Write Xml Documents In A Linear Fashion Is To Use The XmlTextReader?

Mar 20, 2006

OverviewThe fastest way to read or write Xml documents in a linear fashion is to use the XmlTextReader and XmlTextWriter classes in the System.Xml namespace. If read- or write-only forward-only access is too limiting, however, the System.Xml.XmlDocument class provides the ability to easily modify existing documents (adding, removing, or modifying elements and / or attributes) and leverages the powerful search capabilities of XPath.

Getting StartedThe XmlDocument can load Xml from a string in memory, from a URL, or from a file path. There are two methods that enable this functionality: Load and LoadXml. To load a document from either a URL or file path, use the Load method. Following is an example of using the LoadXml method to load an Xml document from memory. (NOTE: we will be working with this particular document throughout this article)


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Write File To Documents Folder?

Jul 18, 2011

I want to change the following so I write to the Documents folder on Windows 7.(I guess that would apply to XP as well..)[code]....

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Trying To Write Application Which Extracts Text From Documents

Apr 26, 2010

I am proficient in Visual Basic, but I think I need to use .net and move with the times to achieve what I want.I am trying to write an application which extracts text from documents (.doc, .pdf, .xls etc. etc) using IFilter.I have found a very good example application in C# (Using IFilter in C# - CodeProject) which does what I want, but I am really struggling with C#.Does anybody know if there is a way to achieve the same results (i.e. extracting text from documents using IFilter) in VB?I have found a few examples on the web which do not seem to explain much - most examples I see are in C#.

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Read/write Excel And Word 2007 Documents From Another Application

Apr 27, 2010

Does somebody have experience in populating excel and word documents from .net application?

What is proposed way: jet, com, xml? Is there any preferred way from Microsoft side?

What would be pros and cons for all 3 approaches?

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Get The Page Documents Counts For Documents Stored As Tif Files

Feb 2, 2010

I've been asked to get the page counts for documents stored as tif files. What I have now is looping through our third party software to open them and then get the page count. I can't stop the image from flashing and it is very slow. Does anyone know of a way to loop through them quickly and can the page counts (one image can have many documents)?

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.NET Terminating Threads In An Orderly Fashion

Jul 26, 2009

Currently, I have a RingBuffer which is run by a producer and a consumer thread.In looking for a method of terminating them orderly, I thought I'd use a flag to indicate when the producer had finished and then check that flag in my consumer along with the number of ring buffer slots that need to be written. If the producer has finished and the ring buffer has no slots that need to be written the consumer can terminate.However, if I artificially lengthen the time the producer takes by inserting a sleep, the consumer does not terminate. I believe this is a consequence of the semaphores being used.Here is the code I'm working with. Notice that the program will "hang" after all slots have been written. The producer terminates, but the consumer "hangs".[code]

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ADO.NET: Return Multiple Values Instead Of Only The First In An ExecuteScalar()-like Fashion

Nov 18, 2009

currently, I use this code:


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Linear Programming With VB?

Oct 25, 2011

I want to use VB for linear programming. Can any one tell me the best approach or give sample codes.

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How To Implement Linear Regression On Data

Apr 15, 2011

I'm looking for a reference showing how to implement linear regression on data in VB2005

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[2008] Linear Gauge Control?

Feb 28, 2012

Basically a vertical progress bar with a user settable scale configurable either vertically or horizontally. Fancier looking the better.There's a lot of nice ones in commercial packages, but they come bundled with 80 other controls and generally have a price tag of several hundreds to thousands of dollars - which is a hard sell to a manager when you only need one control from the bundle.My other option is to embark on writing my own; something I don't look forward to and don't expect to look nearly as slick or "3d" as some of the things out there.

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Which Of The VB Controls Is Best Suited To Show Images In A Strip Like Fashion From An Image Array

May 24, 2009

Which of the VB controls is best suited to show images in a strip like fashion from an Image Array?I have an Image Array. I would like to display the images in the array to the end-user in a control.The control should should apear like a scrollabel list. I guess something like silverlight does.When the user sees and selects an image he/she wants to view, it is selected by clicking on the thumbnail and appears in a picturebox.

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.net - Xml Parsing Using Xmltextreader?

Dec 5, 2010

I am parsing some xml entries using the xmltextreader and looking for the elements I need by using different textreaders for each in a different loop as follows:

Dim treader As XmlTextReader = New XmlTextReader(New StringReader(item.ToString))
While treader.Read
If treader.Name = "summary" Then
content = treader.ReadElementContentAsString


and I do the same for each element I am looking for. Now the problem arises when I get the results for each. I use an arraylist for each element and at times I will have an unequal amount like 100 for summary, 100 for title , 99 for id etc...is there a more efficient way of doing this by checking the entry if all the nodes are there and then just skipping it if it's not.



