Write File To Documents Folder?

Jul 18, 2011

I want to change the following so I write to the Documents folder on Windows 7.(I guess that would apply to XP as well..)[code]....

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VS 2008 Add Some Kind Of File To A Folder In Documents?

Jun 26, 2009

I have a context menu strip, and I need a way to add some kind of file to a folder in my documents. My program will get all the files in that folder then allow the user to pick one of the files. When a file is picked, the file changes the context menu strip completely. I can't figure out how to do this. I figured it could be done with a class library but I guess not. Any help would be great. And some extra info. I need to be able to externally code the file so that when a button in the context menu strip is pressed it does whatever the files tells it to do. How can these things be done?

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File Permissions - Can't Access Documents Folder From .net In Windows 7?

Jan 17, 2011

I've been struggling with this problem in VB.net for a while: whenever I try to access the My Documents, My video's or simular in Windows 7, I get an access denied error. The program that uses this code is a file-backup application, so it's important it can access everything. The app has admin rights, using this line:requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

To confirm, I also get a nice UAC popup when starting.The app accesses the files twice. Once to calculate the file size, and once to actually copy the files. Here is the file-size calculation code (that I found online:) Function GetFolderSize(ByVal DirPath As String, ByVal includeSubFolders As Boolean) As Long


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Cant Get My Program To Write Into A File That Is Several Folder Deeper Into The Bin Folder?

Apr 29, 2010

the first problem is getting my program to load rss feeds from other websites mostly here:http:[url..... im trying to load it using the webbrowser. i want the rss feed to load right onto the form. im positive that its possible. i have the imports system.net in my code already for xml documents.the second is i cant get my program to write into a file that is several folder deeper into the bin folder.[code]......

ive tried playing with the code moving around the folder names, making sure there capitals are correct, etc. but nothing works. it creates the file in the wrong spot.

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Write File From Memory To A Folder

Nov 28, 2011

I have read the file into the memory.Now I need to copy this file into any folder that I have created.Can I use stream writer for doing that?

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My Documents To Bin Debug Folder

Mar 5, 2011

I am creating a project that makes use of a folder, at the moment that folder is located in My documents, how would I change this to be default as in the bin debug folder.
Dim QCRoot As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments + "Database Files"

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Search All Textfiles In A Folder And Write Last 10 Lines To A New File

Jul 1, 2010

I have a folder with several textfiles. The only thing i need from the files is the last 10-15 lines from each file, printed into a new file. There is a sentence that is uniqe inside (but the same for all) at the line i want to start copying from.In other words i need to seach for a spesific word, copy everything from that line to the end of document, and print that to a new doc. Repeated for all files in the current folder.

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Write A Batch File To Empty Folder Contents?

May 20, 2011

I'm using VB.NET 2005 Pro to write a batch file to empty folder contents, but I'm having problems putting quotations around the parameters.Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTNFCleanup.Click Create an instance of StreamWriter to write text to a file.


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Zip (Compress) A Folder That Contains Uploaded Documents (VB ASP.NET 3.5)?

Aug 24, 2009

I have a web application using VB ASP.NET 3.5 that along with many things allows users to upload documents into a directory on the web server. I would like to know how I can zip a folder on a webserver and download it to the client machine via a submit button.Currently, I have the files displayed as URLs so that the users can right-click and "Save Target As." But I think just having everything zipped in one file would make it alot easier for the users.

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Import A Documents Path Into A Database And The Folder Name?

Feb 12, 2009

import a documents path into a database and from a datagrid, when I double click on the relevant row it opens the relevant document.Also I need to be able to import the folder name as well?

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Trying To Write Application Which Extracts Text From Documents

Apr 26, 2010

I am proficient in Visual Basic, but I think I need to use .net and move with the times to achieve what I want.I am trying to write an application which extracts text from documents (.doc, .pdf, .xls etc. etc) using IFilter.I have found a very good example application in C# (Using IFilter in C# - CodeProject) which does what I want, but I am really struggling with C#.Does anybody know if there is a way to achieve the same results (i.e. extracting text from documents using IFilter) in VB?I have found a few examples on the web which do not seem to explain much - most examples I see are in C#.

