Way To Trap The Event Of MDI Child Loading For The First Time?

Jun 23, 2009

I'm trying to force an always maximize setting

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Trap Event Of New Control

Apr 22, 2010

I have the problem in VBA for Access, but I assume that it is related to Visual Basic as a whole as well.


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Trap Event Of New Control?

May 16, 2012

I have the problem in VBA for Access, but I assume that it is related to Visual Basic as a whole as well.I have the following code:

public sub NavigateIE
dim ieobj as shdocvw.internetexplorer
ieob.navigate ("Some URL")
end sub


How can I link the DocumentComplete event of ieobj to the subroutine named customeventforieobj?

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Listview With Checkboxes - Trap Mousemove Event?

May 19, 2009

I am using VS 2008. I have a listview control whitch 'checkboxes' property enabled.My question is: how can I trap a MouseMove event over an item only, excluding the associated checkbox?I have the following code in MouseMove event of the ListView control but it cannot differentiate between an 'item' and a 'checkbox:

Private Sub mylstview_MouseMove(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles mylstview.MouseMove
Dim oListViewItem As ListViewItem[code]....

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VS 2008 Application Wide Event Trap

Mar 26, 2009

How can I set up an application wide event trap that is triggered when my database connection status changes?i.e. no matter what form the user may be on if the connection is terminated for whatever reason a message box is displayed to the client requesting whether the program should try and reconnect with the database or not.

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Trap Checked / Unchecked State Of A Datetimepicker Through An Event?

Mar 14, 2009

In Vb.net 2005 how can i trap the checked/unchecked state of a datetimepicker through an event. I'm trying to execute two different methods based on the checked/unchecked state of a datetimepicker when the user clicks the datetimepicker. When the user checks the dtPicker Method A is executed, when the user unchecks it Method B is executed. How can i trap it.

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Forms :: Trap The Checked/unchecked State Of A Datetimepicker Through An Event?

Mar 14, 2009

How can i trap the checked/unchecked state of a datetimepicker through an event. I'm trying to execute two different methods based on the checked/unchecked state of a datetimepicker when the user clicks the datetimepicker. When the user checks the dtPicker Method A is executed, when the user unchecks it Method B is executed. How can i trap it.

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Loading Of Child Form

Jan 7, 2009

could you please tell me how to load a child form in a parent form. since i am a beginner i have some confusion ..

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IDE :: Data Loading In A Child MDI Form?

Oct 17, 2011

Problem:Combo Box in CHILD MDI Form is not reflecting the "data" added from the table1. I have an MDI Parent form, and MDI Child Form.2. The Child form contains a Combo Box, and i want to load the data to this combo box dynamically "selecting from" a table. I am able to select from the table, and using the following code to add rows to the combo box

frmForeignKey.cmbSource.Items.Add(targetSSID) frmForeignKey.cmbTarget.Items.Add(targetSSID)
3. The Child form is called with the following code from MDI Parent form
Dim fkChild As New frmForeignKey fkChild.MdiParent = Me fkChild.Show()


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VS 2008 Stopping A MDI Child Form Loading In A Maximized State

Sep 28, 2010

I have an MDI Form that contains an MDI Child form. On this child form is a flexgrid. When the user double clicks on a row in the flexgrid this loads another MDI Child form. I have set the following properties on the second child form:

FormBorderStyle = FixedDialog
MaximizeBox = False
MinimizeBox = False
StartPosition = CenterScreen
WindowState = Normal

The problem is that if the first MDI child form is in a maximized state and the user double clicks on the flex grid, the second child form loads in a maximized state too! How can I stop this?

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VS 2008 Stopping An MDI Child Form Loading In A Maximized State?

Jan 16, 2009

I have an MDI Form that contains an MDI Child form. On this child form is a flexgrid. When the user double clicks on a row in the flexgrid this loads another MDI Child form. I have set the following properties on the second child form:

FormBorderStyle = FixedDialog
MaximizeBox = False
MinimizeBox = False


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Trigger An Event At The Time Selected In The Date Time Picker

Dec 23, 2010

i'm using a date time picker with format set to time. i want to be able to trigger an event at the time selected in the date time picker

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Date Time Picker And Event To Trigger With Just Time

Dec 22, 2010

i'm using a date time picker and want an event to trigger with just the time so it will trigger every day at a certain time. can anybody help

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.Net Exe Takes More Time While Loading?

Feb 9, 2010

When I run my .net application exe .It takes time while loading first time How can I reduce a loading time of my application exe ?

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How Can Speed Up My Loading Time

Feb 5, 2008

I was currently writting a Cyber Cafe for the client side which start up with a form that maximize and block all the client control like shortcut key and other security. It's fine to work in my pc and it take only about 5 second to startup the application and lock the client. But when i run the application in a pc that installed with games, it took about 40 second to run my apllication. I notice in task manager panel, the process need to read the whole application before it could load my first form. Is there any idea i can speed up my loading time? I have try to set the process priority to "real time" and startup using batch files, but it still need 30 second to load my first form.

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IDE :: .Net Exe Takes Time While Loading?

Feb 4, 2010

When I run my .net application exe .It takes time while loading How can i reduce a loading time of my application exe.

