Window Appears Under All The Controls On Main Form?

Nov 26, 2009

So I know how to get a form inside a form.. I've got

Dim ch As New Settings
ch.TopLevel = False
ch.Visible = True

in my form_load.. The trouble is the window appears under all the controls on my main form.

1. How can I make it appear above the controls?

2. How can I make the form center in my main form?

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Form Does Not Freeze But Appears Not Access Any Of Controls Such As (RTB)

Jun 24, 2009

My mate & Myself are currently building a IRC Client, a problem we have come across is when opening a chatroom the form Freezes for example.We are currently using arrays so we can open multiple chat rooms and at this current time to open a chat room we use.[code]Using the above code, the form does not freeze but appears we can not access any of the controls such as (RTB)What would be causing the form to freeze on .show(),

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VS 2010 Form Appears With White Controls?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm trying to make an autoupdater, so I've made it search for updates in the beginning and that works fine. But now when the update form is supposed to open, it goes a while and then it says "File Download Complete". So that means the form must have been executed, but it does just not appear. But when I click ok on the dialog, the updater form appears, but with all controls white. Here's my updater.vb: [URL]

I'm using Kleinma's WebFileDownloader class.

I suspect that the problem might be that the updater's form doesn't get it's events handled or doesn't get redrawn.

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Make The Controls Inside The Application, Resize According To The Main Window?

Jun 3, 2012

Let's say I make an application where the window (by default) is 1280x720, but the user is able to resize as How can I make the controls inside the application, resize according to the main window?

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Child Window Open Inside Of The Main Window Form?

Oct 12, 2010

I have create a project with one main form window and also i have to use a number of other forms as well. now i want to open these other forms inside the main window and not outside. I'm using Visual Studio .NET 2010 as developing environment.

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VS 2010 Pre-Draw/Pre-Rendering Controls On A Form Before It Appears?

Nov 18, 2011

How would I Pre-Draw/Pre-Rendering Controls on a form before it appears? Is this possible??

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Set Window TopMost Of Main Form?

Feb 18, 2010

What I need to do is Set my new form to be the top most form of only my application while still having click access to the main form. Right now I have tried the property Topmost = True but the thing about that I really do not like is it puts the form above every single windows form. I only want the form to be the topmost of my application. The showdialog also will not work because I no longer have access to my main form with click events.

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Use Main Form Like MDI Parent Form In Window Application?

Sep 10, 2010

how can I use main form like MDI parent form in window application?

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Close Login And Open Main Window Form?

Feb 15, 2012

I am having a difficulty in this login form that I have made. The same as the premade template login in VB 2008 which I am using right now.Here's what happens when I run the program Log in form open > Log in successful > Main window appears *The login form still does not disappear.

I tried hiding it via me.hide() Log in form open > log in successful > Main window appears > log in form disappear.*Now the problem is that I cant close the whole application because the login form is still there only hidden. Again I tried putting in the "EXIT" button the code me.close() login.close()Log in form open > log in successful > Main window appears > log in form disappears > Exit application *Now everything seems to be ok now and then I found another problem.Instead of clicking the exit button I tried clicking the X button on the main window. There I found out that it only closes the main window. Therefore not closing the whole application because the login form is still hidden.

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Office Automation :: Put The Excel Window On Top Above The Main Form?

Aug 17, 2011

i made an application in VB2010 where the application should be always on top above one specific window. Anyway i set the property of the main form to "topmost = true". The application is also writing some data to excel which is not a problem but the excel workbook is behind the main form which is on top. Is there any way to put the excel window on top above the main form?

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How To Copy Controls To Panel Created On Main / Different Form

Dec 6, 2010

I am using multiple forms to create the interface for an application. The main form of the application is the only 'form' used. I am kind of stuck on how to copy the controls to a panel created on the main/different form.UC1 is a public usercontrol, so I don't have to reference every control individually later. mp3ctrl is a public control variable.[code]I have Listbox1 on mp3form. I created a new instance of a transparentlistbox control I have in Form1_Load. When trying to set size/location to Listbox1.size/.location, I get the error of Listbox1 not being declared/inaccessible.I thought by creating new controls on the main form and setting the properties, I could reference the control through the .name, especially since the control has been added to the main form.

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User Controls Hide And Show In Main Form

Feb 8, 2012

I have a couple of user controls, which I show in my main form.

So let's say here's what i want:
Sub Show_Control1()
End sub

Right now I have to hide them one by one with hide, because I don't know what's the current displayed form.

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.NET Using Interface, Reflection, And DLL To Access Main Form Controls Properties?

Jun 10, 2011

I have a main form, a separate plugin interface dll and another separate dll. Now this is my problem:I'd like to access the properties of the controls of the main form for manipulation in the other dll.


Main form have label control I define properties in the interface Plugins.dll from Data.dll I load Plugins to read the label control from the mainform.The question is how can I do that?

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Forms :: Let The Users To Select Their Desired Wallpapers In The Window Main Form?

May 23, 2010

I wanted to let the users to select their desired wallpapers dynamically in the window main form. Is it possible? Funtional spec:

1. Let the users to select their desired wallpapers from any directory.

2. Save the wallpaper in the database.

3. Load the wallpaper in the main form after login sucessful.

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VS 2008 - Link Main Window Form With Menu Strip To Set Parameter

Apr 15, 2010

I an trying to create a GUI and I have added a menu strip, under the tools section of the menu strip, I have added a settings option. I want to click settings and have it open another windows form linked to the main windows form with the menustrip in order to set certain parameters. How do I link these two boxes using the settings menu strip?

