Wpf - Start Storyboard From Code Behind?

May 22, 2011

I have a project with WPF 4/VB.net 2010. How do I begin a WPF storyboard named "ripple" from the vb.net code behind? It is in window resources.

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Wpf - Debug Error When Calling A Storyboard To Start?

Mar 5, 2009

I have some storyboards in XAML (WPF Project) and I´m calling them from the VB code with this:

Dim ServiceOff As Storyboard = DirectCast(FindResource("ServiceStopped"), Storyboard)

I´m getting the following error when trying to build:

Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Begin' accepts this number of arguments.

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Running WPF Storyboard Using Code

Apr 15, 2012

is there any way to run the WPF storyboard using code in VB.NET? If yes how can we do it? And if i am not gonna get answer to this question too then let me know.

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Auto-start Code On Open Then Close After Code Is Done Running?

Feb 15, 2009

I have a program that runs some code when i click a button on a form when done running the application ends. I want to automaticaly run the code when the users clicks on the exe. I have put the code that i want to run in the startup forms load event but that doesn't start

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Error - Storyboard Not Available In Codebehind

Dec 9, 2010

Why can I not access to the storyboard when using WPF. In Silverlight, the exact same code works.

Codebehind VB
Public Class UserControl1
Private Sub UserControl1_MouseLeftButtonDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseLeftButtonDown


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Print Forms In A Project For Storyboard?

Apr 6, 2009

I need to find an efficient way to print ALL the forms I have developed for this project (it's a lengthy one) for use in the project's storyboard.

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Stop Storyboard Which Is Programmatically Running

May 24, 2009

How do I stop a storyboard which is created in blend and programatically running from VB?

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DoubleAnimation / Storyboard Completes Twice And Resets Animation Value?

Nov 24, 2009

To Moderators: Forgot this is VB.NET only section. Feel free to move this to the misc languages section.While scaling a panel using a scale transform the application needs to reset the panel back to its original size. For this purpose a reset button starts a double animation that animates the scale transform from it's start value to 1 which means the panel will have it original value.

Visually the panel is scaled back to orignal size, but after the animation finishes the storyboard's complete event is raised twice, and once both of those events has been raised the value of the scale transform is set back to the value that it had before the animation.

private void ResetButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!isReseting)


For example, if the value of the Slider control (named zoomSliderControl) is 1.5 before the animation, then it animates back to 1 as expected, but once the completed event of resetStoryBoard has been raised twice it is set back to 1.5 again.I've tried debugging the application, and it's right after the second ResetStoryboardCompleted method has termined that the value is set to its original value so I'm guessing that I haven't configured the storyboard or animation correctly.

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Storyboard To Mimic The Way IPhone Flips Album Art?

Jun 12, 2009

Trying to mimic the way the IPhone flips the album art to the songs list. I want to pass in two generic objects and have the storyboard flip them. I can get the slide effect, but have not figured out how to scale the object so it appears to be rotating and not just sliding.

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Stop A Storyboard Which Is Created In Blend And Programatically Running

May 25, 2009

How do I stop a storyboard which is created in blend and programatically running from VB?

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Interface And Graphics :: Form Controlling Storyboard With Xbox 360 Controller In WPF

Jul 3, 2011

Im new in the forum. Yeah thats what the title said. I made a wpf form with Expression Blend 4 with a lots of animation. So i want to trigger my storyoards with xbox 360 controller buttons. I made a button checks with timer but the problem is when a pressed the button the animation is flickering because the timer is refresh every 20 millisecond. I want to play it once/press like when i click with the mouse something happen. Code:


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C# - Detect If Application Start Using A Manual Handling (Pressing An Icon) Or Start When Windows Start?

Feb 28, 2011

I have made my application to start automaticly when windows start (registry ../currentversion/run/appname + path). In this mode the application start minimized and an little icon appear in the notification icon area. With this icon you can maximize the app or exit it.If you exit the app and start it again using the Menu (Start/programs etc) than the application start in minimized mode (and in this case I would like to have it in normal mode) because the setting autostart is still true.Is there a way you can detect when the application start when windows startup using the above registry or when people click on an icon in the programs menu (or desktop)?