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Run-time Error '91' When Loading A Form

May 26, 2011

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

I want to show the last record after the form is opened but I got this error :

Run-time error '91': Object variable or with block variable not set

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What Event To Use When Loading Initial Data

May 23, 2011

I'm writing a forms application. I'm adding a piece that allows you to double click on a row of a datagridview control to open a new form with more details. These additional details are pulled from a database, which takes a bit of time to finish.If I run the DB query from the form's load event, the form doesn't show up until everything in the load event has completed, which can take several seconds.I want the form to show up instantly when you double click, and all of the fields to be populated once the data is ready.Is there an event I should be using other than Load?

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Error When Loading Secondary Form A Second Time?

Jun 17, 2009

I have been working on a project of mine that will streamline some issues at the office. (Note: There is not much in way of documentation or comments as I just started on this)

This is what I have so far and I am getting this error:

"System.ObjectDisposedException was unhandled"

I can edit the database with the second form initally, but it pops up an error after I return to Form1 and then attempt to enter into the 2nd form any subsequent time after the first initial load.

Here is my code:

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Public Class Form1


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Time Field When Loading From A Text File

May 5, 2011

I'm learning to write text file from a Listbox and DataGridView, and read from it.Everything works fine until I have a small problem with reading file into DataGridView. The problem I concern is about time. For example, in my text file, I have Arrival Date & Arrival Time, but when I display it in table it is something like below:[code]

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VS 2005 - Form Loading Takes Time

Aug 17, 2010

Why my form loads takes time the first time I clicked the menu to load it (I even see not responding on the title bar), but when it is already loaded, I will close it and clicked the menu to load it again then it load fast already....

Here is what I have in my declaration section
Private cnn As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.MyConnectionString)
Dim cmdLocked As New SqlCommand
Dim daGrade As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim daLocked As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim builder As New SqlCommandBuilder
[Code] .....

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MDI Child Form Close Event?

Jan 10, 2010

I want to execute some code in the MDI Parent Form when an MDI Child Form has been closed. What Parent Form Event would be best.

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VS 2010 Using The Same Event For All Child Panel?

Nov 9, 2011

I'm a bit confounded about how to proceed. I'm creating some kind of gameboard for a friend of mine. I have a splitpanel and the game grid will appear in the 1st panel. I put a panel with a 100x100 square in tile background format. called it gridpanel.i want that when I double click on gridpanel, a semi-transparant picture box frame (called Target) appears on your grid-square. I handled it like this :

Private Sub Targetting(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles gridPanel.MouseDoubleClick
If yourTurn Then


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Cancel A Form Loading In Its Load Event?

Oct 18, 2010

what's the best way to stop a form from displaying in its Load event.I initialise a form using the following code:

Dim MyForm as new MyCustomForm

In the Load event of MyCustomForm, I ask the user to select a folder and use that to populate a listbox on the form.folder.If the user presses Cancel instead of selecting a folder, I don't want to display the form. Right now, I just call Me.Close in the Load event, but that still causes the form to briefly appear and disappear in the background. Also do I need to call Me.Dispose?

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Me.Hide() Method In Form Loading Event

Mar 18, 2011

Why do Me.Hide() And me.visible do nothing under form loading event? Now the obvious answer to me was because how could you call a form to hide if it has not loaded. Make's sense to me. So i checked the documentation to see what options i had. If the form isn't loaded when the Hide method is invoked, the Hide method loads the form but doesn't display it. Interesting. So from what i gather here me.hide should still hide the form. Or have i misinterpreted the documentation? Because the form does still display. Neither also work under Public Sub New().

The only solution i found was under sub new was to change the forms opacity to nothing. Which works fine. But after reading the documentation on Opacity i am still left with another question regarding "Visible vs Hide Vs Opacity" Calling me.hide makes the forms visible property false, Calling opacity set to Nothing makes the form in visible. Both these methods do the required task but does one take up more memory or should be favored over the other? Just because some thing work's i have learned it is not always necessarily the best way to do something.

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Prevent An Event To Fire While Loading Form?

Mar 3, 2012

I have a form contains NumericUpDown1, TextBox1, TextBox2, at design time i set NumericUpDown1.Value to 4 and TextBox2.Text to 100, and i have this sub[code]...

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[2008] Raising An Event Before Loading Data

Jan 7, 2009

As it stands, when I click a button to load the data the application lags and looks as though it has locked up although it has not. There are a lot (10,000) of records to load in some cases.

I thought I could just change my status strip text to dispay "Loading database" while it's loading.

So, I raise an event (dbloading) in the "load db" button.click event before calling the procedure to load the data. When that event is raised, I change the status strip text.... but it does not work.

Here's my

Private Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click
jnATM = Me.atmJobNum


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Designate A Form As A MDI Child At Design Time?

Jun 2, 2009

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 Pro (.Net 3.5 SP1). I'm trying to make some MDI child forms in a Windows project (VB) and cannot find any "MDI Child" or "MDI Parent" property for any form.

How can I designate a form as an MDI Child at design time?

I've read the help files and they reference either an "MDI Parent" or "MDI Child" property but I cannot find those properties in the property list of any form.

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Make Child Forms Working At The Same Time?

Feb 9, 2010

In this example I want the loop button works in all mdi child forms at the same time; now in the first mdi child form it will work, but when getting a new mdi child form with that, it will stop in the first one!

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VS 2005 Show A Single MDI Child One At A Time Only?

Jun 26, 2009

I would want to be able to show a single mdi child form only one at a time, what would be the most efficient way of doing this?

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