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VS 2008 : Making 'main Window' Form Acting As A Container For The Other Forms?

Mar 17, 2009

Am devloping an application with multiple forms, which reside on top of a main form. i.e the main application window. The 'child' forms do not need to be linked in any way as they do not pass information to the parent form, as all the parent form does is act as main window.Now I would like to know what is the correct way for the 'main window' form acting as a container for the other forms? So that all the smaller secondary forms stay focused on top of the main application form, that when the main window is minimized, so these forms should do also etc..

I have read other posts and they mention, leaving all the forms standard i.e. IsMdiContainer = False and then using form.showDialog() to call the secondary forms. This did not work for me as what happens is that as soon as I give focus to the main app form, the secondary form disappears underneath.I tired making the main app form IsMdiContainer = True and when it loads calling:

frmMemberForm.MdiParent = Me

Now this works, because I can click off the form and minimize the app etc and the frmMemberForm doesn't disappear. However if i close the MemberForm and reopen it, it looses this property and once again when it looses focus, it will disappear.

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Capturing Audio Stops When Main Window Is Minimized Or Obstructed By Another Window?

Feb 9, 2012

I have a VB.NET application that uses Managed DirectSound to capture audio.Everything works just fine until (a) the application is minimized or (b) the application is completey obstructed (covered) by another window.

The thing is that the CaptureBufferDescription structure does not include a GlobalFocus property so I don't know what to do to let my application continue capturing when the main window is hidden.

Here's the basic initialization code I'm using:

' Create a buffer description object
bufCapDesc = New CaptureBufferDescription()
With bufCapDesc


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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window

Apr 14, 2009

how to retrieve microsoft access filenames from a particular folder on my computer? Within my project the user can create a database, and i want to be able to display all of these databases in a combo box?

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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window?

Jan 23, 2012

I have application with 2 forms (Form1, Form2), when i click in a button in form1, form2 open.when form2 opened & I switch to other window and try to switch back to my application (By clicking in its icon in taskbar), it switch to form1.I need when form2 open & click in taskbar, it switch to form2 & also when form2 open I can't edit or type anything in form1.Exactly the same as the below scenario in windows:when I open any new window from "Windows Properties" (Right click my computer), and switch back to windows properties, it will switch to the new window not to the main Windows properties window

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.net Code - Track When A Modal Window Appears?

Dec 1, 2010

I am trying to automate with Coded UI . Now it runs fine but when an abrupt modal window / exception window appears , it halts and tries to act on it but this was not part of recording. I want to track when this modal window appears and then kill the AUT [ application that is being automated upon ].This will at-least prevent users from watching screen w/o any progress.

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Make A Group Box That Appears Behind Labels And Other Controls

Nov 17, 2008

I wanna make a group box that appears behind my labels and other controls (which I create from inside the code). I dont need the controls to be in the group control collection, I only need the box because it looks nice. Right now it appears on top of all my controls.

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Use The Notify Window Like Msn Messenger 7 That Appears In The Bottom Right Corner Of The Screen?

Jul 12, 2005

How can i use the notify window like msn messenger 7 that appears in the bottom right corner of the screen?

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Use IsolatedStorage - Once The User Types Out A Note On The Add Notes Page, The Title Of That Note Appears On The Main Page?

Mar 7, 2012

I want to create a notes app for Windows Phone 7 using Visual Basic.I have read a few tutorials but they are all suited for C# not VB. Basically, I have a main page and a page to add notes. Once the user types out a note on the add notes page, the title of that note appears on the main page. I also want the user to be able to select that title and it will display the note. I have done a bit of research and I know I will need to use isolated storage (not sure how to implement it in VB) to save the notes. I think I will also need a list box that will store the title of the notes.

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MDI Form Size - Child Form Doesn't Appears In Maximized State

Mar 15, 2012

I am developing a application where I have 1 parent from (windowstate of Parent from is set to Maximized) and 2 child forms. In my Parent form I have a menustrip with following code to activate child -


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Reload Main Window WPF?

Aug 15, 2010

I have a simple WPF application and wish to set the visibility property of some buttons on the main window to True when user successfully logs on

I have a MainWindow window with a frame hosting any number of pages and use the navigation service to load into this frame eg. Me.BodyFrame.Navigate(New System.Uri("Logon.xaml", UriKind.Relative)) One Page (logon) enables user to logon. code:

Dim txtLocalLogonID = txtLogonID.Text
Dim pwdLocalPassword = pwdPassword.Password
Dim LocalLogon As New gblLogon()


How do I reload the main window? I realise the code is primitive but I just want to get it working first.

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Get/Set Properties Of Another Process Main Window?

Mar 18, 2012

I have 3 questions: How to get the process which the main window is active How to change the WindowState of that process main window How to resize the process main window[URl]..

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How To Refer To Main Window Class

Sep 6, 2011

I created a modal dialog as a WPF window that changes some settings in the main window application. How can I refer to a member of the main window?

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Make Dialog Go Beside The Main Window?

Nov 9, 2009

i need to know how too make a dialog stay attached to the side off another window.

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Create A Panel In WPF That Can Be Dragged Outside The Main Window?

Apr 7, 2010

Trying to replicate the docking controls in Visual Studio 2008. My application replays the RADAR environment for the FAA and I want the ability for dual monitor users to drag the control panels to the other monotor to leave the main canvas clear. This functionality is similar to the way the different panels in VS can be dragged outside of the main window.

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How To Simulate The Letter F To The Main Active Window

Nov 17, 2009

I would like to simulate the letter f to the main foreground window ,

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