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C# - Linear Regression/trend Line With Ms Charting

Jan 4, 2011

I have data that are numbers both on x and y and have charted them using mschart 4.0

I need to add a trend line/linear regression to a bunch of points I have. The data on x and y are both numbers (no dates anywhere), for instance (33.4,45.1) would be a point.

In the samples I downloaded from the first link I found a linear regression sample in the code files forecasting.aspx(.cs), and I found this ms documentation

I have added a linear regression line to the chart with the following line (once all other data it setup etc)

Chart1.DataManipulator.FinancialFormula(FinancialFormula.Forecasting, parameters, "Input:Y", "Forecasting:Y,Range:Y,Range:Y2");

The problem with both of these is that they assume dates are used. I went ahead and implemented it anyway, but my regression line starts at around the x value of 20, and will go to an x value of the max x value of one of the points (almost 70) if I give the parameter Period a value of 700. But since it doesn't start at x value 0 I don't trust it is correct.

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Non-linear Performance In Scaled Background Images?

Aug 5, 2011

I have a form that scales a background image. The form is painted 30 times a second (using Invalidate so it redraws the whole background image). When the window size is less than half my screen (1366x768), Task Manager reports that the program's CPU usage is 00. If I increase this a few pixels in width, all of a sudden the CPU usage jumps up to 50+. I can get up to about 606000 pixels in the client rectangle before it starts exhibiting this behavior

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VS 2010 Make A Mouse Path From A To B Non-linear?

Feb 26, 2011

i think the title says all what needs to be said, so i wanna make my mouse follow a random path from A to B, without straight lines..

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Objects - Display Some Test Extra Textboxes In A Dimmed / Transparent Type Of Fashion

Feb 9, 2010

I have a form that displays data. What I would like to have is a button that when pressed will display some test extran textboxes in a dimmed/transparent type of fashion. I can get that using another form, but would like to do it without the second form.

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.net - Use XmlTextReader To Extract Values?

Jul 18, 2011

I'm trying to parse this XML for the values of puppies and kittens.


Here's my code


On the first read, the element name is "Pets" and the Case Else gets hit. On the next read, the element name is "Puppies" and puppyCount is correctly set to 4.

But then it seems to skip over "Kittens" and go directly to the inner XML. What should I be doing?

EDIT: XmlReader is faster than other .NET parsers, but my files are small enough that it's probably not a benefit. Joe Ferner's tests. EDIT 2: There's a reader positioning problem in the original code.

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VB Program To Solve Linear System With Any Number Of Equations?

Oct 28, 2009

I need a VB.NET program to solve linear system with any number of equations

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How To Put XMLTextReader Cursor Back To Start

May 9, 2012

I've got a function api_request which takes API method as an argument, and returns XMLTextReader.
Shared Function api_request(method As String) As XmlTextReader
request_text = method & ".xml"
url = "[URL]" & request_text & "&access_token=" & token
Return New XmlTextReader(url)
End Function

I call this function from different places to make request to site API and depending on the method results are parsed very differently. So in each method I have something like this:
Dim s As Xml.XmlReader = api_request("users.get")
While s.Read
If s.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element Then
If s.Name = "user" Then
[Code] .....

As you may see, I have the code ElseIf s.Name = "error" Then error_handler(s, "user.get"). This is because when error happens, server always returns something like this:
<error_msg>Incorrect signature</error_msg>

This is parsed in error_handler Sub, and depending on the error following actions are chosen. This code works, but I have to check if I encounter error like that ElseIf s.Name = "error" every time, though all the methods call the api_request function. Is it possible to check for error in api_request function before returning the Reader? The problem is if I start reading xml there, and there isn't an error, I can't anyhow position the Reader to the start.

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Opened An Xml Stream And Am Reading It Using Xmltextreader?

Jul 6, 2009

i am using visual studio 2008 using vb.net. I have opened an xml stream and am reading it using xmltextreader. So far so good. I am using the following code to parse the stream and to get an understanding of what it contains and how to use the info.


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Xml - .Net XMLTextReader Keeps Skipping 1st Element In Children?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm hoping somebody can help me with this... I am reading an XML file created from the server and all is good except that when I try to process the file it's always skipping one of the first child elements. And when I run a test with no processing, just a straight reader and looping through the elements, the 1st element is there. But as soon as I add a check to see if the node is an Element, it skips an "Attachment" element.Here's my XML:


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XMLTextReader IO Exception (File In Use By Another Process)

Dec 15, 2011

I'm trying to build a program updater based around downloading XML files from a server. The idea being that the servers XML file contains the current version number and installer location. the updater either gets dumped in the startup folder or gets installed as a service, etc. The program successfully reads and parses the current version xml file and it successfully downloads the xml file from the server.

