Where The ListBox Displays The Custom Classname Which Is Then Replaced With The Appropriate Display Data.

Apr 21, 2009

I've created a class that inherits from CollectionBase that populates with a custom object type. I populate the custom collection and set it as the datasource for a ListBox control and set the appropriate DisplayMember value to one of the properties of my custom object.

While the binding behaviour is working great, I'm trying to polish up the UI because when the list of objects is somewhat long, there is a momentary flash where the ListBox displays the custom classname which is then replaced with the appropriate display data. I'd like to keep that initial flash of the ToString() method from appearing. I tried SuspendLayout() and ResumeLayout() on the control and the form, but neither keeps the flash from occuring.

What am I missing?

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How To Select An Item In One Listbox And Then Display The Data Of Another Listbox With The Same Indexed Position

Aug 7, 2010

Is it possible to select an item in one listbox and then display the data of another listbox with the same indexed position? I am planning a project and this is something I would like to attempt but I haven't figured out how to do it.[code..]

I tried doing the above code but instead of displaying the listbox text the message box just returned false.

View 5 Replies

Data Bound To ListBox - Display Two Data Items As A Single Item?

May 7, 2012

I have an Address Book project with a listbox. The listbox is bound to the database via the little arrow pop-up box in the corner of the listbox. I have the DisplayMember set to FirstName, and obviously only display the First Name of the contact in the ListBox. Is there an easy way to change it so that it displays the First and Last names? I can't change the binding because I need it to get the ID of the record selected.Here's the basis of my code...

Private Sub MainForm_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CompanyDataSet.Contacts' table. You can move,


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[Custom Types] Display Value In State Of Data Type Name?

Oct 15, 2009

In visual studio (VB environment), for exemple, with point structure, while debbuging, in state of displaying {system.drawing.point} at the object value, its display the X and Y value.For exemple :

Dim pt as new point(8,9)
A spy on pt will show "{X = 8 Y = 9}"So i want :
Dim cust1 as cust_type1

to display me something differente than "{namespace.cust_type1}"

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Display MS Access Data In Listbox?

Jul 9, 2011

I need to populate a listbox with my MS Access data (database consists 1 column). [code]...

View 9 Replies

Adding A Label To Listbox No Title/name Displays?

Jul 13, 2010

Pretty basic problem here. Nothing shows up in my listbox at runtime when I add these labels. Dim lblPerson As Label = New Label() lblPerson.Name = "Person" & Master.People.Count + 1 I even tried overriding the ToString() function of the label class as to return Me.Name:


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Listbox That Displays 15 Random Numbers Using An Array

Dec 6, 2009

I am writing a program for a class on visual basic and i have a listbox that displays 15 random numbers using an array. Then there are 2 buttons(max and min) that when clicked displays the largest number in the list and the smallest. how do i get these buttons to do this?

View 6 Replies

Display Data Below Specific XML Tag By Selecting From Listbox?

Oct 15, 2011

I just started learning VB.NET about a moth ago (I have been taking classes, so its been about 5 days worth of classes) and I decided to work on this project idea I had. Essentially, it's a database to keep track of anime and manga that I, or whoever else uses it, have watched/read.[code]...

However, now I want to make it so that when one selects a specific title in the list box, it will show the data in the tags below the <series> tag that matches the item selected in a label. One thing I just thought of is than since the list box gets populated in the order that the series are in, it could be easier to go in order from first item equaling the first <series> and so on.

View 8 Replies

Display Database Data On Listbox Using Program?

Aug 15, 2011

I am new to vb.net i need to know how to display a database data on listbox

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Forms :: Retrieve Data From Mdb And Display In Listbox?

Feb 4, 2009

i need to create one search box using textbox and the result will display on listbox.

I have textbox1 as inputbox, button1 as search button , listbox1 to display the value , Database1.mdb as my database.

View 3 Replies

VS 2008 Display Data Without Select In Listbox?

Mar 4, 2010

I would like open form and only display data in listbox without ability to select record. How to do it?

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VS 2008 : Display A Value From Data Table To A Listbox According To A Condition?

Jul 28, 2010

My aim is to choose a value from Listbox1 and on Listbox2 I would like to display the corresponding value from a table in my database. I mean, when I select Product A from Listbox1 (which is getting its values from row "Model" in my database table), I should see its price on Listbox2 which is available in the "Price" row of the same table (and also manipulate this price in different places for calculation etc.) . I am not sure if the best way is using "databinding.filter".

Here is the code I have but I cannot making it work:

Dim dtCOP As New AmetailorDataSet.COPDataTable
Dim adapterCOP As New AmetailorDataSetTableAdapters.COPTableAdapter


A small note: my aim was using a Richtextbox instead of Listbox but I am told that Richtextbox is not suitable for using with datasources.

View 24 Replies

Display Data From Database Into Textbox That Matches Listbox Values?

Jun 6, 2011

Suppose der is one database name Customer which have columns like Cust_ID,Cust_Name,Cust_Mob,Cust_Address And on Form der are one list box which contains all Cust_Id from database and 4 textbox so when user click on the listbox having id as 1 it should display name, mob and address of cust_id 1 in 4 textbox respectively?

View 18 Replies

VS 2008 Application That Displays A Log File From Mirc Onto G15 Display

Jun 4, 2009

I am building an app that displays a log file from mirc onto my g15 display.I want to remove the written timestamp infront the text, in the log file. [code] The problem is, it DOESN'T remove the timestamp. I've tried breakpointing it and it does find a < sign. [code]

View 7 Replies

Listbox Displays A Files Contents Once Loaded - Save A Textboxs Text?

