Winforms - Store The Persons Username In Some Form Of Global "cookie"?

Jan 29, 2012

Ive done a login in (Visual Studio) which works like a charm. However, i need to store the username of the person that has logged in, in some form of cookie. How can i store the persons username in some form of global "cookie"? It will be cleared when they log out or the program closes PS. I dont literally mean a web cookie - just not sure what else to call it. Just a global variable which will store the current user.


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VB 2005 - Register Form - Store The Added Username And Pasword To The Login Form?

Mar 11, 2010

i have a main menu on my program which has the option of registering. I have enter name and password ..and a button Confirm

i want to be able to store the added username and pasword to the login form so that it will work...

what must i do? also where would this data be stored...

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VS 2008 How To Store Cookie To Stay Logged In

Oct 2, 2009

I have a app with two functions. The first function use http post to log into a website. The site gives a cookie once I login, and the function have CookieContainer() to catch the cookie and then it proceeds to update my profile. I then use a second function to visit a different specific page on the website so I can grab/scrap the specific page's source code, but it appears that the script is no longer logged into the site. I see source code for a login form instead of the target page's source code. So the cookie must not being kept for the second function to be able to grab the target page source.

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Searching Persons In A Database From Form?

Jul 13, 2011

I am building an application in and trying to get detail information from the database from de persons name that I write in a textbox, i've the following code (i get an eeror, can not find column "the name i give in the textbox").

in the load of the form :

dgvKlanten.DataSource = mijnKlant.p_klant
With Me.dgvKlanten


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Exception Handling In Winforms Application Using A Global Error Handler?

Sep 9, 2009

I have a Windows Form application that has a global error handler to display unexpected errors.

Namespace My
Class MyApplication
Delegate Sub ProcessParametersDelegate(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args() As String)


1) for the same deployed code, I SOMETIMES get line number in the displayed StackTrace error message and sometimes do not, even when the error message includes source code that I have written rather than a referenced binary. The project is compiled with a DEBUG configuration.

2) The application strangely minimizes to the tray when the error occurs (I thin it is unlikely that anyone can diagnose this issue w/o my more code posted, but I'll mention it anyways)

3) When I try to intentionally raise an error by, for example, dividing by zero hoping to test by global error handler, I get a dialog error message from the interactive debugger rather than jumping into my global error handler (which i want to debug because there is more to it than I posted.) Do you have any idea how to triggerand force teh execution of the global event handler?

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VS 2008 Store Global Variables, In My.Settings Or My.Namespace?

Dec 4, 2009

Which is the best way to store global variables, in My.Settings or My.Namespace. The reason I ask is because I need to know certain boolean values if certain forms are open from other forms. At present I am defining Global Boolean variables in My.Application, which give the result I require.

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Database - Where To Store Users' Information(personal Details - Username And Password) In Vb

Feb 16, 2011

I'm a newbie in visual basic. I'm doing a login system. I'm done with the GUI. but for the programming part, I want to know where to store new user's information along with the username and password. I've done research. seems like it has something to do with database. p/s: I'm looking for high security in storing data to prevent hacking.

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WinForms - Where To Store Connection String

Feb 17, 2010

I am working for a few years. In, database connection string is stored at web.config file. All page can share this connection string. Now, I need to learn how to create windows app. Where to store a connection string, e.g. connect to SQL, to Access DB, so that all windows forms can share it?

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Using ApplicationSettings To Store Checked Property For WinForms RadioButtons

Jun 1, 2009

I have a WinForms dialog box that contains 3 radio buttons. I am using ApplicationSettings to bind the Checked property of each of these RadioButton controls, but it doesn't do what I am expecting it to do. Now I have to click each radio button twice before it gets checked and the selected radio button is not being persisted.Is there a line of code I need to execute when the form is closed that saves the user settings?How do I eliminate the need for 2x clicking on the radio buttons?Is there a better way to persist this type of user setting? I do have a public property on the dialog box class that gets/sets an enum value based on which radio button is checked, but I didn't see an easy way of binding that property to a user setting. Should have specified that I'm using I think that means My.Settings instead of Properties.Settings.

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Cookie Info - Get Info From Stored Cookie On The Local Machine?

Sep 17, 2011

Can I get info from stored cookie on the local machine. I have a Webbrowser control in a winform, and I would like to output data from a cookie to a label or so.

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Declare Store And Access "global" Variables?

Jan 17, 2011

I have an application that I'm writing and I'm trying to declare two variables from my sql server, store the values and pass them to my forms.[code]...

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Program To See Other Persons Screen?

Nov 30, 2010

I want to make something thats quick & will allow me to see someone elses screen at 60fps/30fps on LAN since LAN is really fast or 10fps/30fps/60fps over internet. Of course depending on the the computer & internet speeds & everything it will vary how good it works but i'm trying to do it over computers with really fast network/internet speeds & computers, other ways to do it given to me have been really slow, I couldn't even make my app display the picture at even as much as 10fps & that was without sending it over for another computer to display & displaying it in the same application.

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Allow User To Type In All And/or Part Of A Persons Name?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to allow a user to type in all and/or part of a persons name, which is held in an array, that will yield a parallel array result in the form of a phone number. Here is what I have:

Dim strPeople() As String = {"Ashley", "Brian", "Tony", "David", "Emily", "Frank", "Gina"}
Dim strPhoneNumbers() As String = {"111-2222", "222-3333", "333-4444", "444-5555", "555-6666", "666-7777", "777-8888"}


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Class Which Consists Of A Persons Name And Their Height

Jan 7, 2012

I've got a class which consists of a persons name and their height. I then want to sort there height which is in an array, which I can do. However when I want to display both the height in order with there name I can't. The heights are sorted in order but the names just appear in the order they were entered. How do I make the right name appear next to the height?

