When String Variable Was Empty String First One Returns 'nothing'

Oct 2, 2009

just found out that replace(string does not do the same as string.replace when my string variable was an empty str the first one returns "nothing" and the second returns an empty string (as expected).just sloppy coding anyhow, it was a function that was converted from classic asp and never rewritten properly. [code]

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.net - GetPrivateProfileString() Returns Empty String Despite Having A Default?

Jul 9, 2010

Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias _

"GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As String, _
ByVal lpDefault As String, _
ByVal lpReturnedString As String, _
ByVal nSize As Integer, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Integer
Dim value As String = ""
Dim length As Integer
Dim IniFileName As String

GetPrivateProfileString("Config", "UserName", "None", value, length, IniFileName)

but value contains an empty string I confes to being a VB n00b, less than a week, in fact, but I can't see what's wrong there. The file exists, it contains a section called "Config" which has an entry called "UserName" with a value - but even if not, wouldn't value take the default?

Edit: It's not returning an empty string - it's returning whatever I initialize value to before calling GetPrivateProfileString().

Which is to say that if I Dim value As String = "xxx" then it stil contains "xxx" after the call and not the default value.

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GetPrivateProfileString() Returns Empty String, Despite Having A Default?

Oct 25, 2009

Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias _
"GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _
ByVal lpKeyName As String, _


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ButtonColumn In DataGrid Returns Empty String When Call .Text

Mar 9, 2011

I get an empty string when calling the .Text property. Refer below for snippet:[code]The internet search advises to use Items(col).Cells(2).FindControl(..), the problem with that is FindControl finds the control by ID, BoundColumn doesn't allow you to insert an ID for it.

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String.Empty To Initialize A Variable?

Mar 31, 2009

I always initialize my variables with a value when declaring them.I was wondering if using String.Empty to initialize a variable is correct.'Is this OK ?

Dim strValue As String = String.Empty
'I used to do
Dim strValue2 As String = ""
On the same subject.


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JSON.NET Deserialize - Next JSON String - Returns Always An Empty Result

Feb 21, 2011

I'm strugling the whole day with the next JSON string


How can i deserialize this? What's wrong with the next code (vb.net)

Public Class DataString
Private m_link As String
Public Property link() As String


It returns always an empty result.

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Nothing Equals String.Empty, Null Does Not Equal String.Empty?

Jun 28, 2010

This must've have been asked before but I couldn't locate it. In a mixed code project (VB and C#) we were debugging some old Visual Basic code where a statement as follows could be found:

If Request.Params("xxx") <> "" Then
'do something

I considered this a bug as Request.Params could be null, in which case the statement would've become false which wasn't the idea. So I thought. I just found out, -- probably for the tenth time and I will keep forgetting -- that the following two statements are not equal, while Nothing in VB should be equal to null in C# (thought I):

if(String.Empty == null) // always false
If String.Empty = Nothing Then ' always true

Should I dismiss this as a typical Microsoft backward compatibility effort, or should I consider this a huge error in the VB.NET compiler? Does anybody know the Microsoftean opinion on this oddity?

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Arrays - If Not String.Empty Ignoring Empty String

Aug 11, 2010

I have a array of strings and I am looping through them, but the string might be empty so I am trying this:


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Search A String Variable And Place The Match Into Another String Variable In Visual Basic?

Nov 18, 2009

I'm looking for a way to search a string variable for two words and copy the text in between them into another variable. This needs to be done as many times as the match occurs.

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Why STRING Does Not Have A Parameterless Constructor To Create An Empty String

Feb 4, 2012

I was trying to call a method using Reflection on a method that has a STRING parameter.However a STRING does not have a parameterless constructor.So instead of something like.>>

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off
Public Class Form1


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[2008] Finding The First Empty String In A String Array?

Mar 2, 2009

i have a string array that i want to output to a text file. the array size is 10000. i fill the array starting from 0 with some strings. at the end, i only want to show the array from index 256 to the last array that is not empty (for eg. if the array is filled with data from 0 to 2000, i only want the text file to show the data from 256 to 2000 and ignore the remaining strings). Is there any function to do this?t i use is shown below

Dim myArray(10000) as string
Dim strArray As New System.IO.StreamWriter("c:List.txt")
strArray.WriteLine("{0,10}{1,30}", "Index", "Symbol")


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Finding The First Empty String In String Array?

Mar 2, 2009

i have a string array that i want to output to a text file. the array size is 10000. i fill the array starting from 0 with some strings. at the end, i only want to show the array from index 256 to the last array that is not empty (for eg. if the array is filled with data from 0 to 2000, i only want the text file to show the data from 256 to 2000 and ignore the remaining strings). Is there any function to do this? i am using visual basic express 2008. The code that i use is shown below


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Testing String Value Of Nothing Is Equivalent To String.Empty

Feb 24, 2010

I have a nullable database field of type varchar. I am writing a unit test for a service method that retrieves the value of this field. The service method uses a custom DAL that returns a value of String.Empty if the database field is Null (this is desired behaviour).


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Split Comma Separated String In Text File And Save Each String In Different Variable?

Dec 5, 2011

These is the content of my txt file which is saved in D drive in my pc abc,1,2,3..I tried the flowing but it didn't work:[code]I am getting error on this line.. data = line.Split(","c)...it says this line isn't in use anymore or something and that I rather use LineInput but thats asks for filenumber and i don't know what that is. I am sorry but I am a complete beginner. what else can I try? [code]ok that error is gone now but now if I want to add these values to a list box..how can i do that?

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Sorting - Sort List(of String()) Using A Variable Index Into String() As Key ?