Jun 21, 2010

1. How do I make it so a listbox displays a files contents once loaded?

2. How do I save a textboxs text?

3. what does this error mean?

An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Failed to initialize because CategoryName is missing.

View 4 Replies

Specify A Custom Icon For Display In The Toolbox Window When Create Own Custom Control?

Dec 29, 2011

how to specify a custom icon for display in the toolbox window when you create your own custom control? Something other than the dreaded "gearbox" icon.

View 2 Replies

Combobox Displays System.Data.DataRowView When Trying To Select The Data From Sql Database

Jun 30, 2011

I got the System.Data.DataRowView when I tried to select the data from sql database. These are my code:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT FirstName +' '+ LastName FROM tblVisitor", myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)


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Find An Element By ClassName?

Sep 21, 2010

How would I find a part of a document by class name?Like heres the code of what I cam trying to find[code]...

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No Data Being Displays

Nov 19, 2010

Can someone please tell me why no data is being displaysed in my WPF DataGrid with the following code:[code]

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VS 2008 Altering How A Treeview Displays Data

Jun 15, 2009

I have an Active Directory browser written in vb.net 2008 that allows an end user to visually browse AD. Currently it displays the full DN for each child and what I want is to display just the name of the OU. Something tells me I would use the Tag() function but after playing with it, I just couldn't figure it out. All I removed was our internal domain name.

Would someone like to review what I have now and offer some ideas on what I would change to alter how the tree is viewed while retaining funuctionality?

Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic


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Listbox - Select The File To Play But It Displays The File Path?

May 8, 2010

I made a media player that has a list box to select the file to play but it displays the file path but I want the filename and length.The code is:

Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)[code].....

View 18 Replies

Dataset - .NET Combobox Displays System.Data.DataRowView?

Jun 29, 2011

I used this code:

myCommand = New SqlComman("SELECT RackName FROM tblRack", myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)
myAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "tblRack")
cboRack.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables(0)

then in the combobox i got the display "System.Data.DataRowView".

View 1 Replies

Display Grades In A ListBox Based On Numbers From Another Listbox?

Jun 23, 2012

I enter Names and scores from a text box. Once i press "show me the array" my listbox gets populated with the names and scores. [code]...

View 14 Replies

Datatables - Arrays - Reads Data From Xml File And Displays It In The Datagridview

Oct 2, 2011

I have the following code, which reads data from xml file and displays it in the datagridview. It all works fine:


Instead of showing read data in datagridview, i'd want to read the data from xml file into one dimensional array: X(Impedances) Or is there a way to read value from this datatable into string variable without getting data from datagridview? The point is: i'd want to scan through all "Impedance" values (which are read from xml file) and compare with value y to catch the nearest value to y. How to do that?

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What Has DataSysDescription Been Replaced With

Jan 21, 2009

what I could use to display some help for a function (or subroutine) in the popup that appears when entering said function in the VS2005 IDE when using VB.NET. I discovered later that you could use the XML code documentation to write the description. Just type 3 single quotes (''') on a new line directly above the function you want to document and press return. The IDE creates a comment template. Just enter your description text within <para></para> in the <summary> section and it will show up when the intellisense dropdown is displayed for your function.

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Form Replaced By A CR Report?

Nov 15, 2011

By accident I named a report like a form that i already had example:

Form Name: CheckIn
Report Name: CheckIn

And know I cant use the form, anyone know how to get back the code from that form

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Make The Current Name To Be Replaced With The Suggested Name?

Jul 5, 2009

I'm Using resharper 6 nighty builds and VB.net. I've a big medium project with multiple files that don't follow the code style conventions of my company.I've configured resharper with my own convenctions and It suggest to me the right name for each variable (perfect!).But I can't find any automagic way to make the current name to be replaced with the suggested name.

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Why Cant Dataset Not Be Replaced By Datatable Reading And Writing Xml

Sep 27, 2011

Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim xmlfile As XDocument = XDocument.Load("devices.xml")
Dim reader As XmlReader = xmlfile.CreateReader


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Replacement For The CreateObject("DLLName.ClassName") Method To Be Used In A Terminal Server Environment?

Jun 28, 2010

I am in the process of converting vb6 assemblies to VB.NET.I am trying to overcome a particular design challenge.I have a vb6 EXE sitting on a Terminal Server which is shared between multiple customers.Each customer has customizations in the form of overrides to this EXE in custom business logic contained within DLL's.We know what DLL to look at based on a setting in the database.We use the CreateObject ("CustomerDLLName.CustomerClass") method to create late bound objects.If the object is "not nothing", we check for override code.For example, if my base EXE has a sub called PrintForm, based on the logged in user I may use the base sub within the executable, or I may need to use the sub in a custom DLL:

Dim oCustom as Object<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

Dim strSetting as String<o:p></o:p>
strSetting = "Customer1DLL.Class1"[code].....

I am struggling to come up with a comparable if not better way to do the same thing in .NET. I want to continue sharing the base EXE so I can't just have separate EXE's and DLL's in separate folders.They all need to live in the same c:/Program Files/[Application Name] root directory so I can take advantage of the Terminal Server's shared application memory.

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Custom Object In Listbox?

Feb 23, 2010

I add a object from a custom structure to the listbox. The only thing is, I don't know how to change the name that is displayed in the listbox? Heres my object

So when I add it to the Listbox, it displays the "Name" variable.. My question is how to update it in the listbox? I can change the name of the object, but the name in the listbox doesnt change

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