When Use The Webrowser It Doesn't Save The "favourites" Onto Computer?

Oct 3, 2009

i have a favourites drop down butten, when i use the webrowser it doesn't save the "favourites" onto my computer, how can this be done?I like.....

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Save Favourites And History On A Text File?

Jul 7, 2011

I am developing with a friend a webbrowser just for fun and to learn more..But we are stuck on how to do favourites and historial.Because we had put tabcontrol and when i tried saving the page on a stringcollection called favlist it gives me an error.It is the same with history. What i want to do it save favourites and history on a text file so then when i open the browser again you have them there.

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Dll Doesn't Work On Any Other Computer

Mar 15, 2012

Has anyone succeeded in creating a class library solution/project in VB.net VS2010 4.0 Net Framework for COM to run on WindowsXP Excel 2003. I created a dll which changed specific data in an excel worksheet. The dll worked just fine on the development computer but wont work on any other. I downloaded .NET 4 framework onto the target PCs and used RegAsm.exe to register both the .dll and .tlb files in the registry. That worked OK and the dll is visible as a reference in excel and can be ticked. The error message I get is RunTime Error -2147024894(80070002): Automation Error The System cannot find the file specified.

I also tried creating a Setup and Deploy project in the original development solution but this created just a vbproj setup file which the target PC cannot read (no VS installed), I hoped the project would create an EXE file I could use. Does anyone know any links that describe how to do this type of stuff as most links I have tried are either for Windows Forms projects are are way above my knowledge. Maybe someone out there has already succeeded with this sort of activity?

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Computer Doesn't Accept The Program?

Jan 5, 2011

what should to do,when the computer doesn't accept the program.

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.net - Modified WPFToolkit And Now It Doesn't Work On Every Computer

Jun 20, 2012

We have to make a modification on the WPFToolkit.dll to add some watermark text. Now, when we install it on some computers (I can't find what's different about them), I get this


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VS 2010 App Doesn't Start On Client Computer?

Feb 2, 2012

I made a setup for my project using installshield, I installed the app on another computer but It doens't start.

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Opening Word Doc (with Userforms) From Flashdrive Doesn't Work On Another Computer?

Nov 17, 2009

Created two userforms in a single ms Word document, along with code, plus a macro on my laptom (Vista). Saved to flashdrive. At work I opened the word doc from flashdrive, but did not fine userforms, nor code & macros. There was a macro from another file I once worked on, but not the stuff from the file opened from the flashdrive.

View 3 Replies

Application Doesn't Work On Another Computer (Couldn't Load File Or Assembly)?

Jul 7, 2011

I run the same exe file on another computer, but it gives error.The application works on my pc, but does not work on user's pc.I try to compile the app in other development machine and it is work well, the problem is my app doesn't work on user's pc.

Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecision.Shared, Version=10.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.


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Game Programming :: Sound Files - Use .exe On Another Computer It Doesn't Play Because It Does Not Recognize .wav Location

Jan 17, 2010

To programming and have a question with sound files. I am trying to figure out the basics and here is what I did: I created a button that is supposed to play a sound.


When I click this button in my .exe file it obviously plays because I am using the computer with the above location for the .wav file. When I use the .exe on another computer it doesn't play because it does not recognize that .wav location. How do I make this work for me? Do I need to embed the .wav with my .exe somehow?

View 4 Replies

Adding Favourites To Web Browser?

Sep 3, 2008

am trying to add a favourites option to my web browser, but I am unsure how to add them.I'm just looking for a simple option which will display the favourites on a single button click, and then be able to add the current page to the favourites menu.

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Implamenting Favourites Into Web Browser?

Jun 2, 2009

Although there is topics and questions already on this but its not helping me at all I need an idea on what to change as I am new to this and just adding the code then editing it to suit my document is not helping I just cant implement this.


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VS 2010 Listbox Favourites?

Jul 10, 2010

Ok i am on my webbrowsers favourites, and im looking to use a listbox so the user can have as many as they want. Also i want the listbox to show the Site Title, like so it just shows the title of that website. But then i wouldn't know how to navigate to that website if just the title is in the listbox How would i do this?

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VB 2008 Doesn't Save The Changes?

Dec 29, 2010

What im trying to do is everytime i put a check in listbox1 or listbox2 the button1 or button2 in form2 will be invisible, but im having problem because if i go back to form 1 then check again form2 the changes that i made didnt save!FOR EXAMPLE i checked hide button1 then pressed APPLY! then i go to form2 i will see only button2 (yes the code works great!) but when i pressed back then go back to form2 again the code didnt work.

Heres my

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then


but everytime i close the program and re-run it the changes doesnt save.

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Adding Favourites To A Custom Web Browser

Jun 24, 2009

I'm creating a web browser but i can't seem to add the Favorites function to it.can someone help me, like tell me what Functions i can use or any suggestions?I don't have any code though, because i am clueless about how to add the favorites function to the my web browser.

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Bindingsource Doesn't Save Some Fields

Jan 9, 2010

i have invoice registration form bind to a bindingnavigator and bindingsource. when i enter data and save,the data from the total text box field and the item combobox are not saved. the combobox is bind to a datasource from item table. the value member is set to item id and the display member to item name. i checked the databinding property but it is exactly the same as others.

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Bindingsource Doesn't Save Some Fields?