May 30, 2012

I have a List(of String()). I have written a custom comparer (implements IComparer(of string)) to do an alphanumeric sort.Is there a way to sort the List using a given index to determine which position in the String() to sort by? In other words one time I might sort by Index = 0 and another time by Index = 3. The length of all String() in the list is the same.For reference this question is similar to Sort List<String[]> except I am using VB.net and that question is hardwired to Index=0.

EDIT from OP's comments:I started simple with the non custom comparer but I am getting an error: expression does not produce a value. Not sure what I am doing wrong.Here is the code:

Public Shared Function SortListOfStringArray(ByVal ListOfStringArray As List(Of String()), ByVal SortByIndex As Integer) As List(Of String())
Return ListOfStringArray.Sort(Function(x, y) x(SortByIndex).CompareTo(y(SortByIndex)))
End Function

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Combining A String And String Variable Into One Variable

Apr 4, 2009

I am trying to insert a string variable inside of two strings, and make a combined string. Public Sub Page_Load() Dim Id As String Id = Trim (Request.QueryString("Id")) End Sub Dim mp3text as string url... & Id & ".mp3" My goal is to make the mp3text variable have a string that is: url...(If Id is 7) It is for some reason not connecting up correctly. I checked what string it is outputting and this is what it is giving: url...It is missing the Id content.

View 12 Replies

.net - Asp.net Code Returns A Blank String

Jul 28, 2011

Anyone know why the following is not working?


I get no errors, it just returns a blank string.

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Can't Load A String Into A String Variable?

Apr 12, 2009

I am using the MODI DLL (Microsoft Office Document Imaging) because it has an OCR engine. That's working fine, but I'm having trouble capturing the resulting text into my own string variable (weird, huh). Modi has the result stored in the following Modi string variable:


I've tried three ways to capture this value, only one of them works (not the one that I need to work)

(1) Dim txt as string = img.Layout.Text 'fails

(2) MsgBox(img.Layout.Text) 'fails

(3) M = new Msg(img.Layout.Text) 'succeeds

Method 3 (the only one working) is a custom msgbox I built in VB.Net, and it accepts a regular .Net string variable. I need Method-1 to work. The error thrown is this:

"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt." I even tried it like this:

(1) Dim txt as string = img.Layout.Text.ToString.Trim

Here's the complete code:

Dim doc As New MODI.Document
Dim img As MODI.Image


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Replace All String In String Variable?

Apr 18, 2011

how can I replace all string in string variable like

dim str = "I am testing and testing and testing"
After replace with "and"

How can I replace all with case insentive not case sensative?

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.net - Environment.MachineName Returns A Zero Length String?

May 18, 2011

I am chasing a strange error at a customer site and was wondering if it is possible that Environment.MachineName could return a zero length string. The docs say this is read from the registry but doesn't specify where. I can't imagine that a machine cannot have a netbios name but just wanted to ask.


After some investigation, it appears that this was not returning a zero length string, but I was just interested if it is feasible.

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Selectedvalue Method Returns Null String

Jun 29, 2011

I'm converting a system of numerous programs from foxpro/foxweb/javascript to asp.net/vb/sql server.

I'm coding for a dropdownlist which is currently controlled via js.

I don't like using the control this particular way, but I want to maintain look and feel for the customer.

The control is initialized with some values via Page_Load() in behind code.[code]...

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VS 2010 String.Length() Returns Null

Jun 11, 2011


By my logic, this should only assign .length to index IF the length of strItem is longer than 0. This check is there in case the listbox is empty, or the user has not selected an item. However, everytime I go through this code without an item selected I get:


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VS 2008 Calling A Dll That Returns SQL Details To A Buffered String

Dec 12, 2010

my app is calling a dll that returns SQL details to a bufferred string, here is what i did 6 Dim server As New String(" ", 256) when i use this in sql connection string i get this error: Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 22.

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VS 2008 String Compare - Why The Fallowing Function Returns 0

Jun 1, 2012

is string.empty = "" why the fallowing function returns 0

Dim String1 As String = String.Empty
Dim StringEmpty As String = ""
MessageBox.Show(String.Compare(String1, StringEmpty, False))

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Add Empty String To RadComboBox?

Jun 8, 2009

I have a webpage that has a Telerik RadComboBox on the page. One of the properties of this ComboBox is EmptyMessage, which fills the combobox with a message when an item is not selected. I am binding my combobox to a datasource at runtime and for some reason, it wipes this EmptyMessage away. Is there a way to keep my data items in tact and have the empty message there too?

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Appropriate Way To Set StringBuilder To An Empty String?

May 19, 2010

I'm using VB's StringBuilder, and I was curious what is considered "best practice" for emptying the builder/setting it to a new string. Would it be something like this:[code]or is there a "Better" way?

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C# - The Benefits Of Using String.Empty?

Sep 16, 2010

Possible Duplicate: In C#, should I use string.Empty or String.Empty or "" ? I just don't understand the benefits of using String.Empty over "". Aside it being strongly typed its longer.

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Convert 0.0 To Empty String?

Apr 30, 2012

I am storing value in Double. If that value is 0.0, I dont want to display anything.


If Value = 14.0, I want to display Value = 14.0
If value = 0.0, I want to display Value =

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Nothing = String.Empty (Why Are These Equal?)

Apr 13, 2010

Why does the first if statement evaluate to true? I know if I use "is" instead of "=" then it won't evaluate to true. If I replace String.Empty with "Foo" it doesn't evaluate to true. Both String.Empty and "Foo" have the same type of String, so why does one evaluate to true and the other doesn't?

//this evaluates to true
If Nothing = String.Empty Then


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Should This Really Return An Empty String()?

Nov 26, 2010

I have an attribute class:


With that said, shall the Private Property Attributes() As String() not return the values of DirectoryAttribute placed over the interfaces properties as well, since I specify True in the inheritance parameter of the Type.GetCustomAttributes method?

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