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Write Xml Documents In A Linear Fashion Is To Use The XmlTextReader?

Mar 20, 2006

OverviewThe fastest way to read or write Xml documents in a linear fashion is to use the XmlTextReader and XmlTextWriter classes in the System.Xml namespace. If read- or write-only forward-only access is too limiting, however, the System.Xml.XmlDocument class provides the ability to easily modify existing documents (adding, removing, or modifying elements and / or attributes) and leverages the powerful search capabilities of XPath.

Getting StartedThe XmlDocument can load Xml from a string in memory, from a URL, or from a file path. There are two methods that enable this functionality: Load and LoadXml. To load a document from either a URL or file path, use the Load method. Following is an example of using the LoadXml method to load an Xml document from memory. (NOTE: we will be working with this particular document throughout this article)


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Change The Directory To A Folder Browse Dialog Not In Documents Only?

Sep 20, 2010

i am working on my search button that searches for the items in my listbox1. however, i have several problems.. one, is that i do not know how am i supposed to search in folder browsing dialog and two, i cannot search for the items inside my listbox1.

For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories
_MyDocuments, FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories) --> Note 1


note 1: i want to change the directory to a folder browse dialog not in my documents only

note 2: this are the items in the listbox that i am searching for

note 3: if found, the paths of the items will be displayed in this listbox

note 4: if it is not found, it will be displayed here

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Non Hard Code Way To Reference Public Documents Folder?

Nov 6, 2011

What used to be C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data is now Win7 as C:UsersPublicPublic Documents or similar..This folder is not part of the Environment.SpecialFolders list. Is there another way to expose the above Public folder?I'm hoping you can programatically use that location for non virtualized read/write/alluser files.

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Read/write Excel And Word 2007 Documents From Another Application

Apr 27, 2010

Does somebody have experience in populating excel and word documents from .net application?

What is proposed way: jet, com, xml? Is there any preferred way from Microsoft side?

What would be pros and cons for all 3 approaches?

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VS 2010 Writing Files To A User's Default Documents Folder?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a quick question. One of the functions in the program I am writing is to take all of the data entered, compile it into an HTML document, then place that document into a folder.For the past few days, I have just been using a random folder on one of my hard drives to dump the file in, but the problem is that, in my code, I have supplied the folder location as a string ("E:Practice FilesDocuments"), and therein lies the problem. Trying to test my program on a separate system brought the bug to my attention; obviously, this program can only write this file to a location of E:Practice FilesDocuments, and if any other computer that runs this program doesn't have E:Practice FilesDocuments then there is going to be a problem in the program working the way I have intended

So what I would like to do is instead of having it write the file to "E:Practice FilesDocuments," have it write to the default My Documents folder so that the program is no longer specific to my machine only. The problem is, though, I have no clue what the right code is to use. I first tried using

System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location to write the file to the default installation directory. This would have worked, but since this is a VB.NET program, the default installation directory isn't in Program Files and doesn't seem to be meant for users to browse through for their documents, plus it seems that trying to write back to this directory causes some unhanded exceptions and whatnot. I figured it would just be easier to create a folder in My Documents rather than use the install directory (and probably smarter).


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Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Documents Returns The Wrong Folder Name In VB2008?

Apr 2, 2011

TempUserPath = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments Returns the string "C:UsersOwnerDocuments" but that folder is actually named "My Documents" (i.e., is "C:UsersOwnerMy Documents" in the Finder).When I try to create a new folder called "Documents" in the Owner directory, Windows asks if I want to merge its contents with the My Documents folder. If I say yes, I am left with only the My Documents folder and none named "Documents".Thus when I attempt to read or write a file to the TempUserPath location, I get an "access denied" error. This happens even after I manually change the name of the folder from "My Documents" to "Documents".

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Get The Page Documents Counts For Documents Stored As Tif Files

Feb 2, 2010

I've been asked to get the page counts for documents stored as tif files. What I have now is looping through our third party software to open them and then get the page count. I can't stop the image from flashing and it is very slow. Does anyone know of a way to loop through them quickly and can the page counts (one image can have many documents)?

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Copy A File In System32 Folder From Resources Folder .resx File Of Windows Application?

