible

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VS 2008 Viewing IE's Web History

Jan 11, 2012

I have not been able to find code to list the sites visited by IE and FireFox. I found code for IE that gets the websites typed in.

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Way Of Viewing Information In MS Outlook Rather Than IE

Jul 29, 2010

I used to be on the VB Newsgroups, which I guess, they no longer exist.I have two questions.

1- Is this forum the replacement to the Newsgroups?If not, how can I get the replacement info.

2- Is there a way of viewing this information in MS outlook, rather than IE.

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WMP Playlist Viewing & Playing

Apr 6, 2007

I have an mp3 player that could play mp3s and playlists(premade from windows media player(it only conatins mp3s)). When i launch a playlist i need to keep pressing (next) button to get to the song i want. So, when i launch a playlist(*.wpl) i want it to be shown in a listbox or a treenode... whatever, but in a way that i could play and view the songs i have already put in it.

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Changing The Viewing Sequence For Events?

Mar 3, 2009

I am working on an application with about 50 controls and want to arrange the events so that I can find them easier. There are several events for each control and since they wer all created at different times code for controls is in order by date created.

I want to change the order. Naturally I want to avoid cutting and pasting.

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DB/Reporting :: Viewing Files In Folder?

Aug 27, 2008

I had been Using the StreamReader function to read txt files, but i was wondering if there was some way to read all the files a folder constants and then place them in a list box.

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Loading And Viewing Images From ImageList

Jan 16, 2012

As you see the code given below is not very useful. Is it possible to shorten the code. Mousewheel back and forward give the same result (next image). Keydown cannot be configured.

Private Sub Images_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
count += 1
If count + 1 > ImageList1.Images.Count Then
[Code] .....

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Making Own Picture Viewing Program?

Jun 12, 2011

(my first question) For starters.I am using Visual C++ 2010 I have VERY limited knowledge (I am not sure how to declare a variable or convert to strings.I took a Visual Basic course in school so I do understand SOME basics... just not the right language

I am trying to make a program that can open pictures in its own PictureBox. I have the form already made, and I had it working with a combobox with the list of all the different pictures, a button to load the picture depending on the selected item in the
combobox (MANY MANY if statements), and i also added a previous and next image pair of buttons (200% more if statements). I was happy with it, except whenever I added a new picture I had to add many lines of code... So i figured i can use this openfiledialog
and open them that way.

what i have so far is when i press "btnLoad" it opens the "ofdPictures" {openfiledialog}

what i need it to do is when i select my picture and press "open", it open the image in the picture box "picPictures", which is in my form.from what i understand with playing around with openfiledialog in VB is that the command this->ofdPictures->FileName

makes the selected file a string... but i think i have to make it = a string variable...

now, i think i fixed that by adding to "private: System::Void ofdPictures_FileOk"


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Run The Registry File By .net Without Viewing These Messages?

Feb 1, 2009

I want to run registery file ( with Shell command or system.process.start) but do not want to the messages it gives. ( Are you sure want to add the information in register " And the second message is " Information has been successfully entered in to register )How can i run the registry file by without viewing these messages.

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Saving, Loading, Viewing Projects?

Jan 10, 2012

I'm looking to work on a project at work and I'm preparing to do my home screen of my program and I'm stuck on how to prep for all of this. I want to be able to save projects (and its not just one form that will be saved, 26 future forms to be exact), load projects, create new projects and view available projects to be selected from in the home screen. Really a very standard home screen when concerning professional programming. I'm not quite sure how to go about this or when looking ahead what might be a best practice. I haven't worked with databases, so my knowledge is limited.

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Type That The Webbrowser Control Is Currently Viewing?

Feb 6, 2009

How do I make my app identify the forum type that the webbrowser control is currently viewing? I want to make the app determine weather it's a vBulletin board or a phpBB board, but I don't know how to do it..

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Viewing A Video From Webcam Using VB 2005?

Jun 4, 2012

I'm using a picturebox to display the video captured from my webcam. I tried out two codes:

1) [URL]

The code in this forum by kaymaf. it does not work at all! there is no video displayed at all. Also, i'm currently using a PixeLINK 1394 Camera to get the video, but this is not shown in the list of cameras. It shows : Microsoft WDM image Capture (Win 32). Are these the same?

2) [URL]

This code works the first time i run it. But the second time it gives me a listbox of camera to choose from and then does not display any video. The screenshot is as displayed:

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Viewing Dataset In Form From Sql Adapter?

Jun 12, 2011

I have been a systems admin for some time and my new employers are forcing my hand into programming. I am currently Trying to write custom software that interfaces with our Advantage Database. I have the data source and connection opening fine. It seems that All of the advantage developer classes are working correctly. Here is a link for adv advantage classes: [URL]..The problem I have is I want to query advantage... then place that query in a data set.., then display the results in datagridview on a form (just trying to see how the tools work) it seems that everything works without errors except I am getting nothing on my datagridview (stays blank after execution.


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Viewing New Data In Dataset In Form After Add?

Nov 22, 2010

When I click the Add button to save new form information to the database the form doesn't show the new information unless I close and re-load the form.

Public Class WeightHeightPopup
Dim WHcon As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbWHProvider As String


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VS 2010 Viewing Page Source?

Jul 31, 2011

I'm having some issues with grabbing the page source from a site. The page source that you see from pressing CTRL-U is not the same as what is displayed on the site - I had to use firebug to see the 'real' page source (source code changes over time on the same URL).This is what I have to grab the URL:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(WebBrowser1.Url)
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()


What can I do to obtain the same source code that firebug sees? In other words, how do I get the source code of a site after it has been php-altered?

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.net - Error Viewing ASP.NET Applications After Installing IIS7.5?

Jun 5, 2009

I get the following error when I try to access a application on my local machine.HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error The requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

Module IIS Web Core
Notification BeginRequest
Handler Not yet determined
Error Code 0x80070021


View 4 Replies Mvc - Getting Number Of Connections Currently Viewing Mvc3 Application

Jan 24, 2012

MVC3 Application using built in session management. I have an mvc3 application that I would like to add being able to see the current number of users online to whether they are logged in or not. I have tried using: Membership.GetNumberOfUsersOnline.ToString But that only keeps track of current users logged in which is not acceptable in what I am trying to do. Is there any other method that keeps track of connections?

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Combining Adding And Viewing Form Functions

Sep 29, 2010

Im banging my head against the wall with this one...If anyone can give me some pointers on how to combine the following two code snippets,[code]

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DataGridview Control - Add Last Row To Grid And Enlarge It For Viewing

May 27, 2012

Is it possible to take the last row added to the grid and enlarge it for viewing? Then when another row is added it enlarges and the previous goes back to normal size. When I say enlarge, almost like a magnify effect. Am I making sense?

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