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Load Username From Textbox1 Of Form 1 Into Textbox 2 Of Form 2

May 20, 2011

How can I have the information entered into textbox1 of Form 1 load into textbox7 of Form 2 for VB.Net?

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Changing The Object Declarations To Global Using The 'global' Keyword Evertime?

Mar 15, 2012

evrytime i add new controls to a form in the designer regenerates code and asks me to make corrections, so i have to keep on changing the object declarations to global using the 'global' keyword evertime it regenarates code,especialy dataset can i prevent this?

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InputBox Function - Program - Allow User To Input 5 Payrolls For Store 1, Store 2, And Store 3

Mar 22, 2012

I am coding a program that will allow the user to input 5 payrolls for Store 1, Store 2, and Store 3. The total of the 5 payrolls are then added together and shown in the respective Store's labels. A total label is also there to add up all the totals into one number. The numbers in the label must be in currency form. My problem is the numbers don't add correctly when I hit calculate. The first two numbers add together, but then after that the number just seems to subtract a random amount.

So far I have this --

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub


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Use Global X As String In Vb6 In A Module To Declare It With Global Privelages?

May 1, 2009

i could use Global x as string in vb6 in a module to declare it with global privelages, how can i do this in vb2008? how to declare a global variable in vb2008? so that i could use it anywhere i want. i know global variables are not recommended in programming but i need one.

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How To Make A DataView Global To A Particular Form

Jun 21, 2010

I would like to know how to make a DataView global to a particular form.The DataView is currently created and returned from a function within a public class residing in another .vb module.[code]I would like to make objDataView global so I can use the RowFilter instead of doing a new DataSet every time the user clicks on this RadioButton.

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"update Login SET Password=@password,username=@username Where Username=@user"?

Jun 21, 2010

send a solution for this "update login SET password=@password,username=@username where username=@user"

while executing i got the error"syntax error in update statement "

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VS 2008 Show The Username On The Next Form?

Apr 26, 2009

I've made a basic form with a textbox for the username and an OK button, I have no idea how to make it go to the next form when only certain usernames are entered and the OK button is pressed.I also need to find out how to show the username on the next form?

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Winforms - Disable The Parent Form When Call A Child Form?

May 14, 2010

How can I disable the parent form when I call a child form?This code doesn't disable the parent form like I thought it would:


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Winforms - Know The Event Order Of Form Which Is Executed While Opening Form

Jun 30, 2011

I would like to know the event order of form which is executed while opening form. I am showing my form using following code and the code in form_load event executes twice. Once when the form variables are initialised and second when form is displayed. I want it to execute once only. form showing code:


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Login Form - Verify Username And Password

Feb 26, 2009

I have to do for my project I am working on is to verify my user name and password on my loginform with the user name and password in my customerc.xml file. So I want to have the user type in his username in usernametextbox.text and password in passwordtextbox.text then have the program search through the xml file for a match loginID (username) and password. If no match is found show error message and if a match is found then

Heres an example of the xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
[Code] .....

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Login Form With Username, Password And Accesslevel

Mar 18, 2009

I am trying to modify the code from this thread to suit my need, but I encountered a [code]

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Use A Forums Username And Password On A Login Form In VB

Dec 2, 2011

I was wondering if it was possible to use a forums username and password on a login form in visual basic. If so what would I use and where could I find some more detailed information on it?

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VS 2005 : Parsing Global From UserControl Back To Form?

Dec 11, 2009

I have a main form with 2 splitcontainers. On the left is a richtextbox showing the clients details and how many active tickets they have open and cmd buttons which opens different uc's within the container on the right.What I am attempting to do is when a client raises a new ticket, that the global variable holding the ticket count number updates via a procedure and updates the richtextbox on the main form.The line of code that runs within the UC is:

formMain.SplitContainer3.Panel2.textUserDetails.Text = FullNameSQLString & vbCrLf & UserDepartmentSQLString & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "You have submitted " & Global_FCRCount & " ticket today."

The part I have highlighted errors with the following reason: 'textUserDetails'is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.SplitterPanel'.I have checked and double checked the form names etc and textUserDetails definately exists within formMain.SplitContainer3.Panel2.

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VS 2010 Detect Global Activity In An Form And All Their Controls?

Sep 3, 2010

there is any event or way to detect activity in an form or project?in the form and all the child controls.

mainly mouse clicks (not mousemove) and key press.

for example, if the form have not activity in the lasts 10 minutes, do something.

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Connect Username Form Of Program To Table Of Sql 2005?

Oct 11, 2009

I'm new in vb I just wanted to learn vb so I have to search. I learn vb in a self study way(using youtube and other tutorial sites) . but I have this problem i want to connect my login form of 2003 to the table namely login.db in sql 2005

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Login Form - Checking Entered Username And Password

Jun 9, 2011

I had created login form in There are two fields username & password. I want to check username & password enter in the login form, from the first.mdf (database file). If it is correct then message is displayed. I had written code for this but I got error in the code.

The code of login form is below:
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Imports System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Public Class Login
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
[Code] .....

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