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Warning28Implicit Conversion From 'Object' To 'System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard'

Feb 24, 2009

Dim storyboard As Storyboard = Me.FindResource("Show Search")

Warning28Implicit conversion from 'Object' to 'System.Windows.Media.Animation.Storyboard'


Warning2Late bound resolution; runtime errors could occur.

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Start Migrating VBA Code To .NET?

May 17, 2010

First off I am so VB.NET green it's pitiful. I am a AutoCAD Manager and I need to start migrating my VBA code to VB.NET. That being said, I am very familar with VBA,and some asp.net, and trying to use that knowledge to self-train in .net. The trouble I'm having is communicating between the various objects in .net. That being said, here is the first of many issues.

Currently, I am working on a file processing program that checks a user selected folder for .dwg files. I'm attempting to use FolderBrowserDialog activated using a "Browse" button , and can't seem to, first get the dialog to show a folder structure from the FolderBrowserDialog object and second, get the initial dialog code to take the "SelectedPath" method. Error "SelectedPath is not a member of "folderbrowser"

I can post code, but I'm not sure what snippet would be the most informative of my problem.

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Start Another EXE In Managed Code?

Apr 10, 2009

Is it possible to start another EXE in Managed Code? At this time, all I can do is use:


Is there another way to call another EXE within the same project?

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How To Execute A Code On Form Start

Apr 15, 2011

Is there a way to execute a block of code once the form is opened? What is the event procedure required for this?

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Stop Code From Running On Start Up?

May 20, 2010

I have a combo box I am filling on form load.I am using "SelectedindexChanged" to detect changes in the index to run the code when the combobox is used.Unfortunately, it runs the code on start up as well.

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Code Failing On Start Up In Access 2010

Oct 4, 2011

I've just been forced (by hurricane Irene) to shift from XP and Access 2003 to Windows 7 and Access 2010 with no time for testing or evaluating changes.All our databases are still Access 2000 format.Our offices were flooded and our servers got moved around, though they're all still named the same things, and in many cases things are working exactly the same.However, I have a database that I can't connect to.It's an Access front end that links to tables in an SQL Server 2005 back end.When I start up this particular database the first thing it does is fail when running code that had been put in to set up ODBC connections when one didn't exist on the computer that was trying to access the data.[code]I didn't write this code.

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Converting VB6 Code - Click On Start Button, It Freezes Up ?

Apr 25, 2009

I am back - I have my code - it is part of another main form for a child's desktop view. I have it in a console app that works great. My new form has 3 text boxes, and a start button - txtquestions, txtUserAnswer, txtResults and cmdStart - to start the game. I made some slight changes in the numbers, because I needed it for a younger child (6-7), and removed 1 case in the case select (a square root problem too much for a little one). I click on Start button, and it freezes up. I am in Debug, but do not get any kind of problems showing me a bad line of code.

Here is my code:

Public Shared Function Parse(ByVal txtUserAnswer As String, ByVal provider As IFormatProvider) As Integer

End Function

Private Sub cmdStart_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdStart.Click
Dim endprog As String = "YES" 'define the answer for not ending the game


I am not sure about the loops, but it doesn't just freeze up anymore, as in an endless loop. Now I am getting a stop at the first 'parse'. I actually followed the instructions in a VB 2008 book to do this, and in the help section of Visual Studio with the function and the parsing. But, that is where it stops - I know I had to convert the input into - at least I think I did. The text box for input is just that input. The user's answer is typically a number, except for at the end.

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VS 2008 Disabling Start Menu - Code Not Working?

Oct 10, 2011

So I need to disable to start menu and have found a code on a website but it doesn't seem to work. Heres the

Dim TFlag As Boolean
Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowExA" (byval hWnd1 as Long, byval hWnd2 as Long, byval lpsz1 asstring, byval lpsz2 asstring as Long
Private Declare Function EnableWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal fEnable As Long) As Long


Edit: I'm creating a program for places like schools or library where the password for all users are the same. I already made the program go to full screen and always on top and have disabled the user from using taskbar but I can't stop the start menu from appearing.