Jan 13, 2010

I have an invoice form bind to a bindingsource and bindingnavigator. I use the bindingnavigator to add and save records. But I can's save data from an item combobox and total text box. The item combobox's datasource is set from the item table. It's value member is set to item id and its display member to item name. but when i hit save, the data for the item value of the invoice table is not saved.

The total text box is also a calculated value from quantity and unit price text box. at the text_change event of both unit price and quantity text box i have this code total.text = quantity.text * unitprice.text The data from the total text box is not saved also. What could be the problem with this two fields. I checked their data binding property but it is exactly the same as the others.

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Load / Save To An External Computer?

Oct 30, 2010

i am making a program that saves and loads simple RTF files from my computer to others, i am woundering how to do this. The thing i was worried about was the seccurity but i think i have it now, im using a program called Hamachi that gives you a IP through them that links to ur computer w/o accually giving out your IP. So is there anyway that i can do this? here is what i have now:

If EmailTxt.Text = "" Or PassTxt.Text = "" Then
StatusText.Text = "You cannot leave anything blank!"
ElseIf Directory.Exists("C:MJA" + EmailTxt.Text) = True Then


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VS 2008 How To Block The Computer During A Save

Aug 2, 2010

How can i make the computer to block while the user is doing a save to the application i'm building?

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VS 2010 Download And Save A Xml In Computer?

Dec 27, 2011

I want to download from the web a xml and save it into my computer. How can I do this?

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ConfigurationManager Doesn't Save Settings To Exe.config?

Dec 15, 2011

(My question is similar to this one, but the code is slightly different, and the solution doesn't work for me)I'm trying to save settings changes to the app.config:

Dim config As System.Configuration.Configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None)
config.AppSettings.Settings("HistoryRootDirectoryPath").Value = p_historySavingPath


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Doesn't Save Database (file *.mdf) Vb2005

Mar 12, 2011

i was modified some my data. then i use this code:


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Save Button Doesn`t Work Properly?

Jan 30, 2012

I wrote a program which is editing data from database. I used few tutorials (I`m beginer) and everything is working fine(I can make changes in datagrid). but when I`m trying to save changes made in dataset(e.g. save added record) I can not to that (there are no changes in my access database, but inly in datagrid)what is interesting when I delete record - changes are saved and record is deleted from db. where is my mistake? what is wrong? maybe some tips what can I improve in this small program?


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VS 2008 / Adding History/Favourites/Options To WebBrowser ?

May 14, 2009

Visual Basic 9.0 / 2008
Tabbed Webbrowser

What i want: i want to know where i can find a noob friendly detailed guide on how to add a history box/favourites box and an options windows. so the user browsing my webbrowser can check the history just like IE's or Firefox's. same with the favourites.. and with the options they can clear all their cookies and history, aswell as changing the homepage i know the fucntion to change the homepage via a menu strip so yehh..

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Why Doesn't The DeleteDirectory Method Of The Computer.FileSystem Class Work On "special" Folders

Aug 14, 2008

if they choose to use a networked version of my software, I will need the main server doing the authenticating. This is a problem, because from what I understand, it is quite easy to clone MAC addresses. I have looked into using the CPU ID and the HDD ID, but those are not unique, well at least I don't think so. Reason why I say they are not unique is because someone has the exact same CPU ID as me, and the HDD ID changes from partition to partition (same drive). Maybe the HDD ID is a partition ID instead? Anyways, I was thinking maybe I could get the Physical serial number of both the HDD and CPU, but I have not been able to find anything yet.

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Why Doesn't The DeleteDirectory Method Of The My.Computer.FileSystem Class Work On "special" Folders

Feb 18, 2010

We have a network share that is used for transferring files between users on a daily basis. Every day at 3:00 am we run a vb6 program to clear the directory of this network share.

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After Close The Executable File Doesn't Save Anything In Favorites

Jun 3, 2011

I'm working on this advanced web browser with my friend, and we made a favorites feature. So, it works and all that, but, after I close the executable file, it doesn't save anything!


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Data Appears To Save, But Doesn't Show Up In Database?

Mar 4, 2010

I don't understand what's going on here I published my project, and when I create new records and save them, everything gets saved and shows up each time I run the program.I open the database in SQL Server and none of the tables have the new data, but it still shows up when I run the program each time.

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Direct Save Anything In Table It Doesn’t Accept Null Value

Jun 21, 2010

I have face problem with null value i remove the chk from null value n sql server and when i direct save anything in table it dosen't accept null value but when i save these in my form it accept null value.

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Saving Text - Add Save Features Doesn't Seem To Work

Mar 11, 2010

I have made a text editing application and, as you might have guessed yourself, I needed to add save features. Well, what I have implemented so far is the ordinary "Save As..." feature which I made by using a common SaveFileDialog. Now it's time for the hard part. I need to add the "Save" function located in many Windows applications (Notepad etc.). This is what I'm working on at this moment but it doesn't seem to work.


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VS 2010 How To Close External Tab When 'save As' Has Popped Up From Computer

Aug 8, 2010

I have webbrowser1 whihc is used to download files on my server in the background (invisible)but when its an external link (which could be any filesharing site eg, rapidshare, mediafire etc)a new tab shows called "external link" with the webbrowser1 visible, and of course mediafire, rapidshare visible/navigated.how can i close this "external" tab when "save as" has popped up from computer?i cannot do it any other way as all filesharing sites are different.i already know how to close the tab, just need some sort of event handling on this part.

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