Mar 14, 2009

how should i copy a file in system32 folder from resources folder .resx file of my windows application?

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VS 2008 FileStream Write Folder

May 24, 2011

can someone help explain to me how this code knows where to write the file too? I want to modify it to write another schema file to a different folder location [code]I need to write the 2nd schema to j:Solds folder but dont know how to get it to the folder it writes to just.[code]I know how to re-write this with streamWriter but I am looking to understand how this piece of code actually knows the location to write too

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Write To A Folder Accessible Only To Administrators?

Jun 19, 2011

I'm developing an installer, and I would like to write to a folder accessible only to administrators. So, I need to display the UAC dialog and authenticate as an administrator. I know I could do this by having a separate executable that I run from the installer GUI, but I'd rather a solution that allows me to authenticate whenever I want in the application. Is this possible in .NET?

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File I/O And Registry :: Copy Directory To Documents Subdirectory?

Dec 29, 2009

I am writing a program that needs to be able to copy a directory from C:Folder to a folder inside My Documents.I am aware of the My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments which places the directory in the root of My Documents. I however, want to copy the said folder to 'My DocumentExampleFolderFolder1'

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ASP.net: Cannot Write To App_Data Folder - Access Is Denied

Dec 13, 2010

Typical problem, but I've done everything I can possibly think of to get this to work. I set the NETWORK SERVICE and ASPNET accounts to FULL CONTROL on my PC. I'm using the built-in Cassini web server to test my application, with no luck. I even tried to make a folder outside of the APP_DATA folder, and is still says Access is Denied.


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Write A VB Script That Will Cycle Through A Folder In Outlook

Oct 9, 2009

I am trying to write a VB Script that will cycle through a folder in Outlook and take the body of the emails and format them to send to a MS Access database.

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VS 2010 Creating A Folder Inside Temp Then / Extracting File + Opening Folder

Dec 12, 2011

How would I create a dir Inside %temp%? Then extract the file to it and Open a That folder. So far this is my code.


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How To Put A Text File From The Resources Folder Of Vb2008 To A Folder That Was Just Created Using Mkdir

Mar 10, 2009

Private Sub Button21_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button21.Click

If TextBox11.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
MkDir(Dir1.Path + "" + TextBox11.Text)
MsgBox("Folder Created:")
TextBox11.Text = ""

End Subok now the file i have is from my.resources.test1 put this file into the folder that wascreated after mkdir line of code i have tried differnt ways of doing it but dose not work. it seams that this whould be so easy i dont if its me getting a mind block or something

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Mystream.write(t) Doesnt Work - Doesent Write Anything To My H.txt Text File

Dec 27, 2011

I have a trouble making this code work. When executed, it just creates a correct (with the correct name) file with the extension .txt but the the actual text inside .

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1

Public mytext As String


The strange thing is that while debugging, h, t string variables have the correct values, but somehow mystream.write(t) doesnt work (it doesent write anything to my h.txt text file...

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Use Open File Dialog To Populate Listbox With Word Documents?

Jun 7, 2011

I have been trying to find the best way create an Ole Object container of my own with the use of open-file-dialog, a button and a listbox. I just want to attach a file together with current dataset.I get an error that says 'Items' is not a member of 'Systems.Collections.ArrayList

Public Class MainForm
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Dim alrAttachments As ArrayList


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Get A Complete File/folder Listing And Then Copy These Files To Another Folder?

Feb 3, 2012

I am wanting to get a complete file/folder listing and then copy these files to another folder.

Here is my


This happens on many folders. How can I get a listing of these folders and also copy these files?

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Alternative Way To Check For Folder Read/write Access?

May 1, 2011

I've looked for code on this, and it seems needlessly confusing to me. I've tried some code I found and it doesn't return the proper value (I can't find the link to it now). So, I'm attempting to avoid that which I do not understand by writing a function that creates then deletes a file:

Friend Function GetFolderAccess(ByVal sDirectory As String) As Boolean
Dim fs As New FileStream(sDirectory & " estfile.test", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite)
Dim s As New StreamWriter(fs)


Through testing, this appears to work for both read and write access. I originally had a File.Exists before the File.Delete, but the function would sometimes return True when it should have returned False.

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