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What Better Place To Start Than Designing An FTP Client Code Library

Jun 22, 2012

I'm trying to familiarize myself with network programming, and what better place to start than designing an FTP client code library?So far I'm not doing very good. I'm trying to create a method which downloads a file from a remote server to a local file path. To do so, all the examples that I could find declare a byte array that serves as a data buffer. I completely understand the point of doing that, rather than reading and writing byte per byte, but I just can't get it to work. Whenever I set a buffer greater than 1 byte, the output is somehow corrupted (different checksums, media files won't play etc).[code]Because this code does work when I set the buffer size to 1, I feel like there's something going wrong with the byte order. But all of this code is synchronous, so how is that even possible.[code]

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Start Learning/using Modules Instead Of Integrating The Code Directly Into The Program?

Jun 22, 2010

I want to start learning/using modules instead of integrating the code directly into the program. So, I tried to make an example. Basically, what I wanted the program to do, is I click button1 and it lists details about my computer. So, I added 7 labels to the form, and a button. Then, I added a module (Module1.vb)


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Commented Code Won't Work - Time The Thread Start, The Variable CurrentFarm Have Changed.

Mar 1, 2011

Vb.net For each currentFarm in ......

If urlQueue.Count > 0 Then
Debug.Assert(currentFarm.isBusy = False)
Debug.Assert(currentFarm.WebClient.IsBusy = False)


The commented code won't work. That's because by the time the thread start, the variable currentFarm have changed. So I create a new function and cache the currentFarm in the function parameter. No there will be a cache of currentFarm address (object is always a pointer) on a stack and that address is the one being passed to the System.Threading.Thread constructor.

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.net - Why Cancelling 6 WebRequest Using Task.Start Takes Longer That Thread.Start

Jul 24, 2011

I have custom asynchronous WebRequest class that I am testing to find out how fast the request will be cancelled and found some odd results, that starting 6 WebRequests with TPL and cancelling them right away takes 25 sec, but when I used just regular background threads it took only 5 sec.

Update: Running them without cancelling takes with Task.Start 9 sec and Thread.Start 3 sec accordingly.
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Threading


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C# - File Header Comment At The Start Of Every Human-created Code File?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm going through All-In-One Code Framework Coding Standards document and one of the recommendations is to add a file header comment at the start of every human-created code file. This is the first time I've seen such a recommendation and to me it's just an unnecessary and ugly clutter but I'm wondering if someone could explain why M$ recommends this?


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Error In VB Code "Name Of Field Or Property Being Initialized In An Object Initializer Must Start With '.'_"?

Feb 9, 2010


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Error In VB Code "Name Of Field Or Property Being Initialized In An Object Initializer Must Start With '.'_"?

Jun 16, 2009

Error in VB code "Name of field or property being initialized in an object initializer must start with '.'_"

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Creating A Security - Software Start Automatically When Window Start?

Oct 21, 2011

im using vs to create a simple security form, i am successful to create a a form of log but i need some more improve like

1) if the software remain untouch for a minute the login form should be shown as the user try to use it again

2) and how the software start automatically when window start

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Process.Start To Start An External Command Line Application

Aug 4, 2009

I'm using Process.Start to start an external command line application and using the StartInfo.Arguments method to send parameters to the application. I imagine I'll need to use a loop... but I can't figure out exactly how yet.I need to send anywhere from 1 - an infinite number of files names to this application. Each file has to be sent one after the other. So once the first one is done, I need to loop back around and past the second one.I can probably use the Directory.GetFiles method to get all of the files, but I don't know how to assign them.

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Take Turn Start Which Means Timer1 Stop Then Timer2 Start?

Jul 23, 2009

I created 3 timers, i want each timer to take turn start which means timer1 stop then timer2 start, once timer2 stop timer3 start. But my code seem to be running together once i click the play button.And is there any ways to easy control how my picturebox move? Because my code for controlling it movement need to keep finding the correct number for it to move.


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