However when I try to parse the newly downloaded file from the server I get the error:
'IOException was unhandled'
'The process cannot access the file 'C:Program Files (x86)TestServerVersion.xml' because it is being used by another process.'

The code is as follows with the error marked by a comment on line 52:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml.XmlTextReader
Imports System.Net
Module Module1
[Code] .....

It's still work in progress but there's not much point in writing code to download and execute the installer if I can't work out the location of the new version. In case it's of use here is the XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

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.net - Convert Linq.Xelement To Stream For XMLTextReader?

Nov 16, 2010

I am producing an XML file in my unit test using

Public Sub rssParserTest
Dim Const rssUri as String = "rssTestFile.xml"
Dim xmlFile = <rss version="2.0">


I want to remove the unit test dependency on a physical file and use a stream instead but my efforts so far have come to nought. (Is this best practise?)I am using NMock2 for mocking if I should be doing something with that.

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Forms - Background Image Transparent Painted With Custom Linear Gradient

Jun 1, 2012

I try to achieve to paint a form with a gradient backcolor and overlap an image with transparency. This is possible? I want using a tile background image with transparent background and paint the background with a custom linear gradient.

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VS 2008 Use An XmlTextReader To Read Simple XML Data From A File?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to use an XmlTextReader to read simple XML data from a file I wrote using the XmlTextWriter class. I've very little experience with XML and reading/writing from it, so it's been a little struggle. The writing part went OK though, but I can't really figure out how to do the reading. All examples I found using google handled it all slightly differently, and none made it really clear what they were trying to read...I am storing the position, size and a filepath of MDI windows using this format:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Form X="208" Y="95" W="424" H="277">C:UsersNickDesktopabc.plm</Form>


obviously I cannot do what I want with this. I need to get the attributes in each element too, and I need to read multiple elements and do something for each element...

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XML Exception When Using Xmltextreader To Read Webresponse And Then XmlDocument.load?

May 5, 2011

I am currently facing an issue when i get response from webservice, after reading response in response stream i want to load this response stream using xmltextreader. but when Load(xmlTextreaderObj) is called, it raises an exception displaying that "Root Element is Missing". Here is code which am using.

Dim wResp As HttpWebResponse = CType(wReq.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)
Dim respStream As StreamReader = New StreamReader(wResp.GetResponseStream())
Dim Resp As String = respStream.ReadToEnd()[code]....

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Xmltextreader - The Request Was Aborted: The Connection Was Closed Unexpectedly

Dec 2, 2009

while looping through a short XML file called from xmltextreader retrieved from a webservice, I'm repeatedly getting the error: The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly. it constantly dies a row or two from completing the parsing.here's my short code:Code:

'Get the principal-id for Group Dim url As String = "https://xxxxx.acrobat.com/api/xml?action=principal-list&session=" & strCookie xmlRead = WebRequestToServer(url) Do While xmlRead.Read If xmlRead.NodeType = XmlNodeType.Element Then If xmlRead.Name = "principal" Then strGroupID = xmlRead.GetAttribute("principal-


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Keep Form On Top Of Another Form In Modal Fashion, But Continue Execution?

Apr 18, 2012

I have a form in a vb.net windows form application called PolicyRefreshStatus.vb that has a ProgressBar control on it. From the main form called EditPolicy.vb I need to show PolicyRefreshStatus.vb over top of EditPolicy.vb - but the way things are wired I'm controlling the the ProgressBar and it's steps from logic inside EditPolicy.vbIf I display the PolicyRefreshStatus.vb bar using the .show() method things work fine.The problem is if the user clicks back on the main form then PolicyRefreshStatus.vb losses focus. If I show PolicyRefreshStatus.vb as a modal form using .ShowDialog() then execution halts in EditPolicy.vb after the .ShowDialog() statement.

so for example in the code:
mPolicyRefreshStatus = New PolicyRefreshStatus
mPolicyRefreshStatus.pbMax = mPolicy.ClaimsUpdateMax


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Browse Xml File Using Xmltextreader And Open File Dialog?

Feb 29, 2012

how can i specify dynamically by using open file dialog box

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2 Documents In Printpreviewcontrol?

Aug 5, 2010

Is it possible to load 2 documents in a printpreviewcontrol.

My program asks after a invoice was made if you want to print the invoice and/or the shippinglist.

Both are 2 different documents, so i was wondering if